• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago

Dirty Bit

Just another zebracorn living in Ponyville. I wear a top hat! A small thing to know about me in terms of this site is this: I am a SUCKER for crossovers! Mainly those of the ones I'm familiar with.


A certain witch doctor gets flung into a certain world of color and wonder. Is this a second chance, or some kind of sick joke played by his friends?
I do not own ANY of the characters shown in this story!
Princess and the Frog is copyright of Disney
MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Cover Page is copyright of AutumnBlood of dA

Chapters (42)
Comments ( 471 )

For those interested in the song so much


Hope you enjoy the story

What is this? There is no description, so im wary of reading.
Give me an explanation, i wont go into a fan fic without a description as a guide. :trixieshiftleft:



Maybe I should revise the description, but I'd figure you'd derive from my disclaimer and the youtube link I posted.

Crap, now you have that song stuck in my head, AGAIN! Oh well... I guess I should read it... It's very good, I must say. I hope to write as good as you someday! Tracked, starred, favorited!

Wow, this is actually quite interesting, I shall read further!

Thank you. That was the first positive comment I've received so far, and from Deadpool no less :U
Expect more chapters soon


Not a problem at all! I love the way you characterize The Shadowman, even though I've only seen a few clips with him in it (I've never watched the actual movie, sadly.) And that really makes the entire fic so good.

148555 Thanks again, that means a lot :U

Also, no worries if you haven't seen it or not. It's good to have a familiar feel with the so-called protagonist of this story XD

Ive been looking for a story like this for ages! KICKASS!!! ^_^

Well, an interesting story so far, and i will deffinatley be tracking this. The only problem i have with it is the dialougue. Every speaker needs their own paragraph, as i have been told myself. But, other than that, it's a great story, and i can't wait to see more:pinkiehappy:


Shadowman being a good guy? HA thisle be good :P

p.s. bring on the voodoo already! ^_^ I wanna see him putting that cutie mark to use ^_^

Dang, I read the new two chapters, then go watch The Last Roundup, and come back to a new chapter! Did you write most/all of it before and are just now uploading it or are you a writing superhero?

I'm gonna be honest, I made chapter 10 AFTER watching the newest episode so I'd know I wouldn't have to make any major revisions to the story XD

I started the fic from the first chapter 3 days ago, and I udpate almost frequently, thanks to my free time and ideas.

149829 Thanks for the feedback. I also enjoyed your fanfic as well :pinkiehappy: . It reminded me that being a werewolf had it's perks, and that it's good to make an alternate ending to appeal to the audience.

151359 Good chapter, as always, and it's cool to find someone who likes one of my fics, who's the author of a fic that i like, lol.

Yey a new chapter ^_^
with how fast you update your soooo my new favourite author, also love what you did with the orange (Nothing rhyms with that word!)

p.s. since falicier is afraid of the "are you ready" song does this mean he wont ever use it again? could he still use the first bit (friends of the other side)? or would he use other music while doing voodoo?

153104 Well yes, seeing as how he listened to that song for a painstakingly long time. As for the other song, just wait and see. More to come XD

Crap, Zecora has just resorted to a ponies equivalent of chemical warfare- The Poison Joke!

:pinkiecrazy: silly Zecora is silly
:moustache: please keep up the awesome work my good sir.

Zacora and those animals need to learn the one golden rule that must always be remembered around the good doctor: DONT MESS WITH DA VOODOO!

seriously there just asking for it :P cant wait to see him snap ^_^

:moustache: most excellent my good sir please keep up the awesome work.

Oh.....this is gonnna be gooooooood :pinkiehappy:

Nobody makes a fool out of dt falicier and gets away with it :trixieshiftleft:

p.s. Angel bunny got pwned :pinkiehappy:
p.s.s. You are officialy my favourite author, how do you update so fast and still produce such awsome chapters? :heart:

155464 You're too kind :rainbowlaugh: and as mentioned before, I have free time.

Just you wait, he's close to being the same doctor we know and love, minus his 'friends'

If there was one problem, its that at times the doctor fails to rhyme. Like when he says "That mare ain't bestin' me today! No one makes a foal outta Dr. Facilier!!" Either I'm bad at finding rhymes or theirs none there.

156229 His name has an accented 'e' sound at the end, basically showing his name sounds French almost. I'd figure you'd get a better feel at how his name sounded from how AJ, Rainbow, and Pinkie pronounced it in the previous chapters.

Ah yes, nothing can make a villain's heart grow like Fluttershy with a juicebox...

156299 ikr? fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/314/0/4/filly_fluttershy_with_juicebox_by_esipode-d4fo1ru.png

Although, it was more along the lines of diabeetus infliction rather than moving him :U

We all know these ponies can kill with cuteness, especially Fluttershy.

Bad Doctor. No voodoo for you. *takes doll* Zecora is a nice zebra, you're a big meanie pants...I hope I wasn't too bold. :fluttershyouch:

I finally completed my physics exam and then I come home to a new chapter......BEST DAY EVER!!!!:pinkiehappy:
Falicier's FINALLY going on the offencive :pinkiegasp: zacora's gonna die :pinkiegasp:
in the words of internet meme's: "DIS IZ GONNA BE GOOOOOOOOOOD!":yay:

:pinkiecrazy: This is interesting... now if you excuse me I must return 2 my studies
:moustache: Keep up the good work my good sir.

AAAAWWWWWW SHIT! Zecora's gonna get iiiiiiittt. Now she'll learn not to buck with the "good" doctor.

Dang, I was soooo close to going to bed! But nooooo! You just HAD to update it during my final update run! ... Thank you...


Ah, sorry. I didn't know for sure how to pronounce the name and so didn't see the pattern.

157387 You just made my day with that image, good sir. Glad to hear you still like this XD

I hope whoever is reading this enjoys this chapter, because 'I' sure did while I worked on it :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

And poor Zecora. :flutterrage: That big meanie pants! He deserved what was coming to him...Although, I mean...if the author thinks it's okay. :fluttershyouch:

158101 Oh don't worry, it is...Cuz I'm just that messed up :pinkiecrazy:

best...story...of all time......:pinkiehappy:

Are you even sleep?

:moustache: most excellent please keep up the good work my good sir.

158204 :pinkiecrazy: Seth never sleeps why should he.

Oh shadowman, you so funny. I read the entire story with transformation station looping constantly in the background.

Deadpool... That name sound familiar... :rainbowhuh:

But in partial seriousness, I love how diabolical Facilier is even after all the "second chance" stuff, and how he's slowly getting filled with the warm-fuzzyness that is our Flutters.


I would have done that but I have a hard time concentrating with good music also begging for attention. Why are villain songs so good???

Are you ready...

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