• Published 6th May 2024
  • 388 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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Problems Arise (Part 2)

Big Show could only think of one thing while he was on that taxi ride-- how rewarding it was going to be when he was crowned WWE World Heavyweight Champion... and in the future, no less!

And since he was the biggest wrestler in the WWE back in his time, there was no reason why he wouldn't have a chance to get the title, especially since Sheamus wasn't around to stand in his way.

Only after a few minutes, the cab finally approached Orbit City Arena, and the robotic cab driver turned toward Big Show after he got out. “That will be five billion star-bucks. Not including tip.

Big Show balled his fist up and prepared to strike. “Here’s your tip!”


And before the robot knew what hit him, he and his cab were punched far out of Big Show's line of sight. “Dumb robot…” Big Show muttered before heading toward the doors of the arena and entering the building. “Rollins! ...huh?”

Instead of a human Reactor Rollins, Big Show saw a robot that looked like Seth Rollins and a robot that looked like Roman Reigns fighting down in the ring, but before he could step forward, a smaller politer robot stepped in his way. “Attention! Our Superstars are very busy warming up. Information-- our event does not start for another two hours.

“I’m not here to watch it,” Big Show sneered. “I’m here to win it!”

Observation-- you are human. Humans are not allowed in the ring.

This tiny bit of information was enough to make Big Show reel back in shock. “What?! I thought that this was the WWE!”

The small robot gestured to the WWE sign not too far away. “Affirmation. World Wrobot Entertainment. The W is silent.


Before Big Show protested again, the match between Reactor Rollins and Robot Roman Reigns finished with Reactor Rollins declared the winner. “You are victorious once again, Reactor Rollins. It has been a pleasure grappling with you, champ,” Robot Roman said, shaking Reactor Rollins' hand, to which the other robot gladly shook. “The pleasure is all mine.

“Hey!” Big Show shouted to Reactor Rollins. “You Reactor Rollins?”

Affirmative,” Reactor Rollins nodded in response. “You're wearing my championship belt,” Big Show said with a sneer. “But not for long.”

Without a single second to spare, Big Show leapt right into the ring to confront Reactor Rollins, who seemed generally surprised by the action.

But Big Show was too blinded by rage to see what he was truly becoming...

...and he had no idea that Allura and Twitch were watching from the shadows. “Twitch, that human is perfect to help us take control of this high-sky town!” Allura told her minion. “We just have to watch him for a bit longer, but once he is alone... he will be as good as ours.”


“So, you actually had the guts to pilot an aircraft all by yourself without your parents knowing just so you could take Big Show to show and tell?” Zipp asked Elroy as they flew to the arena. “Elroy… I don’t know whether I should be disappointed in you or impressed.”

“Zipp, go easy on him,” Pipp told her sister. “We’ve all acted like that at some point.”

“Y-Yeah, Zipp,” Elroy spoke, a little ashamed. “I just wanted to show him off to all my friends. It's not every day your dad brings home an ice man.”

“It’s okay, son,” George said comfortingly. “I mean, how much trouble could one fellow get into?”

“Trust me, George, when you’re in our line of work,” Hitch said gravely, “there are usually a lot of thing that can go wrong.”


Back inside the arena, Big Show was currently in the process of pummeling Reactor Rollins into the ground when finally... he pinned the robot, and after the free count, cackled and held the championship belt high above his head. “I AM THE CHAMPION!!!”

Actually…” Reactor Rollins groaned, “...that battle was un-sanctioned.

Actually, lick by boot,” Big Show kicked Reactor Rollins again before growling and turning to the other robots that had gathered around. “You're an embarrassment to sports entertainment,” he sneered. “Where I come from, Superstars are made of blood, guts, and glory. They're warriors, forged in the fire of battle. Not tin cans bashing each other like bumper cars.”

“Hey!” said a figure dressed in a futuristic suit as he approached the chaos. “You’re not supposed to be in there! This is robots only!”

Confession,” said the small robot. “Boss, I tried to stop him.

Big Show actually had to stop himself for a moment, realizing how similar this man looked to another person he knew from his time. “Mr. McMahon? What are you doing in the future?”

“McMoon’s the name. Mr. McMoon,” the Mr. McMahon look-alike told Big Show. “McMahon was my great, great, great, great… well, you get the idea.”

That’s when Mr. McMoon pressed a button on the remote in his hand. “Get that human out of my ring!”

The robots, which included an Alicia Fox bot, Uso bots, a Stardust bot, a Dolph Ziggler bot and a Roman Reigns bot stepped into the ring and tried to surround Big Show. “Tick tock, cosmic block,” the Stardust bot taunted. “Time’s run out for you.

Agreed,” said the Dolph Ziggler bot. “It is too bad for you that I am too good.

Step aside, please,” said another robot, looking a lot like Big Show in terms of his outfit and stature. “I will escort this large human from the ring. Come with me, please.

“Are you supposed to be me?” Big Show asked skeptically. “And did you just say please, twice?!”

You asked for it, large human,” said the Big Show bot, advancing toward Big Show, who merely chuckled. “Oh, I'm not just large. I'm a giant!”

Big Show tossed the robot onto the ropes of the ring, causing him to fling back toward him, and when he got close enough, Big Show punched the robot right in the face before pinning him to the ground. “Jumping Jupiter!” cried Mr. McMoon in shock. “Annihilation!” the small robot exclaimed in panic. “The human defeated our largest Superstar bot!

Such moves do not exist in our database,” the Jimmy Uso bot spoke. “We must update our combat program,” the Alicia Fox bot stated. “No matter,” said the Stardust bot. “When Superstars align…

...no human can stop us,” said the Dolph Ziggler bot, and Big Show didn’t seem phased one bit. “This human's gonna teach you something new!”

Big Show leapt to attack the robots one by one, all while Allura and Twitch watched from the shadows, Allura chuckling in pleasure. “Once he’s alone, we convince him to use these Superstar robots to help us. And then… this city will be all ours… HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!”


At the same time, George had finally pulled up to the Orbit City Arena with Elroy, the ponies, Vega and Orion, and they all climbed out of the car to get readyd to go inside. “Do you think Big Show is okay, George?” Vega asked in concern. “Oh, I'm sure a fellow that size could take care of himself,” George tried to reassure her… just before the doors burst open, and a mangled Dolph Ziggler bot came out from the smoky doorway. “It’s a bolt bath in there…

The ponies gasped as soon as the bot fell apart, and then, Big Show emerged from the doorway, putting the small polite robot over his shoulder and holding Mr. McMoon’s remote while he dragged Mr. McMoon out by the ankle. “Tribulation! Indignation! Mortification!” the small robot yelped. “This is an outrage!” Mr. McMoon exclaimed. “You can't just barge in here and take over my robots!”

“I just did,” Big Show sneered. “Verification,” the small robot whimpered. “He did!

“Vega, Orion, get in the car and stay right there until we say otherwise,” Sunny told the leopards. “I don’t think Big Show is in his right mind right now.”

Vega and Orion immediately did as Sunny said, and the ponies led George and Elroy over to talk this out. “Oh, hey, Big Show,” George tried to casually greet. “W-W-What’s going on here?”

“He thinks he’s a WWE Superstar, Dad,” Elroy responded. “But only robots can be Superstars.”

Wrong, kid,” Big Show sneered. “Superstars are supposed to be human. Not radio-controlled hunks of junk.”

“Ahhh, Big Show, remember, this is the future,” George tried to help Big Show recall. “Robots do everything here.”

“Right! What he said!” Mr. McMoon spoke. “Information,” said the smaller robot. “The police are on their way.

“Whoa whoa whoa! No reason to involve the authorities and blow this all out of proportion,” Zipp spoke. “I-I’m sure we can work all this out.”

Suddenly, four policemen on hover-scooters appeared behind him, making the ponies even more nervous... if that could be possible. “You, with all the muscles!” said the first police officer. “Come quietly, or we'll be forced to ask you to come quietly again.”

“Great moons of Jupiter!” Rolf Rodriguez the reporter exclaimed with wide eyes as he looked at Big Show shortly after arriving. “Look at the size of it!”

George knew that this was getting out of control way too fast, so he had to try and settle the situation before it got worse. “Big Show, old buddy, old pal… please, let's just settle down and talk this through.”

“All right, enough of this funny business,” the first police officer stated before walking over to Big Show. “You’re coming with me!”

But as soon as he grabbed Big Show’s arm, the wrestler immediately tensed. “Oh, you just made the biggest mistake of your life.”

He then grabbed the police officer in a tight grip before launching him into a nearby floating billboard of baby food, causing the ponies to immediately realize that this was NOT how this was supposed to go. “Get him, boys!” the police officer shouted to his men, but Big Show stood ready as they approached. “I am the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. You don't get me. I get you.

“Oh boy…!!” Misty gulped nervously as Big Show began to thrash police officers left and right, prompting Sunny to change into alicorn form. “Everypony, back in the car! I’ll cover you until you get there!”

“You heard her, guys! Let’s move!” Zipp told the others as they guided George and Elroy back to the car. “I am all three pony kinds, wrapped up into one!” Sunny cried as her cutie mark began to glow. “My cutie mark comes to life with hope bright as the sun!”

At her final words, a glowing shield formed over the car, deflecting the police officers that were thrown at them and causing Vega and Orion to whimper and hug George for protection. “This is Rolf Rodriguez, reporting live from Orbit City arena,” Rolf spoke into the camera, “where a riot has broken out between Orbit City security and a… a very, really, very big person.”

“That’s Big Show!


At the same time, at Spacely Sprockets, Mr. Spacely walked into his office with one of the strawberry smoothies that Sunny had stored in his refrigerator, sighing in content. “Here's to another day of no surprises.”

He turned on the TV in his office, which was on the news, and focusing on Big Show’s attack. “I am here with the ringleader of this hullabaloo. Goes by the name… Big Show,” Rolf said as he approached Big Show. “Mr. Big Show, I have one question. Why?

You future people make me sick. You allow robots to be your champions? Maybe you need a reminder of what a real champ can do. Starting right now,” Big Show declared, suddenly getting an idea. “I'm not just gonna be the champion of the ring. I'm gonna be the champion of the world. And I'm gonna use your own robots to help me do it.

You've heard it here first, folks. Big Show is planning to take over the world. For immediate reaction,” Rolf said, approaching George, who was still in the car with Sunny’s dome over it, “we turn to Big Show's old buddy and old pal. What do you have to say about this, sir?

George merely slapped his hand across his eyes in terror. “What have I done?!

Upon seeing George on screen, Mr. Spacely spit his smoothie out before yelling out in total anguish. “JETSOOOOOOON!!!!!


“Come on, George, hit the gas on this thing!” Orion yelped in desperation. “We have to go home and warn the rest of the family!”

“Way ahead of you, Orion!” George said, preparing to take off. “Sunny, get in!”

Sunny reluctantly did as he asked, and the car took off for safety. Once Big Show was finally alone, he cackled victoriously once all the officers and reporters had retreated as well.

Unfortunately, this was the perfect time that Allura chose to approach. “I have to say, Big Show,” Allura spoke slyly. “You certainly were impressive against all those robots. After all… you definitely proved that you are a champion.”

“And who are you?” Big Show asked with a look. “You don’t look like any futuristic cat that I've ever seen.”

“That’s because I am a snow leopard. Allura, the former ruler of Starlight Ridge, at your service,” Allura bowed her head. “And this is my assistant Twitch.”

Twitch gave a little salute with a chuckle, causing Big Show to roll his eyes. “If you haven’t already noticed, I’m getting ready to take over the world here. I don’t have TIME to talk to cats and rabbits.”

“Easy… we know what you’re thinking. You want to show everyone why you're the world champion, correct?” Allura asked, causing Big Show to nod. “Well… there is something I want to accomplish as well… so why don’t we team up and accomplish both of our goals together?”

“Hmmm…” Big Show hummed in thought, looking at the snow leopard and her rabbit minion. “It would be nice to take over the world and show that WWE Superstars are not these tin cans. But what's in it for you?”

“Well, remember those ponies who spoke to you before? I have some… beef with them,” Allura shrugged casually, fiddling with the star charm around her neck. “So, you could help us eliminate them, and we could help you eliminate someone that might try to take your title. Like… Sheamus, for instance?”

Hearing Sheamus’ name ticked a nerve inside Big Show, causing him to growl before he regained composure. “Well… he isn’t here, but anyone else? I’d be HAPPY to rip their pants off. And maybe have you two on board.”

“So… do we have a deal?” Allura lifted her paw. “If it helps me keep that title on me and show everyone that robots can’t be Superstars, then I guess it's better than no plan at all,” Big Show supposed, shaking Allura’s paw. “You have yourselves a deal.”

“Excellent!” Allura declared with a wicked shine in her eyes. “Now… we need to make sure our presence is known in this galactic metropolis.”

“Oh… I know how to do that. Follow me,” Big Show smirked, “and we’ll be sure to remind EVERYONE here who’s in charge… especially those prissy ponies.”

Allura and Twitch smirked at each other before following Big Show away.

It looks like things, if they haven’t already, have taken a turn for the worst.

Author's Note:

I had some really BIG help with the scene that Allura and Twitch teamed up with Big Show, by a dear friend named Big Imagination E-- give them your love, ponies!