My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Tom and Jerry: The Movie

by IndyWriter Productions

First published

The Main 6 and Spike are off on another adventure. This time, they will team up with the one and only Tom and Jerry, cartoon's legendary rival duo. However, they're in for quite the dramatic adventure with this one.

(Season 1, Episode 6)

It's another grand adventure through the cosmos of film, as the Main 6 and Spike are once again needed to help somecreature in need. They shall meet Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse, two natural enemies that never seem to quit butting heads. However, this seemingly cartoonish journey takes a dark turn when they meet Robyn Starling, an orphan forced to live with her greedy, wicked guardian; Aunt Figg. 50 years of feuding will be put aside as Tom and Jerry along with the Main 6 and Spike all must team up to rescue Robyn and reunite her with her long, lost father.

Part 1: The Early Call

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The low, orange light from the sun slowly brightened the night sky, changing into the bright blue of the morning. It began to light up the lands of Ponyville, alerting the waking residents of another fulfilling day. The town was bathed in the welcoming light and warmth, the grass giving off a slight glisten from the morning dew. As the light crept up to the Castle of Friendship, the crystalline structure gave off a subtle sparkle, almost as if it was glowing. Within the confines of the castle, Spike was comfortably resting in his bed, softly snoring. The rising light bled into his room. His body could feel with warmth and and change in brightness resulted in him cracking his eyes open. The dragon let out a yawn. He gently stood up, pushing away the covers and drawing in a long inhale while stretching.

He sauntered over to the window and opened the blinds, allowing more sunlight in. He looked out through the town, taking in the glowing sight. He stood at the window for a minute, letting the sun warm up his body. While he hadn't intended on waking this early, today was an especially bright day and any day like this was not worth sleeping-in, in his eyes.

"Quite the beautiful day, today.” Spike said, still taking in the sunlight. “Guess I'll start breakfast before Twilight and Starlight wakes up."

He took pride in being the one to prepare meals for Twilight, Starlight, and himself. Truth be told, he really enjoyed cooking in general. It was the reason why he never complained about cooking for the princess. Quietly leaving his room, Spike made his way to the kitchen to prepare the morning's meal.

In another part of the castle, Twilight was still slumbering in her bed. Instead of the light being the one to wake her up, she slowly opened her eyes and blinked several times to get the sleep out of them. She let out a yawn while stretching out her wings. The alicorn gave a calming sigh. She knew today was going to be a more relaxing day for her. Twilight had finished the other day with completing pretty much all of the royal paperwork for the next couple of days. Not only was she starting to get the hang of the princess duties, she also found herself with lighter days every now and then. It allowed her to relax and spend more time with her friends or family if given the opportunity.

The waking alicorn climbed out of bed before leaving her bedroom. As she did, the scent of sizzling breakfast food wafted throughout the hallway. Twilight took a long sniff, a smile growing on her face.

"Spike must be downstairs making breakfast." She said to herself.

She always enjoyed Spike's cooking, which was the reason why she never cooked that often. That's not to say she didn't know how to cook or refused to, she was more than capable of making her own meals. But, it never tasted the same compared to Spike's. She never could figure out how he made his meals so enticing. Twilight made her way to the kitchen just to greet the little dragon. As she entered, she saw him happily working at the stovetop frying eggs and hay-bacon.

"Good morning, Spike." She greeted warmly.

"Good morning, Twilight." Spike turned and smile back. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"Mmm, sounds good." Twilight responded. "You always make the best breakfasts."

"Heh, I try." Spike chuckled. "Good ahead and take a seat at the dining table. Starlight should on her way down here soon, as well."

"You sure you don't need any help?" Twilight asked.

"No, thanks. I got things from here." The baby dragon answered.

"Okay, then." The alicorn stepped out of the kitchen and made her way to the dining room.

She took a seat on one of the chair just as Starlight Glimmer entered the room.

Good morning, Starlight." Twilight greeted.

"Morning, Twilight." The lavender unicorn yawned. "Listen, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" Twilight asked, perplexed.

"Well, you know how you and the others have been going to other worlds on these recent friendship missions, right?" Starlight started. "And that, from what you've told me, they are very different in many ways compare to Equestria."

"Of course, even now it still amazes and intrigues me how those other worlds operate." Twilight smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah, but, I've been thinking." Starlight said. "Have you ever thought about...I don't know...documenting these worlds? Maybe try getting to know more about them?"

Twilight giggled a bit which confused Starlight a bit.

"Well, I wouldn't say I've documented my findings when travelling to the worlds we've been to, but, I do have a stockpile of notes about them." She explained. "And it certainly would be nice to visit back there, too. Not only to learn more new things, but also to see old friends. I even made a deck of flashcards with some of the..."

Twilight paused for a second, trying to think of the right word to describe her other-worldly friends.

"Creatures?...Beings?" She pondered. "Whatever, I made flash cards of them."

With her magic, Twilight popped a deck of cards into the room.

"See." She showed them to Starlight.

The lavender unicorn studied them with curiosity.

"Dusty Crophopper, Cloud, Shaun...Tigger?" Starlight said to herself. "These are some strange names. Also, I've never any creature like these before."

"Probably because they come from different worlds." Twilight said smartly.

"Good point." Starlight chuckled.

"Okay, girls, breakfast is ready." Spike walked in, balancing three plates of eggs and hay-bacon on his hands and head. "Oh, and good morning, Starlight."

"Morning, Spike." Starlight said back before.

Spike set the plates down on the table and the two ponies and dragon began enjoying the food.

"So, do you plan on ever doing anything with the information you already have?" Starlight asked to the princess.

Twilight pondered that question for a second.

"Well, in all honesty, I'm not entirely sure just how impactful the info would be if I just unloaded it out to the public. I mean, me and the others already talk about our missions with family and friends." She admitted.

"Does Celestia know about all of it?" Spike swallowed his eggs.

"About the note-taking? Yes. But, I've only been able to share a little bit of it with her." Twilight said. "You know, because she's busy a lot of the time and so am I."

Makes sense." Spike said simply. "I wonder, though, if there was a way to travel those worlds again without the need of the cutie map. Like with the magic mirror to the human realm."

"I remember you talking about that to me, Twilight." Starlight brought up. "The mirror thing, that is."

"That does seem like an interesting idea. Not only would it allow us the travel to those worlds again, it could also allow our friends from said worlds to visit here, too." Twilight concluded.

Exactly!" Spike chimed in. "Though I have to wonder if doing that is even possible."

Twilight brought a hoof up to her hoof. Spike did bring up a good point. It seemed implausible to create some kind of bridge between Equestria and the other worlds. Then again, the magic mirror allowed such a thing, regardless of how similar the two worlds were. It didn't seem like that much of a stretch in retrospect.

"Perhaps I should talk to Celestia about that." Twilight finally said. "Maybe she might have a way to do that. If she's okay with it, that is."

"Sweet!" Spike said excitedly. "It would be great to see Barret and Tifa again."

Twilight chuckled.

"Well, until then, let's just go about our normal day." She continued eating her breakfast.

Starlight and Spike were in agreement and finished their meals, as well. Once breakfast was over, Starlight left for the Crystal Empire. She had planned a little get-together with both Sunburst and Trixie.

"Have fun, Starlight." Twilight waved at the unicorn.

"Thank you." Starlight waved back and left the castle.

With her gone, that left only Twilight and Spike.

"So, what should we do now?" Spike asked. "You finished the paperwork for today last night."

"Well, we could reorganize the books in the library." The alicorn said thoughtfully.

Spike smiled immediately turned to a frown.

"But, we did that a couple days ago." He pointed out.

"Yes, but, there's absolutely nothing wrong with variety." Twilight said. "Now, come on, Spike. Let's get started."

Spike sighed in defeat and disdain. This was not how he thought his day would go. However, the two froze when an all to familiar sensation came over them. Twilight's cutie mark began to emanate and Spike spines began to glow.

"Oh, well, what do you know." Spike said to himself.

"Guess reorganizing the library is off the list today." Twilight sighed.

Spike pumped his fist victoriously, earning a glare from Twilight. Spike brought his arm to his side and nonchalantly cleared his throat.

"Let's go and see where the map needs us this time." He said with an innocent grin.

"We're still organizing the library when we're done." The unconvinced alicorn huffed.

Spike didn't say anything, but his disappointed frown came back.

"Never mind that, though." Twilight said. "For now, let's deal with this friendship problem."

Twilight and Spike made their way to the map room. When they arrived, they soon discovered that the map was completely glowing. Which meant only one thing.

"We're needed in another world, again." Twilight stated in surprise.

"Wow. It's been about two weeks since our last mission." Spike said. "But, if that's the case, then our friends must be on their way here, too."

"You're right." Twilight agreed. "So, let's wait for them."

And so, the two waited, sparking up conversations here and there as they did so. It didn't take long, however, for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity to arrive at the map room.

"Howdy, Twi." Applejack greeted. "Seems like where needed elsewhere in another world, again."

"Yep." Twilight answered simply.

"And rather early, too." Fluttershy said. "The day's barely begun."

"And it's been only a couple of weeks since the last time, too." Rarity added.

"That's what I said." Spike mentioned.

"Well, no matter how early it is, we're ready for it." Rainbow said.

"Oh, of course. I was merely pointing out the fact. I meant no grief by it." The alabaster unicorn sustained.

"Well, everypony, we all ready to go?" Twilight asked.

"Sure are, Twilight. Ain't nothin to it." Applejack replied confidently.

"Oh, this always gets me so excited!" Pinkie bounced around ecstatically. "New friends, new friends, new friends! Here we come!"

"Settle down, Pinkie." Twilight said. "I still after to make the portal."

"Well, what are you waiting for? There are friends that need us!" Pinkie got right up into the alicorn's face.

Twilight reeled back in surprise.

"Calm down, Pinkie. I'm getting to it." She said.

Twilight readied her horn and conjured up the portal spell. Like clockwork, the portal formed on the map table. It grew and enveloped the map.

"This is it. Let's go." Rainbow dove into the portal.

"I wonder what this world will be all about this time." Spike said.

"Only one way ta find out." Applejack said.

The other soon followed, sharing the same excitement and apprehension with each other. They were off on another friendship mission to another, brand new world.

To be continued

Part 2: Predation at it's Finest

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The journey through the portal was something the Main 6 and Spike had gotten used to by now. The almost free falling feeling was becoming quite the norm for them. Especially since it seemed the multi-versal friendship missions were becoming a bit more frequent. Regardless, Twilight and her friends were prepared for anything. The end of the portal came in sight. One by one, they popped out through the portal opening, landing right on a sidewalk. The portal closed as soon as they were all out. The Main 7 began taking in their surroundings. Large buildings and towering skyscrapers were all around them. It became evident that they were in some kind of giant city.

"I know I've said this with the Big City. But, place also reminds me of Manehatten." Rarity stated.

"Probably because Manehatten looks exactly like any other city." Rainbow said bluntly.

"It does not." Rarity spoke defiantly.

"Name one thing that makes it unique from any other city." The pegasus mare challenged.

"Simple. Manehatten has the most famous boutiques. No city can top that." Rarity boasted.

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Still pretty boring and samey." She said.

Rarity glared at the unamused pegasus.

"Well, how about that for a change of pace?" Spike pointed to a grassy opening surrounded by larger buildings.

In the middle of the open spot was a small, yellow and red house with a moving truck parked against the curb. The ponies and dragon noticed two humans carrying furniture into the truck.

"Well, if the portal brought us here, then there's got to be something going on in the house." Twilight said.

"Must be. That place sticks out like a sore hoof." Applejack said.

"Well, let's head over there, then." Rainbow said.

The Main 7 headed over to the house. Meanwhile, inside, a woman made her way downstairs with her purse.

"Are you almost finished?" She asked to the moving guys.

"Just about." One of them said.

"Don't forget the love seat." She made her way out through the door.

"We got it." The two guys heaved the seat up and hauled it away.

"And please hurry. It's a long drive to our new house." The woman said.

In the now, vacant living room, a light grey housecat was sound asleep against his pillow. A food bowl with the word "TOM" printed on it lay next to him.

"Tom? Thomas!" The lady called.

The cat, not wanting to wake up, mashed his pillow against his hear to drown out the calls.

"Hurry up, Tom. We're leaving." The lady said.

That woke the cat up. Tom realized it was moving day and, with a gleeful smile, grabbed his pillow and flipped the bowl onto his head. He hurried out of the house. As he rushed by the flight of stairs, a tiny door in the wall opened up and a little, brown mouse poked his head out. He, too, realized it was moving day. He took a handbag and a blanket and chased after Tom.

Tom nearly leapt across the front porch, almost colliding with Rainbow in the process. The two stepped back in surprise.

"Hey, watch where you're going." The pegasus snapped.

Tom just looked at her with a quizzical, yet weirded-out look. He noticed the other ponies and purple dragon, too.

"Oh, it's a cat." Fluttershy was pleasantly surprised. "That's...standing upright."

Despite the oddity, she came up to him to say hello.

"Hi, there. I'm Fluttershy." She presented her hoof out.

Tom looked around in confusion, not entirely sure how to go about this. Hesitantly, he took out his paw and shook the pony's hoof.

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight greeted. "And for the sake of transparency, these are our friends Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Spike."

Various greetings came around from the others.

"And who may your name be?" Rarity asked.

Tom didn't respond. He remained mute.

"...Usually, anypony would introduce themselves when asked what there name is." Rarity pointed out.

"Oh, oh. Maybe it's speaking telepathically." Pinkie said excitedly.

"But, I don't sense any sort of magic from this guy." Twilight said. "Do you know what he's saying, Fluttershy."

", because he's not saying anything at all. I can't translate him if he doesn't say anything." Fluttershy responded. "I'm sorry."

Tom gave an impatient eyeroll and ran off toward the family-owned station wagon.

"Rude." Rarity huffed.

Tom dropped his belongings into the back of the car. He fluffed up his pillow and laid down against it, prepared for the relaxing journey to his new home. The Main 7 came up to the back of the car.

"It was awkward 'nough that Shaun couldn't directly speak to us." Applejack stated. "But, this fellow ain't even movin' his lips period."

"Maybe he's just mute." Twilight said.

"I didn't think of that." Spike said to himself.

As Tom lounged in the back, he noticed a tiny handbag and blanket fly up to the edge of the trunk. Soon after, his bitter enemy, Jerry Mouse, climbed up into the trunk. The Main 7 noticed him, too. Fluttershy got closer to him, adoring the small rodent.

"Hello, little guy." She said sweetly.

Jerry stepped back a bit. He looked at Fluttershy then to Tom, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Waaahhh! A mouse!" Rarity shrieked.

She jumped into the air from fright and landed on Spike, who instinctively held out his hands to catch her. She landed in his arms, which caused Spike to strain to keep from dropping her.

"Oh, thank you, Spike." She thanked.

"No problem." Spike strained, a blush forming on his face.

"But, get that mouse away from me!" She helplessly demanded.

Jerry just gave her a sideways glare, before redirecting his attention to his belongings. As he did so, Tom looked around the boxes of supplies in the car to get rid of Jerry. Not out of Rarity's request, but because he couldn't stand that mouse. For as long as they knew each other, Tom and Jerry were bitter enemies, constantly feuding with each other. Always trying to one-up each other in screwing over each other's lives. Tom spotted a cue stick and grabbed. This would do nicely. Taking the end of it, he slowly maneuvered it underneath Jerry. He lifted the stick, taking the mouse by surprise.

"Um, Mr. Cat, what are you doing?" Spike asked as he watched the spectacle.

Tom held the stick upright, forcing Jerry the hold onto it to keep from falling. He brought the mouse right up to his nose and glared at him. Jerry flashed an innocent smile, but Tom wasn't having any of it. The grey pussycat pulled the end of the cue stick back to send Jerry flying. At the last second, however, Jerry grabbed ahold of Tom's whisker just before launch. Before Tom realized, he had already let go of the stick. Jerry was catapulted away, but since he was still grasping the cat's whiskers, Tom was pulled along with him.

The Main 6 and Spike watched as the cat and mouse and sailed across the sky. Jerry was the first to land on the sidewalk. He bounced along the concrete before coming to a stop. He held his head in discomfort and looked up, spotting Tom about to land right on top of him. He tried to get out of the way, but there wasn't enough time. Tom slammed to the ground on top of the mouse. He grinded to a halt against the sidewalk. The impact somehow landed Jerry on top of Tom. Taking the opportunity, he scurried back inside the house, trampling over Tom's head in the process.

Jerry frantically clambered up the stairs to the front door and Tom was soon to chase after him with the same cartoonish vigor. All the while, the Main 6 and Spike watched.

"Pff. Bah, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Rainbow laughed hysterically. "Those two are hilarious."

"You know, I can understand the whole feuding thing, kind of. Cats are the natural predator to mice." Twilight said. "But, I was expecting him to either kill the mouse or eat it and not flick it away with a stick."

"Well, as long as the mouse is away from us." Rarity sighed.

"Rarity, that mouse was more civil than some ponies." Fluttershy defended. "It even had a handbag."

"Sorry, Fluttershy, but I just don't like mice." Rarity said.

"I ain't a fan of mice, either." Applejack added. "But, even ah know this is downright ridiculous."

"Let's just follow to see if they're okay." Twilight sighed.

"Do we have to? I'd rather not be near that mouse." Rarity whined.

Just then, the car revved up and began pulling away along with the moving truck.

"Hey, Mr. Cat. Mr. Mousie, you're owner's leaving." Pinkie called out, hopping to the front door.

"Now we should really notify them" Twilight spoke with a more urgent tone.

The Main 7 all galloped inside the house to find the cat and mouse. Inside, Jerry skittered inside his hole, closing and locking the door. Tom was soon to arrive there. While Jerry was now cooped up in his home, that wasn't enough for Tom. He needed to make sure that mouse never got out ever again. As Jerry finished putting up all the locks on his doors, he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away the sweat off his forehead. Suddenly, his entire home began to shake. Tom began hammering wooden boards against Jerry's door to keep him permanently locked up. The Main 7 soon came up to the spectacle.

"Mr. Cat, what in Equestria are you doing?!" Fluttershy asked in horror.

Tom didn't reply as he finished nailing to remaining board to the wall.

"You're pretty much deadlockin' to poor thing inside it's home!" Applejack scolded.

"How could you do something so cruel?" Fluttershy got right up to Tom's face.

Tom, however, wasn't really intimidated. He tossed the hammer away and nonchalantly left the house to get back to the car.

"And you're just gonna brush off the fact that you left that mouse to starve?" Twilight asked in disgust. "That's inhumane!"

"Come on, we have to get the little mouse out of there." Fluttershy began trying to pry the boards out of the wall.

The rest of the Main 6 and Spike all began trying to remove the wood boards. Even Rarity despite the fact he didn't even like the mouse.

"Hold on. Maybe I can try burning the wood away." Spike suggested.

"And risk burning the entire house down, too?" Twilight questioned him.

"Oh...yeah. Fair point." The baby dragon answered sheepishly.

Meanwhile, Tom exited the house, feeling rather pleased with himself. That was, until he noticed that his owner's car was gone.

"Oh, yeah. We were going to tell you that your owner was leaving you." Pinkie walked up alongside the cat. "Buuut, we kinda got distracted with the whole mousie situation."

Tom ran into the road. He looked around the street before spotting the moving truck and his owner's car rounding a corner and disappearing behind the buildings.

"Heh, that's your karma." Rainbow smirked.

Tom glared at the mare. He shook away the impolite thoughts and frantically ran down the street to catch up to the car.

"Hey, Mr. Cat! Wait up!" Pinkie hopped after him.

"Pinkie, wait!" Rainbow called at to her. "Ugh, why am I always the one who as to fetch her."

Tom raced around the corner as Pinkie chased after him. He didn't get very far as he found himself trying to stop and bumping into a large stray dog on the sidewalk. Pinkie wasn't watching where she was going and crashed into Tom and Rainbow was flying too fast to stop and crashed into them. The dog growled maliciously at the cat and two mares, baring it's razor sharp teeth.

"Hi, there." Pinkie greeted cheerfully.

"Agh, you got bad breath." Rainbow winced in disgust.

Tom gulped. He knew he was in some serious trouble now. He grabbed the dog's floppy ears and tied them around it's eyes, giving him enough time to make a run for it.

"Oo, oo! Can you do that with my ears?" Pinkie asked as Tom ran away.

"Forget that. We need to get out of here before we get eaten!" Rainbow took the pink mare by the midsection and shot off down the street.

The dog was quick to shake his ears away from his eyes. he growled and barked angrily and gave chase to the three. Tom, Pinkie, and Rainbow rocketed back to the house, only to discover the door was now shut. Tom pulled at the door handle, but the door didn't budge.

"Did you girls close the door on us?" Rainbow yelled.

"Sorry, Rainbow, we didn't want to be rude and leave the door open." Rarity said.

"Nopony lives here anymore. There's no point to that." Rainbow argued. "Besides, we have a serious issue right now."

"I know. The poor mouse is still stuck." Fluttershy said woefully.

"No, not that!" Rainbow yelled. "We've got another situation now."

"What? What's going on?" Spike asked.

"Uh, Dashie." Pinkie pointed to the sidewalk.

The dog was right there, racing toward them with a furious vengeance.

"Uh, oh." The unease mare said.

Tom let out a shriek and raced around the house.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Rainbow and Pinkie galloped after him.

Around the back was second door with a pet door installed, which led to the kitchen area. Tom and Pinkie tried crawling through, but ending up getting stuck.

"Dashie, a little help!" Pinkie cried.

"Pinkie, what'n tarnation is goin' on?" Applejack asked as she and the others.

Rainbow soon burst through the pet door, pushing Tom and Cat through in the process.

"There's a dog out there." Rainbow warned.

"A dog? Ya seriously scared of lil ol' mutt, Dash?" The apple farmer asked jokingly.

"Yeah, what's gotten into you two?" Twilight asked.

"There's nothing little about that dog." Pinkie waved her hooves. "It was like this big and had these nasty teeth."

Curious, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike all tried looking out through the pet door. Using her magic, Twilight opened the flap to view outside. Soon as she did so, the massive hound dashed right up to the pet door and started barking furiously. The only thing keeping it from entering was it's size.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy shrieked.

The four mares and dragon all slid back and fear.

"That's one big dog." Spike shook.

"See." Rainbow glared at her friends.

"Well, now what do we do?" Rarity asked helplessly.

"Try the front door again." Twilight said.

Tom, along with Rainbow and Applejack immediately raced up to the front door and tried exiting from there. Tom opened the door, but, somehow, the dog was right there, still barking wildly. Tom quickly slammed the door shut.

"How did he get there so quickly?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

Spike then tried peaking out through the pet door again. The dog was there again, still barking. He jumped back in fright.

"It's like it knows where we're trying to escape, somehow." He hid behind Twilight's hindlegs.

Tom then raced up to a window. He opened it, but, once again, the dog was there, jumping and barking. Tom let out a shrieking meow and slammed the window shut.

"It's bad enough were stuck in a vacant home now. And now we're being stalked by dogzilla over here." Rainbow stomped her hoof in annoyance.

Everypony, relax." Twilight said. "There's got to be a way around this."

"Let's try being sneaky." Pinkie dipped down onto her belly. "See if he can try to track us down now."

"How much good is that going to do?" Rainbow asked. "That thing practically knows where we are it all times."

"It's worth a shot. At this point, anything is worth a shot." Rarity said.

The Main 6, Spike, and Tom all laid low, out of sight from the windows. Tom then stopped as he noticed the dog's ears poking over the windowsill.

"Is the coast clear?" Spike whispered.

The grey cat slowly peaked his head to the a window to see. At the same time, the dog peaked it's head to the same window. For a split second, the two mammals locked eyes, then Tom swung away from the window, standing flat against the wall. He wore a lost looked on his face.

"Can't you just magic it away, Twilight?" Rainbow pushed.

"But, I don't know what kind of effect it will have on the dog." Twilight debated. "Plus, I don't want to hurt the thing."

"That thing wants to hurt us!" Rarity argued desperately.

"Fine. Fluttershy, try scaring it away with you Stare." Rainbow ordered.

"W-Wh-What?" Fluttershy said feebly. "I-I don't know if I can do that."

"Come on, Fluttershy. You're our only hope." Spike begged.

The nervous mare debated whether she should do so or not. She gulped and peaked through the window. The dog was still there. It flashed it's sharp teeth at her. Fluttershy quivered, but closed her eyes and inhaled. She glared at the muscular mutt with her Stare. The dog moved back a bit, slightly taken aback. However, it started barking angrily again, even clawing at the window. This startled Fluttershy badly, letting out panicked cry. She jumped away from the window and landed on her rump.

"I-I-I d-don't think it w-worked." She whimpered.

"Oh, great. Now we're stuck here for who knows how long." Rainbow shouted in frustration.

"Don't worry to much, Rainbow. I'm sure it will leave eventually." Twilight came up to the cyan pegasus. "Until then, we can just stay here until it loses interest."

Rainbow gave a heavy sigh, then looked at Tom.

"This is also you're karma." She said coldly.

Tom glared back at her and walked away.

"Let's not make the atmosphere any more tense, now, darling. I'm sure that slobbering scoundrel will leave soon." Rarity comforted.

And so, the Main 6, Spike, and Tom all waited for the dog to leave. The dog showed no interest in leaving, constantly prowling around the house's parameters. As their patience began to where thin, the sun was slowly starting to disappear behind the towering, city buildings. Day turned to dusk and dusk turned to night. The tired group were still stuck in the vacant house, moping around the pitch black rooms. Twilight looked through one of the windows and noticed the dog had gone to sleep right at the front entrance.

"Didn't know "eventually" meant taking this long." Rainbow hissed.

The purple alicorn gave a tired sigh.

"Let's just try and get some sleep. Maybe it will be gone by tomorrow." She said.

"Yeah, and when it hasn't, we'll spend the entire next day stuck in here." Rainbow pouted.

"I understand your frustrations, darling, but Twilight makes a good point. It's awfully dark outside. The least we can do is try and get some rest." Rarity said.

Tom seemed to share the same idea. He walked up to a box of miscellaneous objects. A sofa cushion lay against it. He took it and fluffed it out before laying it on the floor. He laid on top of it, trying to get comfortable.

"Hey, don't hog that all to yourself." Rainbow climb over the pussycat and laid on top of him.

"Pardon me, but a lady, such as myself, should not designate herself to sleeping on a dusty, old floor. Move over, please." Rarity pushed Rainbow to make room for herself.

"Hey." Rainbow pushed back.

Soon, the rest of the Main 7 were fighting over the cushion in attempt to get comfortable.

"Your hooves are cold." Spike muttered.

"Stop shovin' so hard." Applejack complained.

"Hey, my wings." Twilight protested.

"Umm, excuse me, please." Fluttershy said softly.

Eventually, the group were able to get as comfortable as they could get.

"Goodnight, everypony." Pinkie said.

"Goodnight." The other sighs.

Before they could properly go to sleep, one of the cushion springs burst from the fabric. It wobbled about, making the cushion even my uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on." rainbow griped.

"Ugh, I hate this place." Rarity said bitterly.

Tom internally grumbled to himself and laid his head on the spring.

"Goodnight, everypony." Twilight muttered.

The others, at this point, were too exhausted to respond. Despite the undesirable conditions, the Main 6, Spike, and Tom all managed to fall asleep. A cacophony of snores echoed throughout the empty household. Hopefully, tomorrow might be a better day.

To be continued

Part 3: Out of House and Home

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That night was wrought the discomfort for the Main 6, Spike, and Tom. Eventually the night sky began to brighten and the next day's sunlight began bleeding out between the massive buildings. Unbeknownst to them all, things were about to take a turn for the worst. The mutt from yesterday was slumbering on the house's front porch, dreamily thinking of all the ways he could hurt the pussycat, ponies, and weird-looking lizard. Suddenly, a large shadow began looming over the front of the house. The dog startled awake and, upon seeing what was creating the dark shadow, yelped and scampered away in fear.

Inside, Spike was awoken by a distinct, yet odd sound. Wiping away the sleep from his eyes, he began to register it in his head. It sounded like a mix between a growl and a rumble. Like something big and angry was heading towards them. It was then followed up by a short hiss. Many horrifying thoughts raced in Spike's mind. Whatever was making that noise, certainly didn't sound friendly. Now fearing the worst, he quickly woke Twilight up.

"Twilight. Twilight, wake up." He nudged the sleeping alicorn.

Begrudgingly, Twilight eventually awoke. Though she wasn't exactly appreciative of the fact.

"What is it, Spike?" She grumbled.

Upon seeing Spike's worried expression, her mood softened.

"There's something going on outside. Don't you hear that noise?" The dragon's voice was laced with fear and worry.

Twilight paused for a second to listen. There was indeed a strange noise, but she couldn't discern what was making it.

"I hear it, but I don't know-" Before she could finish, a giant, black ball crashed through the walls, missing the group by inches.

The deafening crash woke the rest up as they were showered in dust and splintered wood.

"What'n tarnation is goin' on?" Applejack asked, sounding upset and startled.

"And what in Equestria is that!?" Rarity past the new hole in the wall.

From there vantage point, They saw a massive...thing just beyond the property line. It was big and yellow and had a massive set of, what vaguely resembled, wheels. At the front was a large, blade-like structure attached to it.

"I...I've never seen anything like this." Twilight was at a complete loss of words.

"But, why is it attacking us?" Rarity asked. "What did we ever do to it."

Pinkie poked her head out through the gaping hole.

"Hi!" She greeted. "Why are you attacking us?"

"Girls, duck!" Rainbow called out.

"Duck? That's one weird looking duck." Pinkie said.

Rainbow pulled her down to the ground. The others were also able to duck at the last second as the giant ball smashed back out through the walls with another deafening crash. The new hole revealed another, even larger, thing. This time, instead of the weird blade, a massive tower fixture was attached to it, which connected the ball with a chain. The larger contraption whirred and rumbled as it begun to swing the giant ball back, then swung it forward back at the house.

"This has to be a nightmare! Oh, Luna, please tell me this is a nightmare." Rarity covered her eyes, scared beyond belief.

Tom opened the door and saw the ball careening right for them. He let out a wail and ducked flat to the floor.

"Incomin'!" Applejack yelled.

The ponies and dragon hit the deck just as the ball tore through the house a second time. Inside Jerry's hole, he was awoken out of bed when the entire building shook violently from the unknown impact. Jerry quickly ran to his door and opened all the locks. He opened the door, but found it completely boarded up. He pounded on the wood, knowing it was his only way of escape.

Tom, the Main 6, and Spike all galloped out of the destroyed house to get away from the carnage. Tom, then suddenly stopped and looked back toward the house. The others took notice.

"Tom, we need to leave. The house is being destroyed." Twilight tried to usher the cat away.

"What's even gotten into you?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy looked at the house. Then, the realization hit her.

"The mouse!" She practically screamed.

Tom ran back into the house. Fluttershy chased after him despite the others' protest.

"Fluttershy, don't! It's too dangerous!" Rarity shouted, fearful for her friend.

"Forget it, Flutters. He's a lost cause." Rainbow added.

The determined pegasus wasn't listening. She followed Tom back inside the shredded house. From there, they pried the wood boards off the wall. Tom dove his hand into the hole to get Jerry. At the same time, the massive machine outside swung the giant ball back, then toward the house again. Tom pulled his hand out, revealing Jerry. Fluttershy sighed with relief.

"Oh, thank goodness."

"FLUTTERSHY!" Several voices screeched.

The metal ball smashed through the house, taking Tom, Jerry, and Fluttershy with it. The rest of the Main 7 watched in horror as the three were swung high into the air with the metal ball. Fluttershy was, understandably, afraid, but more amazed of the fact that she was unhurt. The ball reached the apex of it's swing right in front of a massive tree. Tom was able to grab a branch to keep from falling. He still held Jerry in his hand, while Fluttershy clung to him, forgetting that she could fly.

"Are you two all right?" She asked, still a bit stunned.

The cat and mouse nodded, but the attention soon turned to the house. One by one, the broken walls collapsed and fell over. The last thing to go was the stone chimney, which crumbled and collapsed on top of the rest of the destroyed home. Fluttershy instinctively flapped her wings and grabbed Tom. She slowly descended back down to the ground, not taking her eyes off the demolished building. As she landed, her friends galloped over to her.

"Fluttershy, are you okay?" Twilight asked, distraught.

"Are you hurt? How many hooves am I holding up?" Rainbow asked, sounding the most concerned.

"One, Rainbow Dash. Really, girls, I'm okay." The yellow pegasus said. "...Surprisingly."

"Flutters, ah understand you wanted to help save the mouse and all. But that was the craziest thing I've seen ya do." Applejack said. "And that ain't in a good way."

"I know, Applejack, but I just couldn't bare to see the poor mouse hurt or killed." Fluttershy sniffled a little.

"Well, as long as you're A-OK." Pinkie cheered the mare up.

"I am, but..." Fluttershy's expression grew dispirited. "The cat and mouse's home."

The others looked back at the destroyed house. Tom and Jerry stood there, taking in the fact that their old home had become a smoldering pile of lumber and rubble. They were now homeless, strays on the street. Tom gave a sad sigh while Jerry began to shed a few tears. The Main 6 and Spike came up to them for comfort.

"Oh, dear. I-I'm so sorry, darlings." Rarity said woefully.

"Yeah, that's absolutely horrible." Spike added.

"I swear, I'm going to make those things that destroyed their house sorry." Rainbow growled.

"As justifiable as that is, Rainbow. That won't give the cat and mouse their home back." Twilight said sadly.

"But...But they." Rainbow tried to argue, but dipped her head down in defeat.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

By this point, Tom had began to walk down the street, deeper into the city.

"Ah suppose we should follow 'im. Applejack suggested. "At least keep him safe until he finds a new home."

"That's probably the only thing we can do." Twilight agreed.

Jerry noticed Tom walking away and quickly followed after him. The ponies and dragon followed, too. As Jerry rounded a corner, he stopped upon noticing Tom glaring down at him.

"Hey, what's going on now?" Twilight asked.

Tom simply pointed in the opposite direction while looking down at Jerry, insinuating him to leave him alone. The mouse pointed at himself, as if to ask the cat if he was referring to him. Tom remained adamant. Jerry just sighed and slowly walked back around the corner.

"Are you saying you want us to leave, too?" Pinkie asked, sounded upset. "I thought we were friends."

Tom shrugged, as if to say he was fine with them staying.

"Oh, so you're fine with us, but not with the mouse?" Rainbow asked angrily. "I get it, you two are like natural enemies or something, but he's going through the same turmoil as you are."

The grey pussycat just rolled his eyes dismissively. The Main 7 all glared at him

"I swear you can be a real jerk sometimes." The cyan pegasus grumbled.

"Darn tootin'." Applejack agreed.

"Plus, who knows what kind of dangers could be in this city." Twilight added.

"Twilight, dear, don't you think you're being a bit paranoid?" Rarity asked jovially.

Just before they were about to cross the street, a giant freight truck thundered by, mere inches away from them. The sudden rush put them all in a stunned stupor.

"Actually, Rarity, I don't." Twilight said a little dizzily.

"Let's try goin' a different direction." The farm pony suggested, shaking away the daze.

The group continued, this time down the street instead of attempting to cross it. As the left, Jerry peaked around the corner. Fluttershy and Pinkie looked back and noticed him. Before Pinkie, could blurt something out, Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hoof. She waved Jerry over, stilling walking. Jerry followed after them, quietly, every so often ducking behind something to keep Tom for spotting him.

The group stopped at a traffic crossing. Tom eyed the traffic light which showed red for adjacent traffic.

"At least they have the decency of having traffic signals for these things." Twilight said.

The traffic light turned red for opposite traffic, allowing safe crossing for the group. They casually crossed, while Jerry scurried across to catch up. When he finally did, he jumped onto Fluttershy's back.

"We'll keep you with us." She smiled.

Jerry smiled back. As the group continued down the street, they stumbled across a restaurant. Tom stopped and looked through the menu items on display through the window.

"You know, that actually brings up another issue." Applejack said. "How exactly are we gonna find food?"

"Uh, hello. We're standing in front of a restaurant." Rainbow pointed out.

"Have you looked at the menu items displayed?" Twilight pointed at the window.

The display selection consisted of spaghetti and meatballs, a plate of meat and potatoes, and a fish tray, which Tom was licking his lips over. They all had one thing in common; they all had meat.

"Oh, I see now." Rainbow said. "What is it with every...creature eating meat. It's like we're the only ones who don't."

"Even if we were, how would we pay?" Rarity questioned. "As far as I'm aware, we didn't take our bits with us."

"And since this is another world, I doubt they'd accept our currency, anyways." Twilight added.

"Oh, maybe there's bakery nearby. I've been craving something sweet since we got here." Pinkie said as her stomach growled.

As the Main 7 discussed, Tom casually walked inside the restaurant.

"So, are we just going to wait until he comes back out…or..? Spike asked.

His question would be swiftly answered when Tom was kicked out of the restaurant by the manager and thrown to the curb.

"Hey, beat it! No cats allowed!" The manager yelled.

"Nevermind." The dragon simply said.

Jerry, who was now beside Tom, began to laugh uncontrollably. Tom dusted himself with a mocking smile, then glared at the mouse. He pointed back down the street. Jerry took the hint and fled. Fluttershy had something to say about that.

"For goodness sake, could you not, at least, tolerate him." Fluttershy said angrily, stomping right up to the cat. "I swear, you need to learn how to get along with others. And another thing, if you hate that poor mouse so much, we did you even bother to save him in the first place?"

There was a stunned silence as the mare and cat locked eyes and rest of the Main 7 stood in complete shock. The charged atmosphere was ruined when a street cleaner drove by, dousing the entire group in water. The group was now drenched, still standing with varying expressions of anger and annoyance. Pinkie, of course, being the exception.

"I've been needing a shower anyway." She giggled.

"That's gross, Pinkie." Rainbow said.

Rarity let in a deep inhale and was about to let out a scream of despair and frustration, but the cyan pegasus quickly shoved her hoof into the fashionista's mouth.

"Don't. Just don't." Rainbow grumbled.

"They last thing we need is to draw unwanted attention to ourselves." Twilight said.

Rarity let a huff through her nose. Rainbow removed her hoof.

"I hate this place." The soiled mare said between gritted teeth.

The ponies, cat, and dragon shook themselves to rid all the excess water, though it did little to help with their soaked bodies. Despite that, they continued down the street, but they didn't walk far when they came across an grimy, old alleyway. Tom stopped at the entrance. He knew Jerry was following him despite him making the mouse leave. He jumped behind the alley wall and looked back down the street. No mouse in sight. Proud of himself, he marched down the alley.

"You want to go down there?" Twilight asked with slight discomfort. "It's a dead end. There's nothing in this alley that could even help us."

"Not mention you're not making us go down such a musty, disgusting place to begin with." Rarity repulsed.

That's when Jerry showed up again, right next to the alabaster unicorn. Rarity looked down and saw the little, brown mouse. She shrieked and leapt up into the air, landing on top of Twilight.

"Augh! Rarity, what the hay?" Twilight struggled to stay standing.

Oh. I'm terribly sorry, Twilight." Rarity got off the alicorn, a embarrassed blush on her face.

"Honestly, Rares, you’re gonna have'ta get over that fear of yer's seein' as how we're gonna be stuck with 'im and the cat for this mission." Applejack said.

"Well, excuse me for not wanting to be buddy-buddy with a pest." The unicorn huffed.

Jerry followed after Tom. A bit too closely, though. When Tom came to a stop, Jerry bumped into his legs. Tom already knew who it was. He bent over and peered between his legs to see his foe with an innocent smile. The former housecat snarled. He grabbed a bucket sitting nearby and slammed it on top of the mouse. There was a hole at it's bottom, allowing Jerry to poke his head out and blow a raspberry at Tom. The cat retaliated by stick his finger into the hole, forcing Jerry back in.

"This feuding is really starting to get old now." Spike grumbled.

"No kidding." Rainbow agreed.

"Why can't they learn to just get along." Fluttershy gave a sad sigh.

"Well, well, well. Look at the big, brave pussycat." A voice said from the shadows.

"Yeah, picking on a teensy-weensy mousie." Another voice said.

"Who was that? Show yourself." Rainbow spoke defensively.

Startled, the group looked over to the corner of the alleyway. A run-down, old-fashioned car sat in to the dark. A scruffy-looking figure sat in the seat.

"He'll for guilty for this for the rest of his days." The figure turned out to be a shaggy-looking dog wearing a bright, blue shirt and cap, a purple vest, along with a lavender scarf.

He walked up to the group. Twilight and friends immediately got defensive.

"Hey, back off!" Twilight demanded.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." The dog said caringly. "It's your first time out in the cold, right?"

"Oh...Yeah, I suppose." Rarity said.

The others nodded.

"And, instead of being pals, you're fighting like a cat and a mouse and driving your friends crazy." The dog said.

"They are a cat and a mouse, Puggsy." The second voice said.

"Are we talking to a ghost?" Pinkie gasped.

"True, Frankie. But, they got learn to be pals or they ain't gonna make it out here." The dog said, looking down at his finger. "True, too?"

"All too true, too." A flea, wearing a green flannel shirt and hat, a yellow scarf, and a pair of glasses, hopped out of the dog's finger and onto his muzzle. "Frankie de Flea is the name. I'm of French extraction."

He bowed, taking his hat off as a polite gesture.

"That just means before he met me, he lived on a poodle." The dog chuckled. "I've been on the streets two years now. My owners left me behind when they moved."

"Really? There owners left them when they moved, too." Pinkie pointed to the cat and mouse.

“Small world, isn't it?" The dog chuckled again.

"Okay, so we now know Frankie, but, who are you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, of course. Where are my manners?" The dog said to himself. "The name is Puggsy. What's yours?"

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. But, just call me Twilight."

"Name's Applejack. Pleased to mee ya."

"I'm Rarity."

"The name's Rainbow Dash."

"Hi-ya, I'm Pinkie Pie! I like to bake cookies, and cupcakes, and..."

Twilight cut the mare off with her hoof.

"I'm Spike."

"I-I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm Tom."

"I'm Jerry."

There was a moment of silence, but the realization was quick. The Main 6 and Spike stared at Tom and Jerry with shock and disbelief. The cat and mouse looked at each other you shock.

"You talked!?" The group all said.

"You could speak the entire time!?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Well, sure I talk. What do you think I am, a dummy?" Tom asked harshly.

"You said it, I didn't." Jerry retorted.

"It would've been nice ta talk ta us when we first met." Applejack reprimanded.

"Yeah, like...are you kidding me? We had to assume you guys couldn't talk. Only for you to actually do it now. That's messed up." Rainbow added.

"Hey, we barely know you anyways. I'm a pretty conserved mouse." Jerry said."

"That doesn’t mean you can refuse talking to us. Not only is it impolite, it's outright rude." Rarity said. "You could've at least told us your names."

"I could've used that time to make a greeting party for you." Pinkie whined. "Time is of the essence, people!"

"Ah, you little pip-squeak. I ought to..." Tom paused. "Hey! How come you never spoke before?"

"That's something we'd like to now, ourselves." Twilight said angrily.

"Well, there was nothing I wanted to say that I thought I'd understand." Jerry replied smugly. "And there still isn't!"

"All right, that does it, you little..." Tom seethed and snatched the mouse in his hand. "Boy, you get me angry."

"Wow, calm down there, cat." Applejack said.

"It's Tom." He growled.

"Ah, ah, ah. I told you before. You guys have got to learn to be friends." Puggsy took Jerry out of Tom's hand.

"That's basically what we've been trying to tell them the entire time." Spike said.

"Abso-tiva-lutely. Puggsy and your friends are right. Just look at us. Puggsy and me's been through thick and thin." Frankie hopped onto puggsy's cap.

"And thin and thinner." Puggsy added.

"You gotta fight to survive. It's a dog-eat-dog world." The flea said.

Fluttershy gasped in horror.

"W-Wh-What?" She quivered.

"Uh, that is not me favorite expression, Frankie." Puggsy said.

"Sorry." Frankie patted the scruffy dog. "Puggsy's right, fellas. Listen."

"Well, what do you say, fellas?" Puggsy proposed, propping Jerry onto the beat-up car's bumper.

The mouse held out his hand with a smile. Jerry was willing to put the feuding aside and become friends. But, Tom wasn't so keen on the idea.

"A cat and a mouse? Friends?" He said with distaste. "That's disgusting. No way."

"Wait, what? Are you serious?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"That goes double for me." Jerry turned and crossed his arms.

"We literally sang a whole song about the importance of friendship." Twilight argued. "And yet, you still turn down the opportunity?"

"Yes. It goes against nature." Tom replied.

"Oh, nature, shmature." Pinkie said. "That shouldn't stop you."

"Well, can't say we didn't warn you. True, Frankie?" Puggsy said.

"True too!" Frankie answered.

"Please, you two. There's got to be something that can change your minds." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Yeah, like I said, this feuding thing is getting old." Spike agreed.

"How long have you two known each other?" Twilight asked.

"Years." Tom answered vaguely.

"52 to be exact. You two showed up on the big screen all the way back in the 1940's." Pinkie said happily.

Everyone gave weird and confused looks at the party pony.

"Pinkie, what are you talking about?" Rainbow asked.

"I doubt it's been that long." Jerry said. "We're not that old."

"Eh, depends on the writer." Pinkie shrugged.

There came a long, awkward silence. Puggsy decided to steer the conversation somewhere else.

"Hey, maybe what you all need is a bite to eat." He said.

"You know, I do feel a bit peckish." Rarity admitted.

"Do you have a place in mind, Puggsy?" Twilight asked.

"Sure do." The shaggy mutt pushed aside a broken board to a fence and climbed through the opening. "Follow me. Tonight we dine al fresco."

"Oh, that sounds nice." Rarity hummed.

"Oh, boy! We eat!" Jerry jumped off the pile of junk and skittered for the fence.

"Not you, mouse." Tom grabbed his tail and pulled him back.

He placed a pot over Jerry. He popped his head through the hole, but Tom plugged it up with a cork.

"Wow, you really are petty. aren't you?" Rainbow asked, sounding annoyed.

"It's my charm." Tom sarcastically grinned and made his way over to the fence.

"Hey! Hey, let me out of here, you stupid fraidy cat!" Jerry yelled from within the pot. "C'mon! Let me out of here!"

"We'll let you out, Jerry." Applejack said calmly.

"Don't." Tom turned back, glaring at the ponies and dragon. "At least not until I'm long gone."

Twilight and Applejack looked at each other and sad in frustration.

"Hey, how you doing in there?" Pinkie nudged the pot with her muzzle.

"How do you think I'm doing?" Jerry asked crossly. "I swear, I'm gonna turn that cat into dog chow when I get out of here!"

Jerry began to push the pot forward and follow after the pussycat.

"Come on. It's dark in here." The mouse complained. "Come back here, Tom, you chicken."

"We're in for another long night." The young princess sighed.

"Wait, it's night already?" Fluttershy looked up to see the starry night sky. "Time travels fast."

"Yeah, especially when you're stuck with two animals that do nothing but argue and fight." Rainbow said flatly.

"Let's just follow Puggsy and Frankie to the eating area." Rarity said. "Maybe a meal is what we need."

A meal won't be the only thing the Main 6, Spike, Tom, and Jerry will come across tonight. And it will bring them into a brand new load of problems and objectives.

"But, let's save that for next chapter."

Agreed, Pinkie. Agreed.


Wait, Pinkie?! What have I told you about breaking the fourth wall?

"Mmmm. I don't remember."

Ugh, nevermind. This chapter's gone on long enough.

To be continued

Part 4: Thugs and Orphans

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While, the whole situation of trying to get Tom and Jerry to be friends ended up being a frustrating failure, at least they could move onto a different priority for the time being. Puggsy had kept his word of finding a place to eat, much to the others' alleviation. The stray dog began fishing out food from several garbage cans that lined the walls of the alleyway, humming a tune.

"Hey, look. Chunky tuna." Puggsy showed the half-empty can to his flea friend.

"Come on, Puggsy, speed it up. I'm starving." Frankie stated.

"Psst. Hey, Puggsy." Tom called out quietly through the fence.

"I thought you said you knew a place to eat." Twilight said.

"This is it." Puggsy announced, holding up the lid of hand-picked, garbage food." Pull up a tray, everybody. It's chow time."

The Main 6 and Spike stared at him with disgust and disbelief.

"Yo-...You mean you were referring to the garbage cans?" The appalled alicorn asked.

"Yeah. A trash can smorgasbord." Frankie replied happily, hopping down onto the lid of food." Delicious."

Tom licked his lips hungrily, but the others were conveyed the complete opposite.

"Those two have to be joking, right?" Spike turned to Applejack.

"...Ah...Don't think they are, Spike." The country mare said, clearly repulsed.

"Ugh, this is a new low." Rainbow withheld the urge to vomit.

"Twilight, if you could so kind as to make a another portal to get us out of this world, please." Rarity said sweetly, but her tone held a great deal of disgust.

Twilight did a double-take at her friend's request.

"...I...I don't know if I can do that." She emphasized. "We've only been able to leave until after a mission is complete."

"Well, then please find a way around it." Rarity now sounded more irritated. "This place has been nothing, but disappointment after disappointment."

"Ah thing yer overreactin' bit there, Rares." Applejack said. "We can always just find a proper place to eat."

Rarity exhaled sharply.

"I suppose you have a point there."

"Oh, stop being such perfectionists." Tom cut in. "We live on the streets now. This is as good as it's going to get."

"We are not eating garbage, Tom." Rainbow stomped her hoof.

"Not only is it absolutely disgusting, it's unsafe." Twilight pointed out. "Who knows what kind of diseases and bacteria are in those things."

"Yeah, that's kind of gross." Fluttershy whispered.

"I may eat sweets like my life depends on it, but even I know that that's icky-icky-icky!" Pinkie added.

"Fine. Have fun trying to find a welcoming restaurant." Tom began walking through the open fence.

"Come on, you fraidy cat. you let me out of here right now." Jerry's voice could heard as he pushed the pot closer to the group. "What's the matter? You hide me in a flowerpot? I'm gonna nail you to the wall when I get out of here, Tom."

"Ah still don't understand why ya feel the need to up'm just trap 'im in that there pot like that." Applejack said disapprovingly.

"Spend years of your life fighting with him, then come back to me and see if you hold the same opinions." Tom said flatly.

He grabbed a brick off the ground and laid it on the pot, keeping Jerry from moving.

"Come on. Fight fair!" Jerry yelled.

"Now that's just cruel." Fluttershy said with a hint of anger.

On the other side of the fence, Puggsy and Frankie were still rummaging through the garbage cans. Neither of them were aware of the two large shadows closing in on them.

"Frankie-boy, we just hit the jackpot." Puggsy pulled a whole fish out of one of the cans.

A net came down on them in one quick swoop. The scruffy dog dropped the lid of food and let out a yelp as he and Frankie were hauled away out of the alley. Tom, the Main 6, and Spike were entirely unaware of what was going on. The cat was pushing the pot away from the fence.

"Hey! Hey! Ow, oh! Now you're gonna get it!" Jerry barked.

"There. Now he won't bother us." Tom said with satisfaction plastered on his face.

"He was not a bother, you just hate him." Fluttershy argued.

"Same difference." The pussycat said.

"Look. I get it. You don't like him because you're natural enemies, but that really shouldn't stop you from, at least, tolerating him." Twilight sensibly said. "I mean, look at me and my friends, we've made friends with other species that, for the longest time, ponies have avoided. The dragons, the griffons, we even made friends with a Zebra, and we all assumed she was an evil sorcerer. Heck, we even made friends with Discord and he used to be a villain. Look, what I'm trying to say here is that you shouldn't just refuse friendship somepony or some-mouse just because of biology or feuding. They may turn out to be a whole lot more than you think."

"Dragons? Griffons? What do you think this is? A fairytale?" Tom asked indignantly.

"No!" Twilight said a bit louder than she meant to. "That's not the point. The point is that it's best to let that biological hatred go and learn to be more friendlier with Jerry."

"Listen, Twilight. You do you and I'll do me, okay. I have no interest on being friends with Jerry." Tom replied candidly. "I'm sure you'll find enjoyment in befriending that pest."

"I heard that." Jerry shouted.

Twilight just stared at Tom with a disheartened expression. Her eyes flopped against her head and she let out a sad sigh. Despite being the Princess of Friendship, she felt like she was doing a poor job.

"You're being more of a pest that Jerry is!" Rainbow yelled.

"More than that. An outright scoundrel!" Rarity added.

"Whatever." Tom rolled his eyes.

"I'm still getting that flowerpot off him." Fluttershy said semi-sternly. "He, at least, deserve a chance."

"Agree to disagree, but, like I said, you do you. Just as long as I'm long gone and he can't follow me." The grey cat said.

"Just how stubborn can one cat be?" Spike muttered to himself.

Applejack came up to her downtrodden friend.

"Ya gonna be okay, Twi?" She asked.

Twilight gazed up at the orange mare with a solemn expression.

Yeah, I'll be fine, Applejack." She said.

As Tom open the broken fence, all he could see was an empty alleyway with the garbage food strewn about the stone pathway. He did a double take and looked around in confusion.

"Hey, Puggsy?" He said. "Frankie? Puggsy?"

"What's going on now?" Rainbow said squeezing her head through the fence opening.

The others looked through to see for themselves.

"Hey. Where are Puggsy and Frankie?" Spike asked.

"Maybe they're playing hide and seek." Pinkie said with excitement.

"I doubt that, Pinkie." Twilight said.

Far out of view, on a dimly lit street, an old animal control truck sat parked along the curb. Inside, two men in face masks laughed darkly.

"The straycatchers strike again." The purple-masked one said.

"Yeah, one more for the doc." The red-masked one laughed.

Puggsy and Frankie peered through a small set of bars from the compartment they were trapped in. the two masked men continued to laugh as the truck slunk away in a cloud of smoke.

"Where in Equestria did they go? Did they run off on us or something?" Rarity asked.

"Why would they run off on us? They seemed like genuine friendly folks." Twilight said.

"Oh, well, more for me." Tom climbed over the fence and ran over to the garbage food.

"Sure, worry about yourself and not the ones who are now missing." Rainbow said sarcastically.

The Main 6 and Spike made their way to the other side.

"So, where do you suppose we can find sanitary food to eat?" The rainbow-maned pegasus asked.

"Well, there's got to be a place around here somewhere." Twilight said.

"Yes, but let's be quick about it. Having to stare at Tom feasting on garbage might make me lose my appetite." Rarity stated.

Tom chose to ignore them and enjoy himself. He picked a can off the ground and scraped his finger along the inside.

"Chunky tuna." He smacked his lips.

"Ugh. Truly something to revolt, right girls?" Rarity asked.

"Agreed." Spike said.

"I-I-I...U-Um...Fluttershy stammered.

"What's the matter, Fluttershy." Twilight asked, concerned.

The frightened pegasus pointed to where Tom was. He was oblivious that two hands poked out from behind the trash cans. They each grabbed a trash lid.

"Umm, Tom." Spike said, slowly stepping behind Rarity.

"Oh, what is it..." Tom was suddenly interrupted when the two trash lids smacked against his face.

A sound akin to that of cymbals echoed throughout the alley. Tom violently wobbled from side to side. A woozy smile formed on his face for second as he came to a stop.

"You okay there, Tom?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, but..." Tom looked around, wondering what just happened.

"Puggsy, is that you? Are we playing a game?" Pinkie hopped up to the trash cans.

"This is our turf, tootsies." A dark, gruff voice spoke.

Tom bent over looked between his legs, hearing to voice from behind him.

"Tootsies! Who are you calling tootsies?!" Rainbow angrily flew up to the trash cans. "Show yourself."

A smaller, scruffy, dark-colored cat poked through the trash cans. He wore a dark green shirt, a red cap, and a pair of dark blue pants.

"You better switch that attitude of yours, rainbow girl." The mean-looking cat warned, before turning to Tom. "In this mean alley, cats ain't pretty, pussy, pally cats!"

“And who are you to call the shots here?” The riled up Pegasus challenged.

“The name’s Big Arnold to you, pipsqueak.” The alley cat said. “And you’re in our territory.”

He walked forward as Tom backed away, still bent between his legs.

“Pipsqueak!? Pip…squeak?” Rainbow seethed with bared teeth. “Have you even looked at yourself through a mirror?”

"This is our domain!" The small, alley cat ignored her question. "And for that matter, we ain't to welcome to others kind of pets. So your horse friends and that lizard don't fare any better."

"Hey! For your information, we are ponies!" Rarity said, offended. "And Spike is not a lizard, he is the sweetest, kindest, most respectful dragon you'll ever meet."

She pulled the little dragon over to her with her magic and held him out.

“Who could be mean to such a cute face?” She said.

“Uhh…” Was all Spike said.

"Like we care about that!" The alley cat snapped, getting right in the dragon’s face. "You lot ain't welcome here and we don't take to resisting our demands lightly."

Big Arnold’s threatening demeanor intimidated Spike to the point that he slipped at of Rarity’s grasp and hid behind her. By this point, the ponies and dragon bunched up with Tom and stepped back with him.

"We? Who's we?" Twilight demanded.

No sooner had she asked. She and her friends bumped into something...or rather someone. A giant, overweight cat wearing a small blue shirt towered over them with an equally mean expression. Tom, however, didn't stop and unknowingly climbed up the large car. He raised his head back up only to be face-to-face with the cat, who growled at him.

"Oh, that's what you mean." The princess squeaked.

"Whoa, nelly." Applejack said, wide-eyed.

"I hope I made that plain! You're dead if you're not out of here. I wanna make that very clear." As the Arnold spoke, three more medium-sized cats came up from the darkness.

One was wearing a black shirt and blue pants and sported a large mohawk. The second wore a dark blue shirt, dark red pants and had spiky hair. The third wore a dark red shirt, grey pants, and and had small wedges of hair.

"This is how we are, and this is how we stay. Okay?" The alley cat pulled Tom off the big cat.

"Okay." Tom gulped.

"Yep. We understand." Twilight said, sweating profusely.

"Why, yes, I think we were about to leave anyways." Rarity agreed.

"Yeah, we were just looking for our others friends." Pinkie said cheerfully.

"Okay!" The alley cats shouted, half-threatening, half-mocking.

With the team alley cats distracted with ending their song, Tom, the Main 6, and Spike took the opportunity to make a run for it.

"Go, go, let's get out of here." Twilight whispered frantically.

However, as they made their escape, Big Arnold was quick to notice them. Furious, he turned to his fellow thugs.

"Hey, way to go! You let them get away!" He shouted.

The big cat toppled over on top of the other three cats, creating a small fight.

"Go get him, you dumbbell!" Big Arnold shouted, pulling on the big guy's shirt to get him upright.

The five alley cats started to chase after the group of ponies, dragon and cat. The team crawled through the broken fence in an attempt to escape.

"Get away from us!" Rarity shrieked with terror.

The big cat broke through the fence, splintering it to pieces. He also knocked over Jerry's pot, setting him free. Jerry looked around in confusion. Fluttershy ran up to him.

"Are you okay, Jerry?" She asked, catching her breath.

"Yeah. But, what's going on?" The mouse asked.

"T-this gang of street cats showed up. Th-There chasing after us." Fluttershy explained.

Jerry spotted Tom and the others running back down the alley with the cat gang in pursuit.

"Gah! They're heading our way!" He squawked.

He ran as fast as he could down the rest of the alley.

"Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked, taking off after him.

"Leave us alone!" Twilight yelled back at the gang.

"You lot need to be taught a lesson." Big Arnold shouted back.

As Jerry raced out of the alley and into the darkened street, he noticed a manhole cover with a rope next to it. Fluttershy raced by, terror coursing through her body.

"Fluttershy, wait!" Jerry called.

The pegasus came to a hesitant stop and turn to the brown mouse.

"Wh-Wh-What is it?" She asked, still shaking.

"I've got an idea." Jerry said confidently.

Tom, Spike, and the rest of the Main 6 rushed out of the alley. By that point, Jerry and Fluttershy had fastened the rop to the manhole cover and wrapped around a light pole.

"A-Are you sure this will w-work?" Fluttershy asked anxiously.

"Trust me, Fluttershy. I did this stuff all the time on Tom." Jerry responded.

The last of the pair of hooves raced passed the steel lid.

"Now!" Jerry shouted.

The mouse pegasus pulled with all their might and lifted the manhole cover open. One by one, the thug cats plummeted into the pitch-black hole and, inevitably, the sewers. Once the last cat fell, the two dropped the lid back in it's place.

"Ha, ha. We did it!" Jerry said happily. "No more alley cats to bother us now."

"Heh. Yay." Fluttershy said quietly, though she was also relieved.

The rest of group stopped when the noticed the alley cats were gone.

"Fluttershy? Jerry? Did you do that?" Twilight asked.

"Guilty as charged." Jerry smiled smugly.

"Uh....Yeah." Fluttershy said.

"That was incredible! I didn't know you had it in you to do that, Flutters!" Rainbow flew up to her pegasus friend.

"Th-Thanks." Fluttershy smiled. "Are you girls alright?"

"Yeah, thanks to you and Jerry." Applejack said.

Jerry turned to Tom.

"You okay, pal?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Tom's smiled then turned to a scowl. "But don't call me "pal."

He walked away with an indignant frown. Jerry was surprised and yet saddened.

"Oh, come on!" Twilight yelled. "Jerry literally went out of our way to save us. Is that really not enough for you."

Tom stopped for a second, as if to contemplate Twilight's truthful words. He turned back to them with a more laid-back look.

"Come on, mouse." He said.

Jerry's expression brightened and walked after the grey cat.

"Yippee! Friendship for the win!" Pinkie practically screamed.

"Hey, don't get to comfortable." Tom called back. "I'm only tolerating him for now. Also, you guys coming or what?"

"Oh, yes. Hopefully now we can start looking for a place to eat." Spike said.

"That's the plan." Jerry replied.

"All right, let's go, everypony." Twilight encouraged.

The ponies and dragon caught up to the cat and mouse as they continued down the quiet streets.

"So, what places are there to eat?" Rarity asked.

"Not much at this hour. Everything's pretty closed by now." Tom said.

"Well, surely there's got to be, at least, one place that's open." Applejack insisted.

So now, the nine friends were left trudging along the lonely streets of the city. The dim lights of the street pole being the only source of visibility and direction.

"Maybe we could try that restaurant Tom tried entering earlier." Jerry suggested as the began crossing a bridge.

"Oh, yeah. Because that went well the last time." Tom sarcastically remarked.

"Plus, a lot of the items they sold had meat. And we're not meat eaters." Twilight pointed out.

Jerry did a quick look over at the Main 6.

"Right. Ponies." He said to himself. "What about Spike? You said he was a dragon."

"He is, but, I've always tried to keep him from eating meat. You know, because he and I live amongst a bunch of other ponies." The purple alicorn explained.

"Yeah, I mostly gems, which is what most dragons consume, anyways." Spike added.

"Good luck trying to find raw gems in a city." Tom said. "Unless there's a jeweler nearby."

"Maybe, the pony heading towards us might be able to help." Pinkie said.

"Say, what?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie wasn't joking. The sound of rapidly-approaching footsteps echoed out from within an alleyway.

"Somepony's coming!" Rarity said in surprise.

"Is it somepony friendly?" Fluttershy wondered, slightly scared.

"I'm not taking any chances." Tom ducked underneath the bridge's guardrail.

The others, feeling the same, followed after and hid under the guardrail, as well. A shadow passed by them, the footsteps starting to dissipate. Twilight and Jerry peaked their heads out to see who had passed by. At the end of bridge stood a young girl, around seven or eight years old. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a pink and white shirt with a red sleeveless jacket, along with a backpack. She also wore blue jeans, a pair of bright, blue sneakers and and a pink hairband. The girl looked around to see if she was alone or not. Soon as she thought the coast was clear, she made her way down a flight of stairs that led underneath the bridge.

"Well, that's odd and concerning." Rarity said. "What is a little girl doing out here all by herself?"

"Whatever the reason, it can't be good." Rainbow replied.

"Should we follow her?" Spike asked.

"I s'pose we should. Just in case anythin' happens to her." Applejack said.

"And out of morbid curiosity." Tom said.

"Well, you know what they say about curiosity." Jerry said wittily.

"Ha, ha, very funny." The cat said sarcastically.

"Oh, did someone make a joke? I love jokes!" Pinkie raised her voice. “I got this really funny one. What did the hay bale say to the-“

"Ssh." Rarity said harshly. "We don't want to scare the poor dear."

The ponies, dragon, cat, and mouse left their hiding place and made their way over to the stairs. They slowly and quietly tip-toed down the stairs, making sure not to startle the girl. However, Tom accidently knocked over empty soda can. It bounced down the stairs and rolled right next to the girl's feet. She clutches her backpack, clearly frightened. Just as they group reached the bottom of the stairs, she swung her backpack at them.

"Yikes!" Twilight gasped.

"Whoa! Hold it! Hold it!" Tom waved his hands defensively.

"We ain't gonna hurt ya, youngin'." Applejack said soothingly.

"Who...Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Nobody." Tom answered coolly.

"Just us. He's Tom, and I'm Jerry." The mouse said. "And these are also our friends."

"Yep. I'm Twilight and these are our friends; Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie." Twilight introduced.




"Pleased to meet you, darling."

"Um, hi."


"Oh, I thought you were somebody else." The girl said, relieved. "I thought you were following me."

"Heck, no." Tom said.

"Well, we were kinda watching you. But only because we were worried for you." The alicorn princess explained. "Why are you out here all alone?"

"Umm, it's a long story." The girl shied away. "What are you doing out here?"

"We're lost and we're looking for something to eat." The grey pussycat said.

"Yeah, we're kinda hungry." Jerry added.

"We've been trying to find a place to eat, but have been...unsuccessful." Twilight said.

"Oh, well, I've got cookies and an apple and..." The girl pulled out the bagged goods from her backpack.

"Oh, don't have to do that." Fluttershy said thoughtfully. "We can just keep looking."

"Oh, I don't mind. There's plenty to go around." The girl smiled.

"Oh, how generous of you." Rarity said.

The Main 7, Tom, and Jerry, and their new friend got situated underneath the bridge. They sat on an old log, while they got a fire going to stay warm.

"So, your name's Robyn and you ran away from home." Jerry said holding a half-eaten cookie.

"How did you know?" The girl asked.

"You're name's on your locket." Jerry pointed to it.

"Oh, didn't even notice that." The alabaster unicorn said. "It's a beautiful locket, might I add."

"Thanks." Robyn held the locket. “Yes. It's Robyn Starling. I'm afraid I don't have a home anymore. I-I'm an orphan."

"The ponies and dragon all gasped at that.

"An...orphan?" Rainbow asked in shock.

"Yeah. My mother died when I was a baby." Robyn explained.

"That's horrible." Fluttershy's lips quivered.

"What about you father? What happened to him?" Jerry asked sympathetically.

"My father's on an expedition, climbing a mountain, when the snow gave way in a...av...ava..." Robyn tried to finish.

"Avalanche?" Tom asked.

"Uh-huh." She began to tear up. "And he was the most wonderful father in the world."

Robyn showed the others the contents of her lockets, which were two pictures of her and her father. He had red hair with a sharp moustache. He also was seen wearing a Stetson hat.

"We had our own secret place just for the two of us and..."

She couldn't finish. She tried wiping away the tears from her eyes. Applejack came up to her and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Ah understand how it feels, sugarcube. Ah know how it feels losin' your parents." She said solemnly. "Ya feel so lonely and so lost without 'em."

The cowpony pulled Robyn into a hug. She continued to sniffle a bit. But, while nobody noticed, Applejack, too, began to tear up. Hearing Robyn's tragic story brought the memories of loosing her parents, as well.

"M-My gosh, darling. I-I...I don't what to say." Rarity said sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Twilight said solemnly.

"Yeah, that must...really suck." Rainbow added.

Pinkie's mane had gone flat. Even Spike and Fluttershy had begun tearing up.

"I-Is that why you out here?" The pink earth pony asked.

"That place. Is that where you were going?" Jerry chimed in.

"Uh-huh, and to get away from my Aunt Figg." Robyn's mood soured. "She's not really my aunt, just my guardian. But, she's taken over the house. She moved me to the attic and gave my room to her dog, Ferdinand."

"Ferdinand?" Tom asked incredulously.

"Now that's just messed up." Rainbow said angrily.

"Aunt Figg is always calling me "orphan." She even stole my locket and threw it out the window, but I climbed down and found it and...and..." Robyn said.

"Kept on running." Jerry assumed.

"As fast as I could. And I'm never going back." Robyn crossed her arms.

"I think that's completely justified, if she's treating you that badly." Spike said.

"Exactly. That is absolutely unacceptable!" Rarity agreed.

"Oh, smart. Real smart, kid." Tom argued

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight turned to the cat, displeased of his brash rudeness.

“I mean, you’ve got a roof over your head, three sure meals a day, a warm bed. Who'd want to leave that?" Tom argued.

"I hate to admit it, girls, but Tom's right. You never know what you're missing until you don't have it." Jerry agreed.

"But, over horrible treatment, all those benefits are certainly not worth being treated like that.” Rainbow said.

"You don't know Aunt Figg. She seems sweet, but underneath she's mean. Real mean." Robyn said.

"Why oughta give 'er the buck 'er to next week." Applejack growled.

"You'll have to get ahead of me first." The cyan pegasus said. "I'll make that "Aunt Figg" wish she were never born."

"Oh, come on. I'll bet she's frantic looking for you." Jerry said.

"Oh, sure. She's crying her eyes out for you right this minute." Tom concured.

"Crocodile tears, perhaps." Robyn grumbled.

"Seriously, you two." Twilight said sternly. "If someone as young as Robyn is this frantic to get away, then clearly her aunt his one horrible...person? Right?"

"...Yeah." Robyn confirmed.

"Sorry, were still trying to get used to the new vocabulary." The alicorn said.

"Don't worry, 'bout yer aunt, Robyn. Will keep ya with us." Applejack assured.

"Thanks, guys." Robyn said happily.

"But, we can't just stay down here forever. Eventually we'll have to keep moving." Tom said.

"We'll just head to that place you were talking about earlier. Right, Robyn?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah. It's a log cabin out in the woods near a river." The young girl said.

"Awesome! Then, that's we'll do." Rainbow said.

The group friends stayed under the bridge, letting the fire keeping them warm. It seemed that things were slowly starting to look up now.

To be continued

Part 5: The Starling Household

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"Oh, my poor little Robyn!" An overweight woman in a purple and pink blouse wailed dramatically. "Oh, find her, officer. Please! The poor child."

The woman turned away and cried into her hands. The police office put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

"There, there, Miss Figg. We'll find the little girl. I promise you. I'll call for a status report right now."

The officer exited the lobby room of the mansion Miss Figg was living in.

"Oh, please. Please." Miss Figg wailed. "I don't know how I'll live without her."

She sobbed as she closed the sliding doors, making sure that the officer was out of sight.

"You won't be able to live without her, Pristine." A voice said from the other side of the room.

"Shut up, Lickboot, you hoodoo." Figg snapped.

"But it's true, Pristine." A man in a blue suit reaffirmed. "Without Robyn, Daddy Starling's trust fund money will go bye, bye, bye and you'll be out in the cold, cold, cold."

"And you with me, Lickboot." The woman pointed a finger at him. "Now stop talking. You're a lawyer. Scheme."

She emphasized "scheme" greatly and tapped her finger against her head. Also, in the room, an obese dog on a skateboard began to laugh.

"You find this amusing, Ferdy, you fat freeloader?" Figg asked angrily. "You're the one who let her get away!"

Ferdinand tried coming up with an excuse.

"I-I was eating." His raspy, nasally voice finally mustered up.

"I know you were eating. You're always eating." Figg rolled her eyes exhaustively.

She then picked up a pink-frosted cupcake off the table with a wide smile.

"You want this cupcake?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." The obese pooch nodded his head and licked his lips.

He wagged his tail, but his smile turned to a frown, thinking that his owner was giving him false hope.

"Fetch!" Figg through the cupcake across the room.

Ferdinand hastily got his skateboard rolling. He lined himself up with the cupcake's trajectory and snatched the sugary treat in his mouth and gulped it down all at once. He licked his lips and rubbed his stomach in satisfaction, but he wasn't watching where his was going. The obese dog crashed into the sliding doors with a thud.

"Shoot." He squawked.

"Just pray that the police find her or we're doomed to return to the ranks of the peasantry." Lickboot got up from his chair.

Miss Figg gasped in horror at the implications the lawyer was getting at. Even Ferdinand gulped apprehensively.

"And you better hope this rumor that dashing, Daddy Starling may have survived the avalanche is just a rumor." He continued. "Or we'll be worse than ordinary. We'll be..."

"Don't say it." Figg interrupted, dread etched on her rotund face.

"...poor." Lickboot said.

"Penniless." Figg added.

"Bankrupt." Lickboot further added.

"No more money?" Figg gulped.

"We've got to" The lawyer said wickedly.

The sound of the doorbell cut Figg's and Lickboot's financial fantasy to an end. The greedy lady made her way to the front door. She opened it to find the police officer holding a resistant Robyn.

"I can't go back. I won't." The little girl finally pulled out of the officer's grasp...only to be snatched up by her guardian.

"Gotcha, you little..." Miss Figg stopped herself, noticing the cop was literally standing right there. "...darling."

She hugged Robyn in tight, loving hug, to which Robyn was vehemently against.

"See? Here she is. Safe and sound. We found her down by the old bridge." The officer explained.

His attention turned down to the cat, mouse, dragon, and six ponies around his feet.

"Tom! Jerry! Spike! Girls!." Robyn tore away from Figg's grasp and ran to them.

"Who?" Figg asked in confusion.

"They're my new friends." The young girl explained. "Let me keep them. They won't be any bother. Please?"

While Tom and Jerry stood with innocent and pleading looks. The Main 6 and Spike mostly remained stoic. They were conscious of the fact that the woman standing before them was the mean, greedy guardian of Robyn, who didn't really take care of her at all.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Figg." Twilight said in her most polite voice.

"It's Miss Figg." Figg corrected. "And you guys can talk?"

"Yupper-doos! Why wouldn't we?" PInkie said with a big smile.

Figg just crossed her arms, clearly not taking a liking of more animals in her house. Tom weakly sauntered over to the woman and fell at her feet, clutching her skirt.

"Meow." He cutely said, while fluttering his eye lids.

"Oh, brother." Jerry grumbled.

"He really likes to drive it home, huh?" Rainbow said.

"Oh, you have no idea." The mouse replied.

"Please?" Robyn continued to plead.

"Under the circumstances, it might be a good idea, ma'am, if you know what I mean." The officer said.

Miss Figg quiet grumble turned into a growl. She clenched her teeth angrily. The other were worried that she would explode on them.

"That's just what I was thinking, officer." She said happily. "Of course you can keep them, darling."

She pushed Tom off her dress.

"Woah. That was quite the 180." Rainbow said.

"For a moment I thought she was going physically kick us off the property." Rarity added.

"I can?" Robyn said with excitement.

"See? She's not as bad as you thought." Jerry assured.

"Or it's just a facade." Applejack whispered.

"Oh, good grief. At least give her the benefit of the doubt." Jerry said.

"Sorry, Jerry. But we can't just ignore Robyn's earlier warnings, either." Twilight express her wariness.

"You'll stay, won't you? You'll have a new home again." Robyn said wishfully.

"Of course, Robyn. You're our friend, after all." Fluttershy said.

"Wait, but me and girls already have homes back in Equestria." Spike pointed out.

"I think she was referring to Tom and Jerry." The purple alicorn said.

"But, you will stay though." Robyn asked to reconfirm.

"Yes. Absolutely." Twilight assured.

"Will I? You bet." Tom agreed.

Robyn let Jerry step onto her hand and lifted him up.

"Uh, him, too?" The pussycat asked.

"Of course him, too." The girl responded.

"Ya really need to start admittin' 'im as part of this'ere friend group." Applejack said.

"Thanks, Robyn" Jerry crossed his arms and looked at Tom.

"Just make you way inside and make yourselves at home I guess." Figg said, though not sounding all too welcoming. "But, do keep an eye on those miniature horses."

"Horses?! We're ponies for your information, lady!" Rainbow yelled.

"Same difference." Figg rolled her eyes.

"Ugh. What is it with every world always calling us horses?" Rarity huffed.

"Let's not worry about that and let's just get situated in our "temporary" home." Twilight said.

As the group of friends went inside, Miss Figg turned to the officer.

"Officer. You wouldn't be able to join us for a little celebration snack, would you?" She stepped inside the house.

"Well, sure, I-"

"I didn't think so." She cut him off. "Too bad duty calls and all that. I understand. Mucho thanks and AU REVOIR!"

The overweight woman slammed the door in the officer's face. She turned back to the others.

"Ferdy?" She called out.

The obese dog raced around the corner to her on his skateboard. Fluttershy gasped at the blatant unhealthiest of the poor animal.

"Show our new guests to the kitchen and give them something special to eat." Figg requested.

"Special." The dog laughed and licked his lips.

He rolled off toward the kitchen.

"I suppose it would be nice to get a full meal." Spike said.

"You're telling me. I'm beyond hungry." Rainbow flapped her wings.

"You know Robyn was generous enough to share her food with us." Rarity pointed out.

"Sorry, Rarity. But, one cookies isn't enough to satisfy me." The cyan pegasus said.

Fluttershy was the last to follow. She looked over at Miss Figg.

"You really should give Ferdinand some exercise. It isn't healthy for him to be that overweight." She said.

Figg gave the butter-yellow pegasus a nasty look.

"I'm already a bit on the fence on letting you're friends stay here. You wouldn't want me to change my mind, would you." She asked in a evil sweet tone.

Fluttershy stepped back a bit.

"N-N-No. Not at all." The pegasus shook her head.

"Good. Now scurry off!" The woman yelled.

Fluttershy yelped and ran off to catch up with her friends. Robyn was about to follow when Figg harshly grabbed her by the arm.

"As for you, orphan. For running away and tattling to your friends about my treatment toward you, you're going to bed without dinner." She said angrily.

"Wait. How did you know about that?" Robyn asked, horrified.

"Oh, please. It's obvious from there expressions that they're cautious and skeptical about me for a reason. And what other reason than that you told them about your treatment." Figg explained. "you should be thankful that I'm allowing them to stay here at all. So for trying to escape by tattling, you're going to bed hungry. And your bed is back in the attic where orphans belong."

Tom, Jerry, and the Main 7 were lead through a pair of western-style saloon doors and were met with the kitchen.

"Now that's what I call eats." Tom said, taking in the entire sight.

Twilight looked at him weirdly.

"Who says "eats" in that kind of context?" She asked.

"I do." The cat plainly answered.

"Never mind that. Look at all the food here!" Rainbow exclaimed.

The kitchen was absolutely massive. Counters and tables were lined of all kinds of cuisine. Sweets and baked goods, fresh fruits, cheeses, breads, casseroles, and a wide array of meats. The group of friends all gawked at the display.

"Whoa, nelly. It's like a royal feast in'ere." Applejack stated.

"Come to momma!" Pinkie raced off and tackled a chocolate cake sitting on one of the tables.

"Pinkie! Have you no manners?" Rarity exclaimed.

"Well, she's on the right track of one thing." Jerry said. "Let's help are ourselves to some of this food."

Meanwhile, Ferdinand rolled on up to a steaming ribeye steak. He licked his lips as his saliva flew everywhere. The rest of the friends toured around the kitchen, looking for anything that caught their eyes.

"I'm seeing a lot of meat here." Spike stated.

"What's your point?" Tom asked.

"Just seems a bit excessive. I mean, even Ferdinand helping himself to a piece of meat." The little dragon said.

"Well, I find it to bit quite disturbing. Honestly, who needs this much meat?" Rarity asked, keeping her eyes away from the cold cuts.

"Y-Y-You're telling m-me." Fluttershy looked to by on the verge of fainting.

"Don't worry, girls. I'm sure there's something for us." Twilight said.

That's when Ferdinand slid a pet bowl up to them. At first, they thought it was a kind gesture, until they looked at the bowl's contents.

"Ugh, what is that?" Twilight asked in disgust.

Whatever it was, it was lumpy and had a gross yellow color. It certainly did not look like food at all. The ponies and dragon all wretched at the sight and the stench.

"Who would even want to eat that?" Fluttershy took a step back.

Rainbow brought her wings up to her muzzle to keep from smelling it.

"It looks like a bowl of s-"

"It's not getting eaten. That's for sure." Jerry said.

"You can't honestly expect us to eat this?" Rarity yelled at the obese pooch.

Of course, Ferdinand wasn't listening. He was still lapping up the piping hot steak.

"Umm...Let's just find something ourselves." Twilight, with her magic, grabbed a cluster of grapes hanging off the counter. "Like these grapes."

"Oh, I like grapes." Fluttershy picked a couple of their stems.

"That...sounds nice." Applejack wasn't as thrilled as the others. "I'm gonna look for other, more appealin' options. If ya don't mind."

"I think I'll go and see if there's anything else around, too." Rarity said.

"If not, we can just follow in Pinkie's hoofsteps." Rainbow followed the unicorn.

"I suppose. Though, Rainbow, what exactly were you going to say before Jerry interrupted you?" The fashionista asked.

"Oh. Swamp muck." The cyan pegasus replied. "I've seen that kind of stuff and it's not pretty."

"Oh, good. Because I thought you were about to take a page out of Cloud's book of colorful vocabulary." Rarity said.

"What are you implying?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it, darling." Rarity said bluntly.

Twilight and Fluttershy was still munching on the fresh grapes.

"So, what else is there to have." Spike threw a grape into his mouth.

"I'm sure there's plenty to things around. Don't worry." Twilight the dragon's head fins.

"While you're at it." Tom suddenly kicked the bowl of unknown substance right back at Ferdinand.

It smashed into his face, yellowish brown fluids splattering everywhere.

"Was that really necessary?" The timid pegasus asked.

"Eh, might do him some good." Tom shrugged. "Now, if you don't mind me, I'm gonna enjoy myself with some fresh ham."

The grey pussycat leapt onto the counter with Jerry following after him.

"I think I'm gonna go after Rarity and Rainbow." Spike took off.

"Ok, but don't overload yourself with sweets." Twilight called out to her.

By this point, Ferdinand had pulled the bowl off his muzzle. His face had been morphed to fit inside the bowl. The overweight dog pulled his muzzle back to normal, then gnashed his teeth with fury. As Spike passed by, Ferdinand glared daggers at him. The dragon gave him a wary looked and walked away at a faster pace. The obese dog angrily looked around for the perpetrators.

Meanwhile, Tom and Jerry were situating themselves with the freshly-cooked ham sitting on one of the tables. The cat cut a thick slice of juicy meat onto his plate. Jerry held out his plate, anticipating a slice. Tom then cut a comedically small slice of ham and placed it on Jerry's plate. The mouse stared at it with confusion and disappointment. Ferdinand searched around for the pair on the tables. Soon as he spotted them, he grinned evilly.

As Jerry stared at the tiny slice, Tom squeezed his cheek and patted him on the head. Of course, it was a mocking gesture, which only angered Jerry even more. A threw the plate down, causing it to shatter, and looked around for anything that could exact his retaliation. The mouse's eyes fell on a gravy boat, filled to the brown with thick, brown gravy. He smiled maliciously and, right as Tom was about to take a bite of his ham, Jerry jumped up and stomped on end of the spoon in the gravy boat. A spoonful of gravy catapulted from the cup and shot right into Tom's mouth. The impact knocked Tom back and bit and caused him to drop his fork. He angrily grabbed Jerry and glared at him. A pulled back his fist, seemingly like he was about to punch the mouse.

"Uh, guys. I hate to interrupt you little quarrel, but I think Ferdinand didn't take to the bowl thing very well." Twilight said.

The cat and mouse heard the growling and looked back to see the obese dog rolling toward them, his face riddled with malicious intent. He growled at the two. Tom smiled innocently and dropped Jerry. The mouse made a run for it, but Tom grabbed a whole birthday cake and handed over to Ferdinand. The dog's mood changed immediately. He licked his lips with delight, no longer thinking about hurting the cat. Tom then threw the cake high into the air. Ferdinand watched it fly into the air, then glared back at the cat. The cake, however landed right on top of him. Ferdinand was now covered in candles and pink frosting. He held on candle in one raised paw and held to plate against his body, making the dog look like a pink Statute of Liberty.

Ferdinand heard the sounds of laughter coming from the other side of the kitchen. Those laughs belonged to Rainbow Dash and Spike, who were watching to entire spectacle. Now, he was even more furious. The obese pooch shook off the frosting and candles and jumped back. He clawed the ground as steam snorted from his nostrils like a raging bull. His head pinned into horns and he shoulders humped forward. He charged at the two. Jerry clambered up a display stand, while Tom ran for his life, while Ferdinand gave chase.

"Should something about that?" Fluttershy asked to Twilight.

"Don't worry, girls. I got this." Taking a sausage rope, Jerry whipped it around like a lasso and tossed it at the raging, overweight dog.

It wrapped around Ferdinand's neck, causing him to shoot back from inertia. He landed on his head and rolled back onto his skateboard. Jerry darted across the sausage links and bounced off Ferdinand's snout like a diving board. By this point, Twilight and Fluttershy had flown up to the table to assess the entire situation.

"Oh, my." Fluttershy said.

Twilight was quick to realize that Jerry had no safe place to land. She spotted a plate of green gelatin. Grasping it in her magic, she slid it over to Jerry landing spot. The mouse bounced on it, but was pretty much unhurt.

"Nice catch, Twilight." Jerry struggled to keep his balance.

"No problem, Jerry." The lavender alicorn said.

Ferdinand, on the other hand was laughing his hindquarters off. For some reason, he found Jerry's troubles with the gelatin to be absolutely hilarious.

"That dog's weird." Twilight muttered.

That's when Tom had an idea. A spiteful grin formed on his face. Before the two ponies knew it, Tom had kicked the entire gelatin at Ferdinand. Both pegasus and alicorn ducked as the tray sailed over their heads and zeroed in on Ferdinand. With the dog still laughing, the jiggly mass slid right into his mouth. Ferdinand was shot back and dumbly laid there, his body wobbling and swaying from the whole gelatin inside him.

"Hopefully that keeps him occupied." Twilight said.

Tom and Jerry went back to feasting on the assortment of food.

"Mind, handing me that sandwich?" Twilight asked politely.

Tom handed the salad sandwich to her, which she delightfully began munching.

"Hey, gals. Ah found an perfectly good apple pie sittin' on the counter." Applejack walked up to them, taking a bit of the pie slice. "Granted, it ain't as good as Granny Smith's, but it's still mighty tasty."

"Oh, that's great found something, Applejack." Fluttershy said happily.

The positive moment didn't last long as Ferdinand blasted through the assortments of entrees with a look of violence in his eyes. He was beyond enraged at this point, now wielding a fork and a steak knife. He growled at the group.

"What's gotten him all riled up?" The orange earth pony asked, slightly uneased.

"Tom thought it was a good idea to kick the bowl of goop back at him." Twilight replied.

"Hey, why you gotta throw me under the bus?" The cat asked.

"It's the truth though." The princess stated matter-of-factly.

The chubby dog charged at them all.

"Eep!" Fluttershy take to the air.

Twilight trailed after her. Tom and Applejack jumped off the table, while Jerry scurried off to the end of it. Ferdinand chased after the brown mouse.

"Seriously?" Applejack watched on incredulously. "Ah get bein' mad over you thrownin' the bowl, but outright tryin' ta hunt us down, like were cattle. That just seems ridiculous."

"Well, I also may have thrown a cake at him." Tom said.

The farm girl just gave him an unamused look.

"Ah swear, must of our problems so far have been somethin' ta do with ya." She said.

"Oh, sure. Make me the bad guy." The cat rolled his eyes.

At the same time, Rainbow had gone over to the end of the table where she was finishing to rest of a blueberry muffin.

"Hey, Pinkie. You think you could spare a slice of..." Rainbow's sentence was interrupted when Jerry jumped from the table and onto the floor.

The pegasus stared in confusion as the mouse skittered across the tile floor. The, Ferdinand jumped off the table, knocking over an entire roast chicken off the table. It enveloped Rainbow's head through the stuffing opening.

"Agh! Hey, who turned off the lights? And why does it smell like burnt leather in here all of a sudden?" She stumbled about.

Jerry quickly hid behind a table leg and stuck his foot out. Ferdinand's skateboard snagged it and he was flipped forward, smashing into Pinkie's cake.

"My cake!” The pink mare pouted, her face covered in chocolate frosting.

Ferdinand slid across the floor riding the wave of chocolate. Spike and Rarity were right in his path, both seemingly unaware.

"What about this stuff called Italian dressing?" Spike asked looking to the bowl of salad Rarity was holding.

"Ooh, sounds fancy." The fashionista said, but her eyes soon fell on the obese dog hurdling toward them. "Get clear!"

Spike noticed just and time and the two hopped out of the way. Ferdinand screamed as he careened into a set of tables. He recklessly grabbed the legs, which sent in him multiple direction. Some of the legs even broke off. He ricocheted off one leg and was sent sliding across the tile floor. He knocked over one table and smashed into a giant display cabinet which tipped over and knocked over several other cabinets like dominoes. Plates, bowls, and cups shattered everywhere and the thunderous crash of wood and glass echoed throughout the house.

As the metaphorical dust settled, Twilight and her friends, minus Rainbow, opened their eyes and blanched at the now destroyed kitchen. Food, shattered plates, and silverware littered the floor, cabinets and tables were destroyed, and Ferdinand laid amongst it, covered in food.

"Oh...Sweet Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed.

"How did this happen so quickly?" Spike said.

"Oh, this an absolute disaster! Tom, Jerry, what are earth did you two do!?" Rarity asked in shock.

"What happened? I still can't see." Rainbow stumbled about.

Twilight pulled the chicken off Rainbow's head, allowing to get a good look of the demolished kitchen.

"Oh. That's what you meant." The pegasus said slowly. "What in Tartarus happen here?"

"What's all the commotion in here?" The voice Aunt Figg shouted from beyond the saloon doors.

"Uh, oh." Spike squeaked.

The overweight lady sauntered into the kitchen and took in the destructive sight.

"Well, your pets are certainly housebroken." She said in an unamused tone. "They've been here five minutes and already they've broken the house."

"We? We didn't cause this!" Rainbow argued.

"Yeah, Ferdy started it." Pinkie said.

"Actually it was Tom who started it." Twilight pointed out.

"Hey!" Tom yelled.

"I'm not really interesting in hearing about your blame game." Figg said. "We really don't have enough room for them here, do we?"

By this point, Robyn had arrived and was just as stunned as the others.

"I...I'm sure they won't do it again, Aunt Figg. I promise." She stammered.

"No, they won't. I promise." Figg said with a threatening smile.

"Wha-...What do you mean? What are you going to do to us?" Fluttershy said, cowering behind Applejack.

"There's a sweet man down the street, Dr. Applecheek." The greedy woman answered. "He absolutely adores animals, he has a houseful. All kinds. And he loves them to death."

She messed with the hair on Tom's head.

"Just sounds like a way to get rid of us." Twilight muttered.

"And hurt Robyn even more." Applejack growled.

"No way we're goin through with this." Rainbow huffed.

It seemed that Tom and Jerry were in agreement, crossing their arms and stubbornly looking away.

"They'll have all the food they can eat, companionship, shelter..." Figg chuckled.

The mention of food and shelter were enough to convince the cat and mouse. The two looked at each other, as if to imply it was a done deal. The Main 6 and Spike took notice.

"You guys can’t be serious. You're just going to bend when the idea of food is brought up?" Twilight asked, upset.

"Well, we need a place to live." Jerry argued.

"But, what about Robyn. Poor darling will be heartbroken." Rarity said.

"...And you can go and visit them every day." That part was pointed to Robyn in particular.

The young girl looked down, saddened of the prospect. But, even so, she knew she had little to no input on the matter.

"Well, I don't know. I'll have to talk it over with them first." Robyn said.

"Oh. Oh-ho. Oh, you do that." Figg sneered. “Well, you daddy's lawyer. Your late daddy's lawyer, Mr. Lickboot, is waiting for me."

With that, Miss Figg made her way out of the kitchen with Ferdinand following behind. Jerry put a hand to his chin. He watched with suspicion as the lady in purple and pink walked away. He chased after her, making she to stay quiet and hidden.

"Well?" Robyn asked the others.

"She says it's a house. And I'm a house cat kind of guy." Tom stated.

"Again, what about Robyn?" Twilight asked, now sounding more frustrated. "Look, I get that you’re just searching for a new place to live. But, for Celestia's sake, think about others for once. If we leave, Robyn will be stuck here with her cruel aunt for the rest of her life."

"Exactly. Ya don't just turn ya head away from that kind'a stuff." Applejack agreed.

"We want to make sure the young ones are happy." Pinkie said in a fake serious tone , wearing a military outfit out of nowhere.

"It's okay, guys. You don't need to worry about me." Robyn said.

"Nonsense, darling. Your safety and well-being is just as important to us as ourselves. It's our duty as the Elements of Harmony." Rarity said.

"Elements of what now?" The young girl asked.

"It's a long story." Twilight said. “But, basically we’re protectors of our home, Equestria. However, we’ve been summoned to other worlds to friendship missions.”

“Sounds sappy.” Tom said.

“I think it’s cute.” Robyn giggled.

"Hey, where's Jerry?" Fluttershy soon discovered the mouse was gone.

"Jerry? Jerry where'd you go?" Spike called out.

The others looked around, but there was no sign of him.

"Maybe, Ferdy ate him." Tom said.

"Tom!" The others chastised.

"Hey, don't look at me. What am I my mouse's keeper?" He asked rhetorically.

The others just at him with expectant looks. Tom fired back with a glare, but the others remained unresolved.

"Okay, okay. I'll got look for him." He relented and exited the kitchen to look for Jerry.

"What should we do now?" Spike asked.

"Maybe could try cleaning this place up." Fluttershy suggested.

The ponies and dragon look at the warzone that was the kitchen.

"Or we could help find Jerry." Twilight said.

"Yeah, that sounds better." Rainbow agreed.

"I guess I'll go head back to bed." Robyn began walking away.

"Stay safe, Sugarcube." Applejack said.

"I will." The young girl acknowledged.

"Alive? He's alive!?" Figg snatched a piece of paper from Lickboot's hand

"The telegram just came. Starling's lying in some godforsaken native shack on a mountainside in Tibet." The lawyer explained. "Maybe every bone in his body is broken. If we're lucky."

"But he's alive!" Figg argued.

Unbeknownst to them, Jerry was in the room with them, listening in on the entire discussion. He was situated on a bookshelf, hiding behind a porcelain dolphin sculpture.

"Well, look on the bright side, there may be another avalanche." Lickboot said.

"And he may be eaten by the abominable snow thing, too. Who cares?" Figg questioned vexingly.

Jerry stepped to the side for a better look. bumped into a set of books, causing them to fall over. The mouse quickly hid behind the dolphin sculpture just before Figg turned around to see what the noise was.

"Well, his daughter Robyn, for one and our creditors, for another." Lickboot pointed out.

The woman examined the bookshelf. Jerry didn't move a muscle and didn't make a peep.

Finding nothing, Figg turned back to her lawyer boyfriend.

"The point is, Daddy Starling is still...alive." She crumpled the telegram in her hand. "Robyn must never know."

She threw the paper to the roaring fireplace. It bounced off the flaming logs. Jerry watched as it laid there on the stone step, inches from the flames. He turned to see Figg and Lickboot exited the room.

"I'll make sure she never knows. I'll lock her in her room." Figg said.

"Now that's a good idea." Lickboot shut the doors, only leaving a small opening.

Jerry slid down a telephone wire and onto the floor. He raced over to the fireplace and grabbed the still smoldering telegram. He then raced out of the room to find Robyn.

It was a revelation to hear the her father was still alive. However, for her aunt to purposefully not tell her and outright try to destroy the evidence was beyond cruel. It prove to the mouse that Aunt Figg was as bad as Robyn said. She needed to know. She deserved to know. As he clambered up the stairs, Jerry raced by Tom, the Main 6, and Spike.

"Jerry? Where are you going?" Twilight called out to him.

Still, he went on. His friends all ran after him to catch up.

"Hold it. What's the big rush?" Tom grabbed hold of the paper and, by proxy, Jerry.

"Yeah, we've been lookin fer ya everywhere, Jerry. What's got'in ya all excited?" Applejack asked.

"Read this. Robyn's father is alive!" Jerry held out the paper.

"Say what?!" The mares all said.

Tom took the paper and they all began reading through the telegram.

"Survived the avalanche..." Rarity muttered.

"Tibet..." Tom said.

"Said to make a quick recovery." Fluttershy finished.

"You girls know what this means?" Rainbow asked, realizing the implications.

"Hey, she's not an orphan no more!" The cat exclaimed.

"And she won't have to deal with that nasty Aunt Figg anymore, either." Rarity added.

"We gotta, we just gotta tell her of the absolutely amazing happy fantastical news!" Pinkie hopped around with excitement.

Tom snatched the paper out of Jerry's hand and raced off to Robyn's bedroom, dropping the mouse to the floor.

"Hey, wait for us!" Rainbow flew after him.

The other ponies, dragon, and mouse all followed after. As they hurried up the last set of stairs, they stopped as the saw Miss Figg slowly closing the door to Robyn's room. Her back was facing them, so luckily she couldn't see them yet.

"Good night. Sleep tight. And don't let the spiders, monsters, and scary things bite." She finished with locking the door.

As she made her way to the stairs and passing by the group, they lied against the wall, acting as casual and unassuming as possible. Thankfully, it appeared she either didn't notice or didn't care. The group of friends watched as the brunette woman walked down the stairs and out of sight.

"Okay. The coast is clear." Spike said.

They made the rest of the way to the bedroom door.

"Robyn. Robyn it's us. We have important news for you." Fluttershy said.

Tom was about to knock on the door when a shadow casted over them.

"How nice." Figg's voice could be heard.

The Main 6 and Spike gasped and turned to see Aunt Figg standing right there. She snatched the piece of paper from Tom.

"You fetched my telegram. You're all so helpful." She said aminously.

"H-How...How did you know?" Fluttershy shook.

The overweight woman just scoffed in dry amusment.

"How much of an idiot do you think I am?" She sneered. "But never mind that. I'll make sure Dr. Applecheek takes special care of you."

A horrifying, wicked grin grew on Figg's face.

"What's the plan now?" Spike asked fearfully.

"RUN!" Tom screamed.

"Run? No way. We can take her." Rainbow said.

"That won't do much good in the long term. We got to get out of here!" Twilight said in a panic.

The cat, mouse, dragon, and ponies all scattered to escape. Tom ran as fast as he could, but soon realized he wasn't going anywhere. Figg had caught him by the tail.

"Oh, no you don't." She said.

"Tom!" Fluttershy cried.

"Just go!" He yelled.

Jerry, the Main 6, and Spike raced down the halls in an attempt to escape. As Jerry rounded a corner, he accidentally ran into a tiny, glass bottle. He was stuck inside the bottle unable to move, only his tail was free. He felt someone grab him by the tail and lifted him into the air. It was Ferdinand.

"Got you, mousie." The dog let a nasally laugh.

"Hey, you put him down right now, you overweight fleabag." Rainbow demanded angrily.

Ferdinand just continued to laugh, not even phased by the insult.

"We warnin' ya. Let our friend go." Applejack walked up to the dog.

"No." Ferdinand hacked out.

"Fine. You asked for it." Twilight lit up her horn.

However, before she could anything with her magic, a black, iron cage slammed down around them, trapping the ponies and dragon.

"Hey! What's going on?" Rainbow shouldered the bars, but they didn't budge.

"What'n tarnation? What's the meanin' of this?" Applejack asked.

"We've been caged, duh." Pinkie said.

An evil laugh echoed from down the hall. Miss Figg walked out from the dark with Tom's tail still in her hand.

"Good work, Ferdy." She said.

"H-How? Where did you get this? Why did you get this?" Twilight demanded.

"Yeah. Who puts a cage in their house?" Rainbow further asked.

"This house has it's medieval accessories. And it seems it has come in handy when it comes to intruders." Figg said deviously. "Of course, it also works for candy-colored animals trying to ruin my plans. Now, once you're all out of the picture, there's nothing stopping me from living the life of luxury."

"At Robyn's expense. Just how cruel must you be to keep a child in the dark about their sole surviving parent?" Rarity asked angrily.

"If it means I get to keep all of this, the house, the wealth, all of it, then I'll be as cruel as I want." The woman snapped. "The little brat will never know about her father."

"You'll never get away with this." Twilight seethed.

Aunt Figg just let out a laugh.

"I believe I already have." She smiled wickedly. "Come on, Ferdy. Let's get this pests in more controllable environment."

The overweight mutt laughed and followed his owner to wherever they were going. Figg was still dragging Tom along with her. The ponies, and dragon could only watch as they cat and mouse were carted off, leaving them completely.

"Oh, great. This is just great. How are we going to fix this now?" Rainbow paced around the cage.

"W-We'll think of something, right Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight tried to envelop the cage in her magic and lift it back up, but it would not budge. She strained as hard as she could, but it was fruitless.

"My magic isn't strong enough the lift the bars." She said in disappointment.

Rarity tried her magic, too. But the result was the same. Spike then let out a gout of fire and directed at the iron bars. The result of that was nothing but reddened metal that was hot to the touch.

"My fire isn't hot enough to melt it, either." Spike sat down on the ground. "We're doomed."

"Don't be like that, Spike. We'll think of somethin'." Applejack put a hoof on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Oh, this is the end of us all. I'm sorry, Robyn. I'm so, so sorry." Rarity cried. "And Tom and Jerry, too."

M-Maybe this Dr. Applecheek won't be so bad." Fluttershy said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah! And then we could think of something there." Pinkie added.

"Her smile is going to haunt me for the rest of my life." Spike said to himself.

It became blatantly apparent that this did little to nothing to help the situation. Not even Pinkie or Fluttershy were fully convinced with themselves. All they could do was sit and wait from Figg with whatever she had planned next. Twilight just stared through the jet black bars with sorrow in her eyes. Despite making through all the adversity she and her friends had gone through so far, her doubts and insecurities never seemed to disappear. They were bubbling in her mind and it made her feel worse.

"I'm a horrible friend and a princess." She thought to herself.

To be continued

Part 6: Fight for Freedom

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The start of a fresh new day brought a bright and happy atmosphere all throughout the town. However, it was especially apparent in a more secluded area neighborhood, where one house in particular stood brighter than the rest. Painted in a vivid red and blue, it shined like brilliant, colorful star in the cosmos. Birds were frolicking in a birdbath, butterflies were dancing amongst the shimmering flowerbeds, and the vegetation gave it a sense of mystic to it, like something you would find from a children's book.

A squirrel scurried across the well-kept lawn and right up to a painted fence. It's innocent eyes were poised on the curb of the sidewalk, where the road dipped below and beyond. The little rodent squeezed it's head through the tight gap in-between the posts, then pulled the rest of it's body through. Just as it set it's paws on the asphalt, an old, red convertible hurtled over the small hill and screeched to a halt. The frightened squirrel scurried out of the way just in time.

"Well, here it is, your new home." Aunt Figg said merrily.

She stepped out of the car and grabbed an animal crate that sat beside here.

"Oof. You guys are heavy." She struggled to carry the transport crate to the front of the house.

"Well, you did shove all nine of us in one tiny kennel." Twilight said, her faced smushed against the caged door.

Tom, Jerry, the Main 6, and Spike were all squeezed inside the small compartment and, sufficed to say, it was not comfortable.

"Ha-ha, I can't feel my head." Pinkie stifled a strained laugh.

"Move ya tail, Dash. Ah can't breath." Applejack demanded.

"I would if I could. I can't breath, either with Fluttershy crushed against me." Rainbow retorted.

"S-Sorry." The cramped pegasus stammered.

"This is beyond cruel. Never in my life would I think I would receive such undignified treatment." Rarity griped.

"You think this is bad? Boy we have some stories to tell." Jerry chuckled.

"Oh, zip it! All of you." Figg snapped. "It's enough of an inconvenience having to lug you all around. The least I can have is some peace while doing it."

Applejack let out a dry laugh.

"Like you deserve anythin' good, ya self-entitled freeloader." She said harshly.

"I'm no freeloader. I just enjoy everything being brought to me." The greedy lady spat back.

"That's the literally definition of the term!" Twilight shouted.

"Easy, Twilight. My ears are right here." Tom winced.

"Hmph. Whatever." Figg preceded to ignore the squabble from within the plastic crate.

Finally, she made it to the door. She grabbed the knocker on it and lightly tapped it against the door. She waited no more than a few seconds for someone to open the door. It was an man, much shorter than her. His balding head and grey hair also signified his elder age. The man wore a white, button-up coat, a pale blue shirt, brown pants, a red bowtie, and a pair of glasses.

"Ah. Dr. J. Sweetface Applecheek, at you service, dear lady." The man greeted warmly.

Figg introduced herself.

"Pristine Figg, doctor. Miss Pristine Figg."

"Naturally." Applecheek chuckled passionately.

Figg laughed a little, but stopped for a second when she realized what the doctor was implying. Deciding not to create a scene, she continue to laugh with a wide, innocent smile.

"These are the sweet strays my darling little ward brought home." She explained, hoisting the crate up.

"And you don't have room for them, so you brought them to my pet sanctuary." Applecheek said.

"Exactly." Figg confirmed.

"We are not pets!" Rainbow shouted.

An awkward silence casted over the residence.

"Uh, are those parrots in there?" Applecheek asked.

"No, but I imagine some talented snob trained them to talk." Figg huffed.

The Main 7 were now more upset than ever. Figg explaining such a bogus story about them. Granted, the truth was less believable, but practically implying they nothing but circus animals was insulting at the highest level.

"We are more just common animals!" Twilight illustrated.

"Oh, shut up." Figg said.

"Well, anyways, my loving home is a shelter for all our lost and abandoned animal friends." The doctor said kindly.

"I mean, he does sound like a sweet stall...I mean person." Fluttershy stated, trying to lighten the mood.

While, originally, Tom and Jerry were all for living the Applecheek, it seemed like they had a slight change of mind. They both looked at each other and gave uneasy shrugs.

"But, what about Robyn?" Tom asked quietly to the others. "You girls, and Spike, made a fair argument about leaving her behind. Plus, with her father being alive and us being the only ones to know AND willing to tell her, she needs us now more than ever."

"Finally. Glad to see you're seeing sense now, Tom." Spike said.

That's when Figg turned the crate to her face, which bore a sinister grin. The occupants all jumped in fright.

"You're gonna love it here." She gave a low, but knowing cackle.

"Do we have a choice?" Tom asked, now regretting ever agreeing to this arrangement.

"Yeah. This or the river." Jerry pointed behind his shoulder.

"Okay, seeing as how serious this situation is, I suggest we start looking for ways to get out of place when we get the chance." Twilight suggested, making she neither Figg or Applecheek could here her.

Her friends were in agreement with this.

"At least it won't be bad staying here until then." Spike said.

"Oh, I wonder if he'll let us place games." Pinkie added.

Figg handed the crate over to Applecheek.

"They'll be in good hands." The doctor assured.

"Ta-ta." Figg waved goodbye.

Applecheek closed the door and walked along through his living room. He set the crate on a table and opened the door. The cat, mouse, ponies, and dragon all popped out, now free from the unforgiving constraints.

"Finally! My wings have gone cramped." Rainbow stretched out her wings.

"And I can finally breath." Rarity said.

"Oh, wow. You have a...a very nice place here, Dr. Applecheek." Fluttershy expressed her captivation of the home.

"Oh, thank you. I really do make an effort to make my home as animal-friendly as possible." Applejack said kindly. "Though, since you can talk, would you be kind as to tell me your names?"

"Oh, my name's Fluttershy." The pegasus said with a smile.

"I'm Twilight. Pleased to meet you doctor." The alicorn greeted.

"Howdy. Ah'm Applejack."

"I'm Rarity."

"The name's Rainbow Dash."

"Hi-ya. I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"And I'm Spike."

"And these two are Tom and Jerry." Twilight pointed to the cat and mouse.

"Such lovely names. I just know you all will feel right at home here." Applecheek clasped his hands together.

"Hate to burst your bubble, doc, but we don't plan on staying for very long." The friendship princess thought to herself.

"Oh, wow. You must take care of a lot of animals." Spike viewed through all the pictures of animals that hung on the walls.

"But, of course. I love looking after animals. They are the most precious things on this planet." Applecheek began to break into song.

Skip to 00:59

"They're gone?!" Robyn asked, tears threatening to spill. "You took them away without letting me say goodbye?"

"Oh, they didn't mind. You know the only thing animals care about is their next meal." Figg stirred a cup of tea.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Next meal. Oh, boy! Oh, boy!" Ferdinand spluttered.

"First my daddy, and now Tom, Jerry, Twilight, and the others." Robyn's voiced cracked.

"Of course you feel miserable, you selfish little girl." Figg replied cruelly. "You should be thinking of them. They're happy where they are."

She sipped on the cup of tea, feeling rather pleased with herself.

Tom, Jerry, the Main 6, and Spike were collectively, not happy with this twisted turn of events. Not even three minutes living with Dr. Applecheek and they were thrown inside a makeshift cell with other cats and dogs. Tom, Jerry, and Rainbow were placed in one. Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy were placed in another. Finally, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie were locked in another.

"I-I don't believe. It was all just a facade." Twilight slammed her hoof against the cage door.

"We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, we've been let astray." Pinkie said, still in shock.

"We've been deceived! That no-good ruffian just trapped us down here!" Rarity exclaimed angrily.

"Well, that's just make escapin' even my difficult." Applejack added.

"More like, more fun." Rainbow tried to break the door open by ramming it.

The door barely budged and she was launched back into the back wall. The cocky pegasus held her head as stars circled over her.

"Now, later tonight, get rid of the new ones." Applecheek spoke to the two straycatchers.

He pulled out an envelop from his coat.

"Pristine Figg's paid for the privilege of doing them. And perhaps we might be able to get a little extra from the talking ponies. I'm sure the little girls will take a liking to them."

"You monster! How can you do this to us. To them." Twilight conveyed her hoof to the other locked up animals. "You're no better than Figg, herself."

"This is beyond sick." Fluttershy hissed.

The stout doctor gave a hearty laugh.

"It's hard to argue when money's involved. I can be as cruel as I want, because I'll never get caught. But, don't worry your hides to much. I'm sure you'll enjoy your new home with some kiddies. Surely you'll like that." He walked up the stairs.

"No, we don't! We need outta here!" Applejack yelled.

Applecheek ignored her and turn back to the straycatchers.

"You two make sure none of these animals escape." He commanded.

"Yessir." The orange-masked catcher said.

"Sure thing, boss." The purple-masked one said.

"Good." Applecheek slammed the door shut.

"Well, things officially can't get any worse." Rainbow said, turning to Spike and Fluttershy above her. "Now I know you two felt when you got locked up with Shaun."

"Well, as weird as it may sound, the second time isn't as bad as the first, right Fluttershy?" Spike said.

"...I...I suppose. But, it still feels awful, especially with all these other innocent animals locked up, too." Fluttershy listened to the whimpering of the numerous animals locked up around them.

"Yeah...I get your point." The baby dragon sat down and cupped his head on his hands.

"T-There's got to be a way out of this." Twilight said, sounding a bit panicky. "There's just gotta."

"Twilight, calm down. We'll find away." Spike placed a hand on her back.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when are plan has already fallen apart!" Twilight cried. "Now we're stuck in these cages and Robyn will never know that his father is alive!"

"But, getting riled up about isn't going to fix this, either." Spike said. "Look, I know things look bleak right now, but for goodness sake, You're the Princess of Friendship, Twilight. You always work through adversity. You and our friends."

"Spike's right, Twi. We're the Elements of Harmony after all." Applejack added.

"I concur. We'll find a way on this rotten place and rescue Robyn." Rarity said, optimisitcally.

"And save all these animals, too." Fluttershy chimed in.

"We've done this a buncha times and we've had the greatest, most funnest time doing it." Pinkie said happily.

Twilight took in her friends' words and let out a deep sigh. They were right, though she may feel like a shoddy princess, she also knew that together with her friends, they could still figure this out and bring the good news to Robyn and find Tom and Jerry a new home.

"You're right. You're all right. We can do this with the power of friendship." Twilight wiped a tear that was beginning to form in her eye. "Sorry for freaking out like that, everypony. And thank you for knocking some sense into me."

"That's what here fer, Twi." Applejack said.

"Hey, shut up in there! We're trying to sleep." One of the straycatchers shouted, lying on an old sofa.

"Hmph. Jerks." Rainbow snorted.

"Well, well, well." A voice said.

It was a voice that the others all recognized.

"Puggsy! Frankie!" Tom said in shock.

"I don't believe it! You two are down here, too?" Twilight asked.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jerry asked with excitement.

Both the dog and flea sat in a cage adjacent to Tom, Jerry, and Rainbow's cage.

"The straycatchers finally got me. So I ain't perfect all the time." Puggsy answered nonchalantly.

"I've been telling you that for years." Frankie said snootily.

Puggsy scolwed at his flea friend, but didn't press the matter.

"So, how did you all wind up in a fix like this?" He asked.

"Fix? This a problem if I've ever seen one." Pinkie said.

"We met this little orphaned girl." Tom explained.

"Her name's Robyn." Jerry added.

"She's the sweetest little thing." Rarity added.

"Only she's not an orphan." Spike added.

"Her father's alive!" Twilight added.

"Yeah, but she don't know it yet." Tom added onto that.

"Her good fer nothin' guardian is keepin' it secret from the poor gal." Applejack added further.

"What? What are you talking about?" Puggsy asked in utter confusion.

"Her Aunt Figg got us before we could tell her." Jerry replied sadly.

"And, like Applejack said, she's refusing to tell Robyn about her father being alive just so she can keep all the wealth." Rainbow added.

"We got bust out of here. The kid's gotta know." Tom said.

"Sure, but how?" Jerry asked.

"We're still stuck in these cages." Fluttershy said in a sad, quiet tone.

"Somebody's gotta get over there and press the buttons on the control panel." Puggsy pointed to a large piece of machinery that house a column of red buttons.

The others spotted it, too.

"How did we not notice that before?" Spike asked.

"Regardless, it's our ticket out of here." Rainbow grabbed the cage door.

"How exactly are we going to reach it?" Rarity questioned. "Need I remind you all that we're all trapped in cages."

"Don't look at me. How can I get out of this cage?" Tom asked rhetorically.

"I don't think any of us can fit through the doors. Except for..." Twilight realized that there was somepony, or rather somemouse, that could. "Jerry! Can you fit through?"

"I think I can." The mouse squeezed his head through one of the gaps.

"I know you can." Tom flicked Jerry out through the cage door.

The mouse bounced onto the cracked, cement floor.

"All right, Jerry!" Applejack celebrated.

"Go on! Push those buttons!" Pinkie yelled.

"Ssssshhhhh!" Twilight shushed them. "We don't we want to wake those two."

The straycatchers were soundly sleeping on a sofa and armchair respectively. They all watched with bated breath as Jerry scurried over to the control panel, making sure to be as quiet as he could when he passed by the two. He climbed up a power chord and onto the main controls. In front of him was numerous rows of bright, red buttons. He hopped and planted his feet on one of them, which opened the door to Tom and Rainbow's cage.

"Yes! Freedom!" Rainbow flapped her wings.

Jerry carried on with press all the buttons on the panel. One by one, the kennel doors all popped open. The two straycatchers began to groggily wake up upon hearing the clicking of the doors. This didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"Hurry, Jerry." Fluttershy warned.

"Almost got them." Jerry said.

The last the of the doors open. Every dog, cat, and the ponies and dragon were now free.

"Hello, all you happy people." A white dog with red hair said.

"Hello to you, too." Pinkie waved.

"All right. Everybody out." Puggsy signaled for the escape.

"Charge!" Applejack yelled.

"Let's get out of here." Twilight called to her friends.

The dogs, cats, along with Tom, Jerry, the Main 6, and Spike all made a run for it down the corridor. The straycatchers were, at this point, fully awake, but couldn't make much as they held each other and were trampled over by the wave of furry escapees. The door to the upstairs swung open, revealing an angry Applecheek.

"Quiet down there! I'm on the..." The doctor's mouth dropped when he saw all the animals were now free and were racing up the stairs.

Before he could do anything himself, the dogs and cats flooded past him, tripping onto his bottom and then onto his back when a extra burly dog bounded over him. He could only watch as all the furry mammals scampered away, looking for a way to escape the house. Jerry bounced off his cherry, red nose like a diving board. Then Tom stomped on his head as he escaped, knocking the stout doctor. The Main 7 all galloped past and over him, with Pinkie bouncing on him several times.

"Whee!" She bounced off him and caught up to the others.

"That ought to teach him." Rainbow said smugly.

The dogs and cats were all climbing through an open window and out into the open. A large brown dog stopped before climbing and picked up a small, black, hairy dog. It barked, before the brown dog dropped it over the other side. It was carried off by a small grey dog, while the brown dog climbed over and ran off. Jerry and the others were about to make their escape when Tom got in front of them and stopped them. He shook his head and pointed at himself with a smile.

"Tom, what are you doing? We don't have time for this." Twilight said, exasperated.

Tom didn't really give on answer. Instead, he made a motion that looked like he was winding up for a running start. He took off, but only succeeded in slamming his face against the window. He gave a pained, dizzy smile and flopped through the gap.

"...What was he hopin' to accomplish there?" Applejack asked.

Jerry shrugged.

"If it was to make us laugh, it worked." Pinkie laughed her flanks off.

"Forget about it. We need to find Robyn." Twilight leapt through the open window.

The rest all followed. Tom was giddly pacing around the yard.

"Well, well, well. Pretty fancy footwork, pussycat." Puggsy put an arm around the cat's shoulder. "Get going and give that orphan kid the good news."

"Right!" Jerry ran off in the direction of Robyn's home.

"Wait, do you want to come with us?" Twilight asked Puggsy.

"Eh, tempting, but my life is on the streets." The shaggy dog said humbly.

"Oh. Are you sure? I'm sure she would love you and Frankie?" Rarity asked.

Puggsy chuckled a little.

"I'm sure she would, but I've grown a enjoy by myself and with Frankie as my only companion." He said. "Plus, it's better to be with the friends that you really know, true Frankie."

"All too true, too." Frankie responded. "Now go out there and put back together a happy family."

"You heard him girls. Let's go." The cyan pegasus took off after Jerry.

"Okay then. But, we hope to see you two again." The alicorn princess said.

"We'll be around." Puggsy assured.

With that, Tom, Jerry, the Main 6, and Spike all raced off into the dimly-lit streets in search of Robyn's home. The mission of freedom was a success. Now it was time to save Robyn and reunite her with her father. Their journey was far from over.

To be continued