• Member Since 13th May, 2012
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A cartoon dog in a cartoon world



This story is a sequel to Masquerade

In their continuing quest to escape from the mental control of the Dragon Emperor, Vinyl, Twilight and Pinkie venture into the dream of Rainbow Dash, where Vinyl is transformed into a superhero straight out of a comic book. Too bad that for every comic book superhero, there must be an equally powerful supervillain...

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 109 )

I've got this story about halfway written, but I've run up against some writer's block. I've therefore decided to post one chapter a night until I'm out of chapters, in hopes that this will motivate me to finish.

Oh, and here's a bit of a challenge for you: try and guess what my inspiration was for this story's (poorly-Photoshopped) title illustration.

...well that's certainly interesting.:applejackunsure:
A Boom that can stop time...played as a piano piece by a unicorn without magic.:twilightsheepish:
Regardless, as always; I await the next release, patiently.:fluttershysad:

“Why can’t any of you like something that isn’t terrifically foreboding?”


Pinkie, stop talking to the narrator! Or about the narrator!

Okay, I think I finally figured out how these things work. And 'embarrassed at how much she knows about music' Rainbow Dash is best Rainbow Dash. :rainbowkiss:

Does this story have anything to do with Charles Stross' Accelerando?

The picture immediately made me think of Vinyl going Super Saiyan, or at least something along those lines...

Anyway, I'm eager to see where this next installment in the series goes! It sounds like Rainbow Dash has dreams similar to the kinds I tend to have :rainbowlaugh:

I'm confused is this dash dream or flutters?:rainbowhuh:


I didn't know who that even was until just now. Wikiing it, it looks like that short story collection was about approaching the technological singularity. I think you'll find that's not really what my story is about.

Oh, and my inspiration for the title is the same as Stross': a musical term meaning something that is going faster and faster.


Yeah, I figured I'd get a lot of Super Saiyan guesses, but you'll note I didn't make her a blonde. :ajsmug:


Why, Dash's of course. There's a lot of confusion built into this series, but the identification of the dreamer (after the first story of course) is always straightforward and to the point.

This series is called "Thought Experiments" because it's a chance to dig around in the minds of each of the ponies. Accelerando is, in my opinion, a typically RD sort of story, centered around acts of heroism. A Fluttershy story would be much more about relationships.

Ahh, true. Haha, I'd figured that was probably too easy an answer to be the right one XD
Unfortunately it's also my only guess, so I'll just have to see if someone else can figure it out and hope to catch the reference :twilightblush:

30th anniversary of Friendship is Magic or the 30th anniversary of the My Little Pony franchise? Which would place it, I believe, in 2014 (I hope they have something special planned for that)??

Oh Pinkie, I hope you talent of talking with the narrator is gonna be helpful.

Time Thief? Pretty cool. I wonder what dumb name Rainbow Dash was about to call Vynil...

Wait, so how exactly does narrative convenience introduce real information into a dream, for the sake of applying real-world that the dreamer is kept ignorant of? Rainbow Dash creates the narrative, the "convenience" belongs to her, not some other entity. :rainbowhuh:


Well it's her dream. Even if she's not paying attention to what those three ponies are talking about, the fact is that she did hear them talking about how time travel can destroy the world, even if it was at an unconscious level. Considering how much of a dream is shaped by the unconscious...

So the reason that it's now a threat even though they talked about it when RBD couldn't hear them(on the say-so of pinkie pie) was because she sorta could hear them, but everyone just says it's because of the quirk of how writers don't usually explain stuff like the time thing without a point instead, without ever bringing up the sorta-can-hear thing?

And either way, that means Twilight bringing it up in the first place is why it's a threat, but she never appears to realize this, and even pins it on vinyl for summarizing what she just said, with Pinkamena backing her up stating that RBD doesn't need to know about it in any way shape or form because of narrative convenience.

The figure grabbed her head and screamed, a scream that soon split into two separate voices.
“Finally!” they cried. “Vengeance shall be ours!”

Well, that seems bad.

Due to the laws of character parsimony and Chechov's Gun (is the latter spelled correctly?), not only will Vinyl and not-Dash fight in the payoff, but also a character to counterbalance Fluttershy must be introduced. Either that, or Pinkamena will have made this observation and concluded that Fluttershy will turn evil and have to be combated. Twilight will probably be out for the count, unless there is some imbalance in which she needs to aid. If the story were anything else, then I would actually expect her to be a casualty. The presence of many pianos rather than one or two indicates that I am missing something, however; something that reading the other stories would probably reveal to me. Or you could have just overshot in the blatant foreshadowing, which I highly doubt.
Am I close?

Have a nice day.

--Not a brony

Comment posted by Litho deleted Mar 11th, 2016

Alright, here is where my inspiration ran out. I know how this ends, just not how to get there. Give me a week or two, and hopefully you'll have another chapter by then.

Good luck McPoodle!

Obviously the next step in a typical 'Hero origin story' would be for Vynil to get a secret identity and practice her super powers by stopping purse snatchers and rescueing babies from burning building. Or something like that.

She might also need a love interest who doesn't know her secret identity :rainbowwild:

So, 'Umber' is super-jealous of 'Lux'? It's okay Dash, I have a little trouble coming up with original storylines too.

This is where Dash gets tired of plot, and decides to jump into the action.

Wow. I've got to admit, somehow this one is even more mind-bendy than the last one. Impressive!

I really need to read more of your stories. Between this little series and The Best of All Possible Worlds, you're probably one of the most skilled writers I've seen on this site. :twilightsmile:

uhhh trans continental rail road?


And...? When the moment was immortalized in a painting, what was it called?

There are a couple I can think of...
Golden Spike, Driving The Golden Spike, Cerimony of the Last Spike...And Driving the Last Spike.

I knew that my pointless trivial mind would come in handy in things OTHER than Trivial Pursuit!:rainbowwild:

Unless I am wrong and not thinking of the right ones.


No that's it. We've successfully driven this joke into the ground. Thank you very much. :pinkiesmile:

well this chapter sure was ... something. The dreams are getting stranger with every chapter without being (overly) random ... which is quite the achievement considering pinkies dream was before.

Vinyl Scratch resisted the urge to sigh. The witch doctor getup really should have made it obvious.

Jup, should have indeed.

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Pinkamena totally didn’t think you had it in you! You see, Dashie and Pinkamena had a bet. Dashie thought you had an imaginary friend as a foal, while Pinkamena—well, I know you’re all smart and magical and stuff—but she not only said you didn’t have one, but that you’d never have one, because you didn’t have the right personality or imagination to make one! But you sure proved us wrong!”

Wait, what about Smarty Pants? :rainbowhuh:


You know, I was going to write a long lawyer weasel answer here about the difference between a childhood toy you talk to and a genuine imaginary friend, and then try to muddy the issue with the fact that this is a series set between Seasons 1 and 2 and incorporates later episodes' continuity only when it improves the narrative, but you and I both would know that's a load of hooey, so I went back and inserted the following non-answer to your objection:

...but you sure proved us wrong!”

“Um, what about Smarty Pants?” asked Fluttershy.

“Um,” Pinkie said nervously, “I thought we promised Princess Celestia never to mention Smarty Pants again. You know, to keep Twilight sane and all?”

Now Twilight has even more reason to sputter.

If I follow this, it's a pity they are going to have to wake up dream spike at the end. They probably won't like him as much afterwards.

If Vynil took Rainbow Dash's place, then what role is Rainbow Dash filling? Hm...

Also, YAY mental Spike! He survived! :moustache:


I keep imagining "Time On My Side" from the Homestuck Strife! Album playing whenever time shenanigans are going on.

Goodness, what happened? You just stopped updating this story!

I really love your characterization of Vinyl and this connected universe you've spawned, by the way. I guess I'll just have to hanker down and wait patiently for you to continue! :twilightsmile:

Well... I just don't know what to say, really. I guess just... update? Soon?


There's also the whole 'runs on tropes' thing and the existence of one called 'Tempting Fate'...

Specifically, it's not them talking about it, so much as Vinyl saying/implying they don't need to worry about it.

The Law of Narrative Causality is a cruel mistress. Or a benevolent one. Depends on genre, really.

See, your problem was all those Fireflys. You cross linked to Secret Histories with them. No wonder you got tangled.

“I...think I drop-kicked her down a well or something.”
U-shaped tube? It's a trap!

I can't for the life of me remember the name of Bubbles imaginary friend. Mr. Fizzlewick or something?
Big dragon thing that no one else liked.

In looking that up, I can only say in a Yoda voice,
"Strong is the voice of Twilight Sparkel."


Slightly different. This Fire Boom was destined to be a band leader, while that Fire Boom was supposed to be a meteorologist.

Nah, I'm stuck because my antagonists don't line up with my protagonists, but I didn't realize this fact until somebody pointed it out to me in the comments. I'll figure it out someday.

Even if it has not been forever, it has been long enough that I forgot which story this was. Y'know, until I looked at the story page

Hahaha at least you can blame Rainbow Dash for the plot holes! :pinkiehappy: I love how this is full of deliberate bad storytelling that say a lot about Rainbow Dash herself! Very well done use of the voice of the narrator.

You know, when I think about it, the GNPT may be more of the Mane 6's rivals than just Twilight. I can definitely buy Rainbow Dash nursing a grudge, especially since she never actually beat Trixie.

You have all of my yes for using Crazy on You. That's probably my favorite Heart song.

It's Rainbow Dash. Plot holes are both expected and forgiven. :pinkiehappy:

I really couldn't tell whats going on throughout the chapter , and was that auther notes stapled to the story on various scenes?

...that song might just actually "level Ponyville".:facehoof:
Rainbow fails her job as a narrator!:raritydespair:
Oh well, the Awakened isn't in danger yet!:pinkiehappy:
Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:


Hm...not sure what to say. Maybe it's been so long since I posted the last chapter that you've forgotten what's going on: Vinyl Scratch, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie are walking around inside Rainbow Dash's dream, trying to get her to wake up. Pinkie, being Pinkie, is the only one who can hear Rainbow Dash narrate this dream, and the stuff in pink is her talking back.

Oh, and just to complicate matters, Twilight accidentally created an imaginary friend based on Spike who's also in the dream.

The various other passages in color indicate times that Vinyl or Spike are thinking about what's going on. They're in color to tell you that Rainbow Dash can't tell what they're thinking.

Everypony else are characters being manipulated by Rainbow.


As far as the chapter itself goes, Vinyl talked to Applejack, and nearly got her to wake up. Twilight tried to figure out who the villain of this dream is. Fluttershy is up to something with a mysterious musical pegasus named Parula. Trixie, magically disguised as the mayor, set up the music competition for no other reason than to trick Vinyl into playing a harpsichord. And Parula and Trixie are in cahoots.

2683027 i needed that summary ,
Thanks mate.

Poor Spike, always the chew toy, even when he's just a dream figment...

The next best thing yeah...

That cliffhanger is rather nail biting McPoodle, how mean of you! :twilightangry2:

I wonder who's dream will be visited next... maybe Applejack, she seems to be partially waking up...

It appears that they are in grave enter in two worlds.
Hopefully, they'll prevail.
Awaiting further releases.:twilightsmile:

Note to self, thought Twilight in annoyance, sit Rainbow Dash down for a long talk about what exactly she thinks is going on between me and Trixie. That’s assuming I remember anything after this dream ends, of course.


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