• Published 9th May 2024
  • 649 Views, 11 Comments

Pink Ball of Chaos - Zlaggi

A wild Fluffle Puff appears and chaos ensues!

  • ...

Pink, Fluffy and Not A Unicorn

Author's Note:

I have no idea what this is. :pinkiecrazy:
This idea was stuck in my head like the little worm it was. I just HAD to write it down.

Prepare yourselves for complete randomness.

Now that it's done I'll get back to work on scritchverse and pink eldritch horror.

Enjoy the chaos!

It was a relatively normal day in Ponyville. Celestia's sun was shining, birds were singing and there was no sign of any kind of eldritch abominations in sight.

That was five minutes ago.

Five minutes was all it took for the entirety of Ponyville to become a panicked mess. Ponies rushed out from the streets into the safety of their houses. Screams echoed out all over the streets as they hid from the thing that had appeared over Ponyville. It's size was so huge that it completely blocked out the sun, leaving the town in its dark shadow.

The sight was indescribable, its form was constantly in motion which made it incredibly hard to even take a guess what it was. Multiple pairs of tentacles extended from its being like snakes. Some ponies swore they saw multiple giant eyes emerging from the folds of its being for a few seconds before they disappeared once more. When its eyes landed on anypony below it, they would feel as if they were being judged for everything they had ever done in their lives.

Suddenly a massive tentacle lowered into the Ponyville square, the end seemed to be curled into a ball. The thing slowly placed it's tentacle down onto the ground, as if it was holding on to the most precious and fragile thing in known knowledge.

Several layers of tentacles unraveled, revealing a bright pink pony inside. She did not look like any other pony in Ponyville, her fur nearly covered her entire being in a big ball. The only part of her that stuck out was the very tips of her hooves and her face, which was wearing a smile. Her eyes seemed to be glazed over as she looked into two directions at once.

The moment the pink pony was deposited safely onto the Ponyville square the tentacle retreated into it's being. Then without warning, the air next to the thing seemed to rip itself open as if one had taken a knife to it. Beyond the crack in the air, one could see an endless space.

The thing slowly moved itself into the hole and disappeared out of sight. The moment the last of it's tentacles passed to the other side, the cut in reality seemed to repair itself.

All the evidence that remained of the thing ever even existing, was the pink pony who ominously stood in the middle of town.

A group of seven ponies simply stood in shock, what else could one do after witnessing what many thought, was the arrival of the end times. Thankfully it hadn't come to that. Yet.

They still had to deal with the pony who came along with it.

"I- I can't believe it." A small voice uttered from behind a pink mane. Her entire yellow body shivered in absolute terror.

Even the normally everflowing manes of both Princess Luna and Celestia had stopped moving, only now that it was gone did they finally pick up moving once more.

"There was nothing we could've done." Celestia whispered. Her eyes still locked to the place where the very air had split apart.

"This is not yet over sister." It seemed that Luna was the first to recover from their shock.

Princess Celestia slowly ripped her gaze away from the sky and looked at the pink pony ahead of them.

She took a deep breath. "You're right. We will have to make sure that she isn't a threat to our little ponies."

Following her mentor, Twilight Sparkle tried to focus her attention on to the potential pink threat.

"What should we do Princess?" An underlying tone of nervousness could be heard in her voice.

"First we try the diplomatic approach. If that doesn't work, then I'm afraid you'll have to use the elements." A small frown could be seen on the solar co-ruler's face.

"But princess, isn't that a bit too extreme?" The purple unicorn worriedly asked.

Celestia kept her sight locked on to the new arrival. "I'm afraid there isn't any other option. You saw that thing. If it decided to attack instead of leave, then I think Equestria as a whole would have been doomed. We cannot take any chances with this new arrival."

"As grim as that sounds, I do have to agree." The sound of a summoning spell came from Luna. As Twilight turned her head to look at what could have made that sound, her eyes landed on the fully armoured figure of the lunar princess.

Her elegant silver coloured armour of old surrounded her legs, torso, neck and covered the top of her wings where the bones laid. Intricate and beautiful lunar designs were carved into the metal.

"I- Is that?" Twilight's jaw fell open as she dumbly stared at the dark blue armour that now rested on Luna's form.

Another summoning spell was cast and Twilight looked to her right. If her jaw could hit the floor it would have.

The solar princess, basically the mother of Equestria itself was currently donned in heavy armour. It's golden coloured surface beautifully reflected the sun.

The armour guarded her legs, hooves, torso, neck and top of her wings from any kind of damage. Regal engravings could be seen all across the armour. A picture of the sun was engraved on the chest piece. An uncharacteristic frown was present on her lips.

The sound of two summoning spells seemed to break the rest of the Element bearers from their daze.

Rainbow Dash was the first to outwardly voice her opinion."Whoa! That's so awesome!"

"Ah didn't know y'all had armour like that." The orange mare blinked in surprise.

"Oh, they are so elegant and regal." The fashionista's blue eyes sparkled. Underneath her breath she whispered. "So many ideas."

"Heeey, why haven't you worn those before? They look super!" Twilight had to hold Pinkie Pie back from touching the regal armour.

And Fluttershy responded with a near silent "Eep!"

"Princess is all of this really necessary?" The nervousness in Twilight's voice was growing more apparent as she spoke.

"We must be ready if things do not go to plan. If it has to come to that, me and Luna will distract her while you use the elements."

Twilight looked back at her group of friends, her gaze quickly looked at the necklaces that the girls wore.

"Don't worry, we've got this." Rainbow Dash confidently stated.

The rest of her friends nodded in agreement. Except Fluttershy who was still hiding behind her mane.

Twilight took a deep breath. "Alright, we're ready."

The small group walked up to the fluffy pink pony. She was still staring off into space with a small smile.

The group sopped a few metres away from the new arrival.

"Greetings visitor, I am sorry to be so straightforward, but could you state your business here." Luna eyed the overgrown fur ball with caution.

The dark cyan eyes of the pink pony finally focused, as if somepony talking to her woke her up from her daze. Her eyes quickly scanned over the group in front of her. Then she suddenly gasped and started inching toward Princess Celestia.

The solar princess took a step back but otherwise remained stoic.

Princess Luna's eyes narrowed a bit, and her horn began to glow, she was readying a spell but decided to wait before unleashing it.

The rest of the element bearers had slightly worried looks as the pink pony approached the solar princess.

She then stopped within reach of the princess and raised her pink furred leg upwards. Princess Celestia saw that her eyes were fixated on the end of her ever-moving mane.

Then with one swift motion the pink hoof came down.

And it touched Princess Celestia's mane. Then the same hoof touched it again. And again. It was like a cat was playing with a toy.

Celestia could do nothing but simply stare in confusion. This pony who was brought here by a colossal world ending creature was acting like a common household cat.

"Sister, what is she doing?" The glow in Luna's horn faded as she dispelled it.

"It seems she's.... Playing with my hair?" Celestia couldn't believe her eyes, this was so confusing. Never in a thousand years did she expect to experience something like this.

The element bearers were either weirded out, mortified or unconscious. Apparent by the white mare fainting at the levels of disrespect, and complete disregard of proper manners.

Celestia couldn't even formulate a sentence due to how weird this situation was. She could have thought of a dozen different ways this could have gone, but she could have never expected that this is what the fluffy pony would do.

Celestia cleared her throat which seemed to break the pink pony from her game. She looked up at her with that same smile that still lingered on her face.

"I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister Princess Luna. Might I ask what your name is?"

The pink pony looked Princess Celestia straight in the eyes and blew a raspberry at her.

Celestia took a step back in befuddlement, this was getting ridiculous.

Luna held back a growl as her eyes narrowed once more.

"That does it! I'm gonna-" Rainbow Dash took off towards the fluffy mare, until she was abruptly held back.

"Whoa there, no need to escalate." Applejack had bit on the rainbow tail, holding her in place.

"She insulted the princess!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while glaring at the fluffy pony.

"No she didn't!" Pinkie hopped next to the pink pony. "She said her name was Fluffle Puff."

"There's no way she spoke. That was just her being insulting to the princess!" Applejack still had to hold Rainbow Dash back.

Pinkie turned her head towards Fluffle Puff and blew a raspberry back at her. Then she blew one back.

The next few minutes were filled with two ponies blowing raspberries at eachother.

"I know I shouldn't question it but... just how?" Twilight was at a loss for words, she glanced at her mentor and saw that she didn't have any answers either.

"Ohhh! That makes so much sense." Pinkie exclaimed, she then turned around to face the rest of the group.

"Fluffle Puff said she came here on something called a "bus" and that she just wanted to visit someplace new." Pinkie gave the group a wide smile. "At least that's what I thought she said, my raspberry is a bit rusty."

"You actually understand her?" Twilight's eye twitched, if one looked hard enough they could see the internal wiring of her brain setting itself of fire. Pinkie furiously nodded at the purple pony.

"So, she isn't a threat to our little ponies?" Celestia inquired.

"Nopeldoodle!" Was Pinkie's simple answer.

A wave of relief washed over the whole group. Except for Rarity, she was still out cold.

Pinkie gave a sudden hug to Fluffle Puff, as her forelegs touched her fluff she could feel herself sinking into it for quite a while until she actually touched the back of the mare.

"Whoa! Look at this! I could jump in here and hide from everypony!" Pinkie then jumped into the pink fluff and entirely disappeared before anypony could even say anything.

Fluffle Puff seemingly didn't mind as she went back to playing with Celestia's mane.

All was silent for a few seconds until Pinkie jumped out of Fluffle's fur. "Did you know that there's a whole storage room in there? Who could've known."

The rest of the group started giggling at the absurdity of the situation.

Pinkie joined in without actually knowing what they were laughing about.

Comments ( 11 )


This was fun, silly ponies are silly.

B_Munro #3 · May 9th · · ·

Ghibli gave us the cat-bus. Now we have the Yog-Sothoth-bus.

I ask for part two :rainbowlaugh:

Wait, did you just put a hammerspace (Pinkie's mane) inside of a hammerspace?


I mean, sure. Eldritch abomination and all that but that is just a normal Tuesday in Equestria. A hammerspace inside of a hammerspace on the other hand is illogically and chaotically impossible.

Fluffe is just Pinkie to the max

I, for one, welcome our new pink, fluffy overlord.


Prepare yourselves for complete randomness.

Well, duh, this is Fluffle Puff we're talking about.:derpytongue2:

I've MISSED Fluffle Puff! Oh, to be able to communicate in raspberry...

I loved this so much. Thank you!


Wait wait wait...is she dancing on RAINBOWS?!

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