• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 1,962 Views, 59 Comments

A Xenomorph’s Guide To The Care and Feeding of Alicorns - Brinstar77

Caring for an Alicorn can be hard. Especially when you’re in an alien hive and you’re a xenomorph that only chewed its way out of said Alicorn’s chest a few weeks ago.

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The Only Chapter

The creature tucked its huge, leathery wings in tight as it poked its head into the chamber, its alien senses laying out a mess of blurry, indistinct shapes. Even weeks since it had been born, it still struggled to see clearly. It had memories of a time before it was born, memories from somepony with senses that provided proper vision, a clear-cut picture that one could then break down into distance, depth, hardness, and whatever other casual estimations one needed to navigate. Its own senses, on the other hand, just fed it a confusing cacophony of sound and heat and humidity and then left its mind to piece all that disparate information into a diagram of its surroundings accurate enough to use for navigation. It made it wish it was born with actual eyes.

Seeing nothing dangerous, Twili-

The creature froze, catching itself, and shook its head. It was not Twilight Sparkle, never had been.

Sometimes, it could be hard to remember that.

The creature slipped into the small chamber, before turning around and sealing the only entrance back up with its resinous saliva. With that done, it turned towards the only thing truly of note in the chamber; a pony-shaped blob of heat and motion curled in an alcove near the back, penned in by a resinous wall that also served to hide the chamber from view, trembling in fear as her heart raced.

The creature came to a stop right in front of the improvised holding pen, its barbed tail moving forward and piercing the barrier’s surface, deftly slipping past the layer of resin and into the space inside. Its occupant let loose a sharp cry of fear, scrambling away from the bladed tip, trying to put as much distance between her and it as she could… which wasn’t much. Even if the alcove was deep enough to let her flee beyond the tail’s reach, the creature always kept a cord of resin wrapped around her neck and hooked into the wall, an improvised ‘leash’ of sorts that was long enough to let her move around but short enough that she couldn’t leave the alcove, given the chance.

The mare inside let loose a soft, barely stifled wail of terror as the creature’s tail coiled around her legs, the sound prompting memories to surface in the creature's mind. Memories of cold, dripping claws curled around her small, scrawny form, of the disgusting sensation of smooth, slimy carapace against her furry coat, of struggling and screaming and pure, unfettered, mortal terror. The creature may not have experienced what she’d suffered, but it had her memories. It knew exactly what she was feeling at the moment.

It shook its head, pushing the intrusive memories aside as it continued hog-tying the mare‘s hooves together with it’s tail, its tip slipping up and around her withers so she didn’t lose her balance and topple over. She was sobbing now, tears dripping onto the tail as they streamed freely down the sides of her face, but she didn’t try to break free. She’d been through this routine enough times to know that struggling would just drag the whole terrifying process out all the more, that all she could do was try to hold still and wait for it to be over.

Dear Celestia, the creature hated this. It hated the terror and helplessness it inspired in her, hated how it had to keep her collared and penned up like some kind of pet, hated how it had to keep her horn wrapped up in webbing woven into a magic-suppressing pattern and something so essential to her identity locked away and unusable, hated how it had to tie her up like this every time it wanted to get into the pen. But if it didn’t do these things, then she’d try to escape, try to dive past it, tear through the entrance, and flee into the rest of the hive, to find a way out of the massive, unnatural structure.

If the creature could choose, it would let her go free, would even take her to one of the exits itself. But She would never allow anypony to compromise the location of Her hive like that, would do everything in Her very considerable power to ensure that nopony escaped Her hive alive. And thus, if the mare wanted to live, then she’d have to live here, in the hive, for the foreseeable future… preferably someplace in the hive without others of the creature’s kind that wouldn’t be so inclined to let her live, or facehuggers that would latch onto her face and pump their vile seed down her throat. Again.

Unfortunately, Ponish wasn’t designed to be spoken by beings with vocal cords like the creature’s, it had neither quill, ink, nor paper with which to write, and even if it had the means to communicate with her, She had forbidden it from doing so, and had made it clear to the creature that violating Her will would end badly for its charge. Hence the restraints, the pen, and the tail. It wasn’t a perfect system, but it helped mitigate escape attempts, kept the terrified alicorn in and anything that might hurt her out.

With that done, the creature sliced into the resinous curtain with its claws, slipping through and into the alcove, into its nest. And standing in the corner of it, hogtied and held upright by the creature’s tail, staring up at her captor with wide, tear-filled eyes, was its mother, the one who had proved everything it thought it knew about itself wrong, the real Twilight Sparkle.

The creature tore its eyeless gaze away from the expression of pure, mortal terror on Twilight’s face, turning back to the resinous wall and setting about sealing the alcove back up, ensuring that Twilight wouldn’t suddenly slip her leash and flee into the rest of the hive. A little excessive, yes, but the creature had learned through hard-earned experience that its charge didn’t understand that this was the safest place she could be, that she would take any chance to escape, no matter how slim. Better safe than spending another afternoon struggling to track Twilight through the hive, praying to Celestia that it would find her before she suffered a fate best not thought about.

She’d come frighteningly close, at times. Usually, following an escape attempt, the creature would find her squirming desperately in the clutches of one of the many non-lethal ponytraps scattered throughout the hive, but sometimes she wasn’t so lucky. Sometimes, the creature would find her snared by one of the ponytraps that had been designed to kill, and would have to administer first aid. Sometimes, it would find her cornered, carried, or being secured to a wall by a Worker or Warrior, and would have to convince it to release her.

And once, during a particularly alarming incident, it had found her shrieking and screaming, desperately wrestling with a loose facehugger, and had to scramble to pry the thing off of her before it secured itself to her face and subjected her to a repeat of the incident that had brought it into existence. She may have survived that ordeal the first time around, but the creature didn’t want to find out whether or not she’d be able to say the same for a repeat of it.

Soon, the wall of resin was back in place. Assured that Twilight wouldn’t be able to escape if she slipped free of her leash and its tail, the creature turned back to the trembling alicorn, releasing her legs while still keeping its tail wrapped around her withers as it settled down in front of her, leaving its claws free for the tasks to come. Twilight, for her part, just curled up into a ball, waiting for all this to be over.

First, the check-up. Twilight flinched away from the creature’s claws, squeezing her eyes shut and whimpering quietly to herself as it ran them through her fur and mane, doing its best to be gentle as it checked her over for any signs of injuries or health problems. It wasn’t Fluttershy, and its memories of the few animal care tricks Twilight had picked up from her friend were blurry and indistinct, but those memories were all it had. It wasn’t like it could just bring in a doctor or veterinarian from Ponyville, after all.

Fortunately, it didn’t find any injuries. At least, not any new ones. There were a few cuts and puncture wounds from some of the more lethal snares scattered around the Hive, hidden beneath improvised bandages made from the creature’s own resinous saliva. And, of course, there was the gaping, circular scar from when the creature had burst out of Twilight’s chrest. It honestly had no idea how she’d managed to survive that.

Next, stretching and preening. The creature cut away the black webbing pinning her wings to her sides, tugging gently with one of its claws on the freed appendage. Twilight obediently spread her wings in response, stretching them out and ensuring they didn’t cramp up. The creature took the opportunity to use its claws to preen her wings for her, trying its best to ignore the way she squirmed and whined at its touch. Once done, it secured her wings to her side again with a helping of webbing.

Third, replacing bandages. The creature carefully peeled away the improvised bandages covering Twilight’s various wounds, swapping out the sheets of sticky black webbing while doing its level best to block out all thoughts of cross-species contaminants and diseases spread by bodily fluid contact. It would use a proper first-aid kit, but She had decreed that nothing that might aid a pony’s escape be brought into the hive unless it was absolutely necessary, and a first-aid kit designed for creatures whose blood didn’t consist of an acid potent enough to melt damn near anything wasn’t considered necessary. The creature would disagree, but it wasn’t the one in charge here.

Fourth, feeding. The creature reached up and set down a small bag of resinous fabric in front of Twilight, slicing it open and revealing a small collection of berries, grasses, and other edibles. She barely even hesitated, pausing in scarfing down the berries only to check if they were edible. The creature wasn’t offended; letting its charge ingest something poisonous wasn’t the absolute last thing it wanted, but it was pretty close.

And finally, water. The creature pulled out another bag, the webbing it was made of compressed to the point that it was water-tight. It removed the thin cap at the top of the thing’s neck, before offering the improvised waterskin to its charge. Twilight shuddered, evidently reminded of that time she’d found a far less desirable fluid sliding down her throat, but opened her mouth anyway, gulping the water down as the creature poured it onto her tongue.

And then, the creature was done. Its tail unwound itself from around Twilight’s withers, leaving the still-leashed alicorn to scurry over to the small basin of soft, spongy webbing the creature had provided her in a vague imitation of a proper bed, bundling herself up in the makeshift blanket of silky black webbing the creature had made for her. A part of it wanted to try and comfort her, but another, smarter part knew that further physical contact would just stress her out all the more. Instead, it trotted over to its own bed in the small alcove, opposite Twilight’s, and started settling down for the night, doing its best to ignore Twilight’s soft, barely-audible sobs.

Author's Note:

Apparently, Xenomorph’s inherit the traits of their surrogate ‘parents’, to better adapt to the environment around them once they mature. Not sure why so few people take that idea to its logical conclusion...

Anyway, this was just a one-off I'd written to deal with a plot bunny bouncing around in my head. I'm honestly shocked it got featured the day after it was published.

Comments ( 59 )
Jmunoz13 #1 · April 5th · · 1 ·

It's dark and sad but it means you did a great job getting it to tug on the reader's emotions.

I wonder if the personality transfer was more effective in altering morals due to her being a paragon of understanding for others? Or would any xenomorph feel this way if its host survived the birth? I hope she is rescued, but I also hope she is able to return the favor. She already is "mother" to one terrifying monster, even if they act more like siblings.

Is her horn damaged? I see no mention of magic by her, and later season Twilight would teleport out of the whole hive. Might need some explanation, if only a throwaway line about the hive material being similar to Chrysalis's throne in the critical aspect.

I so want a sequel to this.

It’s less like “personality transfer” and more like a corrupted copy of an existing file. I imagine that this happens with ponies and not humans because of the magical energies in their bodies, which causes the chestbursters they ‘birth’ to inherit a more developed consciousness and even memories. This is hinted at by the mentions of ‘ponytraps’ and having to ‘convince’ other xenomorphs to let twilight go; the xenomorphs here are more intelligent than they usually are because they use pony hosts. I imagine that pony-birthed Xenomorphs getting a little attached to the bodies of their ‘mothers’ happens frequently enough that it’s not considered out of the ordinary, at least not to the degree that Xenomorphs are killed for it. The only thing that’s different about Twilight’s ‘son’ is that its ’mother’ survived the chest-bursting.

Yeah, that was a bit of a goof on my part; I originally had a line about how her magic was kept suppressed by some webbing on her horn that was accidentally cut from the story. Added it back in. That’s something else specific to this particular hive; if you’re gonna be using unicorns for hosts, you kinda need some way to keep them from using magic.

Thanks! My shorter stories tend not to do well, for some reason…

Got a few ideas for that… though they’re just as dark as this one.

I would, personally, prefer something with at least a somewhat happy ending, but write what your muse will work with!

Oh, there will be a somewhat happy ending eventually. You can just expect one heckuva trauma conga line in between.

Have there really only been four Aliens movies? I could’ve sworn there were more... Or are we not counting the Aliens Vs. Predator movies?

Nope, because Predators don't show up here.

There's the original Trilogy, Resurrection, and Covenant.
And then kinda-sorta-Prometheus.
But also the new stuff beingproduced appears to just be making up its own thing(s)?

Anyhoo am also curious about possible sequels for this. It's a weird crossover but an interesting take on the idea

Absolutely nobody's having a good time here, an impressive bit of writing.

More please. This is fantastic and refreshing. I’m always happy to see things from the monsters point of view so this is very nice.

Except maybe the Queen, and even then that’s a pretty big maybe.

Enjoyed this story it ended kinda quick. But definitely an interesting Premise

Go for it I say, the idea of the inherited traits you're working with is really rather fascinating and I see a lot of potential for interesting ways to take the story. Heck, Twilight is all about friendship so in a twisted way it could be fun to see her try to befriend her "Child", if only to try and convince it to let her leave. Regardless of what you do I'd be very interested in seeing a continuation. :twilightsmile:

Well, the child’s already trying to convince her it means no harm, so she’s technically halfway there already. As for plans for a sequel… let’s just say that a certain megacorp will be very, very interested in the xenomorphs that populate this hive…

The new one considers the reboot movies (Resurrection, Covenant and Prometheus) to be non-canon (or at least entirely irrelevant) and aims to be a true sequel to the Aliens quadrilogy.

This feels like, and I'm hoping it is, testing the waters on a proper full fic.
Either way, Enjoyed

This short story was actually intended as an independent one-off that I'd post and then move on to something else. Needless to say, I was a bit caught off-guard by how well-received it was.

That was a great little read, hope you do more with this.

Apparently, Xenomorph’s inherit the traits of their surrogate ‘parents’, to better adapt to the environment around them once they mature. Not sure why so few people take that idea to its logical conclusion...

are you referring to fanfic writers here?

Official works use it. The pred-alien actually stood still and let Wolf unmask himself and joined Wolf in a roar-off. Then started a rather honorable duel. The dog-alien had a few quirks to it; unlike the human ones it likes to run down the hallways spooking humans in adjacent hallways. (Which all provides subtle, perhaps unintended, commentary on our predatory and greedy natures when the vanilla human-aliens behave as they do)

The basic problem is the sheer amount of retcons.

Being brought up by the games I know for a fact that Twi-alien wouldn't survive without being culled. Twilight, herself, might survive a little longer until the hive registers the attrition rate of the Twi-aliens.

I’m talking about a xenomorph inheriting a full-bown consciousness and the ability to reason, articulate complex thoughts (at least to themselves), and use tools, not just a few tics here and there. As for the twi-alien being culled, yes, that would happen in a normal hive, but it’s hinted at throughout the text that this isn’t a normal hive. After all, Ripley didn’t need to worry about alien-made mantraps while infiltrating the hive, did she?

Apparently, Xenomorph’s inherit the traits of their surrogate ‘parents’, to better adapt to the environment around them once they mature. Not sure why so few people take that idea to its logical conclusion...

Because the “lore” gets retconned every other week.

Good story, horrid idea.

As I read this, I was filled with intense curiosity and from that I derive into several questions, what is the appearance of Twi-Alien? Can he use magic? How did Twiligth get to that situation? Did Twilight survive as an Alicorn? or Because Alicorns are immortal? Could there be more Twi-Aliens for Twilight’s immortality? and above all... who will win? the Alien or the pony inside Twi-Alien?

Appearance-wise, Twilight’s ‘child’ resembles a runner with leathery, batlike wings, and is somewhere between Luna and Celestia in height. Its carapace is a purplish shade of navy blue bordering on pitch black, speckled throughout with sparkling purple pinpricks reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Note that it does not have a horn.

Whether or not it will be able to use magic will be explored in a later fic. If it can, though, keep in mind that any spellcasting it tries is going to be unpredictable and nowhere near as stable as a spell cast by a unicorn with a horn.

As for how Twilight ended up in the hive… I thought that, Twilight being Twilight, the answer was obvious. But since you asked, Twilight found a cave lined with an organic webbing that she wasn’t familiar with (but that anyone who watched Aliens would have instantly recognized), let her curiosity get the better of her (again), and stepped on a hibernating Worker Xenomorph’s tail. For further elaboration, see the Aliens movie and what happened to the Hadley’s Hope colonists.

As for how she survived the chestburster treatment? You aren’t the only one curious; Twilight’s ‘child’ would like to know how that happened, and so would Twilight herself. Unfortunately, that question isn’t relevant to the fic, and will thus be left up to reader interpretation.

Twilight’s ‘child’ would also like to know whether Twilight could survive a repeat of the facehugger treatment, if only so it knows how much it should be panicking if one of the little buggers manages to latch itself onto her face again. The answer to that question is a definitive “maybe”.

As for who will win… the pony inside Twilight’s ‘child’ (insofar as it can even be considered a pony) has already won, full stop. Now it just needs to find a way to convince Twilight of that…

I'm assuming she survived due to being an alicorn, either because of some psuedo-immortality or regeneration.

Resurrection isn't a reboot its the 4th movie in the 'OG' set (but is trash)

Quite right. The names tend to blurr after a while.
I think I got it confused with Requiem. ... Which is an AvP movie, so non canon away, heh 🙃


let’s just say that a certain megacorp will be very, very interested in the xenomorphs that populate this hive…

Please be more original than that. You have so much to work with without bringing Weyland Yutani into it.

I would like to see follow-ups to this, maybe with the two of them escaping when Celestia or Luna finds and moves to destroy the hive.

Tbh, this sounds quite like the premise of a classic changelings story, a drone inherently in conflict with their queen, caring for a pony that they were taught to view as prey. Not in a bad way however, I'm really looking forward a more dark approach to this trope.

And then, in some comical but twisted future where a Tirek-level threat to Equestria has reared its angry head, with Twilight herself captured or injured (and out of action for the moment), XenoTwi puts on "the big crown thingy," and to the rest of the Mane Six' amazement, the Elements of Harmony work just fine.

The Interim Xenomorph of Magic, if you will.

"Did... that xenomorph just friendship laser the monster of the week?"

"Yes... Um, yes, it did. Ummm..."

Oh, and with the added complications of communication issues, the fact that the pony knows that she’s seen as prey and has yet to figure out that the alien sees her differently, and a whole truckload of identity issues on account of the alien having assumed it was the original Twilight at birth and then being proven wrong.

…interesting idea. I’ve got other plans, but hey, maybe I’ll be able to work that idea into a later sequel.

I have a few ideas to keep things interesting. Ideas involving a certain xeno biologist by the name of Paul Church (he shows up in Alien: Labyrinth, one of the older novels). His main thing is presenting xenomorphs with choices and being able to predict how they react; let’s just say that he’s going to be utterly bewildered by the fact that Twilight’s ‘child’ keeps doing the exact opposite of what he expects.

Do what you think is fun. Will say that if you're planning on throwing humans into the mix, I would expect a fair amount of questions from them on how tf the pony world works. Magic, living immortal gods that move the sun and moon, the elements of harmony, etc. Glossing over those to focus on the xenomorph side of the story would take me out of it, especially if it's scientists we're dealing with.

Not saying you should deal with or even focus on those questions, but some level of acknowledgement would be prudent imo.

Yeah, the humans are going to be asking a lot of questions, and they are going to be kidnapping a whole lot more than just xenomorphs. But the xenomorphs are going to be what they’re focusing the most on; that’s what they’re most familiar with, and they’ll reason that a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush.

Ooooohhh,now you are just teasing me, you cruel artist

This takes Pony Fiction in a surprising new direction, and I like it. Nicely done :)

The saddest line in this story is the chapter title.

This is a really cool short story. The fact that the xenomorph is some alien alicorn hybrid, due to it's birth, giving it Empathy towards Twilight is really interesting.
Part of me really wants to see more from the, sort of, friendly alien. Maybe it would be quite polite if it had a hive of its own?

It doesn’t just have empathy for Twilight. You can expect it to not handle being forced to kill anything all that well.

I definitely think you have more promise playing around with this for a while and leaving humans out of it. Eventually I can see that being a potential interesting idea - but agreed that Wey Yu is basically everywhere and itd be interesting to see things fork without the usual 'Greedy humans try to weaponize the uncontrollable' that the Alien franchise has been up to always

A fate worse than death... Poor Twilight! :applecry:

This is a good read, well when I read it before making this account!

Will reread it but it has inspired my own like drawings and headcanons of Xenomorphs in MLP, I did use your own ideas to help a bit so I hope ya don't mind!

Speaking of drawings, I only have like a couple doodles but I may expand on it later!

No, I don’t mind. Quite the opposite, actually.

I absolutely adore this.
I love that it is a story about Xenomorphs, I love that it is written from a xenomorph POV, I love the dark, torturous world Twilight now lives in, I love how little we know about this world, I love how Twilight acts, I love that this xenomorph clearly wants to help her, but cannot...

This is a perfect story for what it is trying to do.
Would love more.

I believe that TVTropes has a technical term for people like you... what was it, again? Oh, right. Nightmare Fetishists

(Not that there's anything wrong with that. You do you...)

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