• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 281 Views, 5 Comments

Sunset Tiger - adyWriter

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Sunset returned from her ‘hunt’ of pictures very soon with Twilight’s phone also intact of course after that the girls returned to their camp where Pinkie Pie was wondering when they will show up already preparing the marshmallows for the evening, she did asked where Sunset could be when she noticed that she wasn’t with the others. Of course when they told her what happened and when Sunset showed up as an anthropomorphic tiger Pinkie been Pinkie started to over react asking questions how she felt and if she still could eat normal food or she will have to hunt and other stuff. However they told her what they have to do in order for her to turn back to normal and of course she prepared everything they needed to do to scare the miners.

“I really can’t believe that Sunset turned into a tiger girl. I didn’t knew that inside she could be a tiger but of course thinking how she does when she gets angry and the hair that she has maybe it was no coincidence and I wonder how you will do if you get angry and if you will start to act more like a tiger if we don’t put a stop to what is happening in those 3 days. I wonder if….” Sunset placed her hand on her mouth to stop.

“I will get back to normal after we deal with those miners. And I do admit that some qualities I really like and enjoy but I want to be back to normal.” She said.

“That will be possible when Fluttershy comes with Green Field to start the first act.” Rainbow Dash said before Sunset started to hear some footsteps from the woods.

“Wait I think I hear them.” Said the tiger girl before Rarity went to take a look and saw both Fluttershy with Green Field.

“Alright they came. You better hide now.” She said before Sunset to the opposite direction to hide in a bush.

“And remember when we are close to finishing the story make the loudest roar you can.” Rainbow Dash said and Sunset nods running in the forest to hide herself while from the other side Fluttershy came with the slender boy.

“Hey everyone this is Green Field.” Fluttershy said presenting him.

“Hi.” He said shyly waving at the group of girls.

“Hiiiiii.” Pinkie said coming to him with excitement. “We are so glad you came, Fluttershy told us about I am Pinkie Pie by the way, nice to meet you.”

“Ah nice to meet you as well.” He said overwhelmed by the hyperactive girl.

“Excuse Pinkie Pie this is how she is around new people, I am Twilight by the way.” The genius girl of the group said extending her hadn’t to him.

“A pleasure meeting you.” He said with a smile.

“Pleasure to meet you Green Field I’m Applejack, Fluttershy told us that you like plants.” The farmer girl said.

“Yeah I like to study them and their properties, I guess you are also interested in them as well.”

“Well I am a farmer I work in the fields with them and with animals.”

“Lucky I would say, ‘unlike my situation with my uncle.” He whispered he last part hoping to not hear him but the girl heard him very well.

“Well to out camp fire, names Rainbow Dash.” The tomboy girl said.

“Pleasure is all mine.” He said with a smile.

“And I am Rarity a pleasure to meet you darling. We are really glad you came.” The fashion designer said coming to greet him.

“I am glad that was able to come as well. So I heard that you were all suppose to tell stories around the fire.”

“Indeed partner, come and take a seat.” Applejack said offering a seat on a log and he politely took it while Pinkie Pie gave him a marshmallow .” on a stick to fry it near the fire.

“Hope you will enjoy.”

“I surely will. Of course I didn’t expected to be around girls this much to be honest.” He said.

“Unfortunately we aren’t all, a friend of ours Sunset Shimmer isn’t feeling too well she ate something spoiled and decided to go to sleep early.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh I am sorry for this. How bad is it?”

“She has a powerful stomach ache and nearly vomited. It is really nasty.” Twilight said.

“I am sorry to hear this.” He said.

“Don’t worry, by tomorrow she surely will feel better and meet you. For now let’s enjoy the evening.” Rarity said and for the moment listened to 2 scary stories from Applejack and Twilight, both not too scary but it did scared Fluttershy.

“Wow, those stories were something.” Green Field said not too scared.

“I don’t know about this it was quite scary.” Fluttershy said trembling a little.

“Wasn’t that bad if I say so.” Green Field said.

“So for how long have you been here?” Twilight asked the boy.

“Oh, not for too long, I actually came yesterday with my uncle.” He said.

“And how was the time so far?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Fine so far wished to have been better if you ask me.” He said with discomfort.

“You don’t seem this fond from what I can tell.” Applejack said.

“Well I was more dragged into this, my uncle wants, been more the thought sort of person who takes sometimes unnecessary risks sometimes especially that he is a miner by trade.” He said.

“Oh a miner, guess it is hard to work all day underground?” Rarity asked of course she didn’t like the idea actually.

“Yeah and it isn’t quite great especially when the trade consists in using chemicals that could harm the environment.” He said.

“Well, we understand that this is a grave problem but it also has consequences.” Applejack said her eyes moving towards the woods where Sunset was hiding herself.

“Indeed I really hope many times that this wouldn’t be the situation, not to mention the illegal cutting of trees that is also a problem worldwide in some places.” He said.

“We agree with this especially that it might be a bad idea doing something like this here.” Rarity said.

“Due to law coming up on the ones responsible if they are informed?” He asked.

“Not only that, have you heard of the legend of the Forest Hell Creature?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Forest Hell Creature, what is that?” He asked confused.

“It is an old legend I once heard, do you want to hear it?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk.

“Sure this gathering been about telling scary stories plus maybe I still have time for another one.” He said with a smile.

“Oh, this one it is more a legend of an event that might have happened a long time ago.” She said.

“Ah and is it about?” Green Field asked and Rainbow prepared herself to tell while poking the fire

“It is said that a long time ago there was a tribe that lived in peace with nature for generations. All the members revering it with all their hearts, however when foreign people came to their land they started to exploit it, cutting trees irregularly, hunting the animals for fun and other harmful things that affect nature. The people tried to resist them, but it was to no avail and so the shaman of the tribe decided to summon all his powers to summon a creature half person half animal the shape of a giant cat. This creature was summoned with the purpose of protecting the wild and it did but in the most unpleasant way possible, it started to attack the ones that had came in this forest in the most gruesome ways possible chasing many of them away, completely.” She said in a way scary both Flutershy and Green Field.

“However no all of the intruders wanted to leave, the leader of them who was the most stubborn didn’t wanted to give up and so he came back in the forest in search of the one causing the trouble. It was his gravest mistake because the only thing that he heard was the scariest roar possible. According to the legend when he heard this roar the creature jumped above him and disarmed him with only one strike tried. Panicked he tried to flee however he didn’t make it outside and after that it is said that he was never saw again. After this the rest that remained decided to flee the forest, not wanting to come across the creature again. It is said that when they left the creature disappeared entering into a deep hibernation. However one thing is certain, whenever the forest and environment are threatened he wakes up and when this happens one should always be aware when they hear the beast’s roar that could come any moment signaling that it returned.” Rainbow Dash said with an evil smirk while Sunset hidden behind the bushes knew it was her time.

“Time for the show.” Sunset said adjusting her voice.


They all heard a roar from the forest; all in all it was the scariest sound they heard and it was enough to make everyone shake, including Green Field who Fluttershy was embracing.

“Wow, this wasn’t something I expected.” Rainbow Dash commented by all accounts the sound of a Tiger’s roar was really scary for all people and Sunset really did a great job.

“Do do you think it was the creature?” Green Field asked by all accounts he didn’t want actually to believe in this legend but with this sound it was now hard not to.

“I don’t know, maybe. To tell you the truth we never heard something like this.” Rainbow Dash said before Green Field turned to his watch.

“Oh, maybe I should go right now.” He said getting on his feet.

“Wait it can be dangerous now.” Applejack said.

“I really have to go sorry. Thank you for your time I really enjoyed it.” He said getting in the forest before Sunset came to them from her hiding place.

“Well phase one is complete, too bad it is someone who was innocent.” Sunset said.

“We know this but we will make sure he and the one who is on his side get out of trouble. It’s time for phase 2.” Rainbow Dash said getting some blankets ropes, a net and a sack from the rv to make the traps needed for what was coming. The main 7 then went into the forest following Sunset to where the miners were. By the look on their faces Green Field was telling them the story they had made up and luckily most of them with the exception of the boss(whom they assumed to be his uncle) believed them.

“We heard the roar maybe it was the beast.” One of the large miners said.

“I knew it was a bad idea to come by. It isn’t necessary to know this legend that what we are doing is wrong, the legend actually tells there will always be repercussions if we do something like this.” Fast Pick said.

“Then we should better leave.” Said another.

“ENOUGH! I didn’t come here to be scared and thrown out of this operation especially after hitting the jackpot where we have gold.” Shouted Yellow Metal to the others.

“Come on sir. you know yourself that everything we are doing is wrong, it is better that we leave.”

“NO I will be scare by any stupid old tale. We will continue no matter what.” He said all not knowing that their digging equipment and supplies vanished, been levitated away from their camp.

“Good thinking Twilight, now the next step.” Rainbow Dash said turning to Pinkie Pie who was already prepared and excited and to Sunset who prepared her claws.

“Pinkie it’s time for some explosions. And Sunset start to scratch.” She said before Yellow Metal saw that their equipment had vanished.

“Where is our digging equipment?”


An explosion was heard nearby one of their cars where a shadow was spotted for several seconds before vanishing, the miners then went to see what happened and saw claw marks on it.


Another explosion came this time by the river where their mineral washing equipment was only to find it completely destroyed with scratch marks all over it, the situation was making the majority of the miners more and more agitated and scared.

“It’s the creature! He returned because we harmed the forest.” Shouted one of the miners starting to run away from what was happening.

“Come back here you coward!!!” Shouted his boss but to no avail just when their fire had been extinguished and the torch lights disappeared as well.


A giant roar was heard from behind them and from the forest they saw a pair of menacing glowing eyes in the dark that launched at the table cutting it with it’s claws and smashing it to pieces before vanishing and appearing in another place and with an explosion a giant boulder blocked the entrance to their mine.

“NO! It can’t be.” He shouted in desperation before noticing that both Fast Pick and his nephew had ran away together with another only 3 remaining but mainly out of fear then out of conviction.

“YOU WILL NOT DRIVE US OUT WHATEVER YOU ARE.” Yellow Gold said taking fighting position. “Come out you animal, I ain’t afraid of you!!!”

“Of you should be, because this tiger will get you in the hands of the law.” Sunset said with a smirk making a giant in a dark corner “Roar!” She roared to track their attention before leaping away from them.

“No you don’t!” Shouted the boss going after it, while the other 2 remained in place and the boss saw “What are you 2 doing!”

“Ahh, sir. you know maybe we should.” One of them said in fear before the boss grabbed them by the shirts.

“No excuses!” He shouted making them follow the creature not knowing it was driving them into a trap, crossing between 2 trees they found themselves out of sudden upside down trapped in a net like 3 big fishes.

“Yeah we caught them.” Rainbow Dash said before hearing the siren from police and forest ranger cars.

“And we did this right on time.” Twilight said with a smile right when Sunset came t them. As the police and forest rangers went to the captured crooks, after they were taken in by the law the girls started to go through the forest back to their camp smiling for what they did.

“This adventure really was out of ordinary now.” She said to her friends.

“Yeah and you wouldn’t turn wild in 5 days.” Pinkie Pie said confusing the girl.


“It’s a long story we will tell you after you switch back.” Rarity said.

“Question is in how much time this will happen.” Applejack said before Sunset turned to her body noticing still having tiger features, for her it was better then been naked however at the moment.

“I mean shouldn’t you have changed back immediately after you saved the forest?” Applejack asked, in all cases she was right she should have turned back to normal after this mission why it didn’t happened. Twilight then thought for a moment about the drawings in the cave where all began in a way the person that turned was in front of the stone.

“Hmm, maybe because you have to be in front of the stone that turned you into a humanoid tiger, this is how the drawing showed the person changed back when he or she was in front of the stone.” Twilight said.

“You think this will work?”

“It must, but it is only one way to find out.” Twilight said wanting to go towards the cave before Rarity stopped them.

“Wait a minute, before you do that you need something, let’s get you back to the camp first.” Rarity said and all followed her back to the camp.

“Wait here a moment.” She said entering her VR while the others stayed outside.

“Wonder what might be the situation.” Sunset said.

“Whatever it is I hope it doesn’t take long.” Applejack said before Rarity exited with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and new pair of shoes for Sunset.

“Here, it might be night but you can’t walk outside not wearing anything on you, after you no more have fur.” Rarity said while sunset made an awkward face realizing this small issue.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about this.” Sunset said taking the clothes.

“It really would have been awkward and I already imagined it.” Applejack said while the girls went to the cave and Sunset entered alone in it after placing her clothes on a stone she approached the stone that started to glow, she stayed there for a moment waiting to change back but nothing happened.

“Hmm, I maybe I must touch it.” She said before touching the stone with her pointing finger before a brighter glow came and out of sudden the girl started to feel her body changing, her tail retracting and disappearing alongside her fur and her feet returned to normal and her face, leaving the fully human Sunset Shimmer.

“It worked.” Sunset said looking at her hands that are now back to normal before realizing the small issue with the clothes and immediately went to put her clothes on before her friends entered.

“There perfect.”

“It’s good to have you Sunset.” Applejack said.

“I am glad to be back although I might miss the abilities I had as a half tiger person.” She said with a smile.

“They were probably great if we exclude the fact that if you stayed like that for more than 4 days you might have turned more animal then person and became Queen of the Jungle.” Rainbow Dash said before Twilight noticed the red stone glowing.

“Ah, guys look.” All turned to see the stone now magically been attacked to a bracelet and landing in the water of the pedestal.

“What just happened?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, oh I know I believe if one finishes the task at hand, the person chosen receives the stone as a reward to turn whenever he or she considers necessary while another is put in its place. But the stones allows you only a limited amount of time in a day, you change back after only a couple of hours if you don’t deactivate it.” Pinkie Pie said both hyperactively and enthusiastically.

“From where you got this idea?” Twilight asked.

“From there.” She pointed at other paintings on another wall which tells exactly what the party organizer had said.

“So that means you will be able to turn whenever you consider necessary or needed to?” Applejack asked while Sunset takes the bracelet.

“It seems so, but to be honest, I might not even use it at all. Who knows?” She said before placing the bracelet on her right arm. “Yet it suits me great.”

“I wonder however many times did those events happened here in this forest.” Twilight said.

“If we think that Granny Smith told me once a story similar to what we said to Green Field to scare the miners it is possible to not have happen very often but it did happened.” Applejack said.

“And you know thinking that in this mountain there really might be gold it is no wonder that the tribe that lived here tried to protect it, the bracelet is made of gold from what I can tell.” Sunset said.

“And I guess the magic will again be dormant for when a thing like this happens again, especially if this cave replaces the stones.” Rainbow Dash said while everyone started to leave the cave to get a good night of sleep at their camp.

Author's Note:

Author’s note: I felt like I needed to make this story as quick as possible during summer. Also I saw the need that this story had to be split in 3 chapters to make it easier to read.

Please do leave reviews; I really am interested in your opinions.

Comments ( 5 )

The biggest issue is that Twilught knows so much accurately. She should be guessing more. You are rushing too much. Good idea but needs refining

This idea was mostly one that came to mind and wanted to post it to get it out of my head. What aspects do you think I should refine this one, what should I do?

Have them not fully know all the conditions of Sunsets transformation that is the biggest thing. Plus maybe mention Wilight studied this kind of pictograph

I admit it was a rushed idea I admit, what other ideas can you help me with also?

Not really since a just started story. That was the only glari g issue.

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