• Published 14th Apr 2024
  • 184 Views, 1 Comments

Featherless - FuzzyDuga

After a reported incident of two pets dead and one pony wounded, a reporter was sent from Princess Celestia to Ponyville to gain information from all sides. Interviewing friends and witnesses of the incident.

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“I was organizing all my gems when Rainbow Dash came in, basically slamming my door down. She was crying, yelling that, 'At Twilight’s, Fluttershy needs help now! Angel Bunny, hurt! Bandages, fabrics, anything!' She was extremely out of breath, poor thing looked traumatized.

I rushed to get any fabrics that I could sacrifice to use as bandages and ran with Rainbow Dash to Twilight’s. Poor Angel… it was horrific to say the least. Sorry… ahem, I tried my best to bandage him as Fluttershy was instructing me too. Right as I was bandaging him Applejack whipped out of Twilight’s door heavily breathing, clearly frightened. They were all sobbing. Both Winona and Angel Bunny were extremely hurt, all my fabrics did was soak up some blood sadly.

If Rainbow Dash had never gotten me I would have never been able to comfort them during that time, they would have been more shooken up then they are now. I could never forgive Twilight for what she has done to my friends, I don’t visit her, I never want to see her face again. Poor Fluttershy, she hasn’t been the same since then. Applejack neither, they both give everypony the cold shoulder. I do hope they’re doing alright right now.”