• Member Since 18th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen April 10th


I really like changelings.


First blog in 4 years! · 3:37am Aug 17th, 2023

Wow, I really did kinda just fall off the face of the site for a while as a writer, huh? It's been forever. I've literally gotten married since last time.

I'm going to try not to make any promises as I did in previous blog posts. That never ends well.

Instead, here are some updates on what I'm working on, and what has yet to be published here.

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Behind the Scenes · 3:10am May 23rd, 2019

Sorry for no updates, as usual (at this point). I've been having some real life stuff happen. TL;DR is that my grandpa is basically nonfunctional from cancer, my grandmother is overworking herself to compensate, and I'm the glue keeping them from falling apart at the moment.

Here are a few updates concerning my fics.

I'm canceling The Day The Show Reset.

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So, about those chapters. · 1:08am Mar 8th, 2019

I came back to the site with the promise of more chapters. And I started writing! But then Christmas happened. And then real life kicked in. And now it's 3 months later, and I've not posted anything.

Long story short, the only writing I'm doing at the moment is commissioned writing. I will try to work on my Screwball story once I have my current commission out of the way. Sorry.

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I HAVE RETURNED. · 5:02am Dec 16th, 2018

The school semester is over. New chapters soon.


Where Have I Been? - An Update · 1:06am Oct 10th, 2018

Long story short, college happened, and I've started up a TTRPG again. Between those things, I don't really have much time for anything else, and the time I do have I usually use to read. However, I've been by no means entirely dead on the writing front since I last wrote things for this website. Here's a preview of some fanfics I have been working on whenever I can.

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Re-writes! · 11:39pm Jul 18th, 2018

I've written the third chapter of The Day the Show Reset a few times, but I think I finally have an outline I'm comfortable with. In addition to the promised bacon, as well as the promised increased length, I can also promise that the chapter will contain at least a small amount of cheese. Stay tuned!


Rakadi & Ahe'eyo: A Quick & Dirty Guide · 2:22am Jun 25th, 2018

I mentioned in my author's note for Rakadi & Ahe'eyo: The Language Barrier that I created two entire languages for use exclusively in my story. I figured I'd put out there exactly how the two languages function (or, at least, how the bits of it function that were relevant to the story).

Rakadi's Language: Yamnaic

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Where my chapters at? · 7:48pm May 2nd, 2018

A few people want to know when the next chapter of The Day the Show Reset will be released, so here's where I am so far. I have lots of scenarios planned out for later parts of the fic, but the upcoming third chapter is both much longer than the first two and has been rewritten several times. However, the main obstacle isn't writing so much as TIME for writing.

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The Canon of "The Day the Show Reset": A Quick and Dirty Guide · 12:13am Apr 22nd, 2018

In the world of The Day the Show Reset, there are a lot of differences to real life, minor alterations from the show, and decisions on how the chronology of the show plays out. This blog will be updated as more details about the fic's canon are decided.

  1. Equestria Girls is canon.
  2. Every month has 30 days, and there are no leap years. Because I hate math.
  3. The series begins in the year 1106.

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Update (Also Real Life) · 11:38pm Apr 19th, 2018

I've been focusing less on FiMFiction as my real life has gotten hectic and unmanageable. However, recently I've started to delve back into fics, and am even posting regularly on my Youtube.


If you're interested in supporting either of those, go ahead and drop a dollar in my Patreon. The less I have to worry about paying a debt or getting my next meal, the better.


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