• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 24th

Aotrs Commander

Magical Space Lich


One rain-filled day, five hundred years after becoming a Princess, a lonely and depressed Twilight takes an unguarded moment, away from her responsibilities and reflects on all the friends that have left her behind.

Cover art by SlyGuyMcFly.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

My head hurts.
Have an upvote.


Then I will consider my mission accomplished!

And thank you!

I don't normally get moved by such sad stories, but this one...
I think I'm leaking "liquid pride". :pinkiesad2:

Mission accomplished indeed. I'm tempted to reread the whole thing just to try and make sense of something. But I think I won't. This here piece generates enough 'wat's to power a small country. ^_^ Nicely done, sir.


*tips helmet*


I try my best. Or at least, people say I'm very trying...!

... they're everywhere...

The feels that is. Not alicorns and babies. That'd be silly talk. And fimfiction is not a place for silly things.

No siree bob. :ajsmug:

...Best fic ever, the only ponies who aren't alicorns are the stuck up nobles, All Hail Princess Everypony!

no mention of Auntie Princess Macintosh?

I choose to believe he is off with his wife Auntie Princess Gilda co-ruling the Griffon Empire




Like this if you cry every time. :fluttercry:

Thank you, one and all! I have been blown away by the reception to this fic, it has vastly exceeded my expecataions!


Sure why not, I guess even Gilda would mellow after 500 years...



Aand proving I am incapable of not over-analysing everything, that would actually make sense as to why they weren't mentioned... Making the reasonably leap that griffons are oviparous and thus probably have a shorter gestation period, they are probably less prone to mammalian mood-swings...

(And you can also see why I made a point to mention almost everypony at least once. I knew for everypony I didn't call out, there would be a "what happened to [character]?"

I could have gone on to mention literally everypony, but I think it would have gotten old even for Commadore "Exposition Monologue" Bleakbane... (which is to say, me, 'cos... oh frack see profile, there's a reason]/i] exposition is my middle name...!))

Suddenly the the title's wordplay makes a whole lot more sense.


Thank you!

Quite proud of that, actually. I was really struggling for a title, and someone on GitP ponythread (OracleofWuffing, as a matter of fact) suggested "mourning" something or other and then "mourning sickness" became the obvious one. I ummed and erred about it for quite a while, since I wondered about it being a bit too punny (and thus perhaps giving the game away). I decided I liked it so much I went with it anyway. After strategically working on the summary to be completely truthful (and yet misleading) but with enough of a lead-in that it would hopefully encourage people away from thinking down those lines - essentially attempting to make it appear like clever word-play, when in fact it is a stealth pun that you only get after reading it...

(You can probably tell by the amount of time I spent on that convoluted line of thinking that I've been a regular DM for twenty years, can't you? Pity my poor players...!)

2364464 I'm still rather curious as to how it seems that everyone managed to become an Alicorn. Or at least immortal.


I have no idea.

Well, actually, I do have some suppositions that could be a way it could have happened, were I ever to write The Adventure Fic That Will Probably Never Be Written - which would involve the Elements and Twilight merely being the first and the other following later; but even then, Twilight Shaninigans would probably have been involved somewhere along the line. So Twilight Did It is probably the best excuse. I mean reason. Reason is what I meant.

2365216 Why is it that I find the explanation of "Twilight did it" to be a perfectly adequate excuse?

Finally! A long-life fic where "everything's gonna be just finnnne!" o/~

Me likey. Yes. :pinkiehappy:


Thank you!

Well, somepony had to do it...! Dunno about you, but the endless stream "long-life equals misery" stories was driving me up the wall. I wouldn't have minded until the point they started being maudlin for the sake being maudlin. The sheer ridiculousness of this story (piling absurdity on absurdity) was a response to reading a couple of stores that piled miserable contrivance on unhappy contrivance but stopped just the wrong side of being contrived enough to be funny...

(I clearly wasn't the only that felt that way as a couple of days after I released this, the chap who wrote Scootamom did a similar sort of story for pretty much the same reasons as I did; he was fed up with it too...!)

Weird pairings in this one. Funny as hell, though.


That was sort of the point. With the obvious exception of Spike and Rarity, I tried to pick the most random and ridiculous ones I could think of...!

And thank you!

2515882 As I(rater202) Just posted in PonyThread, You magnificent Bastard.

Woulda been a bit better without the metric ton of Gayshipping...


Eh, I just picked the most ludicrously unlikely pairings could think of (aside from the Spike/Rarity) that I hadn't seen done in the fandom, without any regard to sexuality, personality compatibility or sanity (I paired Sweetie with Trixie, fer cryin' out loud...!) As I am completely neutral in those regards, personally... My own golden rule of shipping is that it is really only of any interest if it is a gold-mine of humour (as I don't do romance, like, period, personally) and therefore my unwritten rule is that optimally, any pairing should on reveal, cause at least one member of the observing party to spit-take...

Still, if in spite of your shipping preferences, it amused you even a little, it achieved it's objective. (Not like this was high literature or anything, after all...!)

(1) And trying to keep the number down, as anypony I left out was going to be commented on ("they're dead, aren't they!"). That said, the thought of not doing what I did simply never crossed my mind... And if it had, doing all of the major characters would also have slowed the story down to an expositionary crawl - which it barely avoided in the first place! It would also have required more additional characters than it was worth spending time on for a very silly story like this. (As I especially loathe "love-interest" characters, I really wasn't going to spend the time to create nearly half-a-dozen (or more) proper characters to mention in passing...!) So, in essence, not worth it for the sake of someting I consider to be fairly minimal importance, personally.


...Oh wow, that was completely and utterly ridiculous. Maybe even more than MY story. I applaud you, my friend. Very, very well done.



Funnily enough, I had the same thought on reading Who Wants To Live Forever...!

Great minds, clearly, and all that!


3074373 Indeed.

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