• Published 15th May 2024
  • 248 Views, 24 Comments

Where Black Seas Lap the Shores of Dead Stars - The Hat Man

A mysterious probe arrives in the skies above Equestria after a 5000-year-journey. Once discovered, a mare's voice tells of a lost colony at the galaxy's edge and begs for rescue before giving these last words: "I am sorry. I hope this was enough."

  • ...

Epilogue: Watching and Waiting

Star Seedling sat on a green, grassy hill in a place once called Equestria, on a planet he never thought he'd see. He leaned up against a tree - a real tree - and stared up at the night sky through the branches.

A red apple snapped from the branch and landed with a thump next to him.

He picked it up and polished it on his coat. He smiled warmly, eyes misting over for a moment as an ancient memory, still so fresh to him, bubbled up in his mind.

He thought of his friend, the pony who'd brought him this moment and every moment hereafter, and bowed his head in thanks, wishing her a good rest.

He looked back up at the gleaming ocean of stars in a brand-new sky, and he took a bite.

Author's Note:

This story is dedicated to my father, who first filled me with a love for Science Fiction, took me star gazing as a boy, and set me to dreaming about robots, aliens, and starships for the rest of my days.

Love ya, Dad! :heart:

EDIT: For the curious, I usually have a list of References in my story. Since this one has a lot I've listed them in a separate blog post which you can find HERE! Enjoy!

Comments ( 16 )

Why isn’t there a dark tag?

Good question! I'm not a huge fan of the Dark tag in general just because I think it's a poor descriptor. But when I think of "Dark," I think of something bleak and pessimistic in ways this story isn't.

Because, ultimately, it's about Rosie doing whatever she can, sacrificing everything for the one friend she ever had so he has a chance to be happy. I think that's enough to negate a "Dark" tag.

Still, I did add a few more tags to clarify the type of story, so I hope that will suffice.

Thanks for commenting! :twilightsmile:

Sounds like Tragedy to me.

...Oh yeah... You know, I write them so rarely that I forgot we had a "Tragedy" tag. And considering all the references to classical Greek tragedy, that's little embarrassing. :twilightblush:

Good note, thanks! Genre has been updated. :pinkiesmile:

Edit: Actually... on second thought, I'm pulling back on "Tragedy." Rosie's misfortune is tragic, as is her having to suffer the guilt of a real Trolly Problem type of decision... but ultimately she goes the distance and succeeds, and I think, if she saw the end result, she'd be overjoyed. So, yeah, sticking with just "Drama."

I. Am. Impressed.

Wonderful tale. I can but admire.

And so I shall.

Thank you, that's very kind of you to say! :twilightsmile:

(Also, nice to have a comment that's not about the f:yay:king tags, too. :rainbowlaugh:)

TCC56 #7 · May 16th · · ·

Damn that was beautiful.

No, but perhaps - in another world - her descendant.

Thanks for all these comments, by the way. It's nice to check on my story and see so many waiting to be read. :twilightsmile:

Where did the name Jason come from?
Was that a placeholder that got left, or was it intentional.
It doesn't seen a very pony name, and while the subject isn't a pony, the name seems out of left field a bit.

Also while I see the sci-fi trappings, I'm not sure of the Sci-Fi question - unless it's supposed to be the trolley problem.

Other than those nitpicks, it was decent story,
Good Luck in the contest!

Good questions!

The planet "Medea" is named after the title character in the Greek tragedy by Euripides. She was married to Jason, the leader of the Argonauts (hence the name of the space station in orbit).

The "trolley problem" I mentioned is that Rosie is in the same situation: she could do nothing and everyone would die, or try to save at least some of them by sacrificing others, but be personally responsible for killing them. It might seem logical from a robot's perspective, but as a sapient creature, it's a huge emotional burden to live with.

Thanks for reading and for the well-wishes! :twilightsmile:

God damn, what a beautiful story about the lengths we go through to provide a better future for the ones we love. Rosie gradually separating herself, sacrificing each bit at a time just to try to give Seed a better life...

God damn, dude. I hope you're proud of this.

Aww that was nice Hat! The random line in the beginning, hoping this was enough. But then you keep reading and you realize just how much that line meant and how much Rosie had sacrificed for that one opportunity. And all for a hope. A sliver of a chance on a sliver of a ship.
Even if Star does have a stank booty

I really enjoyed this one! The laws around recognition of robot sapience reminded me fondly of Asimov's Three Laws of Robots and Martha Wells' Murderbot series -- love to see how society integrates robots/AI into itself, especially when it's in a more interesting or nuanced way than pure slavery.

And oof, although I successfully predicted that at least some of the colonists would still be alive, Star Seedling in particular, you managed to take me by surprise with the revelation that Rosie had sacrificed the rest of them to keep him and his parents alive. I wonder what his parents thought, once they woke up? And yet, it retroactively perfectly explains several minor details like her self-destructing upon reaching somepony she could successfully pass her message on to. I also like that you didn't ever really explain the Foresters in any detail -- I think they worked better as an unknown threat. :)

As someone who's read quite a bit of classic sci fi in the past, this reads like classic sci fi in all the best ways. Nicely done! :D

Once Jason called Rosie selfish, I correctly guessed that she'd doomed most of the colonists to save Star Seedling.

My other (less accurate) prediction was that she'd saved a copy of herself in the data cube to be restored and reunited with Star Seedling if her mission was successful. Glad to see that what she actually did was more selfless and sentimental.

This story's setting and themes of perseverance and sacrifice reminded me of this:

I think the lyrics and visuals are very fitting. A lone mare, soaring through the cosmos for centuries, searching for a way to save her loved ones... :pinkiesad2:

That was a very enjoyable read. Thanks for writing it! :heart:

Hey, thanks gentlemen! I know I said thank you for your kind words elsewhere, but I might as well make it an official public show of gratitude. I'm really glad to see the story made an emotional impact. :twilightsmile:

Hey Cyan, hey Raugos! Thank you both for your kind words on my story!

I really enjoyed this one! The laws around recognition of robot sapience reminded me fondly of Asimov's Three Laws of Robots and Martha Wells' Murderbot series -- love to see how society integrates robots/AI into itself, especially when it's in a more interesting or nuanced way than pure slavery.

So glad to hear that. I'm a big fan of classic age sci-fi, and recapturing that sort of classic storytelling along with the wonder and optimism was a goal with this story, so it's great to see that it was recognized. :yay:

Wow, what a great tune! I'm familiar with the artist, but not that song specifically, and you're right that it has some similar themes. I love it when people associate my work with music, especially in this case since the story is inspired by an album (albeit one from 1970). I'm so glad the story resonated with you!

Thank you both again for your comments!

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