• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian - Georg

Twilight believes the new unicorn magic school teacher is a pretentious royal jerk. Green Grass thinks the town’s librarian is an interfering, arrogant brat. Can they teach each other differently before somepony gets killed, or worse, married

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Ch. 3 - A Brand New Start

The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian
A Brand New Start

On any list of places in Ponyville to wait out a good, long, afternoon soak, Sugarcube Corner ranked at the top. Admittedly it was a short list, being as Ponyville did not have very much to put on the list other than the spa, where you could soak in warm mud instead of the cold mud outside, or the bowling alley where they discouraged any form of mud at all. Sugarcube Corner outranked them all, because it had something no other business in the small town could match: Plenty of Pinkie Pie’s Pastries and Pies (on sale during rainy days at 20% off).

Needless to say, the bakery tables were nearly all filled with happy ponies, all nice and snuggly warm while munching away on baked goods and watching the chilly rain outside. One table in particular had become slightly more loaded than most, as Pinkie Pie had brought the long-absent tutor one of everything, and stayed afterwards in case he needed more.

“I tell you Pinkie, this is what I missed from this town the most. You have the most delicious muffins in all of Equestria. And your pie! It is simply heavenly. I could put my nose down in it and not come out until tomorrow.”

Pinkie Pie giggled and turned slightly more pink while scooting the chair closer. “Oh, stop it. You’re making me blush. Anything else?” She leaned nearer to the green stallion and looked into his eyes, blinking rapidly.

“Your cookies are without equal, your donuts divine, your pastries perfection. The cake you make is baked without flake, your frappe makes me happy, your desserts taste so good it hurts, the coffee is cataclysmic, and the milk—” Green Grass took a sniff before taking a sip “—tastes a little off. Is the icebox out of order?”

“No, silly. The icebox works perfectly. We were all out of milk, so I got you some foal formula.”

The spray of non-milk reached halfway across the room as Green Grass spasmed in the middle of a deep gulp. Coughing and spluttering, he shoved a napkin into his face and tried to rescue some degree of composure until Pinkie Pie said, “Or it could be from Mrs. Cake, she’s been pumping for the twins. Oh, somepony’s at the door. Better get it.”

The happy pink pony bounced over to the front door and flung it open. “Applejack! What are you doing out in the rain?”

“Delivery. Mr. Cake said you were about out of milk, thought I’d run you out some fresh before ya do somethin’ silly with your substutin’.”

“Too late,” gasped Green Grass from the floor, still coughing.

“Hay, I recognize that voice.” A damp, rain-slickered head poked inside the bakery door and regarded the stallion under the table with a neutral stare. “Grassie, I heard you already met Twilight and our town’s resident dragon.”

“Oh no,” moaned Green Grass and put a hoof over his head. “It’s started all over again. What did you hear?”

“Not much really. Just that you lit out of the library like your tail was on fire, squealing like a little foal when you saw little ol’ Spike. An that Twi threw you out like yesterday’s newspaper after you went peeling back in there with a bucket of water and soaked ‘em both.”

Green Grass winced. “How widespread are the rumors?”

“Well, ah heard it from two pegasi on the weather team on my way over here, and Twilight.” Green Grass cringed and added a second hoof over his head. “Oh, and Ditzy says not to worry none, ‘cause her little filly is really brave, and will toughen you up right quick.” A tablecloth was added to the hooves. “Oh, and when I told Rarity, she said you can have your classes in the boutique instead of the library, if yer too afraid of little ol’ Spikey Wikey.”

“My reputation,” declared Green Grass dramatically, “is toast. Thank you, Pinkie Pie.” He took a tentative nibble at the toast Pinkie had given him and smiled thinly. “Your toast is the most.”

“Oh! Oh! I know what we could do!” Pinkie bounced around the room, balancing a full milk bottle on the end of her nose. “We could take you to the spa, and dye your coat and mane to some really silly color. Like pink! You could be my brother that I never had! Or my sister that I never had! Only I have sisters, and you wouldn’t be able to look like my sister unless—”

“No!” Green Grass came out from under the table like a shot. “Here, let me help you with getting that milk back to the icebox, Pinkie. I’m certain this will all blow over by tomorrow, and nobody will remember a thing about it.”

“Well, ah’m pretty sure Twilight will remember,” said Applejack sternly while unloading bottles of milk inside the bakery door. “She remembers everything, and I think you kinda scared her a mite bit with yer antics.”

The tutor resumed his place at the table once he had helped move all the bottles to the cooler, and gave a sideways glance at Applejack, who was still standing patiently in the rain at the open door. “Um, A.J. Could you run over to the library and apologize for me?” he asked hesitantly.

“You ain’t changed none since last year,” huffed Applejack. “Tryin’ to get other ponies to cover for your messes. I suppose if you can’t get me to do your job, you’ll pawn it off on yer kids this year just like before.”

“Of course not!” objected Green Grass, who had been thinking that exact same thing. “But it’s raining right now. How about I write a nicely worded apology letter, and hide from both of them until next year when my circuit comes around here again?”


“I could send her a nice cake with frosting that says ‘Twilight Sparkle and Spike, I apologize for dumping a bucket of water on you, signed Green Grass,’ would that do the trick? Thank you Pinkie.” Green Grass took the cake Pinkie gave him and checked the spelling. Perfect, as always.

“That’ll be twenty two bits, please. We’re having a special on apology cakes.”

Applejack shook her head, scattering droplets across the bakery floor from her wet mane. “Nope, yer gonna have to go do it in person. You should still take the cake though.”

“It’s half banana and half marble chip!” chirped Pinkie Pie happily. “They’ll love it. And we can have balloons and streamers and ice cream and—”

“All right! I give up. Just as soon as it quits raining, I’ll go over to the library.”

“Good,” declared Applejack smugly before looking up into the clouds and shouting, “Ok, Gassy⁽*⁾ said yes!”
(*) A nickname he had picked up last year after placing second in the Chimichanga Eating Contest at Ponyville’s ‘Fiesta Mexicolt’

Sunlight streamed out from the sky as a half-dozen pegasi pulled the clouds away in a line between Sugarcube Corner and the library. Knowing defeat, Green Grass could do nothing but shake his head and put his damp hat and cloak back on for the walk.

“You know, for the Element of Honesty, you’re awfully sneaky.”

Applejack chuckled. “Ah got a little sister. Just be glad she’s not one of yer students this year.”

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