• Member Since 7th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen June 6th


Meanest little raccoon with the cutest little boots.


The writer's block they don't tell you about... · 2:28am Aug 18th, 2017

So, this is the situation with Chapter 5.

The whole thing is pretty much drafted, save for a couple of sections which have their ends completed in bullet points. I know the tone and goals of the chapter, and I'm pretty much set to get it done. Shouldn't take long to complete, right?

In the past few days, I've maybe made 500 words of headway on getting those last notes filled in as prose. It's looking like it's going to be 7,000 words total so far.

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Splitting chapter 4 · 3:08am Aug 11th, 2017

Ok, so, as I said, this is a pretty experimental fic for me.

Seeing as I keep finding all these holes and things I really should rewrite in Chapter 4, I've realized that a 15,000 word chapter is too much for me to deal with at once. So I'm cutting it down to 2 chapters and making this a 10 chapter fic. Expect a pair of chapters with (hopefully) under 8000 words each over the course of the next week, then a more regular release schedule after that.

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Chapter 4: Uniform Coloration · 9:51pm Aug 9th, 2017

I hope you all like reading about science-horses, because the latest chapter is fully written out at around 13,000 words. Just gimme a chance to read it over from beginning to end to make sure it's all a coherent stream without gaping errors, and I should have it for you in a day or so. If you want an idea of what happens in this chapter, the recent blog post about all the characters and the fact that I do intend this fic to be useful as an example for other authors should be a clue that,

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Update on "Into Nothing" - Chapter 4 coming soon... · 1:33am Aug 6th, 2017

Hey guys, still working on it, would like to get it out within the next couple days. So far, it's content-complete at just under 7500 words. All that's left is to turn about half of it from the jumble I write in to ordered paragraphs, then I'll proofread it and post it. So far, it's got Meta meeting more characters, and the plot development starts to speed up. Hope you guys aren't minding these long, exposition heavy chapters: I swear Chapters 3 and 4 are the longest, most boring chapters,

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Advice: Some thoughts on writing characters · 10:22am Jul 30th, 2017


Chapter 4: The Greyness and the Gooeyness · 5:18am Jul 29th, 2017

Hey guys! Working on Chapter 4, and thought I'd share what I had so far. :3

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Anyone know any good groups for this thing? :V · 5:55pm Jul 28th, 2017

Edit: not sure how important this is now that I've been featured... :P

So, I tried something interesting with this fic: I went around adding it to a bunch of groups I think would like it, and I ended up with a huge number of views in a short amount of time. I know I get other people's stories in my feed when they get added to the groups I watch, so I'm wondering... Does anyone know of any groups I haven't added this to, but should?

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My Displaced fic · 6:13am Jul 27th, 2017

Wow, that received some positive attention pretty fast!

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