• Published 9th May 2024
  • 144 Views, 21 Comments

Captain Underpants and The Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow - Big Imagination E

George and Harold were about to take Lyra and Bon Bon out for their anniversary but have to stop Cozy Glow first.

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Chapter 4: Captain Underpants and the Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow (Comic Version)

Later on during the afternoon we see Lyra and Bon Bon packing up for their anniversary tomorrow and the boys we're cleaning themselves up for their dodgeball game. While they we're doing all that George and Harold came back in with a comic in George's hand and their wives hugged them.

"Hey honey. How was work?" Lyra asked.

"It was great sweetie. And Harold and I got a new comic we wanna show you. It's our latest one yet! Captain Underpants and the Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow!" George replied.

"That sounds great! Can we hear it?" Lyra wondered.

"Sure you can! Let's read it!" Harold answered.

The two opened the comic and began reading it.

In the comic

"One sunny day in the land of Equestria all the ponies we're enjoying their day and the weather. Heck even the ponies at the School of Friendship we're enjoying their day too." Harold started.

"But one particular pony wasn't having a good time. That was Cozy Glow. And one night after she snuck in the place she stole some powerful relics and a helmet containing dark magic in it for one reason only: Revenge." George said.

"With these powerful items in my grasp I will use them to destroy that stupid school! And then the ponies, and then THE WORLD!!!!" Harold said pretending to be Cozy.

"So when Cozy placed on the relics and the helmet the dark magic consumed her head and she went mad crazy. And using the helmet she summoned all sorts of villains that Captain Underpants faced over the years and commanded them to attack all of Ponyville." Harold continued.

"Then one of Princess Celestia's guards saw the chaos that Cozy was causing and quickly ran to warn her about the dangerous situation they're in." George replied.

"Your Highness! Cozy Glow is wrecking havoc across Ponyville and has a ton of villains at her side destroying our beloved home!" George said pretending to be the guard.

"Oh no! This looks like a job for..." Harold said pretending to be Celestia.

"Captain Underpants!!!" The boys said in unison.

"Never fear Princess Celestia! For I Captain Underpants will rid you of this menace right away!" Harold said pretending to be Captain Underpants.

"So Captain Underpants took to the skies and flew after Cozy Glow. When he arrived he saw all the previous villains that he faced over the years and was completely outnumbered." Harold continued on.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Whatcha gonna do now Captain Underpants?! I have all your enemies at my side and they will defeat you and once they do NOTHING will stop me from destroying all of Equestria!!" George said pretending to be Cozy.

"Captain Underpants looked around and tried fighting one of them which was Flabby Flabulous. But every time he tried punching him or shooting a pair of underwear at him it just went through him. So Captain Underpants needed another idea." George replied.

"Then Captain Underpants saw the ruby on Cozy's helmet a d realized that she brought the villains out with it. So if was gonna defeat them along with Cozy Glow then he needed to destroy the helmet. So flying fast as he can while dodging the villains he flew straight into Cozy Glow and the helmet came off her and landed on the ground. And since she wasn't wearing the helmet the villains started glitching out and they exploded. Then just before Cozy could get away Captain Underpants tied her up and she struggled trying to get free." Harold said.

"Aww rats! This is so not fair!" George said pretending to be Cozy.

"HURRAY FOR CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!!" The boys shouted in unison.

"Well Cozy Glow let this be a lesson to evildoers every where. Never underestimate the power of underwear." George said pretending to be Captain Underpants. "Now it's off to jail for you Cozy as punishment for this."

"So Captain Underpants grabbed the tied up Cozy Glow and carried her to Tartarus where she will never harm another pony again. Once again Equestria was saved thanks to Captain Underpants! The End." Harold finished.

Out of the comic

The boys closed the comic and Harold gave the comic back to George. Then their wives smiled and clapped after hearing that amazing story.

"That was wonderful guys! I loved that comic! In fact I think you should bring that with us for our anniversary! Whenever we need something to read later on we will definitely read that!" Bon Bon replied.

"Sure baby. Now let's finish packing up for tomorrow." Harold said as they went to the bedroom.

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest we see Cozy Glow finishing up the comic and after she closed it she was furious as her face became red with anger.

"So those two think im a villain?! I AM NOT A VILLAIN!! And this is not the real me! I'm cute and lovable!." Cozy shouted in anger and looked at the comic. "Although, Twilight and her stupid friends already know that I am possibly a villain. So I guess I can't fully blame these two whoever they are."

Then suddenly Cozy gained an idea. An awful idea. Cozy Glow gained a wonderful, awful idea. She smirked evily and opened the comic to the page where they're were more villains attacking Ponyville.

"So this Captain Underpants has faced more villains than just the ones here did he? Well I guess if I can find a way to get this helmet up to full power then I can summon them to destroy Ponyville and have my revenge!" Cozy Glow said as she closed the comic and saw the names of who wrote it. "So George and Harold both want a sweet filly to be a super villain do they? Well if it's a villain they want then they will receive!"

She then laughed evily and it echoed through the forest causing a Timberwolf to come out and that scared her. She ran out of the forest screaming and stopped once she got out of the forest and quickly hid in the Boutique so no one would find her.

"Ok I seriously need to stop laughing loudly to myself. But at least that Rarity isn't around the shop at this time so that's good. Now I can find a cloak to cover myself so that way I don't have to keep hiding in bushes all the time. But I probably should wait til sundown. That's when the time is perfect. And once Rarity's COMPLETELY out of the shop then I will begin my reign of destruction." Cozy said.

So Cozy Glow smirked evil and continued to wait in her hiding spot til the right moment.

Author's Note:

Cozy has a plan! But will Captain Underpants and his crew stop her?