• Published 18th Feb 2024
  • 1,352 Views, 43 Comments

The Return of Midnight Sparkle - DapperLilArts

Sunset Shimmer, in Equestria, Has to deal with being a part of Twilight Sparkle's team, per her request, despite her own feelings of inadequacy, regrets, fears, and worse of all, her newfound love for Twilight Sparkle. Can she ever earn it?

  • ...

CHAPTER 1 Table of Contents


✏️Table of contents✏️

Days until Midnight Sparkle returns: 199.

Another one of the "Friendship" meetings in Twilight’s castle. Sunset suppressed a yawn and shook her head awake, not too much to draw attention, and adjusted her leather jacket. The round table, the papers and books, the paintings poorly hung on the walls, Twilight’s touch was all over this place, and it was quite amusing. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, all sat on their respective seats listening to Twilight Sparkle’s debrief.

Rarity seemed to be doing her makeup, looking at herself with a small mirror, and yet, still chimed in paying attention. Whenever Rainbow Dash got excited, she would jump out of her seat and fly around the room, gushing or just listening; and Pinkie Pie seemed to be playing with some sort of colorful clay, making strange pony figurines during the meeting; Who knows whether she paid attention or not.

Fluttershy, Applejack, and Sunset were the ones that seemed to sit still while paying attention; though Sunset sometimes would be lost in her own thoughts, looking at Twilight. The Princess was a captivating person to listen to, she was passionate about everything; and often broke out into giggles during her talks, if whatever she was saying was funny, even if only to her. All of it came off to Sunset as her defining mannerisms, an “organized mess”; Even taking a glimpse into Twilight's room on occasion showed more of this, stacks upon stacks of papers and correspondence that went up to the ceilings, dozens upon dozens of books, read, unread, or mid-read, all cluttering about, and yet, the Princess of Friendship managed to carry herself out perfectly in these spaces, even managing to organize them every once in a while; And Sunset couldn't take her eyes off her.

Sunset rarely spoke up during these meetings unless addressed; she didn’t see her own opinion as valuable, or even trusted herself outright to be of value. If they asked her she would, without hesitation, share her thoughts. But she did not have the courage to impose them.

More than anything, she just appreciated being included. She had a chair, a chair with her cutie mark… taped on it. They taped a piece of paper with a drawing of her cutie mark on it. It didn’t even feel real at times, like she was an intruder… or a parasite.

Like she was merely there as a favor, or as if she was some sort of leech; And this parasite sure as hell questioned her place in this body.

Like she didn’t belong here.

“So what do you think, Sunset?” Snapping out of her trance, Sunset blinked twice, realizing Twilight was talking to her directly.

“Huh?” she tried not sounding too lost.

Not that the Princess picked up on it, she was just glad, as usual. “You’ve been quiet for a while, I want you to get a chance to speak up! What do you think of all we've discussed today?”

Sunset WAS paying attention in her own way. She did not have a prepared answer though… She summoned all the mental energy she could muster to sound coherent after dissociating for all that time.

“Well I… I think that separating us into groups to handle smaller threats or even doing solo adventures wouldn't be so bad. We all know who we tend to best work with, Rainbow and Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity, pairs like that! It would only make natural sense to pair up if needed! Unless it’s a world ending threat of course, we don't really need to assemble everypony, right? And we’ll usually know if it is one, given the y’know– The sky tearing asunder and stuff. Generally I think that any of you can handle whatever comes along. You’ve survived and thrived this long, united and separated! You’re all strong and capable, you can beat any foe! Oh– maybe except Fluttershy. N-no offense, Fluttershy! You still are super nice and have great judgment!”

Fluttershy giggled, not offended at all. “Oh none taken! I don’t even like fighting. I understand your sentiment, Sunset! And thank you.”

Flapping her wings, Rainbow Dash perked up with excitement as usual. “Don't worry, babe!! I can do the fighting for both of us!!” She spoke doing boxing motions, making sure to comfort her, even if she was okay; which made Fluttershy giggle and blush a bit.

Twilight was impressed. “Wow Sunset! That was pretty wise!…Look at you!”

Sunset buried deep how good it felt to be spoken with adoration by Twilight of all people. As Twilight smiled warmly at her, she tilted her head, smiling too. “...look at me!” suppressing a flustered chuckle.

Applejack piped in joyfully. "Well said, Sunset! Sure, we all work well as a team, but even just in pairs I know we can take on anything, Yes siree! I sure know I could, with Rarity…" She smiled warmly; as Applejack always did, looking at her love.

Rarity giggled and nuzzled her without hesitation. “Aww that's my line, dear. You’re the hunk here!” which made AJ fluster a bit while nuzzling back.

Quick to protest, Rainbow Dash hopped on top of her chair, pointing accusingly at the two lovers. “Hey! Hey! if you guys start doing PDA I'm gonna start macking on my girl too!! follow the rules guys! All or nothing!!”

Fluttershy snickered, covering her mouth with her hoof.. Rarity and Applejack took a bit of distance, just a bit, barely embarrassed, but certainly not regretting it.
Sunset couldn't help but chuckle… They always worked so well together. The pairs of this group were very exentric, but they undoubtedly held each other in high regard, and were incredibly faithful. She tried not thinking of the feelings she held for the Princess, when regarding all her friends being happily in love.

Twilight spread her wings happily. “Alright everypony, make outs and cuddles aside, time’s up, meeting over! See you guys again this friday!”

Jolting out of her seat, Pinkie waved her hooves in the air, getting all their attention. “WAIT NOT YET!! EVERYPONY, LOOK!” She got on top of the table, and showed her brand new creations that she had worked on through the whole meeting. They were small colorful clay statues of each of them.

She happily hopped to each of them, handing their respective effigies. “Here you go guys!!! To celebrate another successful meeting, here is a gift for all of you!'' She handed clay candy replicas of all of them to each of them. They were very amused and thankful, Pinkie always knew how to make small presents seem huge.

Sunset looked at her own clay form intently, silently.

Pinkie chimed up after handing them all their replicas. “Oh and by the way they’re edible!! See how long it takes before you chow down nyeheheh!” she giggled Pinkiely.

Twilight was pleased, but showed modesty. “Aww Pinkie you don’t have to give us gifts every meeting! Just having us all here is enough, don't you think?”

“I'mth noth complaininth” Said Rainbow Dash, with her mouth full of her replica of herself already. She was the first one to succumb to eating them, despite how enamored they all were with the flattering designs.

Pinkie vibrated with excitement. “Aww Twiiii you know I can’t help it!! I just love you girls SO MUCH!!! See you this friday!!” she hopped and skipped out of the room Pinkiely.

“Hihihi. Bye, Pinkie! Meeting adjourned everypony!" The Princess spread her wings joyfully once more, as if waving goodbye with a royal touch; Which just came off as her own cute demeanor.

All of them started to shuffle out. Rarity made a remark that now that the meeting is over she can do whatever; and started smooching Applejack intently, making her giggle with every kiss. Rainbow Dash took it as a challenge, and grabbed Fluttershy to do the same on their way out; a strange competition where all of them were winners, clearly.

Sitting quietly on her chair, Sunset regarded her own figurine, which smiled back at her... At first, happily. She received a gift, an effigy of herself, just like the others. She was included and was part of the team! It was such a strange and unfamiliar feeling, Pinkie even got her cutie mark right. She didn't even get out of her chair, she just stared at the gift and reflected on what it meant.

…then she started reflecting on what she meant to herself. This gift, by proxy. The figurine smiled kindly like she was happy and fulfilled, much unlike the real Sunset holding her; in fact, it certainly manifested itself as Sunset's insecurities, a feeling that creeped up alarmingly fast on her. The real Sunset did not smile like this. The real Sunset never smiled like this. Those negative thoughts started boiling within her and she decided to take them out on the effigy by eating its head; Instead of burning something; Literally swallowing those feelings; hoping that it might make up for her own failings as a being of flesh and blood, and not happy smiling fulfilled clay.

“Sunset! Are you okay? Can you talk?” Twilight broke her out of her funk. Sunset instantly came to realize she had not moved from her chair since the meeting ended, and it was only her and Twilight in the vast room now.

“Prinmchess!! Umm yeagh. Shooth.” Sunset panicked and spit out her sweet clay head back onto the effigy while facing the side in the hopes that Twilight wouldn’t see, then turned and gave her an awkward smile, hoping she didn’t see, which thank Celestia she did not.

“Spike told me he saw you checking out a whole bunch of magical arts books out of the library! Are you interested in studying again after all?” She got closer; Any subject regarding books and study always perked her ears immediately.

Getting out of her chair to be on proper eye level, Sunset also wanted to have room to back off if need be, respectfully. Proximity to the Princess was dangerous to her.

“Oh! Uh, yes! I’ve picked a couple, I've decided to go back to study. I may not be Celestia’s pupil anymore, but… I want to do better. I want to make up for the time I wasted trying to get revenge; I’ve been in a real rut for the last month or so but I'm getting back to work now. Assorted elemental projectiles, barrier casting, levitation, horn blades/fencing, oh, and my goal is to master to teleportation reliably by the end of the month!”

Twilight squealed cutely, a trademark of her excitement, much to Sunset's quiet blushing. “IIIIIIII!!!! I love teleportation!! Could you let me help you learn it?? Please? Maybe we could take the month deadline and make it a week! It’s not that hard with a Unicorn of your caliber hehe. I’ve been told by Starlight that I make a pretty good teacher, maybe you can give me a second opinion? I promise I'll try not to talk you ear off hihihi!” she giggled to herself, overjoyed with the mere idea of teaching once more.

Sunset suppressed the instinct of requesting her to keep talking forever.

“I-i don’t mind that at all! But I do have meditation with Fluttershy this afternoon, are you free tonight? I could meet you at the library and we put some stuff to test!”

Twilight’s eyes lit up with joy. “Oh my goodness, an all nighter?? You really are working hard! I'm in!! This is so exciting!!” She sure jumped to assumptions, as she literally jumped in place with joy.

With a grimace, Sunset had to stop this, hating to disappoint her. “Oh no no I'm not ready for that with you I'm sorry. Just studying together and then sleeping normally please!” She spoke, trying her best not to stutter.

Twilight pouted a bit, hiding her disappointment. “Aww okay… all nighter some other time, then... So, meditation with Fluttershy, huh? What’s that about?” she tilted her head curiously.

Sunset was glad for the subject change. “Oh, I've been asking everypony to teach me stuff. I want to fill my calendar properly, y’know? No more waiting around in my room for the day to end. Rainbow Dash is taking me running tomorrow, I'm lifting weights and helping on the farm with Applejack later, then Rarity’s going to teach me horn fencing, and Pinkie Pie even offered to teach me some of her acrobatics! Oh, and of course, meditation with Fluttershy. Gotta clear my head, y’know?”

Twilight was pleasantly shocked, feathers fluttering with anticipation. “O-Oh wow, you are fully booking yourself, aren't you? Does this mean that maybe... maybe you'd like to write a letter to Celestia? Report what you've learned and done...? I'm sure she'd love to hear from you again!" She really, really wanted to heal the rift between former student and master.

But this former student did not believe in rebuilding bridges that had been burnt.

"No thanks, princess." Internally, Sunset congratulated herself from not faltering on the quickness of her response; and without even a stutter, too.

Tilting her head with concern, Twilight tried getting a bit closer. "C'mon, you'll have to eventually...?"

No response from the Unicorn, who just looked at the away.

No, she really didn't need to talk to Celestia again.


With a sigh, the Princess of Friendship recoiled, knowing this was a minefield for the former student of her master. She believed wholeheartedly in reunions, but this wouldn't work if one of the parties was disinterested...

She regained her gleeful composure, and changed the subject; much to the Unicorn's relief. "Well, I'm still happy to hear that you're getting back into studies and learning, Sunset. I'm happy to see you’re trying to fit in better with all of us.” Twilight got a little closer, and dragged her hoofs on the floor a bit, smiling shyly. “It’s really good to see how far you’ve come, you know..? And I'm glad to see you getting involved.”

Sunset smiled warmly “Yeah, heh... But I'd change my schedule for you anytime.”

Twilight's eyes widened trying to make sure she heard what she just heard.

“But I CAN change my schedule for you anytime!! Haha” Sunset interjected, “correcting” herself, noticing the truth of feeling that had just come out of her mouth.

The paper with a drawing of Sunset’s cutie mark fell, floating and landing on the floor between them. For an agonizing second, the Unicorn stared at her mark, who dejectedly layed on the ground. The Princess, however, did not hesitate. Twilight immediately picked it up with magic and put it back on the chair where it belonged.
“Note to self. More duct tape” She mumbled.

She then turned her attention back to Sunset, and dragged her hooves on the floor a bit more, stimming nervously, trying to play it cool and normal, pouting a bit. “H-hey you think you could postpone meditation, and come study with me now? I… I really would love to begin spending time with you– studying with you, as soon as we can.”

Sunset's heart started beating faster almost immediately. She was NOT prepared for an entire evening of close study with Twilight Sparkle. This kind of close contact needed to be prepared for psychologically at LEAST 2 hours before, and even then! Blood rushed to her head as her thoughts spiraled. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!! but also no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!
She couldn't. She couldn't. She couldn't. She should. She REALLY should. But she couldn't.

Nervously, letting her brain take the wheel, yanking the wheel from her heart before it said “ABSOLUTELY!!!” she tried covering as simply as she could.

“I– I promised Fluttershy, I– I really wouldn’t want to disappoint her… I'm really sorry, Princess Twilight.” Unable to look her in the eye.

Twilight did a nervous chuckle and an 180°, also not being capable of looking her in the eye. “hahahaa of course! No worries at all!! Go go go! haha. I mean i, uh, After all, i’ll see you tonight, right? No need to rush anything!”

Sunset needed to end the conversation and leave IMMEDIATELY before she did something stupid. ANOTHER something stupid. “Of course haha! Absolutely! I won't miss it for anything, I promise!! A-anyways, I gotta get going, see you soon! An amazing meeting as usual, love your speeches! Inspiring! Bye, Princess!”

Sunset walked away, maybe a bit too fast, afraid to look back. Twilight sighed, pouting in disappointment, and mumbled to herself.

Why can’t she just call me Twilight…?”

Sunset was walking away while munching on her replica frustratingly. Idiot idiot idiot. Stupid!! But also, what a save. Surely it was impossible to survive a whole evening alone with Twilight Sparkle, right? Maybe if she buried her own feelings deep down and acted clinically about it, professionally, she wouldn’t lose herself hearing her passionate rants about magic and history and learning and the beauty in everything—-- Sunset was doomed.

It dawned on her that spending a night alone with Twilight could be a death sentence to her, after this embarrassment… She would embarrass herself again, no doubt. They would get too close!! No way. She couldn't risk having her feelings slip up,sShe needed to get someone that is happy enough to participate, but gullible enough that they would not understand that they are a third wheel. Someone that could be an ice breaker if things got too close, if they got distracted.

Spike? No, he slept a lot more, a lot earlier than ponies, and was smarter than he looked, likely seeing through it…

Who else would be friendly enough, would be willing enough, who would be dumb enough to– Pinkie Pie.

Sunset grabbed her phone and looked at Pinkie’s number.

Just this night. Just this first time, she would get Pinkie there as a potential distraction and ice breaker. Surely she’d be able to handle future study sessions by herself. Surely, right?


“Forgive me, Twilight…”

Author's Note:

Sunset hangs on by a thread in every conversation with twilight. girl down bad.

Generally, a quick and fun chapter to demonstrate the interpretations of every mane 6 member on this story, but also, importantly, showcasing Sunset's presence among them.

next chapter; Watch me write an entire season of the show's worth of days and hangouts and sequences.