• Published 17th May 2024
  • 283 Views, 6 Comments

Summer Sun Celebration Nights - Werewolveswithagenda

During the Summer Sun Celebration, Thorax leaves a party and runs into Moon Dancer months after she helped him learn about pony celebrations.

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Summer Sun Celebration Nights

Throughout Thorax’s life, he had never celebrated any pony holidays. Chrysalis had always forbade it. Saying that it would “corrupt” him and the other hive members. Making them soft and weak.

For a long time, he never knew much about any of the holidays. Just knowing winter was cold, summer was almost unbearably hot, and spring plus fall was the perfect time to look for food. His reformation came with a lot of learning. Some of that learning brought him to Canterlot. Specifically within the walls of the school’s library.

Thousands upon thousands of books lined the walls and halls of the library. Everything from books older than he was to more recent studies. It was overwhelming. Even with Twilight’s help, he found himself uncertain of where to start. It didn’t help she kept listing off books and saying some could have been very inaccurate due to recent studies.

Eventually, he just took some from her and called it good. He really didn’t want to get anything wrong. He just didn’t want to be overwhelmed by the options anymore. As he was checking out, another unicorn approached him. A cream-colored mare who caught his eye.

“Let me recommend some better books for you.”

Without saying a word, she took his hoof in hers. It was unexpected but he really did want help. Even if the simple gesture caused him to blush. For a bit, the two walked in silence. The unicorn then brought him to a more colorful and welcoming room. At least, one that was more welcoming to him. Sure it was the kids’ room but he wasn’t going to complain.

“I should have asked if this was alright,” the mare began, letting go of his hoof. “I just have seen a few changelings come in here and struggle with the more advanced books. Figured this might…help you.”

A small shrug left her as she pulled out a book from a shelf with her magic. The cover had a photo of Celestia and Luna on it. The title read “A Guide For Young Ponies: An Updated Look To The Summer Sun Celebration”.

“O-oh,” taking the book from her, he studied the cover. “Thank you!”

Sure, he was a young adult and this particular book wasn’t targeted towards him. It was simple enough for him to understand, though. That was enough for him.

For a few minutes, the unicorn happily helped him pick out books about all the different holidays. Explaining each one to him in a patient and simple manner. As much as he loved having Twilight as a friend, she easily forgot that he wasn’t entirely prepared for professional studies. Eventually, he had a small stack of books to read from.

Carefully balancing them on his back, he thanked her and happily trotted back to the checkout desk. Proud of himself for finding books to read about pony customs. Unaware of the unicorn following him back to the desk.

“Do you still want your old choices?” The librarian asked him as she started to scan the new books. “If you don’t, I can always put them back.”

That brought a new dilemma to Thorax. He didn’t want to read the more complicated books but he felt bad about making the librarian put them away. He was just too nice about it. Even if he’s gotten better about standing up for himself. As he opened his mouth, the unicorn interrupted him.

“I’ll take them.”

Thorax’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked back at the mare.

“Oh, thank you. Again.”

He couldn’t help but rub the back of his head with a small blush.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want those books?”

The mare shrugged again as she began to put the books in her saddlebags.

“I’m helping Princess Twilight with rewriting a lot of the older books. Figured it would be a kind gesture to repay her for all she’s done for me.”

He couldn’t help but nod. A small laugh left him.

“That is kind! You seem like a very nice friend…”

Thorax only trailed off at the realization he never got this mare’s name.

“Moon Dancer and thank you. I assume you are Thorax, correct? Leader of the new changeling hive?”

He nodded with a smile.

“That’s me! It’s been a process but I’m managing. There are some ups and downs on occasion. Still, I’ve got this!”

Moon Dancer couldn’t help but chuckle.

“That you do. I could never run such a large thing. Especially a hive. You’re doing great, Thorax.”

She then smiled at him. Nodding her head slightly.

“Well, I better be going. It was nice to meet you, Thorax.”

“Oh, well bye Moon Dancer!”

Thorax smiled as she walked away. Giving her a wave goodbye as she left. Soon returning back to collect the books she had helped him find. Assuming that this would be the last time they would interact. Equestria was big and he was a very busy bug. It would be a surprise if they ever did meet again.

Weeks soon turned into months as he began to read about the holidays and celebrations of pony kind. Even getting to experience a few of them. It was amazing. Even if ponies were still uncertain of him, he did manage to still enjoy the holidays he did experience. Especially since he celebrated them with his friends.

In the back of his mind, he still thought about Moon Dancer. The mare not leaving his mind. Did she celebrate any of these holidays with friends? Family? How did she celebrate them anyway? He knew not all ponies celebrated holidays the same. His curiosity was strong. He just didn’t know how to get in contact with her.

Soon, the night before the Summer Sun Celebration was upon Ponykind. Thorax planned to celebrate in Canterlot with his friends. Everyone would gather at Celestia’s castle, share a few drinks, and party. It was a bit of an overwhelming idea to Thorax but he was willing to try.

Upon stepping into Celestia’s castle for the celebration, though, he became overwhelmed. There were more ponies and other species than he had expected. It was almost impossible to find any of his friends. Safe to say, he wasn’t prepared. As the night went on, he found himself slowly getting more and more uncomfortable. Spacing out slightly and nearly missing what someone else said to him. Eventually, Spike approached him. The dragon had a concerned expression on his face.

“Thorax, dude, are you okay?”

“Oh, hi Spike! Well, uh, I’m having fun and all but-“

“You’re overwhelmed?”

Sheepishly, he nodded.

“Dude, that’s okay! It took me a while to get used to parties like this. If you need to leave, that’s okay. Your comfort is more important.”

Letting out a sigh, Thorax nodded again.

“I-I guess so. Let me just tell Twilight I’m leaving and-“

As he stood up, Spike stopped him.

“Let me tell her! Just go back to your hotel room and relax, okay?”

Nodding, Thorax turned around.


With that, the changeling left the castle. Making his way through the dark and quiet city streets towards where he was staying. At least, in the direction he thought the hotel was. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure where exactly the hotel was. He had just been following Spike and Twilight around. Now that he was by himself, he was very lost.

“I could have sworn it was this way.”

A nervous chittering left him as he walked. He didn’t like being lost. Especially in a city he didn’t know very well, in the dark. After a few more minutes of wandering, he finally stopped to sit on a bench. He was right outside the stadium. The large building devoid of life. It was eerie to him.

“I should have just waited for the party to end.”

A sad bug-like noise left him as he sulked. He wasn’t even sure if his friends could find him. That idea was scary. Kicking a pebble off the bench, he looked up with a sigh. Locking eyes with a very familiar unicorn.

“Moon Dancer?!”

The mare in question jumped in surprise at his voice. Turning to him as she pushed up her glasses.

“Thorax? What are you doing out here?”

“I should be asking you the same thing!”

The two stared at each other in shock. Not at all expecting to see each other again. Especially under these circumstances.

“Well,” Moon Dancer began. “I was just returning home from a party. What about you?”

“I was just trying to find my way back to my hotel. I got overwhelmed by a party and decided to leave. I’m…a bit lost.”

A nervous laugh left him as he rubbed the back of his head. Moon Dancer nodded with a sympathetic smile.

“Maybe I can help you get back to where you’re staying.”

Thorax gained an even more embarrassed expression at her words.

“I…can’t remember where it is or what it was called. I’m sorry.”

Moon Dancer just waved a hoof at him with a smile.

“Don’t worry about that. Hey, why don’t you spend the night with me? Just until the sun rises.”

“Oh, I can’t do that! You’ve already done some much for me by helping me with the books.”

Moon Dancer laughed.

“Thorax, you’re lost. I’m more than happy to help you find a place to stay. Even if it’s for tonight.”

A small blush formed on the changeling’s face as he looked back at Moon Dancer. Standing up from the bench and walking over to the unicorn.

“I-I guess so. I just don’t know how to repay you.”

Another laugh left Moon Dancer as she waved him off again. Thorax was still blushing as he laughed softly.

“Don’t worry about that big guy. I’m more than happy to help you.”

With a motion of her head, she began to walk away. Thorax trotted after her as she led him to her house. It wasn’t much really. Just a small house built between two much larger buildings. Still, he found the place to be welcoming. The new paint job was helping with that also.

“Oh, what a cute little place you have here!”

As Moon Dancer opened the front door, he happily made his way inside. Looking at the books on the shelves and other trinkets she had lying around. Happily trotting in place while he looked around.

“Sorry, my place isn’t that big.” Moon Dancer told him as she took off her saddlebags. “I normally don’t have anyone over.”

“That’s okay! It’s a cute place. Just like you.”

Thorax was too busy studying a small statue on a shelf to realize what he had just said. What he did catch was Moon Dancer sputtering in surprise. Turning away from the statue, he tilted his head at her.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah.” Moon Dancer coughed slightly as she walked past him. “Just…inhaled a bit of dust.”

The changeling shrugged before going back to looking at the shelf. Making some chittering as he studied the trinkets.

“I guess it is a bit dusty.”

Still, he wasn’t too concerned. Moon Dancer focused on getting an extra bed ready for him. As she opened the door to the storage, a gasp left her. Thorax turned his attention to her to see some small bugs crawling out of it.

“Oh, looks like you have some friends visiting!”

Moon Dancer reared up as one got too close to her. Making some panicked noises as the bugs crawled around.

“Well, I don’t want them here!”

Quickly, she grabbed a book with her magic and went to smash one. She was stopped by Thorax using his magic. Taking the book away from her and looking at her in concern.

“They’re just lost! Don’t hurt them!”

Confusion came to her face until Thorax started to make some more bug-like noises. Kneeling to the ground as he made the noises. The bugs soon approached him and looked at him. Listening to what he had to say. Then, they dispersed. Leaving under the front door. Thorax standing back up and looking proud of himself.

“That was…” Moon Dancer began. “Amazing.”

A blush came to Thorax’s face as he rubbed the back of his head. Placing the book down on a table.

“O-Oh it was nothing.”

The unicorn smiled as she went back to the storage. Soon losing her smile as she looked at the extra bed.

“Well, looks like those bugs ate the extra bed.”

Slamming the door shut, she walked over to some curtains by the front door. Opening them to reveal her bed. A small blush on her face as she gestured at it.

“I guess we’re going to have to share.”

Thorax stared at the bed for a second before blushing.

“T-That’s okay. I don’t mind.”

Standing up, he walked over to the bed. Climbing inside the small bed and getting comfortable. It wasn’t the biggest thing ever but it was comfortable. Soon, Moon Dancer joined him. Pushing herself into the farthest corner. Still blushing as she turned her back on him.

Unexpectedly, Thorax pulled her closer. Resting his head on top of hers. Blushing also as he did so.

“I-I hope you don’t mind. It’s just…cold.”

Moon Dancer let out a small laugh as she cuddled into him. Using her magic to bring the blanket over the top of them.

“I don’t mind at all, Lovebug.”

Thorax made a small squeak of embarrassment at the nickname. Pulling her closer with his front legs. Burying his face into her mane.

“T-Thank you.”

With a soft chuckle, Moon Dancer closed her eyes. Moving closer to Thorax as she began to drift off. The changeling still taken off guard by the nickname and display of love. He found that he didn’t mind it.

“Goodnight, Moon Dancer.”

Placing a kiss on top of her head, he closed his eyes. Drifting off to sleep. Finding that he really didn’t mind this at all.

Author's Note:

Done for the May Pairings 2024 Contest for the Original Parings group!

Comments ( 6 )

Why do you want to change the cover art? It looks fine to me.

Just to have it include my own art!

Thorax has never experienced the pony celebrations

if you want some help

Holidays, special days,

This was an absolutely adorable one-shot. And, yeah, having this focused on two individuals who were shut-ins for different reasons makes this make more sense than it should.

Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun just experimenting with how these two may interact!

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