• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 419 Views, 15 Comments

Another chance - Ferencelvtars

I wonder how he gets on, in the skin of a precocious, small colt? let's look at

  • ...

chapter 5

An empty grassy slope, dense pine forest on one side, on the other side, a checkered steel wire fence, with a chestnut tree growing halfway into it, a small straight section at the bottom of the slope, then a thin little stream flows, and some more grass, and finally, a paved road, on the other side of which the wild world of the forest, with its flowers and bushes, awaits. Behind the stream, there was a small red car parked, with its rear facing the stream, its license plate also a familiar one, DCG-200. From the top of the slope, I can see it with my eyes, next to it a cute Hungarian flag under a printed large H. Such a familiar place, it's almost unbelievable. Home sweet home! The forest of pine and oak, with quite a few yellow leaves, autumn is here. I take a step forward, and suddenly I slip and tumble down, but nothing hurts afterward.

I had forgotten how wonderful lucid dreaming is, here I can stand in such a dear place from my childhood and explore it. Here on top of the small hill stands that ugly roof rack, its lamps staring at me like small parallelograms, as I walk around, I notice the beautiful yellow umbrella on the hat stand, then the small regular fan controls.

I continue walking, from the top of the hill it wasn't visible, but on the other side of the road, if you turn left, you only need to take about 5 meters to stumble upon a tall dense hedge, which provides better protection against intruders than any fence. It has a small cutout for a car, then it continues. The parking area is divided into two parts, one side has a long staircase, the other has a wood storage and a nice old Kedilek. Each step of the staircase is made of concrete, but it alternates between short and long steps; once I counted 128 steps, which had to be climbed every time, beside it on both sides there were ropes, swaying like electrical wires. On the left side, there are many trees, but on the right side, there is a disgustingly looking house, red, but very flashy. In it lives Aunt Csöpike, whose voice is like when…

What's this? What's this sound? A soft chuckle comes with the breeze, and I can't even determine where it's coming from. Show yourself! I didn't even understand why I said that, but suddenly I saw him, because I wanted to. A new pony, blue-maned and tailed like me, but without a fractured horn, and without featherless stubby wings, appeared before me, not on the ground, but in the air, in a little bubble. Good day! Please don't be mad, but how did you get here?
Oh, this is surprising, can you control your dreams? I'm sorry! My name is Luna, and I am the princess of dreams and the night. I didn't really expect this, I knew that in the world where I could live as a child again, two princesses raise the sun and the moon.

Ah, so I suppose you've come to warn me or give advice then, Sweetie Belle told me that you talked her out of ruining her sister's life.
The situation wasn't that drastic, but it's true that I came to help, keeping secrets is not good for a friendship, and selfishness doesn't serve you well either, I know how much you want to develop your mind.

You seem to be a very good interpreter, indeed, I'm not very forthcoming, but why is this so important to you?
You should let go of this as well. Speaking to everyone like this just makes it weird and doesn't serve your good. This sentence sounded so beautiful, and meanwhile, as he put his hoof under my chin and lifted my head towards his, the last time someone did this to me was Grandma, and I was only 6 years old then, but in the end, it's normal now since physically, even if I was a human now, I still looked like a 7-8 year old.

L-Luna, tell me what to do to finally have a normal foalhood. Believe me, I'll take your advice. His eyes twitched for a moment, then he hugged me tightly.

No matter how much you've grown up here, deep down you're still a little kid. We're so similar in this, I'm also 10+10 thousand years old on paper, but in spirit, I'm still a little pony who only wishes for her sister to be there by her side. I couldn't and didn't want to stop smiling and diving deeper into his soft deep sea blue mane. My only advice is to let go of this aristocratic speech and share everything you can. I have to go now, somewhere, a little white-orange pegasus dreams that he'll never be able to fly. We drifted apart, and with a flash, a door appeared, if I hadn't controlled it, my dream would have surely disappeared, but now it stayed here, I counted down from 12, and at 0 I opened the door, it led to the same place Luna went, I couldn't see her, but the place I could best describe as a room filled with lilac-green mist, where it seemed like some invisible substance formed a small floor, well, this isn't so easy to describe, but it resembled this the most, but then, a dream scene glowed. As these dream images lined up in an endless corridor, like plasma TVs in a mall, playing previews of movies. From the glow, a blue horn appeared, I quickly closed the door, and I was back at the dream version of my former home, I put the door back into place, where the gate of the wire fence blocking the woodpile was, well, I'll surely find some use for this someday, I thought to myself.

Now that I've replayed the dream in my head again, I was afraid the door wouldn't be there when I go back into that dream, but as soon as I woke up, I noticed that one of the last posters I put up had already caught the attention of a stallion, I guess many will come tomorrow. Luna's advice to share everything I can was good, although I always shared just to be left alone, I thought it was easier than explaining why not.

As I pasted the posters one by one, my stomach suddenly growled. It's been quite a while since lunch, and my pocket money went to stomach saving to buy the vortex funnel. I quickly put up the last poster on a random cart and headed home, on the way, I grabbed the book: "GLIDER WING ARRANGEMENT advanced" with one of my wings, and started studying how to design a good wing shape for gliding and soaring. As I delved into the world of glider wings, I was suddenly home, or at least what could be called home. In the kitchen, Fluttershy was making some daisy sandwiches and preparing dinner for the animals.

Fluttershy! Can I have a sandwich?

Oh, of course, help yourself. Encouraged by this, I took one, then went up to my room. Or I would have gone if there hadn't been a knock on the door. I'm coming! I went to the door, which I don't know why, opened in two parts, and I regularly either stumbled over it or bumped my head on it. I opened the top part, and as if my front hooves were my hands, I reared up on two legs. At the door stood Scoutalu, holding the poster.

As I stood there, I felt anger and curiosity, and joy, and I think I went overboard again. Bender, how could you leave us out of this plan? We could be the Beauty Mark Cross Fight coaches! Why are you so selfish?! I couldn't even look at him until after I yelled, then I saw his ears droop, and he almost cried, I may have exaggerated a bit. However, the door opened, and Bender grabbed my hoof with his wing before I could react.
He led me to the back shed, and before I could speak, he opened it. What I saw, I don't even know, a large closed cylinder at the front something resembling a windmill, roughly similar to what new motorized hot air balloons use. As we moved further back, there were thin glass windows, then a second one, which was cabin-shaped, at this point, on both sides, there were two long glider wing-like structures at the bottom of the cylinder, then further back, an arrow-shaped arrangement finally. Here is your and my key to flying! You know how expensive this is, so I started that program to have money to build the equipment to control it, but alright, I'm selfish because I wanted to give it to you, so take it and finish it yourself, and forget about it. I couldn't speak, his horn was sparkling in an amazing way before he ran off into the forest. I wanted to follow him, but I couldn't, ever since we found the cockatrice, I couldn't bring myself to go in there.


I heard knocking, but when Bender said he'd open, I didn't go there eventually, thinking someone must be waiting. I continued cooking the special stew by Bender, called just fine soup, thinking I'd surprise him for all his help. I was busy stirring the stew when Scoutalu cried out in despair, and not long after, he "flew" in through the window. His eyes reflected an extremely strange emotion, at once shame, anger, and... and... this can't be properly described, as if someone beloved was in danger.

Fluttershy! Bender! Forest! Come! I didn't understand what happened, but from this I understood what he wanted. I rushed out, and I just saw Bender rushing towards the castle of the two sisters. Bender! Of course, he didn't hear me, I could never shout so loudly, but I immediately dashed into town. Many looked at me in surprise, usually Rainbow is the one who flies so fast, but there was no time to lose, by the time I reached the library, I felt like all the feathers had burned off my wings, I didn't even knock, I just burst in. The first thing I saw was Spike almost completely buried under a pile of books. Twilight! Come quickly, we need to help Bender, he broke into the forest.

What wait, slow down a bit, Bender broke into the forest, this isn't so big... His voice faltered, the surprise on his face turned into sudden horror, even dread. Bender is in the forest! We have to go after him immediately. We rushed out of the library so fast that only at the edge of the forest Apple Jack, who was coming after us from the market, caught up with us.

(After rushing out of the library) Twilight! Twilight! Could you take the books off me? I'm running out of air!

I didn't even think about where I was going or what I was doing, I just ran, if I can't be a proper friend and need this level of drama to face my issues, then this place isn't for me. I just ran and ran, not looking back. When Scoutalu labeled me as selfish and treacherous, a dam that had been closed for a long time in my emotions burst, revealing a world few besides my family had seen.

When I finally got tired and somewhat calmed down, I looked around in the forbidden eternal freedom forest, but this place was unlike any other. There was a large ruined castle and a staircase leading into a crevice. Now, besides the rustling of the branches and my crying, I could hear something else.

I wasn't so scared, but it seemed like a good idea to seek shelter, so I weighed my options. If I go into the cave, which looks stable, I might get trapped, but I could defend myself with my horn (maybe). On the other hand, if I go into the castle, one wrong move and it could collapse on me, at least if it's as ruined as it seems. So logically, I went into the cave. Once inside the cave, I realized I was safe here. The cave had a strong smell, almost like a... Oh, this is the typical wolf scent, wolf scent, but it also smelled like damp wood...

I turned around, and behind me, there was a... what is this? Okay, then I'll tell you, it's a piece of wood behaving like a wolf. I aimed my horn at it, and suddenly it shot out a strong spark, and the wolf ran away on fire. Then I started running in the other direction, and soon as I tried to aim back, I bumped into a crystal piece and hit my head.

I still can't believe that sweet colt would venture into such a dangerous place. I told him we wouldn't dare to come here without Twilight, she's the only one who can protect us here, well mostly, of course, you can survive here even if she's not here, but it's safer to be here this way.

He didn't venture much, I don't think he even saw where he was going. Fluttershy finished the sentence with a twitch, because some animal swooshed by not far from here. This is still an absurd situation despite the fact that Colt is weird from the ground up. As I smelled what happened, I immediately set off to help the others, but this is not normal behavior.
Didn't Scoutalu tell you what happened? I suspect he may have said something hurtful that affected him too sensitively. Twilight's suggestion was quite valid, but somehow I can't see him harming anyone. By now, we're almost at the castle of the two sisters. This Bender will be a champion, even if he's not a flyer, but a runner, given how far he ran in this time. I hope he can justify this outburst later.

Our shouts went unanswered until then, a

My head was pounding so much that I didn't even know what had happened suddenly. Then I looked around and saw a large white crystal tree, or whatever I saw, had 5 branches, and on those, when I looked up, there was a larger "fruit" missing its seed. I didn't know then that this was the Tree of Harmony, but since no monsters came here, I stayed close. At the entrance to the cave, I found a more comfortable tree root, and except for a few small prickles, it was really comfortable.

I dozed off, and I remembered myself in the state where I left the door. Fortunately, the door was still there. I stepped in, there weren't many dreams yet, but then I heard something that didn't belong in the dream, wolf growls, and I couldn't dream that I didn't hear it. It could only mean that the root was outside the monster-free zone. Then I saw Scoutalu's dream.

The dream was quite surreal. The poor little one flew, and he was chased by some dark demon on a machine similar to my plane. He begged the creature to forgive him and said he regretted accusing it before thinking. It was horrible to see this, even though it was a perfectly justified nightmare. However, I decided to help him. Oh, how naive I was. I stepped into the dream and imagined that the demon disappeared and my plane appeared next to him. This happened. The propeller of the plane stopped, and it started talking. I told him to hurry after them with the plane and tell them that I'm near some ruined castle, by a cave, surrounded by wolves, and they should hurry.

I woke up, and somehow I felt that this wasn't just a simple dream. I rushed out immediately, and I headed towards Fluttershy's house, I don't think I've ever been faster on the scooter. The ponies were quite stunned.
When I arrived at the house, I quickly pushed the plane out of the shed, he didn't tell me how it works, but I figured that if I press the buttons long enough, it'll eventually start.

The machine was equipped with a lot of buttons, levers, and other things. I found 2 levers with something scratched on them, one was next to the seat, and it said power, the other was in front of the seat, and it was interesting because it had a crank on it, this was a bit more familiar, the golden apple mobile was also crank-operated. Besides that, there was only one button labeled, it said the ignition, whatever that may be. I tried to crank it up, but it was very difficult to fill up, and then the starter turned out to be not the pedal I thought it was. As I stepped on this pedal. I stumbled upon a piece of iron, and I hit the buttons, I don't know why, but suddenly I heard a vibrating buzzing, and the propeller started spinning.
But it didn't take off. I sat in the chair and waited for something to happen. It went on like this for about half a minute. How did the Apple Mobile start after this? Oh, it needed to be put into gear, but where could this gearshift be? The power lever was right next to me, where the gearshift should have been, let's see what happens if I push this up. Surprisingly, it moved with difficulty, but it did what it thought, I pushed it up halfway between the two ends, and the plane rolled out and as soon as it reached the edge of the barn, it started accelerating. I assumed that the lever that looked like a stick in front of me would be the steering wheel. As I pulled it to the left, we indeed turned left slowly but surely, then I pulled it back, interested in what it would do.

I didn't feel the vibrations of the wheels rolling, but I didn't understand why, I didn't lift off significantly from the ground, then I realized that I was actually slowly rising. The problem was that when I looked out, I saw that I was heading straight for a tree. I pulled the lever all the way back, but even though it started to rise, it slowed down more and more. I pushed the power lever all the way forward, and the engine roared even louder, and we took off. One wheel still caught the tree, but the main thing didn't change, it flew, it really flew, and so did I. I started testing what I could do with it, the turns were sluggish, but other than that, its abilities were better than any pegasi's. I lost all sense of time, and I didn't know how much time had passed. When a loud cry woke me from my reverie, I realized I didn't have time to search for the others, and I couldn't because of the trees, so I had to go there myself.

I woke up and felt like I was in serious trouble. The sounds were coming from the direction of the tree, which could have provided safety, in the absence of that, I shook one of the wolves with my horn and ran through them, then with a leap away from the shocked wolves, I reached a high ground, which led to a smaller cave passage, if I saw it correctly, but there was something in it that wasn't everyday. Or in a sense, it was, but not in this world, and not even in mine for quite some time.

I used to watch British films a lot, The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins were my two personal favorites, and I knew what I saw was a police booth. I would have approached it closer, but then, a wolf jumped at me and took me down. I managed to keep my horn under control long enough to shake it off, but by the time I looked back, the booth had disappeared, and there was only a piece of paper tucked under a stone right next to the shocked wolf. I took it, the writing looked strange, it reminded me of my own writing in appearance, but what was even stranger was what I read, moreover, in Hungarian, even though everything here was in English, even I spoke in this language as if it were my mother tongue.

It will be a Sliders and electric day, but don't forget the answers are ready, you just need to ask the right questions and be satisfied with the silver medal to become an arrow, then what is in your eyes. I always come back, and I count on you.

I didn't have time to ponder what all this meant, as two more wolves climbed up, I managed to shake one off, but my horn decided it had enough of me here and sent a strong spark that shocked me and paralyzed me. The wolf came closer, and more came up.

As I lay there, I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable. However, I heard a strange sound, then a sound reminiscent of my own magical lightning. I looked up, then turned my head back to where my visible eye was, so I just managed to see another pony like me, but it disappeared before I could assess it, leaving only one thing in the light of my eye, the mark of beauty, which was a 6-pointed red star with a horn and feather inside. But then I heard my plane, and I looked over in the other direction and then back, but by then, it had disappeared for good. My body reacted positively to the plane, and I could move again, but only my wings. I heard the sound again, but then only the movement of the wolves.

I was about to give up, and the engine was getting more and more coughing. I'm beginning to think I just dreamed and what I dreamed wasn't true. Then lightning struck towards me, and there, where it came from, I noticed a crevice. There were countless, no this is not an expression, there were countless wooden wolves. Another lightning bolt came from one of the protrusions, but it didn't come close to me, it was like those signal rockets in movies. I saw who it came from, it was Bender, but something was wrong with him, as if his legs weren't working. I reduced the speed and turned, I saw another wolf climbing up to him, but directing the lightning at it burned it and threw it off. As I aimed, I lowered my nose and approached him, I saw him extending his wing, so I flew down as much as I could, approached, and approached, and suddenly he pushed himself off the ground with his wing, then with his left wing, and caught one of the protrusions with his mouth.
Pull up! He shouted, then quickly bit into the side of the plane, I did what he told me, I gave more gas, and he pulled up the nose, we almost climbed at a 70-degree angle. The engine coughed even more, Bender pulled himself up to the side of the plane, then clung to both ends of the protrusion with his wings.

Are you paralyzed? The engine started to get quieter against my will, no matter how much I pushed the lever all the way forward, it didn't want to make a louder noise. What's wrong with this junk, Bender?
Nothing, it's just shutting down, straighten it out before it does, or we'll fall back into the wolves. Then I noticed a piece of paper rolled up on its wing. As our trajectory straightened out, the propeller started to slow down.

Hang on! He yelled at me, and jumped off onto the ground, I also jumped out, but the plane suddenly collided with a tree, spun out, and slammed into another, the last thing I saw was a Yellow Mare flying towards me before the world went dark

Author's Note:

Yes, that blue booth is what you're thinking of. I won't attach a recipe for the "finom főzelék" ( fine soup) because it's like broccoli, only a few people like it.

One more thing, whoever deciphers all the references hidden in the letter to movies and series and tells me which movie they refer to will get a chance from me to say when to find a blue booth again to make a call from it (meaning, return Doctor Who).

Unfortunately, this chapter is even more confusing than usual because I had to split it into two parts.

At the beginning of the chapter, there's a little wordplay because in our language, when you want to pronounce "d c g," it sounds like you're saying döcögő which means stuttering.

Oh, and if I didn't structure it well, don't blame me, because ChatGPT really messed up the text even more than usual, sorry about that.