• Published 8th May 2024
  • 189 Views, 2 Comments

Tank You for Being a Friend - Talcion

A direct sequel to the 5th episode of the 5th season, Tanks for the Memories. We follow Rainbow Dash's experience of her first winter without Tank.

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The days stretched into weeks since Tank began his long slumber. The vibrant colors of Ponyville seemed to have faded with the onset of winter. The town, once a tapestry of life and laughter, now lay muted under a blanket of snow. Rainbow Dash moved through her daily routines like a ghost, her once brilliant hues dimmed by the grey skies above.

The joyous gatherings and festive cheer that winter usually brought felt distant to her. She watched from afar as her friends reveled in the season's delights, their smiles a stark contrast to the tight line of her own lips. She had become adept at dodging questions and slipping away from company, always with an excuse at the ready. "I've got to check on the weather patterns," or "I'm behind on my flight practice," she'd say. But the truth was, she couldn't bear the weight of their concern, the unspoken knowledge that she was not herself.

Rainbow Dash's duties as the leader of the weather team had become her refuge, a place where she could bury herself in tasks and responsibilities. Yet, even there, she found neither solace, nor sanctuary from the bombardment of ponies seeking her attention, opinions, approval, or instruction. Her team noticed the change, the missing pep in her flight, the rise of tension and frustration in her orders. They whispered among themselves, wondering what had quenched the fire in their fearless leader's eyes.

"Have you noticed how Rainbow Dash has been lately? She's not her usual self," one pegasus murmured to another as they watched their leader fly past, her movements sharp and hurried.

"Yeah, she's been really snappy. Just yesterday, she nearly bit my head off for a small mistake in cloud placement," replied her teammate, glancing up at the brooding sky. "I hope she's okay."

"I heard from Fluttershy that Tank's hibernating, and it's hitting her hard," a third pegasus chimed in, her voice laced with concern. "Maybe we should do something for her, you know, to cheer her up?"

"And risk getting iced? No thanks," another scoffed, though the worry was evident in his eyes. "But seriously, she's never been this... distant. It's like she's here, but not really here, you know?"

Rainbow Dash, her senses always sharp, caught snippets of the conversation from her weather team. The words stung, each one a barb hooking into her already frayed emotions. She tried to focus on her work, to ignore the chatter, but the mention of Tank’s hibernation pierced through her like a bolt of lightning. Her wings stiffened, and her eyes narrowed as she listened, hidden just out of sight. The phrase “And risk getting iced?” echoed in her ears, a cruel reminder of Tank’s vulnerable state, alone in the cold embrace of the Everfree Forest. It was too much. The walls she had built to contain her emotions crumbled, and a surge of anger flooded through her.

With a snarl, Rainbow Dash emerged from her hiding spot, her face contorted with rage. “You think this is funny?!” she spat, her voice trembling with fury. “My best friend is out there, sleeping in the snow, and you’re making jokes?”

The weather team fell silent, their expressions shifting from concern to shock. They hadn’t realized she was listening, nor did they understand the depth of her pain. Rainbow Dash’s outburst hung heavy in the air, a raw display of the turmoil that had been brewing inside her all this time.

Rainbow Dash’s voice rose, each word laced with a bitterness and pain that she could no longer contain. “You think you know what it’s like? To have your best friend just… gone for months? You have no idea!” Her chest heaved with each breath, her eyes blazing with a mix of sorrow and fury. The weather team members recoiled, their faces etched with regret. They had never seen her like this, so raw and unguarded.

“Rainbow, we didn’t mean—” one started, but Rainbow Dash cut her off.

“No! You don’t get to say anything! Not when you sit here, cozy and warm, making fun of mine and Tank’s situation!” She was pacing now, her hooves clacking against the floor, her movements erratic and full of tension. Her voice was fierce, each word punctuated with the frustration and conflict she felt. “I'm the one who kicks off the winter! I’m the one who lines up the snowstorms, but it's that same winter that sends my buddy into hibernation!”

Her eyes blazed with a mix of defiance and pain. “How's that fair, huh? How can I be cool with being the pony who brings on the season that takes my best friend away from me?”

The weather team shifted uncomfortably, witnessing their usually unflappable leader in such a state. They had never seen Rainbow Dash so conflicted, so openly struggling with her emotions.

“It's like I'm stabbing Tank in the back with every snowflake that falls!” she said, her voice shaking. “He's out there alone, snoozing in the cold, all 'cause of the winter wonderland I help whip up!”

In her agitated state, she spun around, and slammed her head against the control panel behind her. She didn't see the big red button as her forehead hit it, but the sudden blare of alarms was unmistakable. Lights flashed, and the station was thrown into a chaotic state of emergency. Ponies scrambled, trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events. Sirens sounded, echoing Rainbow Dash’s inner turmoil for all of Ponyville to hear. She stood there, amidst the frenzy she had caused, her anger dissolving into a dawning realization of the magnitude of her actions.