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Chapter 5: Unconditional Surrender

This shockwave has us going stupidly fast. So fast I'd say the only reason we aren't dead is because it's powered by love. Pathetic. I would turn around and devour it right now if I knew that wouldn't kill us all. Though certain lings dying off might not be all that bad for me. I look to the side with my windswept eyeballs. I never knew there were any other Changeling Queens. I destroyed the tree me and my original hive were birthed from. I suppose there could've been more before me, but then why didn't they destroy it? Pah! No matter. She's stuck herself in a cube shaped shield for the duration of our ridiculous flight.

Once we land I take in the casualties. Almost all of us landed unharmed. We're in the badlands to the south not too far from our hive. What fortune! Though I do need to take care of our guest. I walk up to the other Changeling Queen. She is incredibly angry right now. Not quite the fury I'm feeling. It's too ordered and calculating for that. Almost like a Dragon or Hydra in mindset. I should be fine. Both of those species are quite risk averse, comparatively. That she hasn't attacked me already is an excellent sign too. Us Changeling Queens aren't really known for our patience.

"It's good we weren't separated. Now we can plan our revenge together." She slowly turns her head towards me.

"Our revenge. Quite. Tell me whoever you are, what in the everloving fractal horse manure happened back there?"

"Oh that is quite embarrassing. I had captured the last of Celestia's champions. They freed Cadance, and she was able to power the shield spell that expelled us. Honestly, who knew that love could power spells like that?" She slowly blinks at me.

"So how did they escape their bonds?"

"Oh I didn't have them restrained. I wanted to gloat before I put them in the love collection pods." Her eye almost imperceptibly twitches. "So what say you? Do you want to work together to get revenge on Cadance?" She thinks for a couple seconds.

"I think I will get my revenge, yes." Her words resonate with truth and love somehow. Nice party trick. "I'll be hunting down the Alicorn responsible, and kill her personally. Whether hoof, telekinesis, transformed fang, or bombardment magic," bombardment magic? "One of us will kill the other." And she does a little pony salute over her heart. I smile evilly towards her. I won't even have to risk myself personally!

"Excell-" I'm interrupted by a sharp pain in my throat.


Wait what? Why can't I speak? Why can't I breathe!? Oh. Oh, that's my headless body over there. How did this happen! You can't fake any kind of truth magic, even I know that much...

She still thinks all Alicorns are Changeling Queens doesn't she. Horseapples.


"Does anybody here have a problem with what I just did?" They're all scrambling and cowering away from me. I walk up to one trying to hide as a rock. Creative use of shape shifting.

"So am I going to have to worry about a bunch of shape shifting idiots coming to assassinate me, or something equally stupid?" He continues to cower. What even is my life? I'm talking to a rock. If I didn't see him transform I would think I'm going crazy here.

Then something bites me in my right hoof. Straight past my exoskeleton. It's a jungle viper. Not native to the desert. I look over to Chrysalis's corpse. Her head is missing. I pull her off and put my love to work healing myself and flushing out the venom.


"Very impressive. You exactly matched the emotional signature of an affronted snake. Now die." I start feeding off her with the intent to drain her dry. I don't do this very often. Feels wrong. Like murder, but far more personal. She squirmed, writhed, and transformed in my telekinetic grasp, but her grasp of the basics are woefully inadequate. I actually feel kind of bad. Pretty sure she's a newborn judging by how many holes she has in her. Then developed some bad habits that made her condition worse. How do you even get holes in your hair? Doesn't stop her from being an existential threat to my well-being though, and it won't stop me from killing her for it.

I drop her lifeless de-transformed head to the ground. "So are you going to face me or am I going to have to get creative here?" He immediately transforms back and starts groveling.

"P-p-please don't eat me your majesty." Hmm, am I the Queen of a hive now? I always knew my species was insectoid. I'll have to implement another method of succession other than regicide if it turns out I'm immortal. I don't want that shoe on the other foot.

"I'm not going to eat you. What was your leader's plan for the governance of Equestria?"


"Yes. The plan for after you conquered it." His face brightens up.

"We were going to enslave all the ponies and harvest the love from them forever!" My eye and neck twitch in quick succession. Now he's groveling again. It's such a shame the only thing I've seen one of these guys express enthusiasm for is so mind bogglingly stupid.

A few more minutes has him leading me back to the hive. I'd say it's a coincidence we're so close, but I know better. Harmonic spell catalysts tend towards mercy and reconciliation in their long term effects. Or so many treatises and my own experiences have professed. A wave of fear sweeps through the hive as I enter it. Always a terrible sign. Let's see how easily the children fall in line.

"Gather up the hive. Is there a central audience chamber?" A few minutes later I'm seated on a throne with about four hundred changelings assembled before me. More than I hoped, less than I feared.

"Chrysalis is dead." A hush falls over the room. "She died for the crime of losing a war, and bucking up my retirement beyond any repair. Not only did she start her diplomatic relations with Equestria with an unprovoked war, she started them with a loss. This simultaneously shattered any possible amicable relations, showed them that we are weak enough to be beaten, and revealed my presence to the immortal Alicorns that rule Equestria." I look over the juveniles to make sure they understand the gravity of the situation.

"We will surrender immediately." Slight murmuring breaks out, then immediately hushes up.

"We will have friendly relations with the ponies." As I infuse my voice with the truth. "Once it becomes clear that the new leadership means them no harm we can openly visit. I forsee a future where all the races of the world will welcome us with open arms. We have unique skills to offer. I plan to have everypony at each other's throats competing for the honor of having a Changeling mediator, Changeling psychiatrist, or a Changeling matchmaker exercising our empathy to assist them. They will glut us of their own free will and thank us for the experience."

"Now I can sense doubts amongst you all. Who wouldn't? You were raised by an imbecile. Of course she would have poisoned your minds with her stupidity. So here is but a taste of the bounty you can expect when you utilize my methods." This next part is going to suck. I'm basically going to be throwing up in their 'mouths' with my love. I dredge up a tenth of my total reserves to divide equally between them all, using my magic to aim. They are surprisingly well behaved throughout it all. Once I'm done they're looking much better. Few less holes in every single one of them. Some are zonked out, some are actually smiling at the end of it. All of them are feeling a whole lot less on edge.

"Now to bribe Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

Shining armor

I knock on the door.

"Yes love?" I feel myself smile. She always knows if it's me somehow. I open it.

"A changeling was at the castle gates this morning." She freezes in place.

"What happened? Who did it hurt?"

"Nopony. It brought us a wedding gift. Said it was from the new queen and then flew out of the city as a sparrow." As I levitate it in. It's a fairly large rectangular wooden box. "Our security and diviners were able to tell that it was crafted with love magic and was safe to open but not anything else. Interference from how densely the love permeates it. Couldn't open the thing either."

"New queen. Could it be the one that supposedly kept a number of nobles safe throughout the fighting?" An old argument by now. Cadance thinks she was just saving them for herself. I think otherwise.

"Maybe. I brought it here because you are the closest love magic expert, as well as the intended recipient."

"Hmm, give it over. This is... This is the love letter spell. They're... No that doesn't make any sense. They're surrendering! And giving me tribute. The new queen is under the impression I'm the true ruler of Equestria."

"Love letter spell?"

"Yes, it's part of a series of spells made by Archmage Shimmering Heart. Just about the only class I paid attention to. In fact with her accomplishments in the field it's a wonder she isn't the Alicorn of love right now. Her cutie mark was a broken heart though, so the requirements were probably different for her."

"But what does it do?"

"It enchants a letter in the language of love. Anybody can understand it, but you can't lie in it. I just don't understand how somepony could be so wrong about so many things so obvious!"

"Can you open it?"

"Easily. You just have to- SWEET BUCKING HARMONY!!" As my love fumbles the container in between us. A brightly glowing pink crystal lands between us.

Along with the severed head of Queen Chrysalis.

Still fresh.