• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 4,746 Views, 32 Comments

Is It Really Breaking the Bro Code if He Asked Me to Do It? - RunicTreetops

Sunburst asks Anon for a favor. Anon is a bit more successful than either of them anticipated.

  • ...

Surely This Is an Exception, Right? Just Look At Her!

“And how long am I supposed to keep her busy for?”

“I’m not sure, but probably about a week.”

“How do you expect me to distract your mom, a mare much older than me that I have never interacted with before, for a WEEK?!”

“Hehe… it’s a tall order, huh?”

Sunburst sheepishly fiddles with his goatee as he gives Anon an anxious smile. Anon, who sits across from him on the train seats that are way too short for his human form, raises an eyebrow.

“This is a really big solid, you know.”

“I-I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”

Anon glares at Sunburst for a moment, causing sweat to form on his nervous brow. Slowly, a cocky smile makes its way to Anon’s face.

“I can only wonder what type of solid I’ll get in return…” Anon trails off as his eyes drift to a nearby window, his ominous grin chilling Sunburst to his core.

“Do you think you’ll be able to do it?”

“Well, I already agreed, didn’t I? We’re gonna make it to Sire’s Hollow in just a few minutes.”

“We are?! Oh dear, I need to get my equipment ready!”

Sunburst reaches for a large suitcase that was in the seat next to him. Right now, the two of them are headed to Sire’s Hollow, Sunburst’s old home. Recent reports have indicated that the natural magic flowing through the area around the town has been behaving strangely as of late. As a result, Sunburst has taken it upon himself to research these changes on Princess Twilight’s behalf.

Unfortunately, his mother, Stellar Flare, is the head of the Sire’s Hollow Development Committee. The equipment he’ll need to use is a bit unsightly, and while the two of them have largely mended their past communication issues, he knows that she’ll put her hoof down in regards to this matter.

Enter Anon, one of Sunburst’s closest friends and the only human in Equestria. He’s never really doing anything important, so Sunburst figured he might be willing to go on a little vacation to his hometown with him to do him the big solid of keeping Stellar Flare busy while he conducts his research.

And now that the train is rolling into the Sire’s Hollow station, it’s time for him to do his job.

“Okay, just act natural. I already told her that we’re coming, and if I know my mother, she’s eagerly anticipating our, or more specifically my, arrival.”

“If she’s so eager to see you, how am I gonna get you two apart?”

“She’ll give me my space if I ask for it. Once we’re all settled in, I’ll excuse myself. She knows I’m doing research, I just left out all of the bits that she wouldn’t approve of.”

Anon takes a deep breath.

“Alright, let’s go.”

The train finally comes to a stop, and the door near the end of their car opens automatically. With a glance and a nod, the two of them grab their things and step off of the train with their heads held high.

They’re the only ones getting off at Sire’s Hollow, and as a result, the only pony waiting on the platform is–


“Hello, mother.”

Stellar Flare throws herself at her son, immediately enveloping him in a bear hug. She grins ear to ear as he sheepishly tries to return the favor before eventually letting go, allowing him to breathe again.

Anon takes a moment to admire his quarry. His friend’s mother has an orange coat that she passed on to her son. Near her hooves, her coat gradually fades into an off-white shade, something Anon has only seen before on Sunburst. Her scarlet mane, perfectly cut and secured with a headband, is clearly something she’s proud of, as not a single hair seems to be out of place. She wears a blue collar and a pearl necklace, both of which match the proper appearance she seems to be going with. To top it all off, her brilliant green eyes are bright and difficult for Anon to look away from.

He doesn’t know why, but something about that mare makes him feel… odd.

“Ah, and this must be your friend.” Stellar Flare finally turns to look at Anon, and “look” she most certainly does. She eyes him from head to toe, not exactly being subtle about it at all. It’s something he’s used to, seeing as how he’s basically an alien to most ponies. “I didn’t think he’d be so…” She clears her throat as a faint smile makes its way to her face. “Tall.”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Flare.”

Anon holds out his hand, and the two smile as they greet one another.

“Oh, it’s just ‘Ms. Flare,’ actually.”

Anon blinks. For a moment, he completely forgot that Sunburst's father passed away when he was young. Sunburst just gives him an awkward, apologetic look as he turns and begins to walk towards the rest of the town.

“A-ah, my apologies, I–”

“Don’t fret, Mr. Anon, it’s an easy mistake to make. It must be surprising for a catch like me to not be married, I imagine!”

She laughs to herself as she starts to follow Sunburst, prompting Anon to do the same. He hesitates for a moment, knowing that most would simply leave the conversation be at this point. However, if he’s going to keep her attention for a week, he’s got to endear himself to her.

“Haha, that’s certainly true!”

The smile on her face is quickly replaced by a look of surprise. She turns to look at Anon, who now walks by her side and is doing his best to give her a genuine smile.

“...W-well, aren’t you a flatterer.” She clears her throat yet again. “Anyway, I’ll show you to our home. We don’t have a hotel, so I cleaned out a guest bedroom for you while the two of you are doing your research.”

“That’s mighty generous of you, Ms. Flare.”

“Just ‘Flare’ is fine. Or ‘Stellar,’ if you’d prefer.”

“...A-alright then, Flare. But you should know that I’m not taking part in the research.”

“Oh?” She tilts her head at him, and despite the fact that she’s likely twice his age, he can’t help but think that it’s a bit cute. “Then why are you here?”

“He needed a vacation,” Sunburst says from a few feet ahead. “He’s an author, and we figured a change of pace would be good for him.”

“An author, eh?” Stellar looks lost in thought for a moment before her eyes begin to sparkle brightly. “Wh-what do you write?!”

Anon recoils a bit at the sudden burst of energy, but he recovers in the blink of an eye as he realizes how advantageous her interest in his line of work might end up being.

“A little bit of everything, really. I will admit, most of ‘my’ earlier stories were just stolen from my old world, but as time has gone on I’ve been trying to branch out a bit. Heck, I even write more than fiction nowadays. Princess Twilight commissions me every now and then to help her draft some documents. Says I’m really good with prose, or what have you.”

“You work for the princess?!”

“Only sometimes. Most of the time, I’m just in my little Ponyville apartment hoping my publisher likes my newest idea.”

“...An author, hm?” A sly grin spreads across Stellar’s face as they finally make it to what Anon can only assume is her home. Sunburst opens the door and holds it for the two of them as she continues to speak. “Well, Mr. Anon, I might have use for your talents, if you’re willing to offer them.”

“Mom, I said he’s on a vacation. You’re gonna make him work?”

Anon glances at Sunburst when Stellar looks away, briefly motioning to her with his eyes as if to say “That sounds like a distraction to me!”

“Only if he’s willing! Maybe the change of pace might help?” She gives the both of them a sheepish grin before sighing. “Y-you’re right. That was a bit rude of me. Make yourself at home, Anon, I shall–”

“What is it that you need done?”


“Well… you’re being so generous as to allow me to stay at your home for free. If my humble skillset might be of use to you, I’d be happy to return that generosity.”

“...Hm.” She narrows her eyes as the sly grin returns to her face. “You know what, Mr. Anon? I like you.” She walks past him into a nearby hallway, not-so-subtly giving him a slight smack with her tail on the way out. “We’ll talk again in the morning. I imagine you two must be exhausted.”

“Thanks, mom.”

“Oh, and Anon?”


“Welcome to Sire’s Hollow.”

Stellar Flare and Anon sit across from each other in a small office near the back of Stellar’s home. Before Anon is a typewriter, the buttons much bigger than the keyboards from his homeworld due to ponies having hooves and whatnot. She looks at him expectantly, and that strange feeling returns to him as he gazes into those bright green eyes of hers.

“Well? Can you do it?”

“A short story that reimagines the town’s founding with the ideas and goals of the Development Committee?”

“I understand that it’s a tall order, not to mention a strange one. But, old Firelight said that there isn’t a single piece of Equestrian literature that takes place in this little town of ours. Not one! Can you believe that?!”

“That’s appalling!” It really isn’t. “No wonder you’d want something like this to be written.” You’re a bit insane for asking. “I’d be happy to write it for you, Flare.” I would rather be doing anything else.

“Oh, thank you so much, Anon!” Despite her age, she excitedly prances in place for a moment, and Anon realizes just how youthful she really is, flattery aside. “This is a project I’ve been trying to get off the ground for years, but I… don’t really have a penchant for writing fiction.”

“Well, if Sunburst’s stories are anything to go by, you must be excellent at writing formal documents. And lists.”

“I suppose I am,” she chuckles. “Though, speaking of Sunburst, I really must check up on him. It’s been a few hours and I haven’t heard a peep out of him.”

“Oh, he already went out to do some field research.”

“Really?” Her head perks up. “Well, I suppose I’ll go find him, then.”


“Mr. Anon?”

“Er… wh-what I meant was, I don’t know if I can write this without you here.”

“Why not?”

“Because…” Think, Anon, think! “Because even if it’s my words, it’s your creative vision! I, uh… don’t want to mess up the plan you’ve got in your head!”

Her eyes suddenly go wide at the mention of “messing up her plan.”

“...A-alright, then.” Closing her eyes, she slowly begins to smile and sits back down across from Anon. “Let’s get started, shall we?”

“Hmhm, let’s.”

Anon finds himself smiling, too. Even if this story ends up being odd, he does love writing. And as his fingers glide across the typewriter, Stellar Flare continues sharing her ideas with bright eyes and an excited tone. In a way, her enthusiasm is infectious.

Maybe being her “distraction” won’t be so bad after all.

“Yeah, it’s… it’s a little strong.”

Anon coughs violently at the extremely pungent perfume as Stellar Flare winces with embarrassment.

“Well, I uh… I told you it’d leave an impression, heh heh!” She scratches one of her legs anxiously with an apologetic smile on her face while Anon rubs his watery eyes. “Do you have any suggestions?”

“F-first and foremost,” he squeaks as he finally starts regaining his composure, “make it less overpowering. A scent is one thing, but this is an assault on the senses. All of them.”

“All… of… them.” Her horn glows with magic as she takes notes on Anon’s input. “Well, I’m sorry that our new batch isn’t exactly the greatest experience, but thank you for offering to help me with my inspections today.”

“Oh, think nothing of it. It gives me a chance to look around the town.” Anon smiles as he gazes across the small town square, causing Stellar to do the same. That smile quickly fades when he sees Sunburst in the distance, complete with his massive equipment, right behind her. “A-and it gives me a chance to spend more time with you!”

“...I’m sorry?” She looks at him with mild shock as he rubs the back of his head. “Am I really that interesting to you?”

Anon can feel his cheeks getting warmer and warmer, but he’s come too far now. Besides, her attention is squarely on him and not on her son standing a ways behind her.

“Y-yes, absolutely! You seem like a wonderful mare, and I really admire your dedication to the town.”

She clears her throat, something that Anon has noticed is a habit of hers.

“W-well,” she says as a blush starts peeking through her orange coat, “aren’t you a flatterer. I’m sure Sunburst told you to say that, didn’t he?”

“No, he didn’t. I meant every word.”

“...Hm.” She turns towards a nearby store, closing her eyes as she takes a few steps towards it. Although she tries to hide it, Anon notices a growing look of excitement spreading across her face. “C-come on. We have many more stops left to get through today.”

“I’m right behind you, Flare.”

“You really didn’t have to do this.”

“Come on, I insist!”

The two of them sit at Stellar’s dining room table as she places a spread of fresh-cooked meals in front of them with her magic. The variety is impressive, and Anon isn’t sure if he’s ever been so entranced by a smell before in his entire life.

He hasn’t even taken a bite yet and he can tell that she’s an excellent cook.

“You’ve been helping me since you got here, let me treat you a little bit!” She gives him a warm smile as she passes him a plate. “Besides, I enjoy the company. It’s not like Sunburst plans to speak to me much,” she sighs.

“H-he’s just busy with work. I’m sure he doesn’t mean anything by it.”

“I know, and I’m proud of him for it.” She shakes her head as the smile returns to her face. “Either way, I’m happy to show you what I can do.”

“You know, I’m a bit of a cook myself,” Anon starts as he takes the first bite. Immediately, his consciousness is thrown out of his body. Bright lights of colors previously unknown to him fill his vision, sensations foreign to him coursing through every inch of his body. He’s falling… no, he’s flying. He’s one with the heavens, and as a divine chorus of untold beauty serenades his ears, he is brought back to the dining room table looking directly into those brilliant green eyes. “...But not nearly as good of one as you.”

“Oh, you’re just saying that.”

“No, really.” Anon’s voice is completely serious as he looks into Stellar’s eyes with determination and focus. “This might be the single best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

“Well! That’s awfully high praise. Th-thank you, Anon.”

He doesn’t respond, as he’s too busy digging into the meal she lovingly prepared for him. She tilts her head and watches him for a moment with a sort of contentment on her face. It’s been a long time since someone has spoken to her like he does… or wanted to be around her like he does… or made her feel the way she does right now like he does.

Realizing that she’s smiling but making no effort to stifle it, she begins to eat as well.

She really likes this human.

“So my foot’s totally stuck in there right, I’m freaking out, the dog’s having a seizure and I still got half a pie left.”


Stellar leans forward across the small, outdoor table in Anon’s direction, her eyes practically sparkling with excitement and her attention focused squarely on his story.


“This is… certainly interesting.” Both of them finally break eye contact for the first time in what must be half an hour as Sunburst approaches the table, an awkward, confused smile plastered on his face. “You two seem like you’re getting along pretty well.”

“There you are, Sunburst! You never told me your friend was so… charming.”

Sunburst awkwardly glances at Anon, who gives him a sheepish shrug.

“...Uh-huh. Well, I was just passing by. Left some of my notes at the house last night.”

“Speaking of, how is your research going?”

“Progressing steadily. I’ll probably still need a few days, though.” He glances at Anon once again, who just smiles and nods in approval. Sunburst nods back, a silent agreement that their arrangement will continue. “Well, I won’t interrupt you any more. Carry on!”

“Oh, but… aaaaaaand he’s gone.” Stellar sighs. “Thank you for sticking around, Anon. It’s been very refreshing having you in my life.” She smiles wistfully before her eyes briefly widen as she places a hoof over her mouth. “Um, sorry. That was a bit forward of me.”

“No, no! I feel the same.” This act is starting to come so naturally to Anon, he’s not entirely sure if it’s an act anymore. “Besides, even now, I feel like I barely know anything about you. I’d appreciate the chance to remedy that.”

“Oh, listen to you. I might be an old mare, but my story isn’t all that interesting.”

“I beg to differ. On both accounts.” Feeling bold, Anon winks. Stellar doesn’t quite know how to react. “Besides, I haven’t had this much fun talking to someone in a long, long time.”

“...Hmhm. Well, if you insist. But!” She points at him with a sly grin on her face. “You’d better tell me what you did with that pie first.”

“Gladly,” Anon chuckles.

“And,” she purrs as her eyes narrow, the look on her face making a chill run down Anon’s spine. “I have a few more things I’d like to know about you in return for my story. Perhaps… behind closed doors?”

…Oh dear.

Sunburst opens the door to his mother’s house with a yawn. It was a long day of research, but things are going incredibly well so far. Twilight is going to be so excited to see this data!

His thoughts are interrupted as he hears something strange coming from the living room. It sounds like shuffling of some kind, as well as something… w-wait, what was that?


Sunburst steps into the living room just in time to see both Anon and his mother sit up from the couch. They make a concentrated effort to slide away from each other, but their beet-red faces and their goofy, guilty looking smiles cause him to narrow his eyes.

“H-hello, Sunburst! You were out late.” Stellar clears her throat, causing Anon to smile to himself. “How did the research go?”

“It… went fine.” Sunburst looks over his shoulder for no particular reason. “Wh-what were you two doing?”

“J-just having a heated discussion, dear.”

“About what?”


Stellar glances at Anon, utterly failing to do so subtly. Sunburst, having seen the gesture, looks in his direction as well, and Anon glances around the room at anything other than Sunburst.

“About the, uh, the morality of going against audience expectations in a story they’ve been desperately waiting to read!”

“Um… okay?”

“Y-yes! We, er, had very different opinions,” Stellar adds.

“...Right.” Sunburst shakes his head. Whatever is going on here, he doesn’t want to think about it. “I-I’m just gonna go to bed now.”

“Goodnight, Sunburst!”

Without looking back, he trots directly to his room and shuts the door. Rather than walk further in, however, he stands perfectly still. Sure enough, mere seconds later, a strange smooching sound comes from the living room.

He’s gonna sleep with his head under a pillow tonight, isn’t he?

“Well, it has been an incredible week,” Stellar sighs with a content smile on her face. She and Anon walk past a few Sire’s Hollow buildings on their way back home, having spent the day exploring the last few shops Anon had yet to visit. “I admit, I’m hesitant to see you leave.” She blinks before suddenly looking up at Anon with a guilty smile. “A-and Sunburst, of course!”

“Haha! Don’t worry, I feel the same. I’ve had a lot of fun during my time here. I…” Anon tugs on his collar as he looks away from her. “Really enjoyed getting to know you better.”

“...You’re not like anypony I’ve ever met. I’m very glad I got to know you.”

“The same is true for you, Flare. You’re quite the mare, that’s for sure.” He laughs to himself. “I wouldn’t mind having someone like you around to–”

“H-hold on! Take me to dinner first or something!”

Her face gets flushed, a feeling she hasn’t had in many years. She looks at Anon with wild, shocked eyes, while he looks back with an amused expression.

“I was just going to say ‘talk to,’ Flare!”

“O-oh.” She breathes a sigh of relief. “Right.”

“Though, I’m not really opposed. If you’re up for it, I mean.”

“Excuse me?”

“I can take you out to dinner. You’re housing me and you’ve cooked for me and everything, so it’s the least I could do for you.”

For a moment, Stellar remains silent. When she speaks, her voice is shaky and uncertain, yet there’s an unmistakable tinge of excitement beneath that.

“You already said that about the story I had you write.”

“Yeah, but I feel like I could do more. Besides,” he says with a warm smile, “it’s a good excuse to spend one more evening with you.”

“...” After a while, an equally warm smile makes its way to her face. Her excitement only grows, and alongside that warmth, Anon picks up on something else. Something more… predatory. “Anon?”


“I have the perfect place for us to go.”

Anon chuckles, both out of excitement and out of uncertainty.

“Lead the way.”

Taking one of Anon’s hands in her hoof, Stellar gladly leads Anon down the street towards one of the few restaurants in town. They both have mixed feelings about this, but these mixed feelings aren’t enough to deter either of them. They want to see where this leads.

And Anon has completely forgotten why he was supposed to be spending time with Stellar Flare in the first place.

Anon’s eyes slowly open. He is extremely groggy, and something feels… off. He rubs his eyes in an attempt to regain his vision as he sits up in bed.

What happened last night?

Stretching his arms, he immediately realizes that they’re sore. In fact, he’s sore everywhere. Running a hand over his head, he feels that his hair is an absolute mess. And yet, despite the fact that his body is screaming at him for some reason, he also feels a strange sense of contentment.

With his vision now returned to him, he looks down at himself. His eyes go wide as he gets a look at his arms and bare chest, which are both absolutely covered in scratches, hickeys, and bite marks. Now much more alert, he looks around the room, immediately coming to an obvious conclusion.

This is not my room.

Slowly, Anon turns his head to look to the side. He’s fairly certain he knows what he’s going to see, but he has to confirm it with his own eyes.

Sure enough, lying on the pillow next to his own is Stellar Flare, her collar, necklace, and headband all removed. Her normally immaculate-looking mane is disheveled, as are her tail and coat. Much like himself, she appears to be covered in all sorts of hickeys and mementos of the previous night's endeavors.

For a while, he’s not sure what to do. Does he wake her? Does he get up and go? What’s the appropriate thing to do here? He never expected this to happen! Is this breaking the bro code?!

However, as he gets a better look at her face, he notices something: a small, gentle smile on that lovely mare’s face. Her eyes are closed, and she’s definitely asleep, but even in that state, there’s a joy on her face that seems so innocent, so warm, so genuine that he can’t help but smile right along with her.

He takes a moment to simply process what’s in front of him. Then, without a word and as gently as his body will allow, he pulls the covers back over himself and rolls to the side, wrapping his arms around the still-sleeping Stellar Flare.

He regrets nothing.

Sunburst leans back at his desk with a sigh. It’s been a long day, and he really just wants to go home. Unfortunately, as much as he wants to leave work after the day he’s had, he’s also reluctant to leave for one big reason: his mother.

It’s been a few months since he and Anon took that trip to Sire’s Hollow. His research proved to be a turning point in Princess Twilight’s investigation into fluctuating magical waves, a high-level concept that’s a bit foreign to even the most experienced scholars. While he did good work, he can’t help but look back on that trip with mixed feelings.

Something happened between Anon and his mother. While he isn’t exactly sure what, he has a few guesses.

And he’d rather not think about those guesses.

The fact that Anon moved to Sire’s Hollow shortly after their trip certainly doesn’t help anything. His suspicions were all but confirmed, and he’s not sure if he should confront either of them about it. However, he might not have a choice, as his mother sent him a letter saying she’d be paying him a visit today. Apparently, she has “big news” for him.

He sighs yet again. As much as he doesn’t want to talk about this, he can’t keep avoiding it forever. He stands from his desk and begins mentally preparing himself for the evening. However, before he can even gather his things, there’s a knock on his office door.

“Come in.”

The door opens slowly, and Sunburst watches as Anon sheepishly pokes his head through the crack, a nervous smile on his face. He holds onto the door with both hands as he peers inside, allowing Sunburst to take note of the conspicuous ring on his finger.

“Hey, uh, Sunburst?”

“Anon? What’s going on?”

“Remember how you owe me a huge solid?”


He doesn’t like where this is going.


“Sunburst!” The door gets thrown open the rest of the way, revealing Stellar Flare standing right behind Anon. She looks the same as she always does, though the sight of a ring around her horn makes Sunburst’s heart sink. “Guess what?!”

Sunburst groans. It’s time to face the music.

“Judging by the rings, you two are getting married?”

“W-well, yes! But that’s not all!”

Sunburst blinks.

“It isn’t?”

She rushes right up to her son wearing the biggest, most excited smile he’s ever seen.

“You’re going to have a sibling!”

Once again, Sunburst blinks.


He looks over at Anon, who just mouths “I’m sorry.” Despite it all, Sunburst finds himself laughing. Tears run down his cheeks, sure, but laughing is a good thing, right? That means he’s happy… right?

Unable to form a complete thought, Sunburst shuts down with only one thing left on his mind.

Anon is going to keep her occupied for a long, long time.

Author's Note:

Older mares deserve love, too!

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 32 )

I loved EVERYTHING about this! Such a good story: perfect mix of funny and cute


Older mares deserve love, too!

Don't know what magic has gone in Sire's Hollow, but 'Oh Ya' Anon and Flare have been going on!

That's #6 in this library of RunicTreetops

More on its way?

11830031 don't forget Sunburst's emotional turmoil.

Comment posted by joElecTeen deleted February 20th

this is hella sus runey


“Hey, Sunburst?”


“Remember how you had me distract your mother all that time ago?”

“How could I forget…”

“Well now you must return the favor. You have to watch over your younger sibling for the weekend, it’s Flare and I’s anniversary.”


Jokes asides, this was nice! Stellar Flare doesn’t get many fics like this, so it’s nice for her to get attention. Besides, it’s nice to make an old mare feel young now and again XD

Damn another rare one for the collection. Fantastic work as always.

Unable to form a complete thought, Sunburst shuts down with only one thing left on his mind.

And Sunburst is done.

Lovely story, thanks for the smile it brought to my face from its brief yet fluffy goodness. :twilightsmile:


The birds and the bees

Unable to form a complete thought, Sunburst shuts down with only one thing left on his mind.

Sunburst.ex has stopped working


Anon went INNNN

This was great! :D

When you only needed a 5 and you roll a 20

"So my foot's totally stuck in there right, I'm freaking out, the dog's having a seizure and I still got half a pie left."

Really? Like, really? Were you at Ms. Hayfer's by any chance?

Reading the description had me thinking of the lonely island song 'Mother Lover' heh heh

Stellar Flare deserves so many more stories. She's such a great character and my favorite milf from the show. Twilight Velvet is a close second.

This DEFINITELY feels like a nat 20

Don't ask for anything that you aren't happy to have.

And one should never forget the other two fine milfs: Windy Whistles and Ms. Cheerilee. Even so, Stellar is a very hot milf in her own right. :rainbowlaugh:

Best fucking story! Didn't expect the ending, but it was perfect. Glad that Stellar Flare has someone keeping her compant.

You can not believe how many times I've re read this story in the past few days.🤯🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️

10/10 Sexy MILF 😘

Определенно, очень хорошо! :twilightsmile:

Ah yes, the Loki method of "distract that horse at all costs". :pinkiecrazy:

Ngl Anon has a talent for distracting

Beautiful work of art, right here!:twilightsmile:

Also, there were a few times that I thought, Stellar, was replaced by Queen Chrysalis. The vides were there, bro!:rainbowderp:

Loved this story! First thoughts: its just going to be another smutfic isn’t it? I was happily surprised by this sweat story. YES! Older mares deserve love too!

Very happy Anon knocked her up.

Hehehheehe couldn't help giggling a bit once I reached the end of this story

That was FUN!.

That was amazing and I loved sunburst reaction just as in the last stellar flare x anon fanfic I have read

Yet another fantastic reading runic keep it up.

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