• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen March 14th



Fooling around with magic is not usually a very smart thing to do, but for Twilight Sparkle it comes with her keenness to learn new things. After over-estimating the power flux in one of her spells, she and her friends are transported to our world: Earth.

At first no one is sure how to react to these cute little 'aliens', but due to lucky circumstances (and certain administrative influences) they are quickly welcomed by international community and adopted by the millions of die-hard fans as guests of honor.

Now, armed with diplomatic passports granting them free passage into most countries, and along with their human guide Andrew in tow, the Mane Six visit our world to try and learn about us, our various cultures, our past, our present, our ways, the differences between their world and ours, and also to find a way back home.

Chapters (1)

Semper Pie is one of Equestria's most honored and decorated soldiers. Protector of the innocent, hero of countless battles, champion of all ponykind. Even Shining Armor, ex-Captain of the Royal Guard, and Prince Consort to the Crystal Princess, looks up to this great stallion. Truly one of the best and greatest ponies to have ever served under the Royal Sister's banner.

Still, where did he come from? Where was he born? What has he done? Does he have any family? Why would he suddenly want to come to Ponyville?

And why, for the love of Celestia, does he specifically want to meet with the Element of Laughter herself?

Chapters (58)

Princess Celestia asked Twilight to do a census of her new home. Through this process she discovers certain anomalies that she finds strange as a unicorn. There seems to be something missing when it comes to the pegasi, and after much prodding, prying, some spying and begging, she finally gets them to open up. What she discovers is not only shocking (to her, at least), but revealing on pegasi subculture.

Will what she learns change the way she looks at her friends? Will her friendship with them be ruined?


Chapters (15)

Ever since the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna has tried to fit in and ease her subjects into loving her once again. Still, even after a thousand years, there is still a hint of jealousy within the Princess of the Night. Not wanting to have yet another Nightmare Moon experience, Princess Celestia asks her student, Twilight Sparkle, to help in any way she can.

Will Twilight be able to find a way to abolish Luna's jealousy completely? Will her friends be able to help in preventing yet another Nightmare Moon incident? Will everything turn out all right in the end?

Of course it will.

Chapters (1)

The events of Cadence's wedding just didn't add up to Twilight. Despite everything, the entire event went off without a hitch, which then left many unanswered questions. This kept on nagging her until she started to put the pieces together. After convincing herself that there was simply no other way, she decides it's time she confronted Celestia and Luna about it.

What she learns is both shocking and educational. Shocking because of what she learned, and educational as to how far the Princesses were willing to go to ensure the safety of their land and its subjects.

Chapters (1)

Eons after the events on Earth, Jon Osterman finds himself exploring the cosmos. In doing so, he finds himself coming across one of his creations. After all, he did say that he was going to make life.

Set in a universe where MLP doesn't exist (the show).

This is a Watchmen x MLP Crossover.

Chapters (3)

After a series of amazing detective work by the Royal Guard, Count Chocolate was caught. Being one of the ring leaders in an attempted coup to assassinate the Royal princesses, his sentence was obvious from the start. Even faced with his impending death, the others in his coup are still at large.

Still, the princesses with their kindness and forgiveness (ahem) have given the despicable Count a choice. If he names his accomplices, his life will be spared. Sadly the Count is renowned for his fierce loyalty, one that could rival that of the Element of Loyalty herself. How will the princesses convince the stubborn Count to tell them what they want to know, or will he willfully face the axe.

Chapters (1)

Zecora goes back to her village in Zebrica for a visit to find that it has changed dramatically since she was last there. A lot of progress has been made. However, Zecora's mother, Zarani, chief adviser to the village chieftain, is unsure if the chief's latest project is... constructive. She asks her daughter to use her experience and wisdom in dealing with this matter.

Flattered, but suspicious, Zecora accepts. After all, if her own mother cannot handle things, how is she supposed to?

Chapters (1)

After Shining and Cadence's wedding in Canterlot, Princess Celestia gives Twilight and her friends the task of mapping the underground caverns beneath the castle. What they find in the deep will change their understanding of the origins of magic, what happened in the ancient past, and where their ancestors came from.

The Canterlot Royal Palace was built upon the ruins of an ancient castle.

Castle Grayskull.

This is a 1980's Masters of the Universe x MLP crossover.

This is set just after Season 2's season finale, before Season 3.

Chapters (9)

Farticus is a normal pony -- for the most part. He has, however, one minor problem.

And no, it's not because he farts all the time, but we'll get to that...

Chapters (1)