• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 585 Views, 19 Comments

Dead Squirrel in Equestria - OGBlitz14

Squirrel is playing a game of Lethal Company, yet the next second, he's in a mysterious Horse town and became his avatar. What chain of events led to this? And is there a villain to this story or not?+

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Chapter 3: Acorny Chase

"C'mon y'all, we're almost there." The yellow Filly informed as she and the other two Fillies were galloping.

The three Fillies eventually saw an opening that led out of the forest and ran toward it.

Once they past the exit, they stopped and tried to catch their breaths while letting out some pants.

After catching their breaths, the orange Filly broke the panting atmosphere.

"Finally, *Pant* we are out of the forest." Said the orange Filly with a relieved tone, during a pant.

"Yeah, *Pant* after you leads us to many wrong directions." Argued the white Filly.

"Well, *Pant* it's not my fault."

"*Pant* Yeah, whatever you say."

"Sweetie Belle, *Pant* as much as ah want to argue about Scootaloo's *Pant* sense of direction, we have to warn Ponyville about the brain showin' rodent." The two other Fillies nodded, but the orange Filly made a face of pout at the yellow Filly's comment.

The little Fillies looked ahead in their direction and in the distance, saw a house with a mossy rooftop.

"Ok, let's go warn Flutte-"


The white Filly was interrupted by a loud yell in the distance. Instantly, the Fillies all had uneasy expressions.

"Oh no, Fluttershy!" All the Fillies said in a panic.

"We are coming!" Yelled the orange Filly as she galloped toward the house. The other two Fillies galloped as well and were behind the orange Filly. They were worried about the sight they were going to see, but they wanted to make sure that the Pony who yelled was okay.

Fluttershy stopped screaming and was trying to keep calm, but how can she? She was seeing a animal with its brain exposed. However, every animal was her friend and she wanted to make sure they were fine, even if the situation is a little gruesome.

She quickly flew over to Squirrel and put her two front hooves on the side of its torso, under its arms and picked the little rodent up. This caught the brain exposed Squirrel by surprise and he let out a little "hey."

"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh! Are you okay?!" Panicked Fluttershy while still hovering a few feet and with the Squirrel in her hooves.

The Squirrel was trying to push his body away from her hoove grip, but with how small he is, he was making any progress on leaving her gentle hooves.

"What are you doing!?" The Squirrel questioned while having a little bit of panic in his voice from Fluttershy's actions.

Fluttershy wasn't thrown off at the Squirrel talking since she always talked with animals and translated their language. Plus, she wasn't even focused on the Squirrel talking, she was focused on the obvious problem in her eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay." Fluttershy said with a comforting tone, trying to calm down the Squirrel, but she was still in a little state of panic herself. "I'm going to take you to the hospital and you're going to be fine." She cared about animals so much, but she never been in a situation that required her to sew a skull back together.

"Wait, but I am fine. It is just my normal appearance." Said the Squirrel nonchalantly, getting rid of the panic in his voice.

Fluttershy looked at the Squirrel with a questionable, but worried look on her face. She didn't know how to respond to that comment. Its brain was exposed, how would that be a normal appearance for any animal?

Fluttershy shook her head to stop thinking about what the rodent had said and she turned her attention to her white bunny friend: Angel Bunny.

"Angel, please watch the cottage while I take this Squirrel to the hospital." Angel nodded and looked a little scared from the Squirrel she was still holding.

"Wait, but I'm n-" The Squirrel didn't get to finish his sentence when Fluttershy stopped him talking by pushing his face on her chest with one of her hooves. He was moving his arms and tail in refusal and was trying to tell her that he was fine, but with his face covered in buttery hair, he can only muffle.

"Mmmph, mmmph, mmph." He muffled, still trying to move around out of her grip. Though Fluttershy was a little bit disgusted by the Squirrel's insides, she always wanted to make sure all her animal friends were okay and would do anything to make sure they are fine, even if it meant getting everypony staring at her.

"Please stop arguing." Muttered Fluttershy in a soft cooing voice as she took of flying away from the cottage in a hurry with the Squirrel in her hooves and pushed to her chest. She was unaware that her disappearance from her cottage would start a panic from a group of Fillies.

'Please be okay, please be okay.' Thought the yellow Filly with panic. The three Fillies were getting closer and seeing the side of the cottage in the distance.

After a few seconds of galloping toward the cottage, the Fillies finally made to the cottage and were running on a tiny bridge that was over a little flow of water. They stopped in front of the cottage's front door.

"Fluttershy!" Yelled the orange Filly while knocking on the door with her right front hoof. There was no response for a few seconds, which made the little Fillies worry that the worst thing, happened to their friend.

"Are you okay!?" The white Filly said while she attempted to twist and push on the door handle, hoping it would open and surprisingly, it opened. The Fillies looked uneasy about the door being unlocked and were looking at each other.

As the door opened wide, they saw that it was empty and nopony was in the living room. The silence in the cottage was filled with a gust of wind from the wide open front door.

"Fluttershy! Are you in here?" Asked the yellow Filly. A few seconds passed and nopony replied. The Fillies gulped in fear and felt a little lump go down their throat. They were scared and were shivering at an image in their head that made their whole body shake.

Their illustrative thoughts were interrupted when they heard a few thumps coming behind them. They quickly turned around and saw nopony behind them, but could see two white long ears peeking into their vision. Their stares followed the long ears down to the source of it and saw it belonged to a Bunny who came up behind them.

They let out a sigh of relief when it wasn't the zombie Squirrel who was sneaking up on them. The Bunny crossed his furry paws on front of his chest, he had a glare stare on his face, and was thumping his left foot impatiently that just send out the words "what are you doing here?"

"Oh Angel, are we glad to see you." Said the orange Filly with a relieved smile and tone. "Do you know where Fluttershy is?" The Bunny nodded his head in a yes gesture and the Fillies smiled to hear that their friend hasn't disappeared or hurt.

"Ok, where is she?" Asked the yellow Filly. The Bunny paused and tried to think of a way to tell the group of Fillies where she went, since he was an animal and they couldn't understand him. His face brightened when a lightbulb went on in his head. He thought of doing some gestures to help the Fillies understand.

The Bunny was doing a impression of a little walk with a happy smile and his eyes closed. The Fillies were confused on what he was doing, but eventually caught that he was doing impressions to communicate with them.

"Ok, so Fluttershy was... enjoyin' her day?" Asked the yellow Filly. The Bunny nodded his head yes and continued to make more gestures. He still made a peaceful walking gesture, but he instantly changed his to another where he had a shocked expression face and his two front paws on each side of his face.

"And... she forgot something?" The orange Filly guessed with confusion in her voice. The Bunny glared at the guess and shook his head no. "Did she come across... something weird?" He softened his glare and did a little yes nod. "Hmmm... but what did she come across?" She wondered to herself. The white Filly put her left hoof on her face and shook her head.

"Oh for... it's obvious she came across the zombie Squirrel." Exclaimed the white Filly as she removed her hoof from her face. The Bunny nodded his head yes. "So she ran from the Squirrel and it is chasing her. Oh no... we have to go save her." The Bunny was about to nod no, but none of the Fillies were paying attention, since the white Filly had their eyes staring at her.

"We need to get to the clubhouse an' get some supplies." Said the yellow Filly. The bunny glared at the Fillies and had his paws crossed.

"But how are we going to get there fast enough, it will take a lot of time to get the clubhouse before the zombie Squirrel might get Fluttershy, so how will we stop it?" Asked the orange Filly.

The Bunny rolled his eyes as he was being ignored by the Fillies. He hopped away from the group as they were continuing to make assumptions about the Squirrel.

The yellow Filly looked into the cottage through the open front door. She had an idea. "Girls, ah got an idea." The other Fillies looked confused and rose a single eyebrow. The yellow Filly went in the cottage and the two Fillies looked at each other and looked back at the yellow Filly who was inside the cottage. They eventually followed the yellow Filly inside the cottage and were following her idea. The rodent wouldn't know what hit him.

Squirrel was still being suffocated in a buttery coat. In fact, that was the only thing he can see in his vision. He was kidnapped by a yellow Horse with wings and he was wondering to himself: 'how the fuck did I get in this situation?'

Squirrel was trying to escape the butter Horse's grip, but even though she looked gentle, she had strong grip (although it's probably due to his small Squirrely size.) Squirrel couldn't see, but he could feel his back fur feel a little wind from the Horse's flying grip. "Mmmph mmmph mmmmph." He tried to make a rebuttal and convince the Horse that he was fine, but it only came out as muffles.

"Don't worry, you will be fine when we get to the hospital. Just try to keep breathing." She said while she was still flying. Squirrel had a little blush on his face and was a little exhausted from trying to escape her grip.

Squirrel had a idea on how to escape the pink haired Horse, but it probably would hurt her and he was trying not to do that or make her a little mad at him. Squirrel sighed and thought: 'screw it." He brought his right hand to a spot on the Horse's chest and pinched at a spot on her chest.

She winced and let out a little yelp. She let go of Squirrel and finally, he was able to see something that wasn't a buttery coat. After he landed on the ground, he saw many Horses everywhere and he did a slow 360 degree turn with his body to see the Horses around him. They were walking and doing their own thing, until they laid their at the yellow Horse who caught their attention, thanks to her yelp from Squirrel's pinch.

Their attention was on the yellow Horse for a few seconds, in which she recovered from the pinch and noticed that the Horses were staring at her and hid behind her hair with a small blush on her face. The crowd of Horses laid their eyes on something besides the shy Horse.

They noticed a squirrel, however once they saw the Squirrel, their eyes all turned into dots. Some of the Horses' jaws were dropped, and some horses looked a little green and felt their lunch almost come out their throat. Squirrel noticed that the crowd was looking at him and was looking left and right at the crowd a few times. He decided to say something, even though it would probably freak them out more.

"Ummm... so how's it going?" He asked with a sheepish smile forming on his face, as well a few sweat coming from his forehead. The crowd just looked more shocked, their short dotted eyes somehow turned smaller, and more jaws were dropped. Squirrel knew he wasn't going to convince the crowd not to panic. 'These guys are still going to panic are th-' He couldn't even finish the sentence in his head when every horse around him screamed and were running from him. "Yep, I fucking knew it." He muttered to himself.

Now every Horse around him were panicking and were running in random directions away from him. The yellow Horse snapped out of her shy hiding and noticed that she was floating a few feet above the running crowd. She had a panicked expression on her face with her two front hooves on each side of her head. "Oh no." She muttered to herself with a little bit of panic in her voice, fearing that the Squirrel was being trampled by the crowd under her, since she couldn't see the Squirrel anymore because of the crowd. "Squirrel! Squirrel!" She yelled into the fleeing crowd on hoping to recieve an answer from him, but there was no response besides the screams the crowd was making.

However, Squirrel was actually ok. He was in the Horse crowd, but he wasn't be trampled by them, although his tail did get stomped on a single time. He manages to avoid the Horses and after a minute of evading them, he got out and was not inside the panicking crowd anymore. 'Finally, the crowd can't stomp my fucking ass.' He thought as he ran from the crowd. As he was running, he heard the buttery Horse call out to him into the crowd, thinking he was still in it. Squirrel however, didn't stop since he didn't want to go to the hospital and get surgery on his brain because that was his normal appearance (for his avatar at least.) Squirrel left the scene of the panicked Horses, however his appearance in the town created a panic that will make a trio believe he is something that he isn't.

The trio of Fillies were galloping into town with some kind of saddle bags that had some supplies in them. They had determined stares on their faces, but it quickly changed into a confused expression when they ran into a small fleeing crowd who was running the opposite direction of the Fillies. They were perplexed on what they were running from, but they instantly answered that question in their head when they knew that the squirrel scared them.

"C'mon y'all, we're almost there. Ah feel it." Said the yellow Filly as she and the other Fillies were still galloping with their determined looks glued back on their face.

"Yeah, we are going to beat that squirrel freak up for attacking Fluttershy." The orange Filly said.

"Wait, but I thought we were going to warn Ponyville and tell Twilight that the Squirrel was on the loose?" Questioned the white Filly.

"Look around, Sweetie Belle. Almost everypony knows that the Squirrel is roaming around." Replied the orange Filly as she turned her head to look at the white Filly. "Plus, if it's attacking Fluttershy right now, we might not have time to tell Twilight."

"Scootaloo has a point Sweetie Belle." Agreed the yellow Filly. "We might not have time to warn Twahlight."

"I suppose you are right." The white Filly agreed.

Suddenly the yellow Filly stopped. The other Fillies noticed she was stopping and stopped a little late than the yellow Filly. The two Fillies turned around and walked to her, confused on why she stopped.

"Uhhh... why did you stop?" The orange Filly asked the yellow filly.

"Because the squirrel is right there." She replied as she pointed a hoof in a direction. She was right because when the two Fillies turned around, they spotted the Squirrel in the distance and its back was facing them.

"There it is." Whisper yelled the white Filly. "But where is Fluttershy?"

"I don't know, but let's get it." The orange Filly growled as she was about to charge at the Squirrel, however she felt a pressure on her tail, holding her down. When she realized she wasn't moving, she turned around and noticed that the yellow Filly was holding her tail down with a hoof. She stopped trying to charge at the Squirrel, which made the yellow Filly move her hoof off her tail.

"Wait a secon', Scootaloo." She said. "As much as Ah want to stop that rodent, remember its a Zombie. An' if you get bit, you won't be the same Scootaloo we know." She shivered at the thought of her friend becoming a monster that wants to eat her brains. The white Filly must've of had the same thought because she was also shivering.

The orange Filly felt stupid after listening to the yellow Filly's concerns. "*Sigh* You're right." She agreed. "Sorry for not listening."

"It's alright." The white Filly reassured her. "Ok, so what's the plan?" She turned her head and faced the yellow Filly, as she asked her the question.

"Hmmm..." She wondered to herself as she tried to think of a plan to overpower the Zombie Squirrel. After a few seconds of thinking, something sparked in her head and a plan came into her mind. "Ah got it." She exclaimed and huddled the other Fillies next to her. "So here's what we are goin' to do."

"*Pant* *Pant* Ok, finally I'm far away from those fucking Horses." Squirrel muttered to himself. His stamia was drained from all the running and evading that he did in the crowd. He was slouching, but was still walking and looking down since he felt a little nausea in his head that weighed it down. As he was still exhausted from the running, he lifted his heavy head up to see his path ahead of him. He saw a bridge ahead of his path and went back to letting his heavy head weigh down again.

"*Sigh* What the fuck am I going to do in this crazy ass Horse town?" He asked himself. He was confused on how he ended up in a sentient Horse town, or how he became his squirrel icon, but he just wanted to get some answers on how the fuck this happened.

He continued to walk forward to the bridge. However, as he was about to get his first step on the bridge, he heard a few foot steps (that sounded like Horse hooves hitting the floor) behind him, which made him stop walking. He stood up straight and turned his head to get a look on what was going on behind him.

However, instead of Horses in his sight, he got a peek at a rope flying above him. It fell down and landed around his neck and that's when he realized it was a jump rope that was tied as a lasso.

Before he could realize what was going on, he suddenly felt the lasso pull on his neck. Instantly, his eyes turned into dots and was making choking noises. He put his Squirrel hands on the jump rope to try and pull it off his neck, but the grip from the Horse (he was assuming it was a horse) was much stronger than his.

"Nice, Apple Bloom. You can really turn a jump rope into a dangerous weapon." He heard a female voice call out, but he didn't care, since he was more focused on the lasso tied around his neck. His hands were pulling on the lasso, but he wasn't making progress on removing the lasso.

"Thanks Scootaloo." He heard a different female voice say and he continued to hear what she said, while he continued to try and remove the lasso. "But there's no time for compliments." As the second female voice declared.

Squirrel managed to pull the jump rope lasso away from his neck that he was able to maneuver his head and move the lasso over his head, then he dropped it on the floor. He was leaning and was facing his eyes to the ground to catch a few breaths.

"*Pant* *Pant* What the hell wa-"

"Quick Sweetie Belle! Do it now!" The female voice behind him interrupted his muttering. He turned around to see the horses that were strangling him with a jump rope and noticed a floating empty flower pot in his vision. The flower pot looked giant, for him at least. When it came down on Squirrel, it trapped him in the empty inside of the pot. His Squirrel tail was not entirely covered and it was peeking out of the pot, thanks to the long length of it.

Squirrel winced and sucked air through his gritted teeth when the pot landed on his tail. "Fuck, fuck. Fucking shit that really hurt." He muttered to himself through his wincing teeth. As he was trying to recover, he heard another and different female voice talk from the outside of the pot.

"Oh yeah! Take that you rodent freak!"

'What the hell?' He thought to himself with confusion. As he was trapped, he looked at his tail and that's when he noticed his tail was free and created a opening. He saw it and sighed with relieve. As he was lifting the pot from the opening, he heard the three female voices talk to each other.

"Finally, we got it."

"Yeah, we did it Crusaders."

"Glad that Zombie Squirrel is captured, but now what do we do?"

"We tell Twahlight an' she'll know what to do with him."

Squirrel lifted the pot and moved himself away from the inside of the pot. He stopped lifting the pot and was out of the potty prison. He realized that the Horses stopped talking and he quickly turned around. He finally saw his Horsey attackers and had a perplexed expression. All the three Horses looked smaller than the pink haired Horse.

One of the Horses had yellow skin, red hair and a red tail, a bow on her hair, and she had reddish orange eyes. She seemed to be carrying a shocked expression on her face with her eyes open and her jaw dropped to the floor.

Another Horse had orange skin and orange wings, purple hair and a purple tail, and she had grayish purple eyes. She seemed surprised that Squirrel made it out. She had her eyes wide open with her eyebrows raised in astonishment and her eyes said on how she was feeling.

The final Horse had white skin and a white horn, pink and purple hair, as well as a swirl of pink and purple tail, and green eyes. She had her eyes raised and had a similar look to the orange Horse.

The silence of the staring contest was broken by the small orange Horse. "It's free! Sweetie Belle." She exclaimed as she turned to her white Horse friend.

"I'm on it." The small white Horse nodded and had an aura on her horn. The bag on her back suddenly opened when something on the inside of it was coming out. A kitchen pan came out of the back and was glowing a cyan aura as well as her horn. While it was a mysterious sight for Squirrel to see a floating pan, he had his scared eyes on the pan that was now menacingly facing toward him. He wasn't going to let a group of magical Horses crush him with a pan that.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." He panically said, making his two palms facing the Horses and waving his hands in a no signal, to get them to stop. The Horses' mouth dropped instantly and their eyes turned into tiny periods due to the shock of hearing the Squirrel talk.

"It can talk!" Exclaimed the yellow Horse.

"Ahh! A talking Zombie Squirrel. Quick get it!" The orange Horse screamed, as she turned to her white Horse friend. The white Horse nodded and used her aura to float the pan closer to Squirrel.

"Wait, wait wait! Don't attack me!" He exclaimed which got the white Horse to stop floating the pan toward him. She and the yellow Horse looked at him with eyebrows raised in confusion. However, the orange Horse's had a glare.

"And why shouldn't we, you Zombie freak!?" She asked Squirrel.

"What?" He muttered confusion. "What are yo-"

"You scared Ponyville and kidnapped Fluttershy!" She continued interrupting Squirrel. She took a few steps forward with a suspicious glare on Squirrel. "And also-" She pointed a hoof at him. "-you have your brain showing like a Zombie would and you're trying to eat Ponies as a snack!"

"B-but I'm not a Zombie." He tried to countered that accusation. The horses didn't seem to buy his counter since they all had a glare on their faces.

"Well what in tarnation are you?" Asked the yellow Horse.

Squirrel's face dropped and sweat was forming on his forehead. He couldn't think of the way to explain it to the Horses when the pressure was setting on him. "Uh... uhhmm." He stuttered and had sweating puddles when he tried to think of the words, but he couldn't. Then he thought of what to say. "I'm a... good Zombie?" He managed to say those words with a bit of unsureness in his tone, as well as a sheepish smile.

The Horses still had their suspicious glares on their faces and they looked unconvinced. "Get him!" The orange Horse suddenly yelled.

The white filly levitated the pan and descended fast toward Squirrel. However, Squirrel jumped backwards before it slammed onto him. After he landed, he turned around and quickly ran on the bridge.

"He's gettin' away! After him!" He heard the yellow Horse yell.

As he got off the bridge at the other end, he turned his head to get a good look behind him. He saw the Horses chasing him and they had glares.

Surprisingly, Squirrel was able to run a little fast on his two rodent legs, even though he was small due to his Squirrelly size. The pan was still being levitated and was try to slam on Squirrel, but he kept dodging while he was running from the glaring Horses. He didn't know where he was going, but all he was trying to do was head to a path that made him lose the crazy Horses. Too bad he hasn't realized that this path will lead him into more crazy Horses.

Twilight and her friends (minus Fluttershy) were hanging out in Sugarcube Corner. They were talking about what had happened an hour ago and some other topics as well. Fluttershy had left to go tend to her animal friends. However, after conversating, Twilight and her friends were about to head out.

"Well than, I'm probably going to head to the castle, Spike is probably waiting for me to tell him about the experiment." Said Twilight as she turned to the front door.

"Yeah, ah should probably head back to the orchard." Agreed Applejack.

Everypony walked to the door (including one Draconequus that floated towards it.) They opened the door and were greeted by the noises of Pony screams. They all turned their heads to the left, toward the source of the sound and saw many Ponies galloping with scared faces. They were getting closer to Twilight and her friends, but they ran past them, continuing on their panicked galloping. Once they got away from the group, silence filled the air.

The Mane 6 (minus Fluttershy) and Discord were confused about the panicking Ponies that passed by. Rainbow, being the first to snap out of her daze first, broke the silence.

"Uhhh... what was that abo-" She couldn't finish her sentence when Pinkie interrupted her.

"Ooh, my Pinkie Sense is going off!" She exclaimed as she, everypony, and a Draconequus noticed that her tail was twitching wildly. This went on for a few seconds and it stopped. "Wowie, it felt like something chaotic was happening."

Discord's eyes widened upon hearing the word "chaotic." He snapped his fingers and disappeared, but he reappeared when he came out of Pinkie's mane. He stretched his neck and pressed his upside down face against her muzzle. "Something chaotic, you say?" He said with a smiling smirk.

"Yup-a-rooni." Replied Pinkie.

Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared from Pinkie's mane. He reappeared and had a camera in his talon and lion hand. "Now this I got to see." He said with his smile still on his face. "I'm sure my dear, Fluttershy wouldn't mind if I check on the chaos that is about to happen."

Before the chaotic duo can keep talking, two Ponies ran into Twilight and bumped into her. The two Ponies and Twilight fell on impact and they were on the grassy floor. "Owww..." Twilight heard one familiar voice groan. She lifted her head from the ground to see a familiar minty colored Pony and creamy white colored pony on top of her. These Ponies were Lyra and Bon Bon.

Twilight levitated Lyra and Bon Bon off her a few inches away from her and got up. Lyra and Bon Bon were opening their eyes when they were levitated on the ground. Bon Bon was opening her eyes first and groaned. She got up and wondered what she bumped into. "Lyra and Bon Bon? What is going on?" Twilight asked with a confused tone, as she looked at Bon Bon getting up.

Bon Bon's eyes instantly opened wide in realization when she realized that she bumped into the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. "P-p-princess T-Twilight." Bon Bon stuttered, fearing that bumping into a princess made her a little angry. "I-I'm so s-sorry for b-bumping into you."

Lyra recovered and got up, but she eventually realized that she bumped into Twilight as well. "W-we are s-s-sorry." Lyra was able to get those words out in a scared manner, but in a apologetic tone as well.

"It's alright." Twilight reassured them. Lyra and Bon Bon let out a relieved sigh when they heard the princess' reassurment. Twilight was wondering why they were running away in a panic, so she decided to ask them. "What is going on?"

Lyra and Bon Bon had a little bit of sweat dripping down their face and they had a expression of uneasiness. Bon Bon opened her mouth to tell Twilight what she saw, but Lyra got her words out first. "W-we saw it." She shivered at the thought of monster she encountered. She continued to describe what she witnessed.

"I-it talked and i-it was small, like a S-squirrel, b-but it had a... i-it had a-a... i-its... its..." Her words died in her throat when she started to shiver wildly. Her wild panic returned when she turned more green than usual as she looked like she was holding her lunch from escaping from her throat. She fled from the group when her panic took control of her mind and body.

"LYRA!" Bon Bon yelled as she ran after her. "WAIT!" She continued to galloped after Lyra.

No Pony or Draconequus stopped them and were left with confused thoughts in their heads. Twilight had many thoughts, questions, and connect the dots between the chaos in town and Pinkie's sense.

Pinkie's sense of a chaotic event that was happening, made Twilight a little worried of what type of chaos that was happening. She didn't want to believe that the Pinkie Sense picked up on what the Ponies were running from, but it couldn't be a coincidence. Everytime she saw or heard chaos happening, she would always think of Discord as the first suspect. However, she has been hanging with Discord before this chaos was sensed, which worried Twilight on what was terrorizing Ponyvillie.

She snapped out of her own world and shared her thoughtful thinking to her friends. "That would explain the panicked Ponies galloping by us and what Lyra and Bon Bon had said. We have to check it out." She had a worried expression when she told her friends. They all had different expressions from what she had concluded.

Rarity had a uneasy expression thinking about the chaos happening. Applejack had a glare when thinking of the monster that was scaring Ponies. Rainbow Dash had the same attitude and expression as Applejack when thinking of the monster. Pinkie was being Pinkie and hummed a happy tune with her eyes closed and her head moving left and right, on sync with the song she was humming. Discord was cleaning his camera with a cloth and had a smile on his muzzle.

She turned her head toward her friends, while she was rambling about her concerns. "Quick everypony, we have to find out what is scaring Ponyville."

"We're right behind you, darling." Said Rarity

"Yeah, let's find this monster." Said Rainbow with a little bit of determination in her voice.

The other Ponies nodded and agreed with Twilight. They all ran to the direction where Lyra and Bon Bon galloped from. Discord stayed behind with a grin still on his face. "Oh Celestia, what chaos is brought to Ponyville today?" He said to himself with a slight chuckle as he snapped his fingers, which made him disappear from where he was standing. The chaos that he and his friends were about to see, would be a major experience for them.

"Leave me alone!" Squirrel yelled at the Horses chasing him, as he was running away from them and the pan that almost slammed on him.

"No way, you talking Zombie rodent!" Argued the orange Horse, as she and the other Horses were still chasing him.

"But I'm a good Zomb-" He try to reassure them that he wasn't a killer Zombie, but he was interrupted by a pan crushing him. He let out a grunt out in pain when he felt the force of the pan, fall on top of him. He fell on the grassy floor with the pan weighing on top of him, which felt like an anvil to him.

"Got him!" Exclaimed the white Horse. After the pan weighed Squirrel down, it was floated off him. As soon as the pan anvil was lifted off him, he wanted to run away. However, his legs couldn't cooperate, since they were exhausted from the force that was pressured into them. All Squirrel could do at the moment was lay down and try to recover. He also laid his head down as well. He heard hoof steps behind him and they stopped in front if him.

"Alright, you Zombie." Growled the orange Horse, which made Squirrel lift his head up to see the small Horse. The three Horses were in front of him, staring at him with a glare. They were a few feet away from him, thinking he would try to bite them if they were close.

The orange Horse was a little close to him, compared to the yellow and white Horse. "Where did you take Fluttershy?" She questioned with a bit of a growl in her tone.

"Who the heck is Fluttershy?" He asked with a bit of confusion.

"Don't play dumb with us!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." He commented with confusion.

"The Pony you chased at the cottage." Informed the yellow Horse.

"Wait, you guys are Ponies?" He asked.

"We are Fillies, but also-" Said the white Horse, (or Filly rather) as she levitated the pan in front of her, which intimidated Squirrel who was scared to be crushed by the pan again. "-stop avoiding the question."

"I'm not, also I still don't know what you're talking about." Squirrel said.

"What do you mean by 'don't know?' We know that you went into that cottage, we heard from Angel." The white Filly argued.

"Wait, are you talking about that house had a lot of animals?" He questioned.

"Of course we are!" Yelled the orange Filly, who was getting a little frustrated with the Zombie Squirrel.

"Wait a second, I didn't chase anyone." Squirrel said, who had a little frustration in his voice. He was getting up from the grassy floor, forgetting he was being threatened to get crushed by a pan, since he had irritation take over him.

"In fact, when I arrived there, I got kidnapped by a Horse, or a Pony rather. And I got captured because apparently I was 'injured.' So I escaped from that crazy yellow Pony because nobody is messing with my brain."

The yellow and white Filly were confused and were having second doubts about the Squirrel. However, the orange Filly realized something. "Wait a minute, are you saying that Fluttershy Foalnapped you?"

"I think you mean kidnapped, but if this 'Fluttershy' Is that yellow Pony who 'Foalnapped' me, then yes." He informed them with his arms crossed.

"You are lying!" She rebuked while taking a few steps toward Squirrel. She also forgot the worst thing that could happen to her, since frustration was taking over her. "Fluttershy has never Foalnapped, or apparently kidnapped in your case. She is a shy and caring Pony who wouldn't hurt a fly, literally!" She was now close to him and was staring down at him. Her friends noticed she was inching closer to the Squirrel and were worried.

"Scootaloo, what are you doin'?! Get back before that Zombie rodent bites you!" Cried the yellow Filly.

"Not until this Squirrel admits that he Foalnapped Fluttershy!" The orange Filly rebuked, as she was still looking at Squirrel and lowered her head down, to show her glare at the Squirrel.

"I did not!" He argued back with frustration, now on his face and voice.

"You did too!" She pressed her head against the Squirrel's head, ignoring the fact that she was also pressing against his brain.

"Did not!" He pressed his head as well, which surprisingly, they had the same strength when pressing their heads at each other. This made the other Fillies watch the scene unfold with a mote worried look on their face, fearing that something bad will present itself, yet all they did was watch the argument between them form.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"





"DI-" Before the orange Filly can rebuttal back at the Squirrel, she heard a familiar raspy voice cry her name.


"Huh?" She turned around and saw a light blue and rainbow blur flying toward her at a fast speed. She recognized the blue and ran toward it. Her face brightened and called out the name of the blur heading toward her. "Rainbow Dash!"

The blur was slowing down and landed in front of the orange Filly. When the blur stopped, it turned out to be a Pony with wings that flew to her. The Pony had light blue skin, but what caught Squirrel's attention was that the Pony had rainbow hair. 'Jesus, how much hair dye do these fucking Ponies use?' He wondered in his head.

"Squirt, what are you doing here?" The rainbow haired Pony asked the orange Filly. Faint footsteps, or rather hoofsteps, were heard behind the rainbow Pony. They were approaching and turned out to be a few other Ponies and a Frankenstein looking monster.

A female looking Pony with a western hat on her head galloped toward the yellow Filly and stopped in front of her. "Apple Bloom, thank Celestia, you're ok." The Pony with the western hat said to the yellow Filly with relief in her voice.

The Fillies were confused in what she was talking about and was about to question her, however she was interrupted by a marshmallow colored Pony talking to the white Filly.

"You too, Sweetie Belle. I thought you encountered that beast that was around Ponyville and... oh, I just feel worried just thinking about it." The marshmallow Pony said with worry in her voice, as she hugged the white Filly.

"Uhhh... beast?" The white Filly muttered with a questionable tone. A lavender skinned Pony walked up the marshmallow Pony and answered the Filly's confusion about a beast lurking around Ponyville.

"There is a beast around that is scaring everypony in Ponyville." The lavender Pony informed. "I'm just glad we found you before it did." The Fillies looked at each other after that comment.

"Uhhmm... ah think we already foun' it." The yellow Filly awkwardly stated. The Ponies looked surprised and had confusion written on their face.

Once the marshmallow colored Pony heard what the Filly said, she hugged the white Filly more closer to her. "Oh my, are you ok? Did that ruffian hurt you? Wherever he is, I'll make sure to-"

The marshmallow Pony was interrupted by the white Filly's reassurment. "Wait Rarity, it's fine. It didn't hurt me at all."

"Oh, that's a relief to hear." The marshmallow Pony hugged her with a look of relief for a few seconds. Then she had a question in her head that she want answered. "Wait, if you saw the beast, where is it now?"

"Wellll......" All the Fillies struggled to say the beast's location at first, but they eventually informed them of its whereabouts at the same time. "It's... right there." They pointed their hooves at a single direction.

Everypony and the Frankenstein monster followed their vision toward the direction of where the Fillies pointed. When they saw what they were pointing their hooves at, they instantly had their expressions rewritten on their faces. Squirrel noticed that the Ponies and Frankenstein monster were staring at him with mixed expressions and there was a minute of silence.

The lavender Pony had a shocked expression with her jaw dropped and her eyes turned into dots. The marshmallow Pony had a shade of green on her face and looked like she might throw up her processed food from her throat, but she fainted, thanks to the disturbing sight she was seeing. The rainbow Pony looked a bit uneasy and started to sweat little droplets of sweat. The Pony with the western hat had an uneasy expression like the rainbow Pony, but it changed when she noticed that the marshmallow Pony fainted, so she walked up next to her unconscious body and tried to get her up. A pink Pony that was in the group of Ponies, had a happy expression for some reason and she had her mouth open in awe, but she had a open mouth smile. The Frankenstein looking monster had his eyes open in surprise at first, but it slowly formed into curious look.

Squirrel had a lot of eyes on him and he didn't know what to do. The silence was broken when the lavender Pony cried out a yell.