• Published 19th May 2024
  • 543 Views, 23 Comments

Janon - The Resident "Wise" Guy - Starmarine61321600

Discord in all his infinite wisdom brings a human to Equestria. It has some very interesting results.

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2 - Now I have a new bed

Author's Note:

I know it's only been two days since the last chapter but I did say at least 1 per week. Not a maximum of 1 per week so have a another chapter.

32000 feet in the sky, a large flying winged aircraft looks over Equestria. The crew in their flying fortress observe their target. A human, the sole human on the planet Equus, an anomaly. Something not even the wise Cosmos Chronicles could foresee. Inside the aircraft, the pilot Master Sergeant Downward Pitch, and his copilot, Staff Sergeant Steady Hooves, man the controls. The quiet hum of the craft's four propellers fills the cockpit.

The door to the cockpit opens and a gray thestral mare walks in. “Senior Airpony Tailored Aperture here to deliver a status report.”

Downward turns his head to the mare, his headset hitting the headrest. “Let’s hear it, Aperture.”

“All of the cameras are working correctly. We have a clear feed on the human. Hopefully, this will give us some answers,” the mare answers, not wanting to disappoint Cosmos. Not that he’s cruel or anything when one fails him, he's just someone one feels guilty about failing. Doesn’t help they’re in the latest state-of-the-art aircraft for bombing and reconnaissance, a RB-75 "Watcher".

“Good to hear.” Pitch reaches a hoof out and flips the switch to his microphone. Its light flashes red as a static sound fills the aircraft before he speaks. “Keep up the good work everyone. Only an hour more of this, then we can report back to the BNV Ignis.”

“Yes, sir,” the crew shouts over the plane's engines. They’re ready to head home after this seven-hour flight. It was a 618 km flight from Bayhill to Canterlot and another 618 km the other way. Thankfully, they’ll be landing at the BNV Ignis, cutting an hour off of their journey.

“So, what are the cameras picking up?” Downward asks through his headset mic once again, looking up at his mirror that lets him see the back of the aircraft.

“The thermal imaging is picking up a lot more than one human. I count at least two dozen. One is our target, and another is bucking huge. At least 12 feet tall,” Filtered Lens replies through her headset, looking up from her camera feed. The screen shows all the humanoids working together to build some sort of underground complex. It has a large open central room with living quarters on either side and on the second level. Near the entrance of the cave is a large gear-like door four yards thick separating it from the outside world. The place seems heavily under construction, with scaffolding littering the center room.

“24 humans? Plus a human giant. How is that possible?” Downward says, bewildered by the revelation, failing to understand how 23 more humans appeared in a single day.

“I have six bits saying everyone’s favorite chaos god had something to do with this,” Steady Hooves answers, pulling six bits from her pocket.

Tailor groans. “That’s because he’s the only chaos god. Tartarus, I’d rather the human be a chaos god, and I’ve never even interacted with him.” Just as she finishes her sentence, the other humanoids disappear, leaving just two: their target and the giant. “What the buck just happened?” She says, stunned by the turn of events.

“It appears the human has his own magic. Someone turn on their magic spectrometers and find out what type of magic it is,” Downward orders, quickly wanting answers before the magic fades.

Filtered Lens, a sapphire-blue pegasus, quickly switches from thermals to the spectrometer. “This can’t be right. The human is emitting faint amounts of Chaos magic. It’s most concentrated on his wrist. How is this possible? Only Discord has access to such power.”

“It appears he made a deal with Discord,” Downward mutters under his breath. “Looks like you got your human chaos god after all, Tailored.”

“Flying pony feathers.” Tailored sighs, not amused that her sarcastic remark became a reality.

“Anyways. It’s been two hours. Fuel’s getting low. We need to head back to the BNV Ignis,” Downward says, glancing at the fuel gauge.

Steady Hooves turns to him. “Are you sure that’s wise? Considering the human’s newly discovered magical powers.”

Downward turns to face the mare. “He’s likely had them the entire time, and seeing how he’s been here three weeks without issue, it can wait. Plus, we don’t have the fuel or authority to do anything besides our mission. We’ve collected valuable data during our two hours of monitoring the human. Now it’s our mission to land at the BNV Ignis and give that data to our analysts for proper study.”

“I trust your judgment.” Steady Hooves turns back, facing forward. “Let’s head to the Ignis.”

“With grace,” Downward replies with a nod. The aircraft turns and heads east, beginning its flight 120 km beyond the Seaddle coast. The flight to the carrier is a quiet one, the only sound being the quiet hum of the propellers at the rear of the aircraft. It’s an hour and a half before they see the carrier in the distance. Over time, they’d reduced their altitude to only 12000 feet. During their over 300 km journey, they flew over Canterlot, Ponyville, countless other settlements, and, most recently, Seaddle.

The BNV Ignis is a large, truly massive ship. 200 feet long and 300 feet wide. It was modeled after a human concept vessel, the Project Habakkuk. The main difference is that this one was made of steel, iron, and other metals, not pykrete. It was the largest carrier in the Commonwealth’s fleet and the only one capable of launching full-sized heavy bombers like the Watcher. As they approach, Downward flips the switch for his microphone. “BNV Ignis Tower, Bravo Alpha, Whiskey, 1, 3, 1, 10 km southeast at 3,000, inbound for landing.”

“BAW131, cleared to land. Maintain heading of 278.”

“Clear to land, BAW131.” Downward switches his microphone off and guides the plane down with practiced ease, the tire screeching as the plane grinds to a halt. The Carrier’s .61 km runway makes the landing quite easy. “Okay, fillies and gentle-colts, the field trip is over. Head to debrief so we can get this show over,” Downward says, unbuckling his harness and making his way out of the aircraft and onto the large runway, the others following close behind.

“Okay, Frank, you’ve got this,” I say to the 12-foot-tall behemoth of a clone standing before me. I modeled him off of Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2 minus the Exclave connections. Leaving me with a 12-foot-tall 2-ton juggernaut that can do just about any construction work I need done. Plus like all clones, he has a natural liking toward me so I don’t have to worry about him snapping me in half. Granted he’s still a little slow in the head but once he’s down with his lesson he’ll be up with the rest of them. Currently, he’s moving a few containers of weapons into the armory. This facility was designed with people of his stature in mind; all ceilings are upwards of 30 feet tall, and doorways are 20 feet tall, I’d rather them be too tall than too short.

Sooner or later this vault will be fully staffed. I just need the other two batches of clones to finish. The first two went flawlessly, granted I did only 22 clones, not 24. Nevertheless, I have twenty-two clones with entirely unique personalities and appearances, only clones in name and nothing else. Only reason I call them clones is because they all use the same DNA base, just heavily modified for each individual. Once the rest of the clones are done I’ll have a full complement of guards, kitchen staff, receptionists, doctors, and other facility staff. For now, we need to actually finish the vault. I’d say on a rough estimate it’s about 35% finished. The main area is about 85% finished, the only fully finished sections are my room, the reception area, and the rooms for the first two batches of clones.

I’ll be sure to give Discord a tour when he comes back. Show him how I’ve been using his powers. It’s been at least 3 weeks since he brought me here and I’ve used it well. Currently, I’m in the main chamber of my massive underground facility. It’s a large open area meant for eating, socializing, and general daily activities. On either side near the back and front of the chamber is a set of stairs leading to the second level. Both levels have living quarters for residents. I have plans to expand downward if the need arises but currently, I have 100 rooms, 50 for each level. For now, I need a break. Lately, I’ve been staying up for days at a time. Definitely not healthy. I summon all 22 clones of the first two batches.

I turn to the clones and speak up, “Okay, you know what to do.”

“What do you want us to do, Sir?” One of the clones asks, a short one, with long dirty blonde hair that goes down her neck and blue eyes. She’s wearing an outfit straight out of the Renaissance white long-sleeve shirt with black leggings and a light gray skirt dress. I call her Lucy, she liked the name.

“Live just relax. You are on equal grounds as I. Also when I blip you out of reality what happens? Does it just go black or something else?”

“No, we end up in some sort of field. It has a large ranch-style house on it so we kinda just moved in there.” Answers another clone, this one looks like a true-blooded American. He has long brown hair and a goatee. He’s wearing a plaid shirt, and blue jeans and has gray eyes. I named him Jack. Funny enough he agreed to it but asked for a splitting ax so he could be Jack the Lumberjack.

“Want me to make like a doorway so you guys can travel to and from as you please? It would be much of an issue.” I ask the crowd of clones wanting their honest opinions. They’re people too no less than me.

“I think a watch would work better than a doorway. Have it so when we turn the knob on the side it transports us there.” Answers a clone, he looks like someone from the 1910s. Short black hair, and a small trimmed mustache, he has hazel eyes and is wearing a striped vest with a bowtie. On his head rests a bowler hat and in a pocket a handkerchief. He named himself Alfred, and who was I to disagree? If DC has taught me anything it’s Alfred is a kickass name.

“Great idea. Then we’d match. Any objections?” I look around the room seeing none and decide it’s safe to say everyone is on board with the idea. “Okay, 22 watches coming up. Your watch will have your initials on it.” I summon a box of 22 watches each stylized for its recipient. Jack’s is a durable metal watch with a compass on its strap. The Everfree is a maze and you don’t want to get lost there. Lucy’s is a Silver watch with a closing lid perfect for someone of her taste. Alfred’s watch is a gold pocket watch with a chain so he can attach it to wherever he wants. I figured he’d want a pocket watch seems like that kind of gentleman. As everyone grabs their watches and clicks them on I hear heavy footsteps.

“Where’s Frank’s watch?” Frank looks around seeing a severe lack of watch for his 12-foot frame.

“I didn’t forget about you. I just have to summon yours separately due to it being vastly different from the others.” I summon Frank’s watch. It’s summoned on top of the table as opposed to the box itself for obvious reasons. The head of the watch is bigger than my head. It’s solid metal construction and function-focused design catching Frank’s values wonderfully. Thing probably weighs 50 lbs too.

“Thanks, Janon,” Frank says, grabbing the watch as if it weighs nothing and clicking it to his wrist.

“My pleasure. Now pick your rooms. Also, Frank, you can pick any room they’ll all fit you.” I turn around. “I’m going to get some much-needed rest. By the Gods I need it.” I walk away heading up the backstairs into the overseer’s office.

As I enter the office I am greeted by a desk with my laptop, Athena on it on the left of Athena lies a stack of notes regarding the vault, a lamp for reading said notes, and office supplies for making more notes and on the right is a mouse pad and mouse. Behind my desk is a painting of the cave’s entrance before I began the construction of the facility. I just realized it needs a name, eh that’s a problem for another day. On either side of the painting against the wall is a bookshelf. The left bookshelf is filled with books on various topics relevant to the function and construction of the vault. The bookshelf on the right is filled with photograph frames. So far only four are being used. One shows a group photo of the first batch of clones, the second photo is another group photo instead of the second batch, the third picture is a group photo of both the second and first batch and the fourth is a photo including both batches and Frank. This is nice. It’s nice to be a part of a community however weird it is. To my left is the door to my room. I walk to the door and open it.

My room greets my eyes. Inside my room in the back corner is my bed, my sleeping bag resting on it zipped up. Across from the bed on the right is another desk. Under the desk is my computer, Ares. On the desk is my 27-inch curved monitor, keyboard, mouse pad and mouse, Xbox One, and a few books on random topics. Somehow Equestria has the Internet, likely due to Discord. I have an Internet Router on my bookshelf and another on the left bookshelf in my office. On the wall in front of my bed is another bookshelf filled with my personal collection of books with one difference; this one also has a dresser for clothing including shirts. My bed has cabinets under it for miscellaneous items. Beside the bookshelf in the floor there is a hidden cabinet for my personal weapons, well the heavier ones. Typically I just roll with my revolver and armor, damn revolver shoots 12.7x55 so it typically does the trick. Anyway now to the reason why I came here, sleep. Deactivating the “I’m Buff” rule I unzip my sleeping bag and flop onto my bed for some much-needed sleep.