• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 42,263 Views, 2,893 Comments

The Monster in the Twilight - Georg

Twilight Sparkle’s brilliant mind was gone, burned away by her own power when she nearly destroyed Canterlot twelve years ago. Now there is a monster prowling the Everfree. And it is starting to remember what true power felt like.

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Ch. 21 - Trust

The Monster in the Twilight

Six ponies paused at the edge of the dark wood from their headlong gallop out of town, only to have a seventh fade reluctantly into view in their midst, hedged inside as if within a corral made of mares. Rarity gave their newest member a sidelong glance, barely able to restrain a sniff of derision. There was a fine line between disheveled and dishabille for a proper unicorn mare, and The Great and Powerful Trixie had passed that line in a great leap much earlier this evening. The poor dear had no idea on just how to look seductively rumpled, how to look in distress without being distressed.

Perhaps once this whole end-of-the-world thing blew over and Princess Celestia put the arrogant poser⁽*⁾in her place, it would be only appropriate to offer a mutual trip to the spa, if done quietly. Trixie really was not that hard to get along with, as long as she didn’t talk.
(*) ‘Arrogant poser’ in this case referred to Nightmare Moon, not Trixie.

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“Now listen up,” snapped Trixie, perhaps a little louder than she expected from her unintentional twitch to look where her voice echoed out of the forest. “The big dark alicorn in armor is Nightmare Moon. She’s Princess Celestia’s—” Trixie evaluated just how her audience would react to the evil alicorn being the sister to their beloved princess and silently edited her origin story “—nemesis from a thousand years ago, who she defeated and imprisoned in the moon. The only thing that will stop her is the Elements of Harmony, and they’re stored in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters inside the Everfree Forest.”

“Hey, wait a minute!” called Rainbow Dash, pointing out into the forest. “If you knew this, why didn’t you just bring them with you yesterday?”

“I don’t—” Trixie ground to a halt, grinding her teeth. “Anyway, Princess Celestia seems to think that some purple freak from out in the forest is going to be able to use these thousand year old artifacts without the slightest training or knowledge about their existence to put her si— I mean nemesis back into the moon.”

“Why didn’t she say something earlier?” asked Rarity with a wave of one hoof. “I would think something as important as this would have at least been covered in the newspapers.”

“Or she could have told us!” said Pinkie Pie with indignation. “I mean I didn’t even have time to bake a cake, or decorate it, or organize Black Snooty’s ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party. Even if she is a mean, nasty creature, she still deserves cake.” Tears welled up in the party pony’s blue eyes and she sniffed. “A thousand years without cake. No wonder she’s such a grumpy grump.”

“Ah don’t believe you fer one minute,” snapped Applejack. “Princess Celestia would never hide sumptin’ this big from her subjects.”

“She probably had good reasons,” whispered Fluttershy, trying to hide behind her mane. “Maybe she was afraid of N-nightmare M-moon.”

“The Wise One of the Sky has reason for shame, for her sister is the one who bears that name.”

There was a certain rolling cadence to Zecora’s words as if they were supported by a thousand of her kind, far, far away. The disguised zebra’s voice pushed back the darkness in the immediate vicinity, drawing her five listeners closer for mutual support.

“It all started long ago, before my birth, when both sisters shared power over sky and eart—”

“Princess Celestia had a younger sister!” shouted Trixie with an aggravated stomp of one hoof. “She went crazy and Celestia used some ancient doo-dad called the Elements of Harmony to imprison her in the moon. Now she’s broken free and locked Celestia in the sun, and plans on keeping the moon up forever unless I—” Trixie broke off and swallowed, trying not to look at the dark forest and failing badly. “Unless I go get the Elements of Harmony from some creepy ancient castle, give it to the same crazy unicorn who almost killed all of Canterlot a decade ago, and hope she’s pointed in the right direction when they both explode.”

Trixie glared back at her six companions, only one of whom returned her glare in kind. “Don’t look at me that way, bug! I mean, zebra. I don’t have the kind of time to listen to your windy rhyme. I’m taking you with me, but only because Twilight Sparkle seems reluctant to blow you up. The rest of you can go help with the evacuation of the town or something.”

Applejack stepped forward one step, a bare moment away from violence. “What about the kids?”

“What about them?” Trixie made a dismissive gesture while turning her back, missing Rainbow Dash clamping down on the farmer’s tail with her teeth and hauling her hindquarters up in the air just before the lunge that would have planted a pair of horseshoes alongside that scowling blue face. “The Everfree Forest will just have to take its chances with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. From the way things have been going, they’ll probably drag an Ursa back into town. Poor bear.”

The inky night hid the shivers of fear that rippled underneath her new purple cloak, but not the startled jump when a gentle pink hoof rested on her shoulder.

“Trixie, I know you are very scared, for this event, you were not prepared. But there is one thing that you must hold quite true. Your Wise One of the Sky is counting on you. Her trust in you to set all things right, is your heavy burden on this long, dark night.”

Trixie flung the hoof off her shoulder as all the anger she had suppressed for the last few years bubbled to the surface and blew. “Trust? I trained under her wing for twelve years! Twelve years! I was supposed to be the one to use the Elements of Harmony against Nightmare Moon! Me! Not some little purple loon who has been running around the forest like some animal!”

Fluttershy’s quiet “Hey!” was barely noticed while Trixie thundered onward, her voice echoing back in an eerie response from the dark forest.

“Everypony in Equestria trusts Princess Celestia! They trust her to raise the sun and moon, they trust her to run the country, they bring their little petty problems to her like children with a broken toy and she makes everything better. I spent five months corresponding and traveling to that loser escape artist Maskelyne’s retirement home, trying to beg the Puppet spell off his hooves before he up and died, and got NOTHING! She sends him one lousy note, and all of the sudden it becomes ‘Yes, Trixie. I’d be proud to teach Princess Celestia’s student my spell.’ ONE FREAKING NOTE!

“Celestia’s student. You would think I had that branded on my flank! I’m not her property! She doesn’t own me! The high and mighty of Canterlot do not care about Trixie, except as a stepping-stool to tread on to get closer to her! If I’m invited anywhere, the invitation always says, ‘and guest.’ I know who they mean. I’m always under her shadow, never appreciated, just like that monster said!

“Everypony trusts her, but she never trusted me, ever! I had to sneak into the Solarium to find out why she always looked like Tartarus after raising the moon! I had to steal the prophecy book out of her private library just to find out why she was being so secretive about her sister. I had to put up with those little sighs of disappointment, her ever-so-calm demeanor whenever I did something she disliked. I had to put up with the brother of that insane freak stalking through the castle at all hours of the day and night, with his perfect little floozy looking over my shoulder and spying on me!

“Worst of all, she never trusted me over twelve years, but she puts her trust in that little purple terrorized twit in an instant! ‘I know you can.’ WHAT ABOUT ME?!”

As the echoes of ME-Me-me-me died down to the normal sounds of night, the pink ‘alicorn’ rested her hoof on the panting student’s shoulder again.

“Has your snit, finally quit?”

“Yeah. Let’s go get the kids.” Trixie yanked the bottle out of her cloak, took a look at it, and shoved it back into the concealed pocket with a grumbled, “Bientôt, Monsieur bourbon.”

“What?” Applejack yanked her tail away from Rainbow Dash and stormed up to Trixie, who continued without a pause.

“You don’t think I’d leave a bunch of foals out in the dangerous forest all by themselves just because I’m mad at Princess Celestia, do you?


“If this works out, and if I live, and if she lives, I’ll yell at her. If not, I want that engraved on my statue. Did you get it written down, Spike? Spi— Oh, fudge! Where’s Spike?”

Fluttershy spoke up before Trixie could panic. “He was sleeping like a baby on Big Mac’s back when we all left the town hall. They should all be at their assigned evacuation point⁽¹⁾ by now.”
(1) Due to Ponyville’s immediate proximity to the Everfree Forest, Mayor Mare had created a detailed evacuation plan for the town and ensured it was tested on a quarterly basis, or monthly for three specific individuals.

“Good. Thanks.” Trixie took a deep breath and looked away from the group, removing her hat with a flourish and taking on a tone of voice more appropriate for a stage than the edge of a creepy forest.

“And now the Great and Powerful Trixie will stride confidently into the dangerous Everfree Forest, her only companion a crazy pink zebra. Who knows what dangers they will face together as they proceed on their epic quest through uncharted wilderness in search of the fabled Elements of Harmony, their only guide a penciled map in the back of an ancient book, once held in Celestia’s private hoard of arcane wisdom. Behold, the ancient tome of knowledge, The Liberum Elementorum Harmonia!⁽²⁾”
(2) The Elements of Harmony - A Reference Guide (abridged)

Plunging one hoof into her suspended hat, Trixie blinked as the hoof continued through her brand-new hat and out the top instead of removing the magically stored book inside.

“Wrong hat.” The blue mare blushed a sharp pink at the nervous laughter from her audience before plunking the ventilated hat back on her head. With a mystic pass along the ground, a faint pink glow flickered from the hole in the hat and Trixie pointed down the path that lead into the forest.

“Fear not, for my incantation has revealed which way the miscreants have gone. Come, my faithful and hopefully tastier companion. Your crazy daughter proceeded this way in great haste, with the children and my loyal guard right behind.”

“You can track my Sweetie Belle?” exclaimed Rarity with an excited step forward, momentarily distracted from her inspection of the ragged hole in Trixie’s brand new hat.

“Of course.” Trixie polished a hoof on her cloak. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has powers far beyond—”

“Hey, look!” Pinkie Pie bounded down the path ahead of Trixie. “There’s a jellybean on the ground here. And one over here. I bet that hole in Twist’s saddle bag opened up again. And I thought plugging it with taffy would work.”

“Wait!” Trixie gestured. “I’ve got—”

“Slow down there, Pinkie!” Applejack and Rarity galloped past Trixie after the pink party pony. “Yer eating the trail.”

“Last one into the forest is a rotten egg,” snickered Rainbow Dash, flying low enough over Trixie to knock her hat down over her eyes.

“They’re probably so frightened,” whispered Fluttershy as she trotted past. “We need to hurry.”

Trixie stood watching the rest of the mares trot into the forest until Zecora turned to her with a smirk.

“To lead your friends to our children dear, you should probably not stay in the very rear.”

“Huh? Right! Come on, then.” With an urgency to her trot, Trixie bravely led her newfound friends into the dark forest, never fearful, never uncertain, without a single tremble to her pace.

Or at least that is how she intended to write it down, in the unlikely event they all survived.

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