• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 1,095 Views, 41 Comments

Expanding Horizons - mechafone

Sequel to Legends Of Ponyville. As Spark Storm resumes his life in Canterlot, Anorax and his changeling friends receive a message from halfway across the world - 'Come home'.

  • ...

6 - Trains, Tricks And Gangsters

The next four days were a blur. The days came and went. Ponies came to visit, or Spark did the visiting. Ditzy had been doing well. She still held a special place in her heart for Spark, but had accepted a long time ago that she probably couldn't have him. That was ok. She'd started setting her sights on other ponies, something Spark had encouraged her to do. It seemed she'd been hit on several times by Laser Reflex. She wasn't too sure, but after seeing how well he naturally got along with Dinky, she'd been considering it.

Lyra, after discovering that Bon Bon had been lying to her the earth mare's encounter with Sohl, had cut things off between them. After Ditzy warned Bon Bon to stop treating Lyra so harshly, she'd tried to fix things with her ex, but it was too late. Her efforts to make Lyra appreciate her had backfired horribly. After all this time, it seemed that Emerald Skies had his shot to swoop in and have his shot with the unicorn, but he held off, ever the gentlecolt. He told Spark that Lyra wasn't some prize he'd been fighting for; she'd become a very close friend in their adventures together. Moving so soon after her grueling break-up wasn't on his mind. Helping her to heal was.

Chrome made up with his mother, something that Spark was grateful for. It meant less time for him to babysit. Of course, Spark's little brother had asked to come along on this trip. Of course, Spark had to tell him no. The older pegasus didn't want his little brother anywhere near his secret life. It was much too dangerous, and he didn't want to be held responsible for the safety of his own brother if something were to happen.

Anorax and his changeling charges hadn't been seen at all in the week Spark spent recovering and visiting. It made sense; they just wanted to be left alone and spend the rest of this time together.

Sunday came and went. Spark spent the night with his sister again, talking animatedly about their week. Cheerilee was close to finishing her studies, she'd probably be an official teacher by this time next year. It made Spark proud, and it was such a similar role to their mother's, taking care of children and making sure they were educated and loved, though Cheerilee insisted that Spark's role was much bigger than hers, something he refused to believe.

That night, Spark hardly slept at all. He'd be setting out on a brand new adventure in the morning, and he felt bad that Ampelus probably wouldn't see him until it was all over. Finally, he fell asleep in his sister's guest room around three in the morning. The strange dream he'd had of the gate in the snow storm had not repeated itself, and did not plague him that night, either.

Finally, Monday morning had come. Spark got out of bed, showered, then gathered the few things he was taking with him, namely some blankets and a pillow that Cheerilee had given him as a very early house warming gift. He set it all near the door, then glanced outside. Yesterday evening, he'd spoken to Orea, and they'd come to the agreement that she would stay. She'd just become friends with Applebloom, and wanted to stay on the Apple farm for a while. Amacia, however, expressed a desire to go with Spark on this trip. The harpy was currently situated on Spark's bags, waiting it out in chicken form. She'd been warned, though, that travelling to Vahoover would be a long trip.

Spark made one last check that all his things for the trip had been gathered, then left it all inside Cheerilee's foyer and stepped out into the cold morning. It was only seven, but his eagerness to see this through wouldn't let him sleep past six. It was a cold, overcast day, and it had just begun to snow. Spark smiled as he looked out at his town. Had it really been four years?

Spark suddenly noticed it get a little darker. He looked up, and was immediately covered in a thick blanket of snow. A chorus of the most beautiful, tinkling laugh hit his ears as he pulled himself out of the drift that had been dumped on his head. He shook his coat out and shivered, but he couldn't be mad. He looked around until he found her: that beautiful white unicorn had come to see him off.

Rarity smiled and closed the distance between the two of them from across the street, a look in her eyes that told Spark she was trying not to laugh. He found himself wishing that she would. She didn't seem to notice the warm stare he was giving her. Instead, she looked him up and down appraisingly, using her magic to casually brush snow from his shoulders. Those big, sexy shoulders...Rarity tittered, then turned and sat next to Spark, both facing the Ponyville market.

"So," she said, offering her observing partner a casual smile.

Spark took that to heart before sighing quietly. "Whatever is the matter, Spark?" she asked, turning to face Spark gingerly. Spark turned as well to face her, with less than a foot between them. The two of them had been closer than this before, much closer, but this was the first time it was...like this.

"So, I'm leaving soon. I'll have to pause certain things in my life until I can get back here and resume my work," he told her.

Rarity laughed softly and shook her head slowly. "Oh, Spark Storm, and I thought I was dramatic," she said, lightly touching the end of Spark's nose. "I'll still be here when you return."

Spark didn't look convinced. Rarity's smiled deepened, and she swished her tail 'round until it brushed against his. "And I'll wait for you."

Spark felt himself blush at Rarity's gentle and sincere statement. Just then, a shadow from above moved over the two, and Spark looked up to see a graceful Lemon Pop gliding above. While Rarity cast her gaze to Spark's friend, he got to thinking: If Lemon Pop was here, did that mean that...no. He wouldn't think about Sapphire Snow. Not now. He looked for her, but all he saw was an approaching coach carried by large, pristine white pegasi.

Spark sighed. He'd been hoping for more time with Rarity before he had to leave, but like she said...she'd wait for him. "I'd...better start packing," he told her. Rarity smiled patiently and stepped aside to make room. Spark turned and headed back inside the house, grabbed his things, and headed for the coach.

After packing his things, he turned to see Russet Hearts hurrying along down the street, carrying some luggage behind him. "I'm coming, wait for me!" he called, his voice echoing in the street.

Spark rolled his eyes and made a slowing motion with a hoof. "Easy, Russet, they just got here. They won't leave until we're ready."

Russet hurried along anyway. The unicorn magic'd his luggage into the baggage section, then relaxed for a moment and glanced between Spark Storm and Rarity. It only took him a moment to think that he'd barged in on a private moment. Before he could say anything about it, Lemon Pop landed next to Spark and clapped him on the back. "Hey, Sparky! I came with the escorts. I wanted to say goodbye, and I really hope you..." she trailed off, moving to stand in front of Spark with wide eyes. "Well, geez, you look better already! What've you been doing here that's got you feeling all better?"

Russet cleared his throat in a manner most indiscreetly, and when Lemon Pop looked his way, he inclined his head towards Rarity, who modestly set her eyes on the falling snow. "Ohhhh, I get it," Lemon said as she returned her gaze on Spark.

"I, it's not-" Spark started to say, but was shushed with a hoof-full of snow, which Lemon Pop packed neatly into his open mouth.

"Spark, it's ok. Take things however fast or however slow you want, and with whoever you want. As long as you're happy again." Spark swallowed the fresh powder and ignored the small brain freeze it gave him, as Lemon Pop's declaration made him feel plenty warm. Lemon smiled and hugged him, which he reciprocated with a warm smile.

"Gentlemen, ladies, it's time," one of the escorts said, having waited for an opportune moment to announce their departure.

Spark sighed, then glanced at Russet. "I'm ready," he told Spark. He smiled and waved at the two mares, then stepped into the cab.

Spark gave Lemon one last big hug, then turned to Rarity. Lemon Pop grinned, then had the good sense to step around to the other side of the carriage. Spark turned to the unicorn, who stared up at him for a moment, both unsure of how to proceed. Should they kiss? Should they hug? Should he just wave and get in the carriage? Sensing he had only one chance to get this right, he leaned forward and pulled Rarity close. She complied and pressed herself to him, leaning up a little to wrap her forelegs around his neck.

They stayed like this for a minute or two, until Spark's escort quietly cleared his throat. Behind Spark's back Rarity threw the escort a glare that made him shiver and turn away. Finally, she pulled away and held him at hoof's length. "Just come home again, Spark," she said softly. She reached for his cheek and pulled him in, planting a single kiss at the corner of his mouth, then stepped away, both of them blushing softly.

Spark turned to get in the cab when he heard a soft voice calling. "Wait!" He turned, and to his shock and surprise Fluttershy touched down. She looked like she had to say something, then realized that she and Spark weren't alone. They had a crowd. She began to pull away, then stopped. It was now or never. She stepped closer to Spark, her ears pinned back, accenting the apologetic look in her eyes. "Spark, I...I'm so sorry. I was so angry at you for...for helping your friend...in the way you did. I might not agree with your methods all the time, but you value life and if you had a choice, you wouldn't have taken their lives. I'm sorry for being so mad at you for not having a choice...I hope you can forgive me."

Spark could hardly believe his ears, or his luck. This was one more thing he wouldn't have to worry about on his trip. He smiled warmly at his friend and stepped close to hug her, which she readily accepted. "Of course I forgive you, Fluttershy. Thank you, this means a lot to me."

Fluttershy, having spent more courage today than she usually did in a month, stepped back until she felt a hoof on her back. She smiled at Rarity, then laid down in the snow and hid her face in her bangs. Spark smiled at both of them, then stepped into the carriage, which was smaller and probably wouldn't fit all five travellers, which lead Spark to the conclusion that Anorax and the changelings would be getting to Vanhoover in their own cab.

The ride out of Ponyville was quiet, for a while. A good ten minutes after they'd left Ponyville, Russet turned to Spark. "Spark Storm, I've been wondering - how often does your team deal with changelings?"

This question didn't surprise Spark. With Russet's personal experience with the creatures, it was only natural he had questions about them. "Not often, Russet, but I've been running into them since I was eleven. They're a persistent bunch."

"And...Anorax, Kecnik and Madalah are all changelings?"

Well...yes, mostly," Spark told him, feeling a little concerned about where this was going. "Anorax is only half. His mother is a pegasus."

Russet frowned to himself and grew silent. For a moment, Spark wondered if he was going to change his mind and tell the drivers to take him back, or maybe even let him off here. Instead, he smiled at Spark. "I hope there's something we can do for them, and not just just take them home. I'm coming on this mission not just to help out a friend, but to see if I can grow a little more."

Spark smiled in quiet admiration. Russet was a really good guy...suddenly there was a thump on the roof. There was a bit of shouting overhead, then the door on the right opened and Laser Reflex hopped inside. "Woo! It's cold out there!" he exclaimed. When he got nothing but stares from the other two stallions, he shrugged. "What? Didn't think I was going to miss out on this adventure, did you?"

"You're late," Spark told him with a grin.

"Yeah, well..." Laser trailed off, an awkward blush on his face. He was silent for a moment, then crossed his forelegs defensively. "Dzy md hm shay g'by," he mumbled unintelligibly.

"Sorry?" Spark said with a snarky look on his face, in fact having gotten what Laser had said. Russet just stared, clueless.

"I said Ditzy made me say goodbye!" the powder blue pegasus yelled, blushing furiously. "I really just wanted to get out of town and have an adventure, but noooo, I had to..." he paused and sighed, a thoughtful hoof pressing to his cheek. "Well, I mean it wasn't so bad saying goodbye to Ditzy, but I'm really gonna miss Dinky. She's the best little filly ever."

Spark laughed and reached over to pat Laser on the shoulder. "You did good, buddy."

Russet, in the meantime, looked away, finally turning to look out the window. As happy as he was for Laser, it still hurt. For the longest time, Russet had had a crush on Laser Reflex. He never did get to tell him, even if Laser found out when Rarity mistakenly told him. Of course, Laser wasn't gay, and Russet learned that the hard way.

The rest of the trip was made in awkward silence. Thankfully, it wasn't going to be much longer, as in an hour the coach came to a stop. Russet pressed his face to the window, his tail suddenly swishing back and forth with interest. "Oh, it looks like we'll be making the rest of the trip by train! I love trains."

Russet waited just a moment longer, then stepped out of the cab just as the escort was coming 'round. "Gentlemen, you will board the train for the remainder of your trip. The train will you get there much faster, and won't wear us out." The pegasus saluted, then returned to his post at the front of the carriage.

"Wish they'd told me that to begin with," Spark muttered as he disembarked. The stallions got their luggage (including one sleepy chicken) and hopped on board the train from the small station. The train was full of ponies, but the three travelers quickly found some seats, stashed their luggage, and settled down for the remainder of their trip. Spark very well couldn't stash Amacia into the luggage compartment, so she was stuck sitting out. After a moment, she hopped up onto Spark's back and snuggled inbetween his wings.

Fixing Spark with a deadpan glare, Laser asked, "Dude, what's with the chicken?" It was at this moment that Spark realized he hadn't told either of his traveling companions about Amacia. Oops.

"Oh, uh...I really like eggs?" At this response, Amacia opened her eyes in a panic, softly clucking in a wary tone. Sensing he needed to reassure the harpy, Spark added quickly, "Heh, just joking. I just...I..." he paused, and unable to offer a solid response, simply said, "...I couldn't just leave my chicken behind, she'd get lonely...or something."

Laser stared at Spark for a good minute before turning away to look out the window. "Ok, weirdo."

Russet, however, looked intrigued. He crossed the car and stood before Spark, his eyes shining with interest. "She's one of them, isn't she?" he asked in a hushed voice. "You know...one of those monst...sorry," he told the chicken. "Creatures that you hang around with, right? They all seem to be able to blend in somehow. I mean, if you ask me, this isn't really blending in so much as standing out, no offense."

Spark sighed and nodded with some resignation. "Yeah, she is. Honestly, I just didn't plan this out as much as I should've...she's a harpy, by the way."

Russet stared at Amacia for a moment, just to see if she'd do something. He shook his head after a moment when he reminded himself that they were on a train full of ponies. "What does she look like when she's not...this?" Russet frowned at the way he was talking about her, like she wasn't sitting right there. "Uh, sorry, miss. I don't mean to talk about you, and you're standing right there, that was very rude of..." he paused, noticing the passenger closest to the three of them staring at Russet as he apologized to the chicken.

Spark and Russet both flushed with embarrassment. The older pony continued to stare, causing Russet to look away with embarrassment. Spark, though he was blushing, said, "Look, the chicken is very sensitive. Do you mind?"

The older passenger shook his head and returned to his paper. Spark held his mouth shut tight. However, even though he felt embarrassed by that situation, 'the chicken is very sensitive' line finally got through to him. He let out a chuckle as he looked at Russet to see if he was thinking the same thing. He was, it seemed, as both unicorn and pegasus broke out into uncontrollable chuckles and mirthful giggles.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. Just once, though, Spark had to go on a hunt for some fruit and grains for Amacia. It wasn't big trouble, but it left the poor harpy hungry for an entire day, the first day of travel. After three whole days on the train, Vanhoover was finally in sight. Spark got up and stretched. He felt stiff and tired from sitting for nearly three days straight, even if he did get up and wander around at times. He'd even gone looking for Anorax and the changelings, but apparently they'd come a different way. At least he hoped so, anyway.

Spark, Laser and Russet, with their luggage, all stepped off the train station and onto Vanhoover soil. It was a bustling town, and with not nearly so much snow as Ponyville. It was a large, sprawled out city, one that spoke of older buildings that needed to be either repaired or simply replaced. A good deal of the city seemed to be slums, a city with a poor section that probably hid many, many secrets.

The walk downtown was a slow one, with many a pony's eyes on the three, especially the chicken on Spark's back. Wary glances between the three told them they were all thinking the same thing: 'Watch your back'.

"So, Spark," Laser said with more than a hint of nervousness. "You know where we're going, right? I mean, it's not that complicated, I'm sure," he said, pausing to point out at the sea, "pretty much just head that way, right?"

"I've gotta hope so," Spark replied. His ears began to twitch as he heard a voice from up ahead. It sounded like a sidewalk attraction, the kind of show they had in the big cities where performance artists showed off their talents, hoping for a big crowd. Unfortunately, this was really the wrong time of year and definitely the wrong city to be doing this in. Spark glanced off to the side, mildly interested as he walked. There, up on a small stage that looked like it had seen better days, was a pretty azure unicorn.

Slowing down, Spark watched as she created a light show with her magic. It wasn't anything particularly flashy, but it wasn't that bad, either. Still, she wasn't really getting the crowd's attention. There were two or three small children watching, but the adults supervising the kids mostly talked among themselves, rather than watch the show. She definitely could've done better in Ponyville.

Trixie sighed. Today's earnings had been so poor, she wouldn't be able to pay off the tabs from three days ago, let alone feed herself today. She'd been traveling for days, trying to find just the right city to perform in, a place that would happily accept her. She'd begun to think that performing in the cities furthest from Canterlot was the dumbest idea she'd ever had.

She was just finishing up her act for the children when she saw three stallions around her age walking past her show, at least until the biggest, a dark blue pegasus, paused and watched. She thought maybe he'd come by and at least give her something for her performance, but...no. He kept walking after a moment. She sighed inwardly. Just another day of work, another day of being ignored. That is, until she saw five well-known gangsters following the three younger stallions. Trixie quickly closed up shop and cantered to the end of the sidewalk to watch the three stallions being followed. If she could prevent this mugging, maybe they'd help her out!

Laser Reflex stepped a little closer to Spark as they walked downhill towards the pier. "Spark, don't look, but-"

"Yeah. I know," Spark said without looking back. "They've been following us since the train. Don't look, Russet," he instructed as Russet started to look behind him. "Actually, come here and take Amacia off my back, would you?" The unicorn did as asked. He got close and held out a hoof. Amacia quickly sprinted across and held on to Russet's mane.

The trio kept walking as calmly as possible, keeping quiet. Soon, they had to make a turn as the street turned right. Spark glanced at a large window, seeing not five figures, but six in the window's reflection. The show-mare from before was following. Now what was she up to? Spark, Russet and Laser turned the corner much quicker than a normal turn, giving the gangsters reason to believe they'd been made. They hurried around the corner as well, only to find that the trio had broken off at a run and had already made a good distance down the road. They were already more than halfway to the pier by now.

As Spark ran, he chanced a glance behind him. It looked like the gang had given up. "All right, guys, I think we're in the clear."

As the trio came to a stop, Laser turned to face Spark. "Dude, what was that? I can scrap as well as any pony, and I know for a fact that you two are mutants with superpowers..."

Spark nodded. He could understand Laser's point of view. "Yeah, I get it, but we're not trying to stand out or make waves here. That's a big part of what the Fighters are, we work in secret. Try to, anyway." Spark took one more look, and saw something he knew might lead to trouble. That showmare had no tact. She'd just hopped around the corner and come face to face with the gangsters. She was backing up now, making apologetic body movements, then ran. The gangsters seemed to consider what to do, then started running after her.

Spark sighed and glanced at his comrades. Without a word, he started running back uphill, Russet and Laser following.

Oh what was I thinking?! I knew better! I-I was hungry, that's all. Ohh I won't be hungry again if they catch me, Trixie thought. She was panicking now, and she could hear those thugs right behind her. If she didn't find a way to escape soon, she'd be caught, and she didn't want to think about what came after that. Panicking too hard to remember where to go in this city, she made a turn into a long alley. She flew down it, only to find that she'd run down a dead end. She skidded to a stop and, hyperventilating, turned to see the thugs enter the alley slowly, taking their time as their prey had nowhere to run anymore.

Trixie tried the brave card. She took an offensive stance, her horn lightning up in a sheen of light blue magic. "You're all better off just turning around, and walking away," she told them, her voice hard and confident.

"Hey, that's pretty good," the unicorn at the front of the group said. He was a dark red color with a strawberry blonde mane in his late teens, maybe early twenties "I'm almost convinced that you're not scared."

"I'm a little scared," she admitted. "...for you. You're going to regret this."

"Then show me," he said, stopping in his tracks a good twenty feet away. "Show me what you can do. Toss me out of the alley, set me on fire, or even call for help. You know what? That last part sounds pretty good to me, I like it when they scream."

This finally unnerved the showmare. She could feel herself tremble at her core. Her illusion magic was sub-par, and what could illusions do when you were surrounded with no way out? Better do something, Trixie, it might be the last thing you do! Trixie's horn illuminated the dark alley, lights shimmering like the reflection from a pool. Suddenly, it seemed like the area had become a pool as illusioned water began spilling over the tops of the buildings. It would've been rather impressive if the water could be felt.

The lead unicorn shook his head. "It's pretty, and that's all it is. You're pretty, darling, and I'm afraid that's all you are. Boys? Let's have some fun."

Trixie shook her head in disbelief and panick. "No! You stay away from me!" she shrieked, her magic bursting like fireworks from her horn. The area lit up like lightning, striking the walls of the alley in a long, thick ribbon. One of the thugs in back fell over, a good chunk of brick having fallen on his head.

"Uh, Strike?" one of the gangsters in back said. "I think that one was real."

"I'm afraid it is real," a voice from the back said. Trixie and the thugs still standing turned to see the dark blue pegasus they'd been following just moments before. "Now get your sorry asses out of this alley and walk away while you still can," he said aggressively, his wings lighting up with electricity.

Strike glanced back at Spark, utterly unimpressed. "Oh hey. Nice of you to come back, I was afraid I'd missed an opportunity. Now you can-" Strike was interrupted as a loud groaning sound erupted from behind him. He whirled around to see Trixie shriek and lose her balance, falling on the top of a gigantic root rising from the ground, lifting the showmare over the rooftops and leaving the unicorn screaming in panic.

"Hey!" Trixie looked up to see a powder blue pegasus offering her his hoof. "Come on, don't be frightened. We're here to help you."

"H-h-help?" she said. Who were these three? She reached out and took his hoof, then he helped her over to the roof. "Wh-what about your friend down there? There are five of them and one of him!"

Laser grinned and looked over the side of the building. "Trust me...one of him is like fifty of them."

Trixie didn't watch. She heard the sound of yelling and scuffling, and quite suddenly the area lit up like the fireworks on a Hearth's Warming Eve celebration in Canterlot.

As Laser helped Trixie to the ground, she saw the brown unicorn emerging from the alley...with a chicken on his back. Then the dark blue pegasus, who was sporting a bloody lip emerged. "Geez, Spark, why didn't you just blast them from the get-go?" Laser said, knocking him on the head.

"I'm not a bully," he retorted, shoving Laser good-naturedly. "Never play an ace if a two will do."

"Looks like you needed an eight," Laser shot back with a laugh.

Spark fixed Laser with a sour look, then turned his attention to Trixie. "Are you all right?"

Trixie felt relieved, but she still didn't like the idea of looking weak or unconfident. "I-Trix is...I..." Dammit...she thought. She was still shaking. She sat down on her haunches and lowered her head, her whole body trembling. Not only was she nearly raped, but she'd failed to put these three in her debt so they'd help her. She was at her wit's end.

Russet frowned and looked the unicorn over. She was dirty, she looked tired, and she was so thin her ribs were showing. This just wouldn't do. "Miss, can we help you? Can we get you some food somewhere?"

At the mention of food, Trixie started salivating. "I...I'd really appreciate it," she said, smiling warmly at Russet.

He smiled and held out his hoof. "I'm Russet, by the way. Russet Hearts."

"I'm Laser Reflex," Laser offered.

"And I'm Spark Storm. Come on, we're headed to the pier. We'll get you some food on the way."

Trixie smiled happily as the group headed downhill again. "Oh, thank you! I don't know how I'll ever thank you..." she said as she fell in line beside Russet Hearts a little closer than the others. Noticing this, Laser met Spark's eyes. Both shrugged. She'd learn.