• Member Since 24th Aug, 2015
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Mitch H

Not busy being born...


This story is a sequel to Twilight In Plain Sight

Blitz was once an athletic teen with supportive parents. Then things went really wrong.

Then she was alone and on the road, but she was a tough girl, and she could take it.

Then she met a boy. Not a man, that she learned far too late... but a good boy.

And now the good boy was gone, and it's four AM and the morning sickness has her up and staring in the mirror, wondering where that brilliant rainbow-haired teenager went when she wasn't looking.

Written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest 'Colourful Characters #2: Rainbow Dash'.

Chapters (1)

Celestia was so proud of Luna, when her sister came to her with her plan for a proper week of night to celebrate the arctic purity of winter. So proud, that the princess of the sun immediately packed her bags and headed off for Mexicolt, with her sun in her proverbial kit bag.

Now Luna just needs to not mess it up for the rest of Equestria. To remind them just how glorious night can be in the frigid, eye-watering chill of winter.

This story was my submission for the 24th Speedwrite contest, 'Braided Tails/Sunless Winter'.

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel of Good Trooper Gilda

The world is strewn with the ruins of lost kingdoms. A wise monarch knows how to preserve her realm for posterity, but it's hard to have a posterity when you're childless, and too old to be laying eggs. Old hens shouldn't have these sorts of problems, but they are hers, as is Trottingham until her time runs out.

But Gharne has a plan. If only she can trap the ponies' eternal princess inside of her web.

A duchy might live forever, if its duchess did the same.

Chapters (1)

There's something that waits in every bedroom, every hallway mirror, every bit of glass, every silvered or polished metal surface. Something that looks back at Pinkie when she looks at her self in the mirror.

And this, too, is Pinkie Pie, and she's just so happy you're here.

(An entry in the twenty-third Quills and Sofas speedwriting competition. Prompt: 'Mirror, Mirror' from The Big Friendly Giant OST)

Chapters (1)

The war had been easier than the peace. And somehow the painter couldn't figure out how to go back to painting his buildings and his landscapes. But maybe he just needed a different subject to wrestle his muse into submission.

Such as a proud princess of the blood. Pony blood.

And if the painter fell a little in love with his subject?

Well, he wouldn't have been the first, and he wouldn't be the last.

(The trigger warning I should have included when this was published: yes, it's about Hitler.)

Take a look into the Kaleidoscope.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Good Trooper Gilda

Gilda has been a fugitive, a refugee, a prisoner of war, and a bat-hen to Equestria's fussiest unicorn. But it wasn't until she took 'the Princess's bit', that she began to know something about what it meant to be responsible for the welfare of others, even if the others in question happened to be the pack of imbeciles, blackguards, con-ponies, and bat-ponies who had been fool enough to answer her captain's call to the standard.

A crystalline standard which had not been seen in the living world for over a thousand years.

And although Captain Gleaming Shield and her motley band of raw recruits and shifty bat-ponies aimed to do nothing more exotic and dangerous than put a foreign princess on her proper throne, there are other things stirring in the shadows.

Like calls to like, and the revival of ancient battle-colors may lead to the revival of other, darker memories upon which the rays of Celestia's sun lay lightly and infrequently.

Chapters (54)

Applejack's tour of duty didn't work out like she expected; maybe if she'd been able to keep her dang mouth shut... oh, well. She hadn't decided if she really wanted to make a career out of the military, but her superiors made it pretty doggone clear they didn't care for the idea, so that was that. But everytime Harmony closes a door, it opens a window. And maybe she's been sent exactly where she's always needed to be.

However cat-infested it was at the moment.

Chapters (1)

The newly-returned Princess Luna can't quite understand why her sister allows her ponies to burn giant wicker and straw images of her royal self. Why would she tolerate this sort of blatant lese majeste?

Maybe it's about reminding the world that the princesses are ponies, too. Or maybe it's just a bit of seasonal silliness. Or maybe it's Celestia's way of reminding herself who they really are, under everything else.

Chapters (1)

Gilda only wanted the humble things in life. Cheap rent, copious bits, the respect of her peers, the occasional juicy field-mouse.

Being captured by the Equestrians and dragooned into the Territorials wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of, but at least the rent was free.

And the rats were nice and plump.

Chapters (36)

They called Gusty 'the Great' when she was safely dead, and gone from the world's stage. But I knew her when she was alive, and vibrant, and deadly, and the most beautiful mare I have ever seen in my long, badly mis-spent life. She fought for the right, and for justice, and against monsters, thieves, slavers, and the evil which walks in pony guise. She was, in a word, glorious.

I fear if she was alive today, she'd be right out there, outside my gates, besieging my walls, waiting for the opportunity to call me to account for my many crimes. Stars, I wish she was out there right now, screaming my name, calling for my head. I miss her so much.

Chapters (5)