• Member Since 24th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I live life deliciously.


Hardware (1990) · 11:10am Jan 27th, 2022

Where have I been. I could attempt some yarn about how I was circling the drain or something overly dramatic full of the type of pseudo symbolism that the going through puberty set thinks is edgy and dark. In reality it's a lot of navel gazing and thinking you understand something more than you actually do or being overly disappointed when things don't work out because of a lack of experience, especially when it comes to nuance.

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My Little Pony: A New Generation (2021) · 6:52am Oct 8th, 2021

There is or was a debate that carried on after the end of the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that centered around the leadership of Twilight Sparkle. This debate came up when the general plot of the movie I will be reviewing became public knowledge. The backstory of the movie is that somehow magic was lost, the three types of ponies were no longer able to get along and because of this a distrust and fear of the other races (Let's not get into griffins, dragons or anything else at

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Lady in White (1988) · 5:46am Jun 4th, 2021

Maybe it's just me but, at a certain point one must consider their lunch or dinner choices before heading into traffic. You see, traffic is a cruel mistress. It slows up, bogs down and in pretty much any other way it can will make your life difficult. Add into it a sizeable Mexican meal and it becomes the slowest most arduous race against the devil to get home and not ruin your pants.

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Galaxy of Terror (1981) · 8:18pm Apr 22nd, 2021

Pony Tale Adventures has been put out to pasture at the C&D ranch. It was a bit disappointing. The art assets, sound, and general introductory scenario were charming (at least on the safe for work version). It's a shame that we will never see the title make it to fruition. That said the end result wasn't a complete surprise.

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Lake Mungo (2008) · 8:37am Feb 4th, 2021

So, where have I been. I mean honestly this has been the first time I've submitted anything since July of last year. The truth is I've really been absolutely nowhere. I've weaved my way through the many days avoiding angry crowds of one stripe or another. I've paid my bills mostly on time if not for the laziness of the local parcel services I'd be on time. I've worked at my job and one foot on one leg hurts regularly while the other knee pops loudly. Various people that I've called

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Zero Hour! (1957) · 8:28am Jul 30th, 2020

I get the feeling that Princess Luna has the worst job out of the princesses. I'm not talking about raising the moon and getting no real credit for it because apparently every horse in the land goes to bed at a sensible time. By the way what is a sensible time? I say go to bed when you're tired. Who cares if it's 10 pm or seventy five hours from now. But I digress.

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Guess Who Had the Covid-19 · 12:41am Apr 28th, 2020

It was the end of March and I felt weird. Not the normal weird that seems to follow me day in and day out but sick weird. Sometimes I felt warm, sometimes I had chills but mostly I was tired. So, I did the thing any normal person would do, I went to the doctor. However, if you guessed that I went to the beach and partied until I embarrassed all the teens and twenty somethings I'd have understood.

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The Lighthouse (2019) · 7:50am Dec 20th, 2019

Is it just me or should they have not reformed Diamond Tiara? I know it's something that was done awhile ago but when you look at Cozy Glow it's really just Diamond Tiara who's playing a bit more of the long game. I think it would have worked out better.

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Werewolves on Wheels (1971) · 7:49pm Oct 17th, 2019

Today I was at a thrift store. I'm not quite sure why I was there. It just seemed to be that I ended up there. Anyway, I was going through the pants looking for loose change when all of a sudden I saw a man. He was wearing a shirt that said Nantucket's Finest.

I asked him if he was the man from Nantucket. He told me he was. I asked him if what I'd heard about him was true. It was then he looked down sighed a little sadly and walked away.

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The Dead Pool (1988) · 9:11am Sep 27th, 2019

So, it's been a few months since I've posted or really said anything here. How's it going? Hopefully you're doing well and life hasn't been too much of a booger. If it has, well, in the most general of ways I hope that you are able to see your way through whatever it is.

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