• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 651 Views, 65 Comments

Northen Stars - Flower03

Shocking discoveries that envelop her, strange flowers and the horn of an old enemy. What could possibly go wrong this break?

  • ...

Chapter 3

The moon shone steadily, partially hidden as it was behind a few clouds that floated calmly high in the night sky. It lit up the vast frozen wasteland below. And through it, in her flight, a pony was found.

The wind that had begun to blow before reaching the mountain range was a greater challenge for Twilight, though fortunately it was not yet strong enough to require much effort. However, what undoubtedly made her more uncomfortable was the biting cold that prevailed in the air, which prevented her from flying in a better way.

She tried to ignore that feeling as she carefully adjusted the saddlebag she had brought. Still, she couldn't stop it from moving with the wind, so sometimes she needed to accommodate it so it wouldn't get in her flight.

Twilight looked away for a moment at the pale night satellite in the midnight sky. Somehow, she silently wondered what the princess of the night would think. Then she let out a little laugh when she realized that, perhaps, she was supporting her with her clarity without her knowing it.

It didn't take long for the mountain range to fully show itself. Twilight let out an exhale when noticed its huge silhouette and flapped her wings a bit more to get into it. She really needed shelter from the annoying icy wind of the arctic behind those steep slopes.

Those large formations that rose above the ground gave the feeling that anypony could get lost in its slopes if they did not have previous knowledge and experience. Although for her it was different.

Twilight knew very well where to go thanks to the guiding spell she performed on the previous occasion. So her flight had a much shorter route this time. And after a while, the light of her horn finally illuminated the entrance to that cave.

The alicorn took a look and held back a shiver as she stared into the deep darkness. Yes, she was well aware of what hidden beyond. What she had to find.

Twilight entered slowly as she was supported by the light of her magic, with each step taken she moved a bit farther away from the entrance. From one moment to the next, darkness was the only thing that accompanied her when the slight light that could be seen outside the cave was quickly consumed by the shadows around her.

The sound of the outside wind abruptly stopped after her entrance. But contrary to what it seemed, the shadows clustered where her light was strongest. In fact, it seemed very strange that its desire was to consume her completely and extinguish the unnatural glow that was now visible around her. Twilight swallowed hard before resuming her way.

She continued on her way with a bit more mental conviction, confident that as long as she went on without deviating for a single second, she would soon see the bluish light of the crystal formations that predominated in the cave of the crystalline lilies.

But as the long minutes passed, it became apparent that the path continued straight along its entire length, with no sign of an opening at the end of it. Twilight stopped with a confused look. However, she thought that perhaps on the previous occasion the way had been shorter because she had spent her time conversing with her guard. Yes, maybe it was that.

But after a while she realized that there was nothing else in her way except the rock walls around her.

Twilight paused again as she let her head turn in various directions, perhaps in an attempt to figure out what was going on. But she couldn't see anything else around her and she frowned with some apprehension about that fact.

"This can't be possible"

She was sure she hadn't been in the wrong place, unless somehow her spell had failed. Something that wasn't impossible, but it still left her with a slight bewilderment in her face. She had been very careful at the time of launching it.

However, the other fact just didn't make sense to her. If she had to prove her thoughts right... Maybe that cave had disappeared. Completely gone.

Twilight held back a grimace at the implication of what that might mean. And yet, even though a rational explanation wasn't valid at the time, she realized that she could still feel the thread of magic pull her in its direction, inviting her to go beyond.

But the heavy silence that had accompanied her from the moment she put a hoof into the cave left her more anxious than she already was. That silence made her feel as if anything unexpected was going to suddenly come out of the darker depths, wishing to trap her in its darkness...

Twilight didn't dare move.

Her heartbeat began to pick up. Meanwhile, she could feel the nerves surfacing and spreading across her skin. The chills became inevitable, even though she closed her eyes and began to breathe slowly in an attempt to calm herself down and convince herself that it was just her imagination playing tricks on her.

But she came to an abrupt halt when she heard the sound of stones falling from the walls. Ok, now she could feel very well how her heart wanted to leave her chest, while her mind did not stop imagining possible scenes for what she had just heard. Maybe it had just been a simple slip? But she couldn't find the logic behind what happened next.

A crack gently scratched at the stone, as if it didn't want to be heard, but ironically it resounded loudly in the silent, cold corridor. Twilight didn't think twice and quickly ran off without looking back.

The strength of her heartbeat peaked when the heavy noise of her breathing was the only thing that accompanied her at that moment. That feeling didn't allow her to think in a better way, especially when she began to hear that sound getting closer.

At one point, Twilight noticed a new opening in the rock out of the corner of her eye and without thinking too much she swerved in that direction. The light shone brightly through the narrow passageway. And immediately she felt as if her pursuer's steps suddenly stopped, however that was quickly replaced by the faint flapping of wings.

She flapped her own wings in an attempt to increase the space between herself and whatever was behind her. But just when she thought she was already a good distance away from it, the intermittent screech of a pair of claws began to be heard much closer. There was no other option for her.

Twilight tried to get rid of the threat as she charged her horn in large bursts of energy. She turned and released the power, not caring too much about where it was pointing. She wanted was to get rid of it.

Several pink beams pierced through the darkness every few seconds. However, many missed its target or just bounced uselessly off the walls.

But eventually, Twilight turned her head and had a chance to see as one caused the bright wake of a sudden explosion that roared loudly, after hitting the bright flame of a green fire that lit up the hallway. A very familiar green fire.


Before she had a chance to turn off her magic, the energy beam of her next attack separated without her being able to do anything to stop it. Finally hit her target, but after that moment several things happened at once.

A familiar scream echoed in the place after Twilight's vision was suddenly blinded by a powerful light. Her flight became disoriented what causing her to fall and crash into the cold, slippery ground of a wide space that she had not noticed before in her frantic race.

Twilight got up again with a wince on her face as she sorted out her belongings. With quick steps, she ran back into the darkness of the corridor while keeping her magic on, but she took a step back when she noticed the familiar little silhouette in front of her cradling one of his wings. He looked up when he became aware of her presence.

"Uh... Hi, Twilight," Spike murmured with a nervous smile.

“'Hi, Twilight'?!” She shouted with an angry look on her face that made the dragon tremble. "That's all you have to say!?"

"Of course not," He snorted as he tried to get up, but the pain in his wing stopped him immediately as he grimaced.

Twilight snorted in annoyance and frowned, sighing in resignation and opening her purse to look for something. After a few seconds she took out several bandages and without saying another word, she turned to Spike and began to use her magic to analyze his wound. He allowed the alicorn to do her job, but then lowered his head to hide the embarrassed expression on his face.

"You... You're not upset, right?" He whispered after looking up just a bit.

"What do you think?" She replied without looking at him, concentrating entirely on healing his wing. Luckily, it had just been a scratch.

Spike looked down again, this time with a sad look on his face that Twilight couldn't help but notice. She pricked up her ears as she softened her own expression a bit and she turned to him after heaving a sigh. This time spoke in a calmer voice.

"I wanna to know how you followed me, but more than anything I'd like to know why you did it."

Spike raised his head again and let out a tired sigh.

"You were weird all day, Twilight. I thought it was just because your brother had told you and had made you clear what he thought about going with him, but after we went out you didn't bring it up again and I supossed that you had accepted it", He shrugged. "But at dinner time I found your attitude towards Shining's comment about that strange. You were too calm."

Twilight stared at him for a few seconds as she blinked rapidly, just a bit amazed that he could have noticed all that.

"But how did you know when to do it?"

"Your room is practically next door to mine," Spike raised an eyebrow, and if it hadn't been for the wound on his wing, he would have crossed his arms. "I could see the exact moment you came out."

"Okay..." She scratched the back of her head nervously. "I'm a bit surprised that you could followed me through the moor and mountains without losing sight of me, considering you still don't handle it properly," She said as she pointed to her wings.

Spike touched his chin with a claw as a thoughtful expression crossed his face, then shrugged slightly.

"I really don't know how I did it."

"Well," She nodded after running a hoof across her forehead. "What I don't understand now is why you did all this. I came alone precisely cause I didn't want anypony else to take a risk for something that was my fault, but now you're here... Why?"

Spike frowned slightly and looked down. His mind was busy searching for an answer to it.

"Cause I couldn't leave you alone," He looked into her eyes again and Twilight could see the determination inside him. "I couldn't let you face that again, at the risk of you getting hurt." He shook his head and put a claw on the alicorn's hoof. "I wanted to accompany you and be there for you like last time."

At those words, Twilight completely softened her gaze and raised the corners of her mouth in a small smile. She lured Spike into a gentle embrace and he soon reciprocated. She really couldn't deny the pride she felt at the time.

"What... What will you do now, Twilight?" He asked with a slight embarrassed expression after they parted.

She let out a sigh as she finished dressing his wound, then carefully adjusted the wing to its original position.

"We can't go back now," She looked into the darkness of the passage, then turned back to him. "We'll move on and maybe we'll find what I came for, but if you want to go with me you're going to have to follow my rules."

"And those would be...?"

"You must stand by me at all times and obey me in all what I say you," She answered, after standing on her hooves. "If I say to hide, run, or stay with me you must do it. Ok?"

Spike nodded, confirming everything she had said, and stood by her side as they walked towards the light of the new cavern. It opened into a chamber quite similar to the previous one Twilight had seen. At least it had the same bright blue crystals scattered all over the walls and ceiling, but it was much smaller.

"I have another question," She blurted out suddenly to her companion. "Why didn't you show up a while ago instead of chasing me? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was for you?" She reproached him as she frowned.

"Well... I just didn't mean to scare you any more than you already were," He answered her question with a slight nervous smile. "Although I have to admit that it was a bit fun. You should have seen the look on your face!" He continued this time with a laugh.

"Spike..." Twilight muttered with an embarrassed look on her face as she shook her head slightly. She wasn't amused.

After ignoring him, she began to walk beside him again. They ended up crossing the path that led beyond that little cave.

"Twilight, do you really think we're going to find it? You know... The King Sombra's horn," Spike whispered as he rubbed his claws, apprehensive about mentioning the dark unicorn's name. "I mean, you almost did it by pure chance."

"I hope so, though I don't think we'll be so risky," She looked at him with some conviction expressed on her face. "This time I'm going to make sure I handle the situation better. Also, that time I could feel that his power wasn't very strong, so I hope it's not so risky... In any case, we must be careful, as you already know."

"Well, I just hope you're right."

"Are you sure your spell is leading us in the right direction?" The dragon asked after they had just passed through a cavern suspiciously similar to the first. Actually, it felt like they were just going back to the same place.

Twilight looked around, at the crystal formations that had strangely taken on a deeper, duller hue as they went deeper into the mountain. Then she ended up frowning.

"I'm not sure..." She shook her head as she looked down at her horn. "My magic... I've felt it strange since we started, like something was affecting it."

"Well, I don't think we'll have to walk anymore," Spike pointed his claw toward an opening that Twilight hadn't seen in her distraction.

She opened her mouth in surprise, before quickly veering off the path into the dim light within. In the end, what greeted them when they crossed the threshold was a new chamber, however, this one was much larger. But regardless, that wasn't what left them both completely surprised.

They watched their own silhouettes from afar as a large mirror was displayed beyond. Twilight and Spike traversed the room of dark blue crystals, focused on the object in front of them. In a rather spectacular view, they were able to observe how the edges seemed to be completely fused with the crystal walls. What gave the glass mirror a certain magical and powerful aura.

They were definitely sure that it possessed magic inside.

But in their slow way, neither them noticed the wisps of darkness that seemed to emanate from the crystals.

"Okay, this is really weird now," Spike said as he looked at the grimace of his own reflection, questioning what he saw. "Why is there a mirror here?"

"I agree with you on the first point," Twilight nodded as she put a hoof on the slippery edge of it. "And I don't have the slightest idea about the latter."

She ran her hoof over the edge while muttering something to herself. Meanwhile, Spike couldn't help but worry when a sudden chill went up his spine.

"Uh... I think we'd better get out here, Twilight," He said, his tone rather concerned as he tugged at his friend's wing. He really couldn't ignore the feeling that bristled his scales. And that wasn't a very pleasant thing.

"You're right," She confirmed, after pushing her hoof away. She ended up taking a few steps back as she frowned again.

Twilight was about to turn when she suddenly felt Spike tense sharply beside her. She wondered why for a second, before she herself paralyzed when she finally realized what had formed behind them.

A huge mass of darkness, like a dense black and hellish haze, rose completely in the center as it dragged the dark ties that bound it to the walls, the same ones that had slowly made it grow in size. Simply, the shadows of the room had been gathering in one place without them noticing.

Twilight immediately looked beyond, and a growing fearful pang swept through her as she realized that her only way out was blocked by darkness. Without wasting a second, she quickly put Spike in her back as she spread her wings and rise. But after that, several things happened at the same time.

An annoying squeaking sound began to echo throughout the chamber without coming from any specific source. So painful that they just brought their hooves and claws to their ears as they closed their eyes and winced at the vibration that spread so relentlessly in their bodies. That prevented them from realizing what was happening next in their environment.

Twilight nearly crashed to the ground as she activated her magic and summoned a wide protective barrier that attempted to separate them from the fickle shadows of the room. However, they couldn't help but tense up at the deep growl that began to completely reverberate in the place.

It didn't take long for the silhouette of a head to form from the shifting darkness, and then settle down to reveal its unmistakable crimson horn. A pair of bright green eyes suddenly opened and revealed the reddish pupils, squinting in rage as he finally noticed the alicorn and the dragon.

Twilight and Spike visibly shuddered as that evil gaze crept over them. The squeaking from before just didn't allow them to react quickly enough.

Everything seemed to stand still for a second, before Sombra let out a furious roar and lunged into the dim light of Twilight's magic shield.

She tried to keep the protective spell going anyway. She didn't want to think at all about what might happen if it fell apart, even though it seemed to shrink quickly at the fury of his onslaught. What Spike tried to tell her was lost in the chaos.

But despite all her efforts, cracks began to spread rapidly through the bright shield. And in the end it just took a second for the inevitable to happen.

She looked in horror as her barrier fell for the dark spell that spread far and wide. She squeezed Spike tighter as they veered out of its way and she tried to activate her magic again, but it quickly went out in a flash. Then Twilight realized that she couldn't feel her magic, and that fact just left her even more disoriented

It didn't take long for shadows to surround them again. Twilight thought to see a new trail of darkness gathering all along Sombra's horn, however, her vision was quickly covered by the dark haze.

She wrapped her hooves around Spike and he also clung tightly to her as they tried to combat the growing fear that threatened to take hold them. But above all, another feeling also struggled to prevail in her.

The feeling to protect him.

Suddenly, an inexplicable gust of wind scattered the shadows and knocked them both down. But somehow, the way it blew seemed to insulate them from the threat as if it were some kind of protective barrier. The sounds in the room seemed to increase in pitch.

Twilight's eyes widened as a powerful flash lit up a few feet from where they were, but it was more surprising when she realized what it had been. There was her purse lying on the floor, but everything was different when she could see the violet glow shining with renewed force from the side of it. She stretched out a hoof and gave it a hard tug, causing something inside to pop out.

The alicorn looked in surprise at the object she had just lifted into her hooves. She saw how the glow emanating from the flower contained within it seemed to enhance as it connected with her aura. Twilight noticed it and brought it closer to her chest.

Suddenly, the buzzing seemed to drop in pitch as she could feel a warm sensation that seemed to flow from the object between her hooves into her body. Somehow it seemed to increase her magic even more.

Then a powerful and unexpected light burst forth before their eyes, causing the shadows that threatened to consume them to quickly disperse. And finally, from one moment to the next everything seemed to vanish from their ears, disappearing completely as it was quickly replaced by an eerie silence.

Twilight and Spike saw nothing more as their surroundings faded into darkness that, again, seemed to claim them.

Author's Note:

If I takes me a while to publish, it's because college consumes my time.

Thanks for reading.✨