• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 13,031 Views, 419 Comments

White on Black - TheSexyMenhir

“You are hereby invited to the wedding of her royal majesty Princess Celestia of Equestria.” Twilight is stunned when she receives this message, especialy since she didn't know that Princess Celestia had been seeing anypony...

  • ...

The End of a Guardspony

White on Black
Ch.15 “The End of a Guardspony”

Rarity couldn’t help but grin as she saw the reaction of the crowd outside the curtain. As a matter of fact she knew that this seasons colours would be black and green:

An assortment of nobles, business ponies, and other ponies of renown had spilled into the hall as soon as the doors had been opened, the only difference between this high class event and a normal crowd was that these ponies had enough money to hire someone to do the shoving for them. After the butlers and bodyguards had been deposited near the hat racks, and everybody found his seat, chatter filled the room while the audience waited for the show to start. Rarity had relied on professionals to organize the show, but she also had made it clear that this was her show, and that it would go according to her vision. She waved her hoove to signal for the light technicians to start.

The lights were dimmed. Silence and anticipation filled the room.

Slowly a weak blue light filled the room, causing everybody to look around frantically for the source, until the glow finally intensified and two perfect pale blue orbs could be seen projected onto the curtains. Rarity didn’t understand anything of illumination magic besides the basics, but when she saw the perfect likeness of changeling eyes hovering in the darkness above the audience, she knew that she had the luck of working with a master of his field.

A mixture of red and green lights sparked and illuminated the runway, revealing the models that had taken up position while the audience was distracted. Each light was carefully chosen to accentuate the designs in such a way that they seemed exotic, eerie even, but not scary.

Then the models started moving. The fashion show was a go.

Rarity eyes scanned the crowd, carefully gauging their reaction. The new designs seemed to appeal to the ponies, quite a feat in itself. Usually ponies preferred bright colours that matched their coats, black was reserved for tuxedos.
However Rarity had yet another surprise for the fashion enthusiasts that filled the ranks of the hall.

On her sign the models stopped moving, each frozen in a pose that accentuated the dresses they were wearing. Another hovewave and the lights dimmed again, until one could only see the slightest hint of the dresses’ outlines.

This was the moment everything depended on.

A bright green light filled the hall as half of the models seemingly burst into green flames, eliciting some shocked screams from the audience. When the fire had died down the lights came back on, revealing that every second model had change appearance drastically. More than just a change of makeup, or outfits, it was as if they were entirely different ponies altogether...

Only slowly it dawned on the ponies in the audience what just had happened, and as realization hit them many looked ready to leave. Then the applause started. Slow and scattered at first, but soon the sound of hooves hitting wood filled the hall. And everybody that didn’t want to lose face in front of their peers joined in.

Rarity took a short moment to congratulate herself. Then she reminded herself that this wasn’t the time to be idle. She needed to get back to the castle, after all there was still a wedding to be had.


Pristine Records couldn’t help but grin as she watched the events on the stage, and how people reacted to it. It took all her willpower to not burst into laughter.

She tugged on Silver Tongues shoulder and whispered, “It’s time to go.”

The white stallion was busy applauding with all the fervor he could muster, and didn’t look too happy about the interruption.

“What? But they are just about to introduce the summer fashion!” he protested, his mind already filled with exotic swimwear.

“You can look at bikinis after we’re done. Right now it’s important that you follow me,” Pristine said, staring at him. When she looked like this there was no use arguing with her. With a last sigh Silver Tongue pried his eyes of the stage and followed Pristine Records out the hall.

Together the two made their way through the narrow side streets of Canterlot, there sound of their hooves on cobblestones echoing through between the pristine white walls.

“Where are we going?” he asked, his voice clearly betraying that this better had to be good.

“The Gate Plaza,” was all that Pristine replied. Something about the way she said it betrayed a sort of grim glee.

“What?! Can’t you buy your souvenirs on your own?” Silver Tongue complained, his minds still with the good looking models.

“We are not going to buy souvenirs... we’re going to start a revolution.” A devious glint lighted up in Pristine’s eyes giving them an almost feverish gleam, and Silver Tongue felt a shiver down his spine. Suddenly he wasn’t so sure whether the monsters had been on the catwalk...


Everything was going so fast.

For Celestia the last few days had seemed like an eternity, but now that the wedding was approaching everything seemed to pass by her in a flurry.
Twilight had taken up the reigns, and directed what little resources she had like a field marshal with OCD, somehow managing to send people exactly where they needed to be, which in turn left Chrysalis with nothing to do.

Of course that changed when Rarity had arrived. The white mare had apologized profoundly for being so late but after Chrysalis had assured her that this wouldn’t be a problem, she had lost no time and dragged Celestia off to get her dressed and ready for the wedding. Meanwhile the cream coloured pegasus, Fluttershy, had offered to help her with her own dress.

And right now she was standing in a small side chamber of the castle, looking at herself in a mirror. The situation was strange, not only because of the dress, but also because she was once again placing her fate completely in the hooves of other ponies. Not exactly a situation she was used too.

Trying to speak with Fluttershy proved no distraction either. While the timid pony was overcoming her fear of the changelings, it would still take her quite some time before she’d be able to talk with Chrysalis herself.

The only thing she could do was wait, and try to keep her nerves from completely disintegrating.

She nearly jumped when the door finally opened, revealing the other pegasus of the group.

“It’s showtime, Chrysalis.”


Breadn’ Butter and Merry Daisies looked at the crowd that was forming on the one end the plaza. Barely audible the voice of a single unicorn stallion could be heard, but the words meaning was lost.

“I don’t like the looks of this. I’m gonna take a look at what’s going on,” Breadn’ said, eyeing the protestors that seemed to grow more and more restless with every word the unknown stallion said.

“I don’t know, this seems... dangerous,” Merry Daisies replied, her face a mirroring the worries Breadn’ was feeling.

“I’m just gonna take a quick look, just stay here, I’ll be back in a minute.” With that Breadn’ stood up and tried to make his way for the crowd. A hoof on his shoulder stop him in his tracks. Surprised he looked at Merry, who was standing only a few steps behind him.

“I’m coming with you, if things turn bad I don’t want to have to search for you.”

Breadn’ wanted to protest, but something in the way she looked at him made him hold back the words. Instead he only nodded. As they pressed through the crowd, ever so often they could catch a glance at the speaker that had the masses riled up like this.

The white unicorn looked as if he had just come straight from the “Equestria’s most eligible bachelors” magazine though his face wasn’t displaying the stereotypical nonchalant smile but something that Breadn could only describe as “Righteous fury.”

Finally they came close enough to understand what he was saying.


Silver Tongue should have felt good. This was what he was born to do, standing before a crowd, enthralling people with his voice and rhetorics, but today he couldn’t get into it.
His act was flawless of course, it always was, but something kept him from really putting his heart into it. Was it his morals? No, often enough he had used his talents to swindle his way through life. But today there was the feverish stare of those eyes that rested on him.

Pristine Records was nowhere to be seen, she never was when it came down to it, but he could still feel her stare.

He shook his head, trying to clear his head of any unnecessary thoughts and once again speaking to his audience, “NOT ONLY HAVE THEY INVADED OUR CITY, NO, THEY ALREADY HAVE THOSE THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO RULE AND PROTECT US UNDER THEIR CONTROL!”

Another bunch of flyers descended from his hooves to the crowd.

He could feel that it would take only a little push and the crowd would turn into putty in his hooves.

Then everything went wrong...

Then the guards appeared...


“Sergeant, there’s something going on on the plaza!”

Steel Aegis was ripped from his daydreams by his corporal alarmed screaming, causing him to drop from his cot to the ground. It took him a moment to regain his bearing, and so he was spared the vision of the corporals shocked face for now.

“Huh, whazzat?” he groggily asked.

“Sir, the plaza! The people are protesting,” helplessness oozed from the guards voice, as he looked to his officer for guidance.

“Again? I already told you what to do,” Steel Aegis grumbled, annoyed that his pleasant dreams had been interrupted for such a triviality.

“Sir, you better come and take a look at this yourself.”

Cursing the incompetence of his subordinates he rushed out of the barracks and towards the gate. The golden helmet with the blue egret stayed behind.

Once outside, Steel Aegis could see what had his corporal so agitated. Nearly all of the ponies on the plaza were gathering around a unicorn that was standing atop a crate, speaking to the masses. Angered shouts erupted from the crowd whenever the Unicorn gestured particularly fiercely.

For a short moment Steel Aegis panicked a little but only for an inner voice to cry out, ”Isn’t that what you wanted? Now you can prove yourself.” Sadly a second much quieter voice that said “No, this isn’t what you want, you always wanted to be only a corporal.” was drowned out by yet another angry outburst of the gathered ponies.

Assuming what he thought a proud stance, he stood before his guards and motioned towards the crowd.

“Just like the last time, we’re going to break up the protests,” Steel Aegis announced. Some of the guards exchanged worried glances, but Steel had already turned around and marched towards the crowd. Hesitantly the guards followed him.

As Steel Aegis reached the edge of the crowd he bellowed ,”THIS IS AN ILLEGAL GATHERING! IN THE NAME OF THE ROYAL GUARD I ORDER YOU TO DISPERSE!”

Father’s going to be so proud of me,” were his last thoughts before the stone hit him in the face.

Author's Note:

Alternative title, "The ballistic interaction of fecal matter and air flow regulators."