• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 385 Views, 9 Comments

Code name: CMC - Savant 123

The CMC always want to be like their big sisters or in one of their case sister figure. As in being heroes who will save the day. Now opportunities present themselves once their join the kid next door and save children from adult tyranny.

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Operation training

The CMC were in the Kid next door Arctic base wearing their best winter clothes and are currently waiting for number 60 to arrive.

“I wish they told us the training facility was in the coldest part of Antarctica,” Sweetie Bell said as she shivered in the cold.

"Ah, I agree with you there, sweetie bell,“ said Applebloom.

“Guys, be quiet. Number 60 is here,” Scootoolo said.

“All right, recruits. I hope you three are ready because you three are going through the hardest training in your life.” Number 60 spoke as he stood in front of them. ”You three will learn discipline,hard work, and teamwork. Do I make myself clear?”

"Yes, sir, "all three of the CMC said in unison.

“Louder,” number 60 said.

"Yes, sir," all three shouted.

“Good,” Number 60 said. ”Now let's begin your training.”

He then walks to a control panel and clicks a few buttons, and immediately a robot walks into their room.

“Do you homework? Eat your vegetables,” the robot said as it walked towards them, but immediately short-circuited and stopped.

“Lame,” Scootoolo said.

“What was that?” Apple Bloom said.

“Um, we are still working on the glitch on that one,“ Number 60 said sheepishly. Suddenly, an alarm was heard. ”What the heck?“

“ Sir” One of the KND operatives said, ”We are under attack.”

“What by who?” Number 60 said:.

“By the ice cream men being led by father.” The agent said.

“Father,” Number 60 said in a fearful voice.

“Whose father is attacking?“ Applebloom asks.

“Father is the greatest threat to the kid next door and the leader of all the evil adults,” Number 60 said.

“Wait, he calls himself Father,” Sweetie Bell asks. "Why did he call himself that?”

"It is because father is short for father of all evil." Number 60 said, ”This is not a drill; you three need to get to a safe place to hide while we handle this.”

“But we want to help,” Scootoolo protested.

"No, can't do.“ Number 60 said, “Father is too dangerous. So you three need to hide.”

Number 60 then ran off with the KND agent to deal with the threat, leaving all three girls alone.

“What now?” Sweetie Bell asks her two friends.

"Ah, guess we should find a safe place to hide for now,” Applebloom said as she and her two friends looked for a safe place to hide.
In one of the areas of the arctic base, a giant drill like device was sticking out of one of the walls. The front of the vehicle was open, and a ramp was sticking out of it and touching the ground and walking out of the drill were the elite ice cream men. Their fire ice cream from their ice cream-shaped gun at the kid next door operatives who was currently in the area. The KND fired back at them with their own weapons, and as they fought, more KND operatives came to the area to help their fellow operatives. The continued increase of KND operatives in the area is able to turn the tables as they slowly outnumber the ice cream man. Watching all this fight was Father, who had stood at the drill entrance the entire time. He had been observing the battle the entire time.

“ Don’t let up,” Number 60 said as he ran into the area, followed by other KND members. “ Keep pushing, and don’t give them room to regroup.” He looked up and saw father. He might not show it, but he is deeply afraid. While he had never fought father directly before (a fact that he was grateful for), he had heard enough stories, reports, and seen him in action a few times from videos recorded from the battles fought against him to know he was someone not to mess with. It was for that reason that he contacted backup, since it was common knowledge that his father wouldn’t be leading an assault personally unless it was something serious. He could only hope that reinforcements would arrive soon.

Number 60 charged into the battlefield, with the KND operatives following him as he led them into battle.

“Well, I guess it is time I end this,” Father said as he clicked a button on a remote he was holding, and immediately more drills burst through the walls. The front opened up, and a ramp came out of them, and coming out of them were more ice cream men. However, this one’s holding different guns than the previous ice cream men. ”Open fire.”

The ice cream men open fire with their guns, which launch broccoli’s. They hit many of the KND operatives, causing them to fall to the ground in disgust.

“No, not broccoli!“ an operative shouted. This turned out to be a mistake, as a broccoli was thrown into his mouth, causing him to fall to the ground clutching his stomach and groaning. An ice cream man then pulls out a grenade, pulls out its pin, and throws it at a group of operatives. The grenade exploded, letting out a green mist that covered them.

“It smells like broccoli,“ one of them said as he fainted.

“Retreat,” Number 60 shouted, seeing that they were now firing broccoli. All the operatives run, with some carrying those that were hit by the broccoli. Their run towards the entrance, but a fire wall suddenly blocked their only exit.

“Where do you think you are going?“ Father said as the ice cream man cleared a path for him to walk through.
The CMC were hiding in one of the storerooms, waiting until the battle was over.

“How long do we have to wait?” Scootoolo complains.

“Quiet ya complaining scoots,” Applebloom said.

“Wait, do you guys hear that?” Sweetie Bell said as she and everyone stayed quiet to hear what sounded like shooting and a group of KND operatives screaming for help. All three quietly opened the door a tiny bit to see a group of ice cream men leading a group of KND operatives away with their guns pointed at them.

“Make sure you find every operative in these bases and gather them at the center of the base.” One of them said, The CMC quickly closed the door and looked at each other fearfully.

“Oh no, those varmints are taking over the base.” Applebloom said.

"What are we going to do?” Sweetie Bell asks.

“We fight; that's what we do,“ Scootoolo said in a determined voice.

“Are you crazy scoots? This is too dangerous,“ Applebloom said.

“Don’t you see, guys, this is what we have been waiting for,” Scootoolo said. ”We join the kids next door to become heroes, and now that opportunity presents itself to do good. So are you guys going to help me save the day, or are you guys going to stay here like chickens?”

The other two CMCs look at each other before nodding and turning to scoot.

"We are with you,” Sweetie Bell said.

"Good,” Scootoolo said as she and the other two CMC walked to the door and opened it slightly. After checking that the course was clear, they quietly sneaked out of the room. When they sneaked out of the room, they found a few weapons on the ground that the KND operative dropped when they were taken away. They picked them up and began sneaking away.

The three CMC were able to sneak into the center of the base, where all the KND operatives were tied up and where all the ice cream workers were setting up a machine of some kind.

“You won’t get away with this.“ Number 60 said, “I already called for backup from the moon base. They should be here any moment now.”

“Oh, I am sure of their will,” Father said. ”And once they arrive, they will get a surprise in the form of my bomb,” he gestured to the machine. “With this attack, I will take down the kid next door's arctic base while also getting rid of most of its moon base operatives, as there is no doubt they will be sending most, if not all, of their operatives to deal with me. But I will be long gone when they arrive. Leaving them with this bomb. And with all the moon base operatives out of the way, your precious moon base would be left defenseless and an easy conquer for me. This will inflict a major blow on your precious KND.”

All of the KND operatives gasped in shock upon hearing that.

“We got to do something,“ Scootoolo said.

“But what?” Applebloom said.

Sweetie Bell looked around the room and saw there were two entrances, and in the rooms were the KND discarded weapons that all the villains had confiscated and gathered.

“I have an ideal,“ Sweetie Bell said.
“It is done, boss.“ One of the ice men said as he and his fellow ice cream men had just finished setting up the bomb.

“Excellent, now I just need to click this button, and the bomb will activate,“ Father said as he brought out his remote. However, before he could click on it, something hit his hand, making him drop the remote. He turned in the direction of where the hit came from and saw it was Sweetie Bell, who was holding a sling shot.

“Hey, you dumb adults,” Sweetie Bell said as she fired again from her slight shot, hitting one of the adults.

“Get her,” Father ordered, causing many of the ice cream to chase after her. Sweetie Bell simply ran into one of the other entrances. Suddenly, a rock hit father, and everyone turned to the other entrance and saw Applebloom.

“Her too,” Father said, causing many of the remaining ice cream men to chase after her. He then turned to the remaining ice cream men. ”Keep watch here.”

Their saluted as father body was suddenly engulfed with fire, and he floats in the air following the ice cream man that was chasing Applebloom.

As everyone's attention was now on the entrances of the room, they didn’t notice Scootoolo had snuck into the room and been sneaking around. Once she got near one of the tied-up KND operatives, she pulled out her scissors and began cutting the rope holding them.
The ice cream men chase after Sweetie Bell through the base until they lose her in the cell rooms.

“Where did she go?” one of them asks.

“Hey you dump adults, I am right here.” Sweetie bell voice was heard from one of the cells. All the ice cream men ran and stood in front of the cell sweetie bell is in.

“There she is." One of them said, ”Get her.”

All of them run in but end up slipping and falling onto the floor, as it turns out Sweetie Bell had sprayed water on it, and the water immediately turned into ice, creating a slippery floor. Sweetie Bell then jumps onto the bed, walks on it, jumps off it, and lands on the dryer floor. She then ran out of the cell and closed it, and immediately afterward, she brought out the keys she had found and used them to lock the cell door. By the time the ice cream men had recovered, it was too late, as Sweetie Bell had locked the cell.

"Hey!"one of them shouted as he grabbed the cell door. ”Let us out.”

Sweetie Bell, just ignore him and walk out of the cell.

“How can this get any worse?” another one said. As if to answer his question, the toiletnator suddenly appeared on the other side of one of the cell windows.

“Hi guys,“ the toiletnator said cheerfully from his cell. "Well, since you guys are here, do you want to hear a story of the time I went to Canada?”

All the ice cream men sighed.
All the ice cream men chase after Applebloom. As their chase after her Applebloom brought out a M.U.S.K.E.T. and fired it at the ground. All the ice cream slipped on it and immediately slid into a storeroom. Applebloom closes the door, pulls out a S.P.I.C.E.R., and fires it at the doorknob, destroying it and locking the ice cream men in.

She smiled in triumph, but it was cut short as she had to jump when a fireball hit the ground she was on. She landed on the ground, turned, and saw father flying not far from her.

“You must be Father,” Applebloom said as she fired at him, only for Father to hold out his hand from a fire wall that blocked all the attacks. He then fired at her weapon, destroying it entirely. She then pulled out the M.U.S.K.E.T. and tried to shoot at him. But father reacted quickly and fired at her weapon, destroying it.

“I think it is time I end this once and for all,” Father said as he formed a giant fireball, but stopped when he saw the weapons that the ice cream men dropped when they slipped. ” But why use fire when I can use something must worst” He then makes the fireball dissapear and uses his powers to lift all the guns in the air and aim at Applebloom, who can only close her eyes in fear.

Father fires at her, and the guns shoot out broccoli that harmlessly bounces off her. Confused, she opens her eyes and looks down on the floor to see broccoli.

"Broccoli?" she asks, confused.

"Yes, broccoli is the one thing everyone hates,"Father said before he noticed something wrong. ”Um, why aren’t you now on the ground, groaning in pain?”

“Um, why should I?” Applebloom asks, confused.

“Because broccoli,“ Father asks confusedly, “and everyone hates broccoli.”

“I don’t hate broccoli," said Applebloom "In fact, my Granny Smith always makes sure I eat my vegetables.”

Applebloom then picks up a broccoli off the floor and eats it must to father shock and disguise. He was so shocked by this that the fire around him disappeared, and he landed on the ground. All the guns he was holding also fell down and landed on the ground.

“Did you just eat broccoli?“ Father said in shock.

“Yeah, what's the problem?“ Applebloom asks, confused.

“No one likes broccoli,“ Father said. ”Not even adults. Why do you think we make children eat them? It was, so we don’t have to.”

“Wait, so you don’t like broccoli?“ Applebloom said.

“Of course I don’t like broccoli,“ Father said. ”No one does.”

An idea then struck Applebloom.

“Then prepare to eat your vegetables,“ Applebloom said as she grabbed a broccoli from the floor and tossed it at father who managed to dodge it. But this distracted him long enough for Applebloom to jump and tackle him to the ground. She then put a broccoli in front of him. ”Eat it, eat it, eat it.”

“No, stop, get that thing away from me,” Father said as he struggled to get Applebloom off him. ”Please stop.”

“Come on, it's good for you." Applebloom said as she put the broccoli closer to his face. ” Eat up.”

“No,“ Father said as he suddenly saw the image of Applebloom being replaced by his father.

“Eat it now, “his father said as he held the broccoli in his face. The image was gone and replaced by Applebloom, who held the broccoli to his face.

“What wrong? I thought people always said they were good for you.” Applebloom said as she put the broccoli closer to his eyes.

“ Aaaahhhhhhhhh” Father screamed in terror. The scream was so loud that it reached every area of the base.
“What was that?” The toiletnator said as he and the ice cream men looked around in confusion.
In the center of the base, the kids next door operatives that Scootoolo free were fighting against the ice cream men with the weapons that the ice cream men gather in the room. Both Scootoolo and Sweetie Bell were also helping fight the ice cream men. However, the battle stopped once everyone heard Father scream.

“That sounds like father." One of the ice cream men said,.

“But what could have scared him?” Another ice cream man said.
Father pushed Applebloom off him and quickly began running.

“Hey, where are you going?“ Applebloom said as she ran to him with the vegetable still in hand. “You haven’t eaten your vegetables.”

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Father screamed when he saw Applebloom was chasing him with broccoli in one of her hands.

The fighting between the kid next door and the ice cream men continues until they stop when they see Father running in.

“Run for your life." Father screams, “That child is a monster.”

He screams as he runs past everyone and into the area where the drills are located. Everyone then turned to where Father ran from and saw Applebloom at the entrance.

“And there is plenty more where that comes from you varmint “ Applebloom said before turning to the ice cream men. ”Do ya want a piece of me? Cause I do the same to you as I did to Father.” She then took a bite of her broccoli, much to the shock of everyone but Sweetie Bell and Scootoolo.

“That kid is not right,” one of the ice cream men said.

"Let's get out of here,” another one said.

All of the ice cream men scream as they run for their lives and head back to the drills. All of them went back in, quickly started it up, and retreated.

All the kids next door operatives look at Applebloom in shock and disguise.

“How can you eat that stuff?” Number 60 said in shock.

Applebloom just shrugged and took another bite.

Eventually, the KND moon operatives arrive to assist them. After being informed of the ice cream men in the store room, the KND broke the door open, arrested them, and put them in the jail cell with the other ice cream men. After that, they dismantled the bomb, which, when exploded, would release a gas cloud made from broccoli.

The three CMC were now in an auditorium room of the moon base, with many KND operatives attending.

“For your bravery and contribution to the Arctic base, it is an honor to present you with these medals,” Number 362 said as she placed the gold medals on the three girls. All the operatives clap their hands.

All three girls smiled.

"Well, girls, it seems we finally found something we are good at,” Applebloom said. ”We are going to be great KND operatives.”

“We're going to be heroes like our sisters,“ Scootoolo said. ”Or sister figure in my case.”

“Yeah,“ Sweetie Bell said. ”We are heroes.”

End of chapter 2

Author's Note:

The reason why i add father full name as father of all evil is because I thought it would give a good explanation why people call him father.

The reason why I made Applebloom not bother by broccoli is because in their home serious the setting is more grounded onto reality so I figured she would not be bother by broccoli or vegetables.

Father being afraid of broccoli is a reference to operation it. In that episode number 362beat father by using broccoli.

Leave a comment on what you think of my story so far.