• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 164 Views, 7 Comments

When the soldiers sing - Udahyas

An anthology of short moments where soldiers in the Equestria at War universe sing.

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Panzerlied (Hellquill)

Who would have thought that ponies would turn out to be so mean and pathetic. They didn't even have the patience and decency to await their fate calmly.

That was the thought that flashed through my mind as the cigarette smoldered between my claws. A couple of months ago, the dogs treacherously attacked us and were joined by pathetic ponies. It is said that the ponies have pushed back the griffins in the north and south. But of course this is just enemy propaganda. It's just ridiculous! The pathetic ponies are too stupid and uneducated to even begin planning an offensive, let alone carry it out successfully!

However, there has been no news about the capture of their cities so far. The front needs new tankers. The tankers that I will command. And I need to know how they are prepared.

With a sigh, I threw the cigarette into the trash can and continued to stand next to the reinforced door. On the other side, orders and the sound of paws on the concrete floor could be heard. Young tank commanders are being gathered so that I can look at them. Although I would prefer to come to them suddenly. After all, they should already understand by now that ponies will constantly be attacked surreptitiously.

My thoughts were interrupted when the reinforced door opened and the Oberstleutnant appeared in front of me. He quickly raised his right paw and when I responded to this gesture, he took a step to the side, allowing me to go forward. With a slight nod, I crossed the threshold and started walking forward along the concrete corridor.

At first, all I could see was a dead end and a turn around the corner. Most likely, all tank commanders are standing there. As if in confirmation, someone loudly ordered: "Achtung!"

In less than a second, all the griffins were heard standing at attention. Not that it was anything unusual. Such skills are unusual and difficult only for pathetic ponies and other inferior creatures.

Although you should not forget who is the main priority. Other types can be left at least for the sake of labor and as a second class. But the ponies must be destroyed completely.

Right after I nodded to myself, a griffin in a gray uniform jumped out in front of me and raised his right paw up before saying, "Tank commanders, Mr. General."

The Oberstleutnant responded to this gesture for me, so I decided to focus on the tank commanders. They were all dressed in standard black uniforms and followed me with their eyes as I walked along them. And already at this stage, one simple thing was visible. They are not adult birds.

I stopped and looked at the Oberstleutnant and said, "Chicks, too many chicks."

He did not even look at the senior officer and replied with a glance at the soldiers: "The first battle will make real eagles out of them."

How stupid. Relying solely on your biological characteristics is extremely stupid. Only ponies do this.

I cast an appraising glance at the tank commanders and began to say: "They must prepare for at least six months together with the veterans, otherwise there will be no point."

I was silent for a moment before turning to the Oberstleutnant and complementing myself: "Too many chicks."

"But they don't know what defeat is." The Oberstleutnant retorted, still not daring to cross my gaze.

What audacity. He's lucky that I'm economical enough not to waste bullets on him.

I continued to look at the Oberstleutnant and changed the subject, asking, "Do they know what is required of them?"

Finally, he turned his head to me and replied, "They are ready to die following your orders. Isn't that enough?"

After these words, he turned around and walked away. He probably noticed that I started reaching for a weapon. He knows when to back off. Sighing, I slowly continued walking along the commanders. No matter how hard they try to hide it, they're scared.

How can they fight if they're just afraid of their superiors? A fighter must understand what vile creatures he will face at the front!

Holding back a sigh, I finally walked past all the commanders and looked at the old-looking griffin who was standing by the door. Most likely the one who was in charge of their training, judging by the nervous expression on his face. I took a few steps towards him, and just stood up silently. What should I do with all this?

There was silence in the room for a while. Nothing moved except the old griffin's eyes. But this silence was broken in the most unusual way possible. Singing. One of the tank commanders began to sing uncertainly:

Whether it storms or snows,

The other commanders quickly understood everything and also began to sing, beating the rhythm with their paws:

Whether the sun smiles upon us,

The day's scorching heat,

Or the ice-cold of the night,

Interesting. . .

I slowly turned to them so that I could see for myself the synchronized actions of the soldiers. The vast majority found the strength to look strictly ahead and continue singing:

Their faces are covered with cold sweat

But the sadness went away

After all, tanks are rushing through the ranks of the enemy,

Before they give up yet.

Good, very good.

I let out a short sigh of satisfaction as I continued to look at the singing soldiers. To my great pleasure, they did not stop singing and only intensified the onslaught:

The menacing roar of our engines,

And our tracks have hinges,

Disperse enemies like Blitz

And delivers the final hit!

Hmm, they're really good at singing. In battle, they will be able to at least raise morale. However, how can their teacher sing?

Turning away from the soldiers, I slowly walked up to the old griffin and stood against the wall next to him before saying just one word: "Sing."

He dared to look me in the eye for just a moment before quietly starting to sing along with the soldiers:

There are countless enemies,

Ordensstaat is surrounded by wild hordes,

But our Panzer will rush to their lords,

To beautiful melodies.

The song is certainly good. But why is it so quiet?

I raised my voice slightly and said in a commanding tone, "Louder!"

Judging by the fleeting movements of his eyes, the old griffin was panicking very much. However, he followed my order and continued to sing along with the tank commanders:

From their primitive tools,

The enemy is hitting us, distracting the crew,

Forcing us to waste fuel

But we will still break through.

It's amazing.

I continued to look at the tank commanders for a few more moments before I started singing the final part myself along with the tank commanders:

Our faces may with dust be laid,

But spirits never fade,

Relentless, our tank

Thunders out on a raid!

The end of the song. The soldiers stopped beating the rhythm with their paws, the old griffin next to me is trembling all over.

Chicks, but they still have some attitude. The victory will be ours.