• Published 8th Apr 2024
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 3 - BlueBioWolf

Another continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 4: One Bad Apple (S3:E4)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 3

Written by Brandon Nell, Rachael Ravens, and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 4: One Bad Apple

Three days after the Pinkie Pie clone fiasco, Apple Bloom was in a tizzy.

“Oh! What ta wear? What ta wear? What ta wear?” she said.

Applejack sighed. “There’s no need fer this. It ain’t the Apple Harvest Festival. We’re just goin’ ta pick up yer cousin, Babs Seed.”

“Too causal… too summery…” Apple Bloom said.

“Your cousin ain’t goin’ ta care about what yer wearin’,” Applejack said. “Just pick somethin’.”

“This is my first time meetin’ her, n’ she’s from Manehattan,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah want ta make a good impression!”

“Ya know what’ll make a good impression?” Applejack said.


“Bein’ on time ta pick her up!” Applejack snapped.

Apple Bloom sighed.

“Ya got nothin’ ta worry ‘bout, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Y’all’re goin’ ta get along great. Ya already have somethin’ in common.”

By now, Apple Bloom had a snorkel in her mouth. “Oh yeah. What’s that?” she asked.

“Yer both 10 n’ neither o’ y’all have yer Cutie Mark,” Applejack said.

Apple Bloom grinned wildly. “How could ya forget ta tell me somethin’ like that?!”

“Well, ah–” Applejack started, but, she didn’t get a chance to finish.

“Oh, this changes everythin’!” cried Apple Bloom. “Meet ya at the train station! Ah’m goin’ ta go tell Sweetie Belle n’ Scootaloo! Ooh, can’t ferget Spike!” She galloped off.

“Ya know, yer cousin is supposed ta sleep in here!” Applejack said.

Later, at the train station, Applejack and Spike stood calmly at the platform while Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo bounced around with excitement.

“You really think she’ll want to join?” asked Scootaloo.

“She don’t have her Cutie Mark,” said Apple Bloom. “O’ course she’ll want ta join the Cutie Mark Crusaders! She ‘round the same age as us.”

“I’m just so excited, I could burst!” grinned Sweetie Belle, a spark of magic bursting from her horn.

Shortly afterward, Rainbow landed at the platform next to them.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!” grinned Scootaloo. “Are you waiting for Babs Seed, too?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I’m waiting for my uncle Rainbow Blaze, aunt Clear Sky, and my cousin Wind Sprint.*”

“They live in Manehattan, too?” Spike asked.

“Yeah,” nodded Rainbow Dash. “You know, Wind Sprint is just your age, Crusaders. She doesn’t have her Cutie Mark yet. At least, she didn’t the last time I saw her.”

“You think we have two new members on the way?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I don’t see why not,” said Scootaloo.

“In my letter from my aunt,” Rainbow said. “She said that Wind Sprint was bringing her friend, Lilymoon**, along. She doesn’t have her Cutie Mark, either.”

Three new members?!” cried Apple Bloom. “Ah can’t wait!”

Just then, the train pulled up.

“There it is,” called Spike. The fillies eagerly looked around for a filly their age without a Cutie Mark. Ultimately, they spot one with an earth pony mare around Applejack’s age.

“Howdy, Sunflower!” Applejack called.

“AJ!” cried Sunflower. The cousins hugged each other in greeting. “How goes the farm?”

“Well, we managed ta finish renovatin’ a new barn,” Applejack said. “After rebuildin’ it after a stampede o’ Pinkie Pies three days ago.”

“Pinkie Pies?” Sunflower asked. “Don’t you only know one Pinkie Pie?”

“It’s a long story,” Applejack said. “Meantime, where’s Babs?”

Sunflower noticed there was no filly Apple Bloom’s age by her side. “Come on, Babs,” she said. “Don’t be shy.”

From the train stepped a fairly chubby earth pony filly with a brilliant gamboge coat, a light and brilliant amaranth mane and tail, and moderate spring bud eyes. She looked up a bit and noticed Spike. Upon seeing the little dragon, Babs immediately hid behind Sunflower.

“Dere’s a dragon here, big sis!” Babs said to Sunflower.

Spike sighed sadly, “I had a feeling this would happen.”

“Don’t ya fret,” Applejack said in a gentle tone to Babs. “Spike’s one o’ the kindest dragons ah know. He’s a mighty good friend o’ ours n’ he wouldn’t want ta hurt ya. So, why don’t ya come on out and give him a proper hello?”

Babs carefully looked Spike over. If she was being honest with herself, he didn’t look very threatening. If anything, he looked hurt.

“Go on, Babs,” Sunflower said. “If Applejack says he’s okay, that’s good enough for me.”

Babs cautiously stepped up to Spike.

“Hey,” Babs said. “Ah’m sorry I said dat.”

“It’s okay,” Spike said. “I’m pretty much numb to it at this point. That doesn’t mean I like it any better.”

“I understand…” Babs replied. “It’s not just dat. I’m… shy in general.”

“With an accent like that, I couldn’t tell,” Scootaloo said.

“Wait,” Sweetie Belle said. “How come she doesn’t talk fancy if she lives with Applejack’s Aunt and Uncle Orange?”

“Oh, it’s a coping mechanism for her,” Sunflower said. “It started when Braeburn moved away and she’s been using that accent to rebel against our parents because she misses Braeburn.”

“Oh, I see,” Sweetie Belle said. “If that’s how you feel, then we’ll accept it.”

“Wait,” Rainbow said. “Where’s my Aunt Clear Sky, my cousin Wind Sprint, my uncle Rainbow Blaze, and Lilymoon?”

“Well, you see,” Sunflower said. “There was a bit of an incident at Manehattan Station involving an old mare’s umbrella that caused them to miss this train.*** Hopefully, they can catch the next one.”

“Fair enough,” said Rainbow. “I’ll just fly a few laps around the clouds 'till they get here. You guys go ahead back to the farm.”

And she took off. During the walk to the farm, Scootaloo looked Babs over.

“You know,” she said to Babs. “When I heard you were a daughter of AJ’s Aunt and Uncle Orange, I was kind of expecting you to be skinnier.”

“That would be my doing,” Sunflower said. “I’d often treat Babs to more filling meals than that of the kind served at my parents’ parties.”

“Yeah,” Babs said. “Like pizza, carrot dogs, soft pretzels, donuts, ice cream, n’ hayburgers.” She seemed to drool a bit.

“Those do sound good,” smiled Apple Bloom.

“Uh oh!” Spike said as he looked at the clock tower. “I’m late!” And he dashed off. Sunflower and Babs were somewhat confused.

“He’s going to tea with Fluttershy,” said Sweetie Belle. “She’s a friend of Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. He’ll be away for a while.”

“In the meantime,” said Scootaloo. “Want to see our clubhouse?”

“Y’all take Babs ta yer clubhouse,” Applejack said. “Me n’ Sunflower’ll take care o’ the luggage.”

“Let’s go, Babs,” said Apple Bloom. “Follow us!”

The three Ponyville fillies led Babs to their clubhouse. When they climbed inside, Babs’ eyes widened in amazement.

“It’s beautiful!” she gasped.

“This isn’t even the best part!” Scootaloo said. “We’re making a float for an upcoming parade and you can ride it with us.”

“Ya’d do dat for me?” Babs said, her eyes widening happily.

“Sure,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re even thinkin’ o’ lettin’ ya join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“Da what?” Babs asked with visible confusion.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Sweetie Belle repeated. “We’re the founding members of a society that are trying to get our Cutie Marks.”

“And until now, its only members,” Scootaloo added. “Well, Spike is an honorary member.”

“Ya let a dragon join?” Babs asked. “I ain’t no dragon expert, but, I’m pretty sure dragons can’t get Cutie Marks.”

“Well, that’s true ‘nuff, Babs,” said Apple Bloom. “But, he is a friend n’ we wanted ta let him have some fun. He’s been left out o’ a lot ‘o things.”

“His childhood wasn’t that well spent before he met us,” added Scootaloo. “He couldn’t go anywhere without ponies judging him just because he’s a dragon. He’s been called stuff like ‘overgrown lizard,’ ‘beastly,’ ‘ghastly,’ or ‘scale-ridden freak.’”

“Ah, I get ya,” shuddered Babs. “Dat’s awful…”

“Believe it or not,” Sweetie Belle said. “Those were actually the nicer things he was called.”

Babs bit her lip. “Whoa… I promise I won’t call him anythin' like dat,” she looked at some of the photos on the wall. “Looks like you four have a lot o' fun together.”

“And y’all will make it five, cous,” said Apple Bloom. “Whaddya say?”

“Sure, I guess,” Babs said.

“Come on,” Scootaloo said. “We’ll show you our float.”

The fillies raced off to the barn. As they headed toward it, Apple Bloom pointed toward the new one.

“That’s what the Pinkie Pie swarm destroyed three days ago,” she said

“Okay, you have got ta tell me more 'bout dat,” Babs’ eyes widened in confusion.

“It’s a purty long story,” Apple Bloom said. They suddenly heard a deep rumbling noise and their eyes turned to the source, which seemed to be Babs’ belly.

“Sorry, goils…” she flushed with embarrassment.

“Was that you?” Scootaloo asked Babs in a tone of half surprise and half impressed.

“Yeah,” Babs said. “My sis usually gets me a snack 'bout now.”

“Well, yer in luck,” Apple Bloom said. “That there barn has some food.”

So, the four fillies walked to the aforementioned barn at Sweet Apple Acres. Babs found a basket full of apple fritters and her mouth started to water.

“Dose fritters look so good,” Babs said. She scooped a hooffull just as the others spotted her.

“Wait!” Apple Bloom said. “Those’re Applejack’s!” Too late, Babs had tossed the entire hooffull into her mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

“What was that?” Babs asked. She then realized her mistake. “Oh… sorry.”

“Well,” Apple Bloom reasoned. “Ah guess she won’t mind.”

“That was some fast eating,” Scootaloo commented. “You could give Spike a run for his bits.”

“When you’re hidin’ snacks from ya folks,” Babs noted. “Ya got ta learn ta eat fast ta hide the evidence. Believe me.” She then patted her belly. “Dat ain’t easy.”

“You’re so cool, Babs,” Scootaloo smiled. “You feel full enough to see the float?”

“Da tank’s full,” Babs said, rubbing her belly.

“Great,” Apple Bloom smiled. She then walked to a nearby tarpaulin. “So, without further ado, we give ya the Cutie Mark Crusader parade float!” She tugged it with her teeth revealing a large float fashioned out of a pumpkin.

“You get to ride it with us!” Scootaloo said. “It’ll be totally fun!”

“Thanks, goils!” she smiled.

“More like funny-looking,” said an obnoxiously familiar voice.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders cringed as they recognized that voice. They and Babs turned their attention to the barn entrance to find Diamond Tiara, accompanied by Silver Spoon.

“Who’re dey?” Babs asked in confusion.

“Diamond Tiara n’ Silver Spoon,” Apple Bloom said flatly. “Don’t y’all have somewhere else ta be annoyin’?”

“We could ask you three the same question,” Diamond Tiara cackled. “My daddy’s discussing business with Granny Smith and since your lizard isn’t around, I figured we’d have a little fun with you.”

“We don’t need Spike around to deal with your crap anymore,” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said. “So, why don’t you just leave us alone?”

“You can’t tell us what to do, blank flank,” Diamond Tiara said.

Silver Spoon then noticed the visiting filly. “Speaking of which,” she said. “Who’s this?”

“Nopony that concerns you cowards,” Sweetie Belle said. “Now, go pick on somepony else and leave us alone.”

Babs, hearing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon picking on the three fillies, suddenly felt something deep inside her.

“Ah’m nothin’ dat concerns ‘em, huh?” Babs said coldly with a smirk. “Well, here’s a first impression o’ who ah am.” And with a hup, she kicked the front wheel of the parade float and shattered it.

“What was that for?!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Just wanted ta show youse fillies dat Ah’m woith lookin’ at,” Babs smirked.

“This ain’t like when ya got here from Manehattan, Babs,” Apple Bloom said.

“Manehattan~” Diamond Tiara said, impressed. “And if you’re related to Apple Bloom, then you must be related to the Oranges. You are worth something for sure!”

“I am related ta da Oranges,” said Babs. “Citrus Orange n' Mostly Orange’s youngest daughter, actually.”

“But, we were going to let you join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Scootaloo said.

“Cutie Mark Crybabies is more like it,” Babs said, flipping her mane slightly. “N’ I ain’t interested.”

Diamond Tiara was visibly impressed. “Well, I like what I’m seeing,” she said. “Why don’t you hang with us, Babs?”

“Uh, won’t you get in trouble with your mom for associating with a blank flank?” Silver Spoon pointed out.

“Shut up!” Diamond quickly scolded Silver Spoon.

So, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Babs walked away from the barn. But, Scootaloo wouldn’t have any of that.

“You can’t do that to us, Babs!” she said angrily. “We’ll tell Applejack and Sunflower on you!”

“Oh, so youse just ain’t crybabies,” Babs scolded. “You’re also tattletales, huh?”

“Why shouldn’t we tell on you?” Scootaloo challenged. “You wrecked our float!”

“Oh, let’s just say I got ways o’ knowin’,” Babs said coldly. “Ya won’t like what happens then.”

Scootaloo, feeling threatened, backed off, leaving Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to comfort their friend.

“You’re bluffing!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Am I?” Babs said coldly. “Because if ya tell, yer float won’t be da only thing I wreck, ya got it?! Besides, what makes ya think she’ll believe ya?”

“‘Cause Applejack can tell when somepony’s lyin’!” Apple Bloom said. “Her Mystic Eyes o’ Truth can see right through any lie ya make!”

Babs, hearing this, softened up. “Oh…” she said. “Ah’m sorry den. N’ ah’ll help ya fix the float if ya let me.”

“Don’t bother with those blank flanks, Babs,” Diamond Tiara said. “One of them’s an inbred hick. Not worth the effort of a big city pony like you.”

Babs heard this and put her antagonistic attitude back on.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Babs said. “So, ‘bout dat hangin’ out?”

And with that, the three fillies walked on. Inside, though, Babs couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt that nopony else could see. If only Lilymoon n’ Wind Sprint were here ta set me straight, she said internally. I can’t deal with bullies right on my own.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were shocked with what they just witnessed. “What just happened?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I think Babs just went to the Dark Side,” Scootaloo said.

“We should tell Applejack or Sunflower,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yer right, Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom said.

They were about to set off, but, Babs’ threats still rang clear in their heads.

“What if Babs is smart enough to somehow fool Applejack’s Mystic Eyes?” Scootaloo said.

“What if her Mystic Eyes are stronger?” Sweetie Belle said.

“Even if they are,” Apple Bloom said. “We ain’t got physical proof Babs wrecked our float. Mah sister might know we’re tellin’ the truth, but, that don’t mean she’ll believe it. Pinkie’s story ‘bout Parasprites was true, but, hard ta believe.****”

“Well, proof or no proof,” Scootaloo said. “We have to do something. We have to show Babs that we’re not crybabies.”

“The way I feel right now,” Sweetie Belle said. “That won’t be easy.”

A bit later, the Crusaders were in their clubhouse.

“So, do you think we should make a new parade float?” Scootaloo asked. “No, why bother? She’ll just wreck it, too.”

“I still think we should tell Applejack,” Sweetie Belle said. “Or Sunflower. She might know what’s going on better.”

“Yeah, yer right,” Apple Bloom said. “We can also ask Spike fer advice, too. Babs didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout talkin’ ta him.”

At that moment, Spike entered the clubhouse.

“Hey, girls,” Spike said. “How’s the visit going so far?” He looked around. “Where’s Babs?”

The Crusaders suddenly started to lose their nerve. Spike could instantly tell they were having a bully problem.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came around,” Scootaloo said.

“And I may have accidentally said the wrong thing about Babs,” Sweetie Belle added.

“N’ then Babs wrecked our parade float n’ went off ta hang out with Diamond n’ Silver,” Apple Bloom finished.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Spike said. “Let me see if I heard you correctly. Babs, who gave me the first impression of being meek and shy, not only wrecked your float for the parade this weekend, but, started hanging out with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who openly bully ponies for not having Cutie Marks even if it gets them in trouble? Is that what I’m hearing?”

“Yes!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders answered.

“Okay,” Spike said, getting increasingly angry. “The problems with that are multifold! Firstly, why would Babs do that out of the blue? Second, why aren’t you telling Applejack or Sunflower about this? Third, DIAMOND TIARA AND SILVER SPOON ARE BUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!”

Hearing Spike’s outrage, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hid.

“The next time I see them,” Spike said. “I’m reporting them to their parents! No, I’m going to grab them by their necks and drag them to the Poison Joak patch and throw them in it like ragdolls!”

Apple Bloom quivered. “That was on par with the threat that Babs gave us when Scootaloo got the idea ta tell Applejack n’ Sunflower.”

Hearing that, Spike calmed down a bit. “From my first impression of Babs, she doesn’t seem the type to threaten others,” he said.

“We don’t really know what brought this out of her, either,” Scootaloo said. “But, here we are.”

“Well,” Apple Bloom said. “‘Til this all blows over, we’re just goin’ ta have ta avoid Babs. She’s only here a few days ‘til the parade this weekend.”

“Speaking from experience,” Spike said. “Avoiding bullies doesn’t always work. Sometimes, they find you.”

“I still think we should tell Applejack and Sunflower,” Sweetie Belle said. “We may be called snitches, we may get threatened to get beat up, but, we should still let them know what’s going on.”

“That’s a good idea,” Spike said. “Bullies are cowards who never back up their words.”

“Uh,” Apple Bloom said nervously. “Think ya can be there with us when we tell ‘em?”

“Look girls,” Spike said. “You’re all like the younger sisters I never had, but, you can’t keep relying on me to get you out of trouble. I care about you, but, realistically, I can’t always be there for you. Sooner or later, you’ll have to learn to stand up for yourselves.”

“Yeah, yer right,” Apple Bloom nodded. She then turned to her two filly friends. “Come on, y’all.”

So, off the fillies and Spike went to find Applejack and Sunflower and tell them what was going on. It turned out to be more difficult than they expected. Especially since the fillies were making conscious efforts to avoid being seen by Babs.

“Girls, you’re being paranoid,” Spike said. “Babs isn’t just going to be there every time you turn around.”

“Oh, ain’t I?” said a familiar voice.

Spike turned around to see Babs with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, all of them wearing devious grins. Seeing this made Spike angrier.

“Girls,” Spike said in tranquil fury to the Crusaders. “Hold me back.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders did so. Almost instantly, Spike started ranting.

“YOU BUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!” Spike shouted so loud, it blew back the manes of the three bullying fillies. “WHEN I GET MY CLAWS ON YOU, I’LL DRAG YOU TO THE POISON JOAK PATCH AND THROW YOU BOTH IN LIKE RAGDOLLS!!!”

Babs, losing her bullying mask from the intensity of Spike’s voice, felt tears welling in her eyes. Diamond Tiara, however, wasn’t intimidated.

“You do that and you’ll have my parents to deal with, lizard boy,” Diamond Tiara said. “I heard your underbelly is your weak spot. Babs, why don’t you give his stomach a kick to test that theory?”

Babs instantly regained her nerve.

“Sure thing,” Babs said. “I’ll show himdat I can be just as ferocious as he is!”

“You’re making a mistake, Babs,” Spike said as she got closer. “Diamond Tiara’s nothing but a bully and a hypocrite. She’ll turn on you when you least—” But, he never got to finish as Babs delivered a powerful kick to his stomach, forcing all the air out of him as he collapsed onto the ground and clutched his stomach while groaning in pain.

“Spike!” the Crusaders rushed to him, checking him over.

“Nice one, Babs!” Diamond Tiara said coldly.

“Aww, dat was nothin’,” Babs said as she, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon walked away. Inside, though, she really regretted doing that. Actually, dat was somethin’... a real guilty feelin’ in mah gut. Ah got ta make it up ta Spike somehow.

The Crusaders immediately became concerned for Spike.

“Oh, Spike,” Apple Bloom said sadly. “We’re powerful sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Spike said with strain in his voice.

“Here,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’ll take care of you.”

“Well, that made up my mind,” Scootaloo said angrily. “Something has to be done about this! Any creature who hurts Spike is going to get it good!”

“Hold on, Scootaloo,” Spike said as he started getting up. “She was holding back.”

“Wait, she was?” Scootaloo asked, calming down.

“Do you know how many incompetent clone guards have struck me there?” Spike asked.

“More’n the amount o’ zero ya deserve,” Apple Bloom guessed.

“A LOT,” Spike said. “I’ve been struck on my stomach enough times to know when the one striking is holding back.”

“Even so,” Sweetie Belle said. “She still shouldn’t have done that to you. We have to do something to stop Babs’ bullying.”

“And I have an idea how to do it,” Scootaloo said. “We build a new float rigged with traps and trick her into taking it!”

“No!” Spike said sternly. “We are not resorting to that!”

“Why not?” Scootaloo said. “She’s been bullying us. Now, we can stand up for ourselves like you want.”

“Standing up for yourself is one thing,” Spike said. “But, your idea is something else. Go through with it and you’ll be admitting defeat. You’ll be proving you’re no better than them. You’ll be letting them win.”

“Spike’s right,” Sweetie Belle said. “If we do this, we’ll be bullies and we don’t want to be bullies.”

Scootaloo took all of this in. She then sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Spike. I guess I was more angry about this than I thought. But, we have to do something.”

“Maybe we should get a start at talkin’ ta Applejack n’ Sunflower,” Apple Bloom said. “They’ll know what ta do.” Spike groaned in pain again. “But, first, we better tend ta Spike. There’s a first aid kit in the clubhouse.”

Apple Bloom gently helped Spike onto her back and together, the four friends walked towards the clubhouse. Unfortunately, when they got there, they saw that it was occupied.

“What’re ya mooks doin’ near my clubhouse?!” Babs said.

Your clubhouse?!” Scootaloo snapped. “This is the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse!”

“Really?” Babs said. “I ain’t seein’ ya names on it nowhere.”

“Your name isn’t on it, either,” Sweetie Belle said.

“It’ll be dere soon,” Babs taunted.

“And so will ours,” Diamond Tiara snootily said. “And no trespassers allowed!” With that, she brought the ladder up and promptly kicked it off its hinges.

Babs saw this and got worried. “Uh, DT?” she said. “I get ya did dat so’s dey wouldn’t get up, but, how’re we supposed ta get down? None o’ us is pegasi!”

Diamond Tiara was about to answer when she realized that she hadn’t thought about that. The Cutie Mark Crusaders witnessed this display.

“Looks like you were right about Babs holding back,” Sweetie Belle whispered. “She also still has some good sense in her. So, she’s not a total lost cause.”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “This is too good an opportunity to pass up.” He then spoke smugly to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Enjoy being stuck in a house with no bathroom and later explaining this to your parents when they come to get you.”

Scootaloo, seeing this, decided to get a piece of the action. “So, as long as you’re stuck up there, why don’t you guys make yourselves useful and lower the first aid kit? Since we can’t get what we need up there, you may as well work for us, right?”

“As if we’ll help blank flanks like you,” Diamond Tiara scoffed.

“Suit yourself,” Sweetie Belle said. “We should get going, though. It’ll be lunchtime soon. Too bad we didn’t pack any snacks for you up there.”

The Crusaders started to turn around. Babs was really getting worried. With her big appetite, she knew it wouldn’t be long before her stomach would run on empty. Diamond Tiara tried in vain to get the Crusaders to come back.

“Get back here, you blank flanks!” she demanded.

But, her demand was ignored.

“Are you deaf?!” she shouted. “I said get back here!”

Again, her demand was ignored.

“You’ll be hearing from my daddy about this!” she said.

“Oh, for buck’s sake,” Babs said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t ya get it?! He ain’t goin’ ta hear from ya ‘cause yer stuck up here like we are! So, why don’t ya take a hint n’ start askin’ ‘em in a nicer way ta get us down here or yer daddy’ll come here ta find ya nothin’ but bones?!”

“Blank flanks are inferior,” Diamond Tiara said. “I don’t need to tarnish my reputation by being nice to them.”

“But, we’re doing that right now,” Silver Spoon said.

“Ya friend’s right,” Babs said. “In case ya haven’t noticed, I am a blank flank n’ you’re nice ta me. So, why not dip ya hooves inta da water even more n’ be a better pony ta my cousin n’ her friends or da only thing that Cutie Mark o’ yours’ll be is as a museum piece?!”

“Besides,” Silver Spoon said. “Suppose your mom learns that you were associating with a blank flank and saw proof of it with her own eyes. Do you really think your rump can take that abuse?”

Diamond Tiara took all of this in. At once, the balloon filled with her hubris was deflated. She tossed her pride out the window.

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo,” Diamond Tiara called out. “May you please help us down?! Pretty please with sugar lumps on top?” But, by then, the Crusaders were too far away to hear them.

“Now ya done it,” Babs said, jumping off of the balcony. “Ya can keep dis clubhouse for all I care. Ah’m going to do what I should've done!” She went off to find not only the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their honorary member, but, together, they went off to tell Applejack and Sunflower to tell them what’s going on. Applejack was helping bandage Spike’s stomach. Babs was barely in the door when suddenly, she lost her nerve, believing the Crusaders wouldn’t trust her after what happened. Apple Bloom noticed this.

“Babs?” she asked. The filly quickly ran away and hid. “Babs, wait!”

Sunflower sighed. “I was afraid of this,” she said.

“Hmm?” Apple Bloom said, turning to face her. “Afraid o’ what, Sunflower?”

“Babs suffers bullying from school back home,” Sunflower said.

“What?!” The Cutie Mark Crusaders exclaimed.

“Ah didn’t say anythin’ ‘bout it, cuz ah didn’t want her ta feel singled out,” Applejack said as she finished bandaging Spike. “But, Sunflower told me ‘bout this n’ ah recommended ‘em comin’ ta Ponyville durin’ the festival ta take Babs’ mind off o’ it.”

“And I was afraid of Babs meeting bullies here to influence her,” Sunflower said. “Without Lilymoon or Wind Sprint to steer her right, Babs tends to compulsively make bad choices.”

“So, that’s why she jumped at the chance to bully us when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were picking on us,” Sweetie Belle said.

“She even goes out of her way to hide it from those who don’t see the bullying,” Sunflower said. “My parents don’t pay much attention to it, but, Wind Sprint, Lilymoon, and I can see right through her act. Braeburn would, too, if he still lived with us, I’m sure. Of course, part of that compulsion is her missing Braeburn.”

“That explains so much,” Scootaloo said. “But, we should show Babs that we can trust her.”

“Without Lilymoon and Wind Sprint, it won’t be that easy,” Sunflower said. “But, the real challenge is getting Babs to trust herself.”

“There has ta be some way,” Apple Bloom said. “But, how?”

“Babs doesn’t have the heart to really bully anypony,” Sunflower said. “But, whenever she acts like a bully, she worries that those she bullied won’t trust her when she tries to apologize. Her nerves are very fickle.”

“Well,” Sweetie Belle said. “Now that we know the truth, we can show that we’re aware she didn’t mean any harm.”

“She’ll be more receptive if Lilymoon and Wind Sprint are around,” Sunflower said. “And we don’t know if they’re even coming.”

“You can know now that they’re here,” called a male voice.

All eyes turned to the direction of the voice. They saw a pale, light grayish persian blue coated pegasus stallion with a rainbow mane and moderate camboge eyes and a Cutie Mark depicting a multicolored airstream through cloud(s). Accompanying him was a grayish purple unicorn filly with a mane and tail of moderate cobalt blue with light bluish-white streaks and moderate purple eyes and a pale, light grayish indigo pegasus filly with a light cobalt blue and pale, light grayish cerise mane and tail and pale, light grayish fuchsia eyes. Both fillies looked a little dizzy and their manes and tails looked swept back as if they’d flown really fast, and both were blank flanks.

“A little warning before that rush,” said the unicorn filly in a slightly raspy monotone voice.

“Yeah, dad,” said the pegasus filly.

“Oh,” Apple Bloom said. “Y’all must be Lilymoon n’ Wind Sprint, yeah?”

The dizzy fillies fixed their manes and tail once reoriented.

“Yes, we are,” the unicorn filly. “I’m Lilymoon and this is Wind Sprint.”

“Uh, dad,” Wind Sprint said to the stallion. “Don’t you think you should go back for mom?”

“I will,” he said. “Though, I wanted to give her and Rainbow Dash a chance to catch up. Plus, I wanted to make sure you met up with Babs first.” He then took off at incredible speed.

“Anyway,” Scootaloo said. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I’m Scotaloo.”

“Ah’m Apple Bloom,” she said, introducing herself.

“And I’m Sweetie Belle,” the unicorn filly said. “I know we just met, but do, you think you can help us?”

“Babs sided with a bully again?” Wind Sprint asked.

The three nodded.

“I told you to watch where you were going, Wind Sprint,” Lilymoon said.

“Yeah,” Wind Sprint said with a sweatdrop. “But, yeah, we can help you.”

“What have you got in mind?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Are there any places here for storing food?” Lilymoon asked. “Ideally, a large quantity?”

Applejack, who finished bandaging Spike, turned her attention towards the fillies. “Ah got lots o’ food in the nearest barn,” she said.

“That’s our best bet,” Wind Sprint said. “She sometimes guilt-eats without us.”

“Well,” Apple Bloom said. “Guess we better bring y’all tagether.”

The Crusaders led the two newcomers to the barn where the parade float was wrecked. They found Babs taking large bites out of an apple pie.

“Babs?” Lilymoon said gently.

Babs turned to see the newly arrived fillies. Immediately, her spirits brightened.

“Lilymoon, Wind Sprint,” she said happily. “Ya made it!” She went to hug her friends, but, she also saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “What’re youse doin’ here? Came ta knock some sense inta me?”

“Sunflower told us everything,” Sweetie Belle said.

“And we’re not here to hurt you, Babs,” Scootaloo said. “We came here because we wanted you to know that we were sorry.”

“For what?” Babs asked. “Ah’m da one what wrecked your float.”

“But,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re sorry we made ya feel like ya were too mean ta be our friend. Y’all n’ ah’re family n’ that’s how it’s always goin’ ta be, even if we all made mistakes.”

“I made plenty o’ does,” Babs said. “Been dat way since Braeburn left. He was my big brada n’ I barely remember him.”

“We made mistakes, too,” Scootaloo said. “Everypony does. But, what matters is that we learn from these mistakes and offer our hooves in friendship.”

“And forgiveness,” Sweetie Belle said.

“N’ trust,” Apple Bloom said.

Babs looked at the Crusaders. She then looked back at her two friends who gave her knowing looks. She then walked to the Crusaders and hugged them.

“I’m so sorry for what I did,” she said weakly. “Can we start over?”

“Sure,” they said.

“N’,” Babs asked. “Can we still be Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

“If you want to,” Scootaloo said.

“I’d like that,” Babs smiled.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Lilymoon asked.

“What’s that?” Wind Sprint asked.

While Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were explaining, Filthy Rich had finished discussing business with Granny Smith and turned to notice that neither Diamond Tiara nor Silver Spoon were around.

“Pardon me, fillies,” Mr. Rich said politely. “But, you wouldn’t happen to know where my daughter and her friend are, would you?”

“I’ll do ya one betta n’ show ya,” Babs said before leading the way to the clubhouse.

“What a mess!” Filthy Rich exclaimed. “How did this happen?”

“Daddy, it was…” Diamond Tiara was about to say something ugly, but, she remembered how ‘well’ things went the last time she said something ugly. So, she sighed solemnly and said, “It was my fault… I kicked the ramp off its hinges to keep the Cutie Mark Crusaders from getting in, but, forgot that it’d keep us from getting down.”

Filthy Rich was extremely disappointed. “You not only committed property theft, but, damaged said property, deliberately disobeyed me when I told you to stay put, and practically imprisoned yourself and your friend because of your own short-sightedness. I will get you and Silver Spoon down, but, you can bet we’re going to have a long conversation about this when we get home. And you can explain it to your mother as well.”

“Yes, father,” Diamond Tiara said submissively before Filthy Rich grabbed each filly and let them down.

“Before we go,” Filthy Rich added. “Isn’t there something you would like to say to these fillies?”

Diamond Tiara knew she was in deep enough trouble and decided that, instead of making things worse, she’d make it look like she was apologizing. “I’m truly sorry for all of the trouble that Silver Spoon and I caused you.”

“Thank ya fer apologizin’, Diamond Tiara,” Apple Bloom said. After Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon left, Apple Bloom spoke to the others. “Ah don’t believe none o’ that.”

“Me neither,” Scootaloo said flatly.

“Looks like ya got three new club members ta initiate,” Applejack said as up.

Spike followed her. Since he was an honorary club member, he came to serve as witness to the initiation. Using her strength and handiponiness, Applejack was able to fix the ladder and reattach it to the clubhouse. Spike helped by getting her what she needed. Babs could see that despite his temper, Spike was a gentle and helpful dragon.

After the ladder was fixed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were initiating the three fillies. Sweetie Belle sat at a podium while Scootaloo was beating a timpani drum. The original members were wearing their CMC Capes. Spike brought in the new ones for the Manehattan fillies. This time, Rarity had extra gold silk for them to use and gave them permission to use it.

“Welcome aboard,” Spike said.

“Welcome, Babs Seed,” Apple Bloom said. “Welcome, Lilymoon. N’ welcome, Wind Sprint.”

Spike helped Sweetie Belle secure the capes to the new recruits.

“Thank you so much,” Lilymoon said, tears of joy welling in her eyes.

“So, who’s da big cheese?” Babs asked.

“Uh,” Apple Bloom said sheepishly. “We hadn’t really figgered that out.”

“Yeah, the hierarchy of this group wasn’t really planned out,” Spike said. “We’ve mostly focused on various activities like swimming, hiking, zip lining, the list is pretty extensive.”

“Whoa,” Babs said, impressed. “We got lots o’ dat back in Manehattan n’ we can ask other ponies who don’t got Cutie Marks if they want ta join.”

“I think it’d be a good idea to work out your group’s hierarchy first before welcoming new members.”

“Okay, that makes sense,” Wind Sprint nodded. At that moment, Babs’ belly gave a deep rumble.

“This don’t count as first order o’ business,” she said. “But, we should grab some food.”

“Maybe after lunch,” Spike suggested. “We can try rebuilding the float.”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “As a symbol o’ our new friends.”

Unknown to the Crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were quietly plotting a way to get even. The next day, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon snuck into Sweet Apple Acres when their parents weren’t looking and saw the Crusaders rebuilding their float.

“Can somepony lend me a ⅝ wrench, please?” Scootaloo asked.

“Would you settle for somedragon?” Spike asked as he gave her such a wrench.

“Yeah, thanks,” Scootaloo said gratefully.

“Now,” Diamond Tiara whispered to Silver Spoon. “We wait until they break for lunch and sabotage their float.”

“Right,” Silver Spoon whispered in return. They suddenly heard a deep growling noise they thought at first was a bear.

“Ah!” Diamond Tiara yelped, unknowingly giving away her location. She and Silver Spoon quickly hid behind the door before Spike fully turned around to face it.

“Is somepony out here?” he asked. No answer. “Any of you girls hear that?”

“Only thing I hoid was my stomach rumblin’,” Babs said before rubbing her belly as it made the same noise.

“Oh, alright,” Spike said, closing the barn door again. “Let’s take the back door and break for lunch.”

“Why the back door?” Lilymoon asked.

“When I was at the front door,” Spike said. “I could vaguely smell high-class snobbery.”

“Ah knew ah didn’t believe Diamond’s apology,” Apple Bloom said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

“Exactly how bad is she?” Wind Sprint asked.

“Even when her dad tells her to be on her best behavior,” Sweetie Belle started. “Worse.”

“She calls the Apple Family inbred hicks,” Apple Bloom said.

“That’s horrible!” Wind Sprint exclaimed.

“I should've defended our family when she said dat…” sighed Babs to her cousin. Apple Bloom put a hoof on her shoulder comfortingly.

“She’s also under the delusion that having a Cutie Mark makes her better than those who don’t,” Spike said. “Though, she demonstrates a lack of creativity by being unable to come up with insults beyond blank flank over and over again.”

“Regardless,” Lilymoon said. “It’s a hurtful thing to call somepony.”

Babs’ belly gave another rumble. “Sorry ta interrupt, but, can we go eat now? My belly’s gettin’ impatient ova here.”

The group went out the back door and later, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon opened the front door.

“I’m going to make sure nopony forgets this embarrassing display,” Diamond Tiara chuckled. She stuck what looked like a party popper with a long string to the back of the float with a wad of chewed up bubblegum and tied the string to the rear axle.

“You certainly are crafty, Diamond Tiara,” Silver Spoon chuckled.

The duo left before the Crusaders returned.

“Alright,” Spike said. “Let’s do a quick survey of what happened.”

“Hey, there’s something on the back,” Lilymoon said.

“What is it?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Come over here and see,” Lilymoon said.

They went over to where Lilymoon was standing. They saw the party popper-like device stuck to the back with the string tied to the rear axle.

“I think we’d better show Applejack and Sunflower,” said Wind Sprint. “I don’t remember any of us putting that there.”

“Hold on,” Spike said before using his claws to cut the string before pulling off the device, removing the gum, and inspecting it. “A stink bomb. This has Diamond Tiara written all over it.”

“Right,” said Apple Bloom. “Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, we’ll guard the float. Spike, y’all n’ the Manehatten branch find AJ n’ Sunflower.”

“Find us fer what, li’l sis?” asked Applejack, who just entered with Sunflower.

“Or dat woiks, too,” said Babs. “Sis, big cous, we tink Diamond and Silver sabotaged our float.”

“With this,” Spike said, holding up the device. “Diamond Tiara put a stink bomb on it.”

“Right then,” said Applejack. “Ah’ll be speakin’ ta Filthy Rich ‘bout this. Y’all don’t worry ‘bout a thang.”

“What makes you so sure Diamond Tiara put that there?” Sunflower asked.

“See for yourself,” Spike said, turning the bomb over. Diamond Tiara’s name was literally written all over it. “Her name’s written all over it.”

“Not good at subtlety, is she?” asked Sunflower.

“No, she is not,” Spike said. “Luckily, this plan was as half-baked as her other bullying methods. She secured it with bubblegum, for crying out loud.”

“Where could she and her partner in crime be?” wondered Sunflower.

“I have a feeling they’re not too far away,” Spike said. “But, I have a little idea. Let them think they’re getting the drop on us. It’ll make it that much more satisfying when they’re proven wrong.”

“Alrighty then,” Apple Bloom nodded.

Soon, it was time for the harvest day parade. The Crusaders all hopped aboard.

“You sure you don’t want to join us, Spike?” Scootaloo asked.

“I’ll be okay,” he said.

“Well, we did make room for seven in here,” said Sweetie Belle. “If you do change your mind…”

Spike smiled gratefully at the fillies. “Thanks, girls,” he said.

As the parade started, Spike went over to Twilight and her friends and noticed the two devious bully fillies in the crowd.

“You alright there, son?” whispered Twilight.

“Oh, I’ll feel pretty good in a bit,” Spike said.

“You aren’t with the crusaders in the parade, Spikey-Wikey?” asked Rarity.

“Oh, they offered, but, I just want to watch this time,” admitted Spike.

“Alright, if you’re certain,” Rarity said with an understanding nod.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon waited for their prank to go off, but, nothing happened.

“Wait…” Diamond Tiara started. “What’s happening?”

“Looks like… nothing I guess,” admitted Silver Spoon. “Maybe it wasn’t secured properly.”

The two fillies galloped into the parade, and tried to track the crusaders’ float. As they galloped, another float ran over the prank party popper after Pinkie threw it into the route arbitrarily.

“Ew!” cried the pony driving the float. “What’s that stink?”

Diamond and Silver held their noses and the former glanced up in shock.

“Silvy, run,” whispered Diamond.


“It’s my mom’s float!”

Diamond and Silver bolted away. Spoiled Rich got down and examined the evidence.

“DIAMOND DAZZLE TIARA!” she shouted.

Spike balked in shock. “How did that get out there?” He then noticed that instead of the stink bomb, he was holding a cupcake – with emeralds as sprinkles. He quickly realized Pinkie used her distraction technique on him again.

“Enjoy your snack, Spike,” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie,” Spike said calmly. “Did you just take that stink bomb out of my claw?”

“Stink bomb?” Pinkie asked. “I thought it was a party popper.”

“… Okay,” Spike shrugged. “Admittedly, it was in the shape of a party popper.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said. “I thought it would spread confetti all over the parade, not make a horrible smell!”

“Why were you carrying one in the first place?” Twilight asked.

“It was planted on the Crusaders’ float by Diamond Tiara,” Spike said. “I removed it and planned on revealing it to her after the parade to show that her plan failed. Now that Pinkie took it and threw it, I can’t.”

“Sorry, Spike…” Pinkie sighed.

“Yet you thought revealing the real thing would make you more innocent? It just looked like you did the deed,” Silver Spoon said in an accusing manner.

Spike noticed Spoiled Rich approaching, which Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon didn’t. He had an idea. “That’s rich coming from the filly who planted that bomb in the first place.”

“Hey!” Diamond Tiara said. “I’m the one who put that bomb there!” She didn’t see her mother right behind her.

“Oh, really?” she said sternly. Diamond Tiara immediately went pale and slowly turned around to see her mother. The mare then boxed the tiara-wearing filly on the ears. “It’s bad enough you associate with a blank flank behind my back, but, you sabotage my float? I’m taking you home and you can stay locked in your room until you think about what you’ve done. I’ve made it clear that you’re only permitted to interact with blank flanks to remind them they’re inferior and you deliberately disobeyed me.”*****

Onlooking ponies and Spike watched with shock and disgust at the harsh punishment that Diamond Tiara endured.

“That’s no way to treat anypony, much less your own daughter!” shrieked Pinkie.

“I’m beginning to see why Diamond Tiara acts the way she does,” Spike whispered to Twilight. Twilight grimly nodded.

Fluttershy felt rage boil inside her. “Now, you listen here, ma’am!” she snapped at the uppity earth pony mare. “What gives you the right to treat your flesh and blood so coldly? To teach her to treat others so mean?”

“I know what’s best for my daughter,” Spoiled said. “I wouldn’t expect a childless peasant like you to understand. Much less, those blank flanks who contribute nothing to society.”

“Contribute nothing?!” Rainbow said angrily. “Haven’t you seen all of the amazing things that happened because a pony who doesn’t have their Cutie Mark yet made them? I would imagine not since you’re so uppity that you can barely see anything below your muzzle!”

“A pony is only worth something once they have a Cutie Mark,” Spoiled said. “Otherwise, there’s nothing about them worth bothering with.”

“Seems somepony’s too old to remember what it was like to be a filly with hopes and dreams,” Rarity said sassily.

“Besides,” added Twilight. “We were all blank flanks once! Even you!”

“I do not need to justify myself to a blank flank sympathizer,” Spoiled said. “Now or ever.”

“Well,” Filthy Rich said coldly. “That would mean you wouldn’t justify yourself to me.”

“You are not involved in this, Filthy,” Spoiled said.

The crowd of ponies, minus Spike, the Guardians, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders booed at Spoiled Rich.

“Spoiled, you’re making a scene,” Filthy scolded. “You constantly say you care about our family’s reputation, but, what do you think this will do to it?”

Spoiled didn’t like admitting when somepony else was right, but, for this case, she made an exception. So, they hustled away out of sight.

“Why does Filthy put up with her?” Spike asked.

“Arranged marriage set by their folks,” Applejack said. “He didn’t have no choice.”

“I thought that was an olden pony tradition,” gasped Spike.

“His family didn’t get rid o’ that tradition ‘til Filthy took over,” Applejack said. “He continues ta put up with his situation ‘cause he loves Diamond Tiara.”

“Anyway,” Rainbow said. “Getting off that extremely uncomfortable train, don’t we still have a Harvest Festival to celebrate?”

“Yeah, we do,” said Clear Sky, who made herself known.

Without Spoiled Rich’s influence, all attendants had a grand time at the festival. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, with all six of their club members, had the most fun of all. Though, Scootaloo looked at Clear Sky and studied her. She had a pale, light grayish rose coat, a light roseish gray, light gray, and pale, light grayish azure mane and tail, pale, light grayish aquamarine eyes, and a Cutie Mark depicting the sun and a wisp of air. But, what stood out to her was the fact that she was a unicorn.

“What are you looking at my mom for, Scootaloo?” Wind Sprint asked.

“Your mom has a name I’d expect for a pegasus,” said Scootaloo. “But, she’s a unicorn.”

“She works as a weather reporter,” Wind Sprint said.

“Besides,” Spike said. “Didn’t you tell me that your dad and one of your aunts are earth ponies?”

“That’s also true,” said Scootaloo. “And Wind Sprint, you can fly, right? I… I’ve been having trouble.”

“Well, I’ve had a few flying difficulties of my own,” Wind Sprint admitted. “When I get lost in the thrill of flying, I sometimes start a gale.”

“I see,” Scootaloo nodded.

“I’m trying to get that magic under control,” Wind Sprint said.

“We’ll be able to figure all of that stuff out,” Sweetie Belle said. “Wait, you can use magic? But, you don’t have a horn.”

“I know,” Wind Sprint said. “I use magic through my wings.”

“You can?!” The Ponyville CMCs asked enthusiastically.

“Yeah,” Wind Sprint said. “But, I can’t really control it.”

“Ah’m sure yer folks’ help ya with that,” Apple Bloom said. “Er ya’ll be able ta figger thangs out on yer own.”

“We can all figure out how we can use our own types of magic,” said Lilymoon. “I’m still working on levitation. How about you, Sweetie Belle?”

“I can only make sparks,” she admitted. “I’m still learning more.”

“I’m rooting for you, though,” Lilymoon said encouragingly.

After the festival, it was time for the Manehattan visitors to leave.

“Ah’m mighty glad we all got ta know each other better,” Apple Bloom said.

“We'll look out for more blank flanks if they want ta join,” said Babs.

“We’ll do the same thing here,” said Sweetie Belle. “Hmm… Pipsqueak doesn’t have his mark yet.”

“Great idea!” said Apple Bloom. “The more the merrier.”

Soon, the Manehattan visitors left.

“I hope things go well for them,” Sweetie Belle said.

“They will,” said Scootaloo. “They have our full support!”

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

*Family relation idea by Rachael Ravens.

**Book character.

***Try to guess this reference.

****It's a callback!

*****Hate sink alert!

Now, for a little announcement. The Friday prior to this chapter being published, one of the co-writers caught Covid and as a result, the next chapter will be delayed until she recovers. Thank you.

If you liked this chapter, feel free to contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.