• Published 22nd Feb 2024
  • 3,377 Views, 34 Comments

The Things They Say About Us - RunicTreetops

Ponies have had a lot to say about Milky Way over the years. They've had a lot to say about Anon after his arrival, too. Thankfully, neither of them care anymore.

  • ...

The Things They Say About Us

“And then she says to me, ‘oh, Milky, I can’t believe you haven’t had something done about them!’ Like, come on! I know they’re weird, and they CAN be a bit of a burden, but they’re still a part of me, ya know? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”

“That’s because there isn’t anything wrong with that. Those mares aren’t you. They don’t get to have any say in how you present yourself.”


Milky Way throws her hooves into the air in frustration before folding them over her chest. She sits on the right side of her sofa with Anon, her human boyfriend/roommate, sitting next to her. It was a long day at work for both of them, and in a turn of events that was shocking to no one, she was judged for her large “attributes.”

In other words, just another Tuesday.

Milky’s physique has earned her the ire of most of the mares around her for one reason or another. You might think that this stems from jealousy, but most consider her something of a freak. In Equestria, “smaller” is considered more “beautiful.” To be someone like Milky, who is on the exact opposite end of that spectrum, is to be sentenced to a life of social rejection.

Milky sighs as she leans back against the sofa, letting the chill of the air conditioner wash over her. While wearing clothes isn’t a necessity in Equestria for most, she wouldn’t dare leave home without a particularly baggy dress on or something. Here and here alone, she can relax like any other pony.

“Thanks for letting me move in with you, Nonny. I was getting really tired of having to deal with asshole roommates at my old apartment.”

“Eh, it’s the least I could do. I’ve got more space than I know what to do with. Besides…” He grins as he leans over and pokes her in the cheek. “I like having you close by. It means I don’t have to walk across town every time I want to see you.”

“Which, may I remind you, is always,” they say simultaneously. Milky snorts before letting out an unrestrained laugh.

“You’ve gotta come up with some new lines, Nonny. You’ve used that one before.”


“A few dozen times.”

“Alright, alright.” He chuckles as he raises his hands innocently. “I’ll come up with some new material!”

Milky gently punches him on the shoulder, soliciting another laugh out of him. They’ve been together for a while now, and she’s never been happier. In truth, she gave up hope of finding a boyfriend a long time ago. “Mares like you don’t get boyfriends,” some of her coworkers told her.

Then up came this human, this alien, with a body lacking any fur and a physique even stranger than hers. They met by chance at the market one day, and to her shock, he walked right up to her and introduced himself. Said he was “getting to know the town.” He seemed just as surprised when she greeted him right back. “You’re one of the few ponies that hasn’t trembled in fear when I’ve offered a handshake!”

With that, they struck up a conversation. She didn’t bring up the elephant(s) in the room, but neither did he. It ended up being one of the most pleasant interactions she’d had in months. That’s not to say everypony is mean, but when you’ve lived the life she has, you tend to assume the worst in others.

Then, lo and behold, they bumped into each other again a few weeks later. Just like the first time, they hit it off really well. She wasn’t even doing a particularly good job at hiding her underside that day, but he didn’t say a thing.

It wasn’t until the third meeting that she couldn’t take it anymore.

“You know, you’re awfully weird.”

“Haha, yeah. I hear that a lot. Being a human does that to ya around here.”

“N-no, I mean… you haven’t made any mention of my… appearance.”

“O-oh! Well…” He trailed off, and she felt a bit confused as his cheeks started to go red. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything, after all. “M-my apologies. I think you’re very pretty, Ms. Way.”

“Pretty?!” She stomped her front hooves on the ground and gave him an angry glare. If looks could kill, he’d have been six feet under. “I don’t appreciate getting made fun of, Mr. Anon! Nor was I inviting you to do so!”

“I-I’m not making fun of you!” Anon’s eyes drifted to the side as he rubbed one of his arms. “I mean it.”

“Wh-what about… you know…”

Anon let out a single, anxious chuckle.

“Personally, I think your freckles are quite cute.”

“...” She was stunned. Not since she’d entered adulthood had anyone, in any capacity, addressed her freckles. Their eyes were always drawn elsewhere. Her first instinct was to accuse him of trying to deflect, but he wasn’t even looking at her at that moment. He had to have already identified them, and if the way he was acting was anything to go by… “You’re serious?”

“Aw, come on, Ms. Way. You’re making me embarrass myself.”

“N-no, I mean… ugh. I wasn’t talking about my freckles.”

“Well, I think your mane looks quite nice, too.”

“Stop it!” She closed her eyes and braced herself. “Stop beating around the bush! You know what I’m talking about!”

“I-I’m sorry to say that I don’t. Honest.”

She felt her eyes getting misty as she looked up at him. The way he looked down at her with his head slightly tilted and his face full of concern made her realize something she had been refusing to believe.

He was completely serious.

After an awkward moment where neither said a word, she sighed.

“My breasts, Anon. They’re huge. They’re unusual. They’re–”

“Just as beautiful as the mare they’re attached to.” She looked up at him once more, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. As soon as she locked eyes with him, however, he looked away, the embarrassment on his face just as genuine as his words. “Y-you ponies are the weird ones. In my old world, you’re not really supposed to talk about this stuff.”


She felt her own cheeks go red, causing her to shake her head. Without saying another word, she ran off, not knowing what else to do in that situation.

Yet, even after all of that, here she is, living with the first man that ever complimented her body like that. Despite how much that day meant to her, however, Anon doesn’t really like to talk about it. Says that “it’s what’s inside that’s important!” Like, yeah, he’s right, but refusing to acknowledge her genuine struggles isn’t healthy, either.

Besides, it’s something he’s had to get used to, as well.

“What about you?” she asks while lazily looking across the sofa with a grin. “Did the guys at work have anything to say about you?”

“Of course they did,” he groans. “‘An ape like you has no idea how to do this job!’ ‘You’re too tall!’ ‘You’re too scrawny!’ ‘You could never keep up with a real stallion!’ Bleh.” Anon opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue mockingly. “As if I’m not the most productive guy there.”

“Just another day for the house of freaks,” Milky mumbles. “I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”

“I’m used to it,” he shrugs.

“Still, it probably hasn’t given you the best impression of Equestria, huh?”

“Eh, it’s no worse than my old world.”

“Wait, really?”

“Really really.” He gives her a warm, almost nostalgic smile. “I’ve always been the butt of the joke, even around other humans. I was ‘weird,’ they told me. Even setting aside the fact that I’m not all that attractive by human standards, I wasn’t really the most sociable guy.”

“Could’ve fooled me. You seem to do just fine around here.”

“Heh, something about being around you draws it out of me. Weirdly enough, even though I stand out even more in Equestria, I feel better about myself. I don’t feel the need to compare myself to anyone. I’m me, and I’m the only person that can be me.” He smiles wistfully at nothing in particular. “That was true all along.” He chuckles and pokes her in the cheek again. “And it’s true for you, too!”

“Yeah, yeah. You and your motivational monologues.” She grins, knowing that even though her words are dismissive, she really does appreciate his efforts to make her feel better about herself. With a stretch, she slowly slides off of the couch and onto her hooves. She yawns as she turns towards Anon. “Wanna go to the market with me? I’d appreciate the company.”

“Sure. What do we need?” he asks with a groan as he stands up as well.

“We’re out of milk.” Anon turns to her with a smug grin and one eyebrow raised. She locks eyes with him for a moment before hers suddenly go wide with realization. Her cheeks go red, causing the freckles Anon is so fond of to become even more noticeable. “Sh-shut up!”

“I haven’t said anything!” The grin never leaves his face, causing her to huff. It’s adorable.

“You’re lucky I love you,” she mumbles through puffed-up cheeks. “And that I can tell the difference between playful teasing and genuine mockery.”

She won’t say it, but she appreciates that he’s willing to joke like that. There’s something about the warmth in his voice and the gentleness of his actions that lets her know he doesn’t mean to insult her. Rather, he’s trying to make her more comfortable with herself.

“So,” he starts with a clap of his hands, “to the market?”

“Can you grab a dress for me, please? And my band?”

“Which ones?”


“Sure thing. Be right back.”

As Anon walks towards their bedroom, she catches herself smiling again. She loves him so damn much. He drives her crazy sometimes, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s someone that isn’t afraid to be himself. Someone that actually likes being around her. Someone that knows what she goes through every day, relates to it, and still loves her.

How lucky is she?

“By the by–”

“Yes, you can play with them later.”


How lucky is he?!

Author's Note:

All bodies are beautiful. Remember to love yourself! :heart:

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 34 )

I watched this video before reading the story, and now I can only read it in the voice. It's somehow funnier.

Milky Way sure does get used a lot. Is she really an OC?

Yes. Legit one of the fandom's oldest.

“Yes, you can play with them later.”


Good old Milky, just learn a lot from the brony fandom.

11831560 Any other Fanmade Characters that anyone knows about?

> Milky Way
> 2024


“By the by–”

“Yes, you can play with them later.”


Anon is living the dream, I respect that. Very cute and wholesome.

Living the dream!

Awesome and wholesome.

Adding this to the big pile of "Interesting One-Shots Runic will dangle in our faces and never ever expound upon".

I mean... that's kind of implied by the word "one-shot," isn't it? :rainbowlaugh:


My point's more that your library is full to bursting with narratives I think I can confidently say a lot of people would love to see expanded on. "In Medias Res" is the phrase of the day when perusing your work, and often times I'd really love if we just actually went to the starting line instead of being told "hey, basically here's how we got here".

This is a nice little story. Much better than another Milky Way romance I ran across. This is just pleasant and fun.

End of the story had me rolling. This is a keeper

"He Need Some Milk!®"

...so do I, sweetie. So do I...

I see your point, I just prefer this style of writing. Take this story, for example. Yes, I could have written 10k words about Anon arriving in Equestria, bumping into Milky, and the two of them slowly growing more comfortable with each other. In my opinion, though, that wouldn't be particularly interesting. I would need to introduce more conflict to make "the starting line" fun to read, but at that point, it's basically a different story entirely.

As it is, I think of something that seems fun to write and then I write it. That's just about all there is to it. :twilightblush: I have started at the beginning before, like in It Can't Be Taught, but that was because I felt the story called for it and it made the experience better. I just don't think that's the case with most of my one-shots.

There is of course another layer here. He can explain that human mares normally have engorged mammaries regardless of whether they're actually nursing, and it'll even be true. Humans are weird.

runey "megasex" treetop

“By the by–”

“Yes, you can play with them later.”


How lucky is he?!

I can just hear that Homer Simpson at the end XD


Comment posted by Second Chance deleted February 23rd

Ah, yes. It wouldn't be completely Anon if he didn't get his milk factory time. Nicely written, Wordsmith!

My favorite fan-made characters are Fluffle Puff and Nyx, followed by Valey from "The Olden World." I like Milky Way in well-written stories like this one, which don't rely on clop to attract readers.

This was a beautiful story, Runic. Congratulations on getting Featured.

A wholesome non-sexual fic with an obscure character with a good message at the end? WHAT CAN'T YOU DO MY GUY!!

Thanks for the reminder. I actually need to buy milk.

Whoa.... been a long ass time since i've seen anyone make a fic with Milky in it.

God, just needed a Backy cameo to make this nostalgia trip complete

Milky’s physique has earned her the ire of most of the mares around her for one reason or another. You might think that this stems from jealousy, but most consider her something of a freak. In Equestria, “smaller” is considered more “beautiful.” To be someone like Milky, who is on the exact opposite end of that spectrum, is to be sentenced to a life of social rejection.

What about the stallions though? What do they think?
Like, do they see it as a sign she will be good at nursing foals?

“N-no, I mean… you haven’t made any mention of my… appearance.”
“O-oh! Well…” He trailed off, and she felt a bit confused as his cheeks started to go red. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything, after all. “M-my apologies. I think you’re very pretty, Ms. Way.”

...What? He is completely right, isn't he?

“Wanna go to the market with me? I’d appreciate the company.”
“Sure. What do we need?” he asks with a groan as he stands up as well.
“We’re out of milk.” Anon turns to her with a smug grin and one eyebrow raised. She locks eyes with him for a moment before hers suddenly go wide with realization. Her cheeks go red, causing the freckles Anon is so fond of to become even more noticeable. “Sh-shut up!”


Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

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