• Published 18th Apr 2024
  • 246 Views, 5 Comments

Spike and Grubber’s Super Mario Journey - RedStone Stories

Twilight’s Spell went Horribly Wrong and send Spike and Grubber to the Mario Universe. Oh No!

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Prologue: Magic Spell Gone Wrong

In Twilight’s Castle at the Elements table Tempest now reformed was standing still like a lab rat as Twilight was testing a new magical spell that will hopefully fix her broken horn because ever since the defeat of the Storm King all those months ago,Twilight had an idea that she could find a powerful spell in the restricted section of Canterlot with Princess Celestia’s Permission to search for that spell and she finally found it.

Tempest was worried and sweating nervously that this spell could go wrong and ended up destroying her or causing massive damage and Magic burst all over this castle and Ponyville. Twilight saw how this process was making her and decided to assure her.

“Tempest Relax everything is gonna be fine, I have been Practicing for weeks now and everything is going to perfect.” Twilight said assuring her with a confident voice and smile.

Tempest still worried about this but sighed, then looked at Twilight and spoke.

“I know I know, it’s just that what if this spell goes wrong or what if you ended up causing something that you don’t mean to do and I know that your the Princess and master of Magic, but you never know.” Tempest said.

Twilight giggled slightly as she knew Tempest would say that even after telling and assuring her 100’s of times that everything was going to be alright.

“Tempest like I told a thousand times already everything is going to be fine and by the time it’s done you will be a whole new Mare with a whole new horn, even though it’s a fixed horn but I digressed.” Twilight said confidently assuring her again.

*sigh* “Ok Twilight ok you are the expert here let’s do this.” Tempest said confidently as she looked at Twilight with utter determination to get her horn back.

“That’s the Spirit Tempest, trust me you will see that this will all fine now let’s began.” Twilight said smiling warmly at her as she lit her horn up to began the process.

Meanwhile with Spike and Grubber

In the Hallways of the castle near the Elements table, Spike is giving the tour of the castle to Grubber since he was at awe of the place and so he won’t get lost. Spike and Grubber have been pretty close friends for the most part since Grubber would always wanting to eat the cake’s inside.

“Wow Spike this Castle is quite something I’m almost jealous of you.” Grubber said still in awe the Castle.

Spike chuckled as he found Grubber’s reaction to be expected because he acted the same way.

“I know right I felt the same way when me, Twilight and her friends when we first saw this castle even though I still miss our tree house.” Spike said having a bit of a nostalgic moment.

“Aww it’s ok Spike, even though I don’t know exactly what happened here before but one thing I do know is that things will get better trust I should know.” Grubber said to Spike in a sympathetic tone trying to be a friend to him.

“Heh thanks Grubber I appreciate it, but by the way how have you and Tempest been since you know the whole Storm King thing happened.” Spike said

“Oh me and Tempest are fine all things considered, we tried to be better for ourselves and others even though most Ponies and creatures still don’t trust us but hopefully we’ll get there.” Grubber said trying to be hopeful.

“I’m sure you’ll both get there eventually just give it time and they’ll come around.” Spike said sympathetic to Grubber.

“Yeah, hey I have a question for you if you’re ok with it.” Grubber said curiously.

“Yeah sure what is it.” Spike said curiously as to what the question is.

“We’ll have you ever wanted to do something more in your life, like I don’t know have a bigger career than this no offense of course.” Grubber said hoping Spike would feel the same way.

Spike was taken aback by this question as he was caught off guard by that question. Spike did feel that way even though he is mainly proud of being Twilight’s number #1 assistant and friend, but at the same time a part of him wants to be his own dragon and have a bigger career wither it be being his own hero or simply doing something else. Spike thought about for over a minute without him realizing it as he felt Grubber tapping on his shoulders looking worried.

“Hey you doing alright Spike you kinda zoomed out there for a minute.” Grubber said worried about Spike.

“Oh I’m fine it’s just that you caught me off guard with that question and I didn’t really think about much considering all the shores I have to do around here.” Spike said saddened about that part of his life.

“Aww it’s ok Spike I felt the same way since I get called a gluttonous jello sometimes but things will work out you’ll see.” Grubber said smiling warmly at Spike trying to cheer him up.

“Thanks Grubber, Spike then hugged Grubber with him doing the same.Then Spike broke it up and then spoke again, “And since when have you been so soft hehehe.”

Grubber blushed at this complement as he has been told that numerous times.

“Well let’s just say I learned a lot from Pinkie Pie and let’s just leave it at that.” Grubber said then he chuckled at the memory.

Spike smirked at this but it went away quickly as he just remembered something.

“Hey why don’t we go back to Twilight and Tempest to see how are they doing with that horn fixed spell.” Spike said.

“Sure I was hoping Twilight fixed it by now, Tempest deserved it after what she went through.” Grubber replied.

Without wasting any time they both ran in the direction of the Elements table with Spike leading Grubber there just in case he gets lost again.

Back with Twilight and Tempest

Twilight was trying her hardest to stand still while her horn was working the magic. The spell seems to work as her horn was laser fixing her horn to the fullest.Tempest couldn’t contain her excitement as she finally was gonna get her horn back, she urged Twilight to keep going.

“Sweet Celestia Twilight it’s working keep going and keep doing what you’re doing?!” Tempest said excited that her horn is gonna be fixed.

“I’m doing my best it’s just the spell it’s hurting me and very hard to maintain, but don’t worry I won’t give up even if it burns me out in the process?!” Twilight says determined to get Tempest her horn back since she felt Tempest deserved it after everything.

Tempest nearly neighed in excitement. The excitement was all interrupted when Spike and Grubber came in running.

“Hey Twilight me and Grubber came in to see how are you and Tempest doing with that Spel-“ but was interrupted when Twilight got distracted and her magic spell was shot all over the place.Twilight got angry at Spike and glared at him.

“SPIKE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Twilight shouted at him angry that her and Tempest were this close.

“SORRY! Me and Grubber just wanted to check on you guys.” Spike said as he did mean for this to happen.

The Magic was shooting everywhere as Twilight and Tempest attempted to stop, until they were too late as the the blast hit Spike and Grubber then they disappeared.

Twilight and Tempest looked on in Horror as this had happened to them right in front of their eyes.

“SPIKE, SPIKE WHERE ARE YOU. Oh this is MY FAULT NOOO?!?!” Twilight said about to have a panic attack until Tempest slapped her with her hoof.

“SNAP OUT OF IT TWILIGHT. We’ll figure out. Oh let’s gather together your friends and then we can make a plan.” Tempest said determined even though she was worried about Grubber in hopes they didn’t accidentally killed them.

“But We Killed them?!?!” Twilight said struggling to believe that she did it.

“Hey look at me, you don’t know that for all we know they could be alright, so come on let’s go get your friends.” Tempest says

*sniffs* “Ok.” Twilight replies begrudgingly as she still denies but wants to believe Tempest is right.

The duo both went galloping out of the door and out of the castle to gather Twilight’s friends and they hoped Spike and Grubber are not dead despite Tempest confidence.

Meanwhile with Spike and Grubber

Spike and Grubber were laying on a pile of Grass that felt smooth almost like the ones in Equestria. Spike slowly starting to wake up still groaning about what happened.

“Urghh what happened, where are we.” Spike said wondering where there are.

Spike noticed that Grubber is still sleeping like it’s no big deal. Spike rolled his eyes at this since he is not surprised given what Tempest told him and Twilight about Grubber. Spike goes to wake him up and he stubbornly refuses until Spike saw a lake.

He goes to the lake takes a zip then flies but he saw a flying ship coming there way. Spike’s eyes went wide as he needed to get back to Grubber, he flew back only for him to spray the water in him and he got up quickly.

“Ahhh what the Heck Spike I was Sleeping?!” Grubber said.

“Well incase you haven’t noticed we are not in our world anymore!” Spike replied.

“What do you mean in Equestria there’s grass like this all the time!” Grubber said.

“Then what’s that over there.” Spike said pointing to a flying ship in the distance.

“What, Grubber said then he looked up and saw it, “Sweet Celestia what is that thing?!?!” Grubber said almost yelling.

Spike covered his mouth then took him to hiding in the bushes. The ship was so large and mysterious the duo never seen anything like it except Captain Celaeno’s ship but this ship was a lot different than hers as it has propellers but they didn’t knew that.

Then they saw a group of individuals that they never seen before one had a red hat and blue overalls same with the green one, the other two looked like marshmallow people. Spike and Grubber were so confused on who or what were they but one thing they knew is that there not gonna get help if they just sit there and do nothing. The duo nervously got out of hiding and ran to the individual’s direction in hopes they'll get help.

To be Continued….

Author's Note:

Hope you all like this story so far and get ready for some Nostalgia.

Comments ( 5 )

Well, this is gonna be interesting

Huh an unexpected duo for this adventure, sweet!:moustache: Also seems Spike has already molted at this point & has wings if I read it right?

“Hey Twilight me and Grubber came in to see how are you and Tempest doing with that Spel-“ but was interrupted when Twilight got distracted and her magic spell was shot all over the place.Twilight got angry at Spike and glared at him.

“SPIKE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Twilight shouted at him angry that her and Tempest were this close.

Hey chill out bookhorse, he does more than you! :flutterrage:

Good info

Ooh! And check these out!

Hope this is continuing to the end.

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