• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2021


I write stories about pony superheroes and cruel and unusual tragedies and pony superheroes who suffer cruel and unusual tragedies. I'm currently looking both fine and OK.


Vinyl and Octavia have a tradition, a tradition that they have never let slip. But, this year, things long left unsaid finally find their way to the surface.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Right in the feels.

I liked the setup, with Vinyl giving Octavia just one night for the walls to come down. Too bad the payoff for Vinyl isn't there... ever year.

Vinyl should know that dating co-workers is always a bad idea. Don't do eet!

Oh man. Rough. That hurts in a good way. Great stuff.

This is a great counterpoint to the overall atmosphere of the main story. This is a worthy distraction!

shipping bender? Alright. I'll take any update I can get!

"Love is a great place to visit, but I don't want to live there." daaaaaamn octy, you scary. Hit me right in the feels with that line.

Oof! Brutal, well done.

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

I know how she feels. Tavi, not Scratch.

Looking forward to more of your work. I love devouring your delicious words with my eye-mouths.

Keep it up.



Just looked that up. I'm glad I did. Ever read Anansi Boys?

Hrm. I have rather mixed feelings on this, more towards the negative than the positive.

On the positive note, this story is fairly well written. On the technical end, there's very little to complain about.

But the problem is...this is a Harpflank and Sweets side story. And Harpflank and Sweets, the original at least, is a comedy-action story. It added some more dramatic elements as it went on, but its core always remained. A much more sad story like this one just feels completely out of place in that universe. It's a similar issue I had with Harpflank and Sweets: Forced Introspection. But this story has problems that one didn't.

First--and I know this is a very personal and subjective complaint--I've really never liked the Octavia/Vinyl ship. Now I'm not big on romance fics in general, but Octavia/Vinyl in particular I dislike because it seems so completely overused. (I'm also not big on Lyra/Bon-Bon for the same reason, but at least that has a very mild basis on canon) Something I liked about H&S is that it was able to take those characters and do something with them other than than just throwing them together as a romantic couple.

However, even ignoring the above points, what I think really sinks this story is how it acts as a retcon. Throughout the main Harpflank and Sweets, Vinyl and Octavia have always acted as close friends, without any indication they are or want to be anything other than that. This suddenly changes that. This is an issue for two reasons. First, I don't feel it fits with their presentation in the main story; there's just never any hints of this (even Forced Introspection had zero hints of this). Second, even accepting it does, it retroactively really hurts the presentation of their relationship in H&S, because whenever they have a funny interaction, this story comes to mind and dulls the humor.

I wasn't big on Forced Introspection, but it at least stuck pretty strongly to what was established in the original story about the characters and world. I didn't feel it hurt or contradicted the original story, as this one does.

In fact, the more I look at this story, the more I'm convinced that, if it had to be published, it should have been restructured into a standalone story with no relation to Harpflank and Sweets. You said in a blog post that you weren't sure if you considered this canon or not...personally, I'm going to chalk it up to non-canon. It just doesn't work in the Harpflank and Sweets universe.

2157544 I am glad you said this because I was waiting to finish the whole main story off to say a lot of very similar things in a blog =3 This has maybe given me the incentive to do it early.

Everything is good and happy and beautiful, and then in the last six seconds, you brutally murder my feels and show them to their children.

I like you.

VInyl held up a hoof as Octavia stepped back

Extra capitalization

she had her hoof on hte handle,

Whoever came up with that acronym must have been really drunk. ...Oh, right. :weneedmorebackgroundponyemotes:

I was perfectly fine when I started reading this, now my feels have been, well, idk but now my tears are no longer of joy... :fluttercry:

Author Interviewer

holy shit, I was not expecting that D:

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