• Published 4th May 2024
  • 127 Views, 7 Comments

A Sour Hearth's Warming Breeze - Digi Sprites

  • ...

Soft Rocks

"What do you want." the mare asked, her voice almost as gravely as the paths below them.

"Nothing... per se-"

"Okay, then leave."

"Aren't you gonna at least-"

"I don't want your sketchy deals, salespony."

"S-salespony!?" the stallion was offended, "Celestia forbid a pony deliver a gift!"

"You got the wrong sister, Maud's inside."




"My sister."


"Listen, delivery boy, you can leave the pouch here or go inside to give it to her. I'm staying here."

"B-but this pouch is for you..."

The mare paused, it was clear she didn't expect this, it was obviously not from Pinkie. Who would sent her of all ponies, a rock pouch?

"Also, I'm not- a delivery pony, this a gift... to you... from me." Zephyr informed.


"B-because I- uh- think your mane's... pretty?"

"I don't do pretty."

"Well you're certainly doing a hell of a good job looking like that. Especially with those rock crumbs in your mane." the pegasus winked.

Limestone didn't understand how to feel about this, nopony had ever commented on her mane, not even Pinkie Pie, "M-my mane isn't my speciality, a-and these are rock fragments not crumbs, know the difference, it might save your life someday- n-not that I'd care." she looked away.

"Riiight... So... do you like the pouch?"

"Oh... Uh- it's- whatever." Limestone commented, attempting to change the subject, "Where did you even get that thing? The garbage?"

"Sweet Celestia! I know I don't shave but seriously?? Even I have standards."



Zephyr sighed, "I got it from a stall, this was the cheapest one there."

Limestone chuckled, a cocky grin on her face; Zephyr rolled his eyes and continued.

Alright, something... rocky.

The pegasus thought to himself, looking at the various stalls set up for Hearth's Warming.

Apples? Nah, too basic.

Jewelery? Too expensive.

Flowers? Hell no, not after last time.

Sticks? No- why is there even a stall for that!?

Rock pouches...

Hmm... a rock pouch seems... affordable, but which color...?

he thought to himself, until eventually picking out a murky green colored pouch.

I doubt she'd be picky over something as simple as color.

"I hate green."

"Oh." the stallion sighed, "Fine, I'll... take this back with me-"


"Huh?" Zephyr tilted his head.

Limestone cleared her throat, "Ahem- I mean- I'll give it to Maud."

"So... you're keeping it?"

"I said I'll give it to Maud." the mare spoke through gritted teeth, glaring into his eyes.

The stallion backed up, "Fiesty..."

Limestone snatched the pouch off his hoof and began to head inside.

"N-nice meeting ya- L-Limestone..."

The mare paused and looked back, "How'd you know my name?"

"Uh- w-well- I uh-"

"Were you... stalking me?"

The pegasus began to sweat, "W-what makes you think that!?" he started tapping his hoof, starting to panic.

"It's flattering to think you'd do that." the mare admitted, looking away.

"It is?- N-not that I would do that! ha...ha..."

"Yeah... I- wait, why are you still here?"

"G-good question."

The mare groaned and finally went inside the bakery, slamming the door behind her, leaving Zephyr to himself.

Inside, everypony was busy, Marble Pie and Applebloom drawing together, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Sugar Belle and both the Cakes in the kitchen, and Granny Smith discussing the Apple family history with Maud, Mudbriar and the Pie parents. The only ponies missing were Big Macintosh and Cheese Sandwich, but Limestone didn't care enough to ask where they were. In fact, she didn't care much about what anypony was doing.

Same as last year. Why did we have to come here again? I miss the rock farm already. This place is too colorful for my taste.

As she was heading upstairs to hide the pouch, Pinkie noticed her.

"Heeeey, Limey~"

"Leave me alone."

"Aw c'mon! We could REALLY use your help-"

"Not interested." Limestone continued heading upstairs.

"Oh! Weeell... maybe you could-"

"Not. Interested." Limestone was getting increasingly annoyed. Pinkie wasn't giving up, either.

"Hey! As your favorite little sister, I-"

"You're not my favorite."

"As your second favorite little sister, I-"

"Leave. Me. ALONE!!" Limestone glared into Pinkie's eyes, who sunk into the stairs like a deflated balloon.

"Thank you." she returned to walking up the stairs, but doing so, she dropped the pouch, which somehow landed into Pinkie's hooves.

"Ooooh! I didn't know you liked-"

"That's not mine." the gray mare looked away, her cheeks darkening slightly.

Pinkie shrugged, "Oh... weeell... I think Maud'll love this!"


"Maud likes collecting rocks-"

"I know, dumbflank, you're not gonna-"

"I'm gonna give it to Maud!" the pink mare smiled widely.

Without another word, Limestone snatched the pouch out of her hoof, and walked upstairs, leaving Pinkie confused, "Huh? Where'd the pouch go?"

Finally alone, Limestone placed the pouch on a table and stared at it.

Standards, huh? This is the worst gift I've ever gotten. I should really just give it to Maud.

She thought back to the pegasus that gave it to her.

He's such a loser... why do I feel guilty for giving it away?

But upon picking it up, she couldn't stop thinking about what he said.

"This is a gift... to you... from me..."

After much contemplation, the mare decided she should just return it to the pegasus that gave it to her.

She looked at the mirror in front of her, noticing the blush on her face.

What the!?

Instantly, she got down like a cat about to catch a mouse and growled, practically forcing the blush off her face. She smirked.

That's more like it.

She gazed out the window and for the first time since landing in Ponyville, she smiled genuinely.

I think he likes me.

"Just to be clear, I am getting paid for this, right?" Zephyr asked, carrying a few bags Rainbow Dash had given him.

"Pffft yeah totally!" the rainbow maned pegasus waved her hoof looking at the stalls.

It seems everypony wanted to give their special somepony a gift, Rainbow Dash in particular, was getting one for Applejack.

"What do you think?" Rainbow Dash held up a poster of herself.

"Do you want to be honest or nice?"

"Yeah, as if you'd ever be nice to me."

"If she really does love you back she'd be fine with... I don't know... an apple!"

"No thanks, Romeo, that's too basic, not that I'd expect you to give a straight answer." the mare rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You're still single aren't ya? And you still fan over me like I'd ever give you a chance."

"Do I have to spell it out in the clouds or something!? I'm over you!"

"I forgot you could fly."

"Rainbow, who the fuck says that."


"Sorry, whom the fuck says that?"

"That's not what I- ugh!" the mare facehooved, "You say you're not obsessed yet you decide to help me the instant you got the chance."

"You literally asked me to!"

"Yeah, that's because we're friends... unfortunately, and friends don't flirt with each other, that's weird!"

"I don't recall you being so thick skulled, and by the way, you still need to pay me."

Rainbow dash groaned and took the bags he was holding.


"These are tickets to the Wonderbolts show in Cloudsdale."

"You're lucky I'm even letting ya in." the mare smirked, proud of herself for forgiving her former stalker.

"Did you have to insult me by giving me two tickets?"

"This is nothing compared to the stuff you did."

"Fair enough." he watched as the rainbow mare dashed away with her gift bags.

"Are you two friends?"

"I hope not." Zephyr groaned, before turning to look at the source of the voice.

"Oh! I-it's you! H-hi!"

"Hello." Limestone looked up at him, holding the same pouch he gave to her a while ago.

Zephyr looked at the pouch, confused, "I thought you said you were gonna-"

"You can have it back, thanks for the thought."

"Oh, y-you're... welcome, I guess." he took the gift back and placed it under his wing.

The mare tapped her hoof nervously, "I'll... be going now..."


Before leaving, she noticed a stall with a few plushies hung up on the walls; one in particular, caught her eye.

She walked up to the stall, with Zephyr following her. He looked around, "I didn't think you'd like plushies-"

"Shut up, I'm only interested in that one."

"That's... a rock..."

"And? You got a problem with that!?" she glared into his eyes, this seemed to be a common gesture for her, the stallion noticed.

"N-not at all!"

Curious, he decided to ask the pony running the stall how much it costs.

"2 bits." the unicorn spoke up, "If you can knock down those cups in three tries, that is."

"Oh, so it's a- I see."

"I doubt you have good aim." Limestone rolled her eyes.

"I did aim for you, didn't I? And in my opinion I landed a bull's eye." the pegasus teased.

To his surprise, the mare blushed, "D-don't push your luck."

Zephyr handed the unicorn the bits and picked up the first ball, and threw it with all his force.

"You were supposed to hit the cups, idiot." Limestone groaned, watching the ball hit a pedestrian after bouncing off the back wall of the stall.

"I know that, I was just- uh- warming up."

The pegasus picked up the second ball, and this time, actually aimed for the cups.

"My coffee!" the unicorn exclaimed, his coffee cup now on the floor.

"Wrong cup, bozo."

Zephyr was getting nervous, he couldn't let Limestone think he was a failure.

Come on, Zeph, this is just a stupid carnival game. There's no way I'm embarrassing myself... not this time.

He picked up the third and final ball, aimed for the paper cups at the back of the stall, took a step back and-


"What?" the pegasus was confused, "B-but I hit the cups!"

"Too bad." the unicorn scoffed, "Pay up again or leave."

Zephyr sighed, "I'm going again, here."

Just as he was about to pay, Limestone stopped him, and grabbed the unicorn by his collar.

"You think you're slick, huh? I know ponies like you, glueing the cups so you could scam everypony, give him the plush or I'll make you sorry."

"Okay! Easy, miss! Sheesh!" the unicorn fixed his attire, and handed the rock plush to Zephyr, "Oh, uh- thanks, I guess?"

The mare grabbed the plush with a smug smile on her face, "I'll be holding on to that, thank you very much."

At this point, the pegasus had so many thoughts running through his head, out of everypony he's talked to, none of them, besides his sister of course, would've even bothered to stand up for him.

I think I really DO like her.