• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


“And it's something quite peculiar,/Something shimmering and white./Leads you here despite your destination,/Under the Milky Way tonight.” –The Church, ‘Under The Milky Way’

While stargazing late one night, Twilight Sparkle notices a mysterious object falling from the heavens and landing just outside of Ponyville. Allowing her curiosity to get the best of her, Twilight goes to investigate, and what she finds surprises her. She finds a brown stallion on the inside of a blue wooden box. Who is this pony and why does he ask Twilight to trust him?

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 29 )

1405642 lol spam.

Also I am definitaly glad I found this, I shall watch and wait for new chapters expectantly.

Doctor troll makes twilight face hoof:facehoof:

I love Whooves and Twilight stories. I read every one I find, and it looks like this is gonna be a good one! :D
So, is this Doctor the 12th, regenerated as a pony?

1463407 Not exactly the 12th regenerated. It will kind of be such of that, but it will be based on Tennant and Smith in one (with hints to other regenerations through out, like I did with a hint of Sarah Jane if you caught it)

1463629 I'm not too good at catching hints, not when I'm too excited about the big picture. :twilightsheepish:
I think I understand. 12th incarnation, with personality mostly a combo of 10th and 11th, with hints of others. Got it.
Just occurred to me: poor guy still isn't ginger.

i only have a base understanding on what Doctor Who is and I enjoy this fic. I do find it odd that Twilight is being really rude even though everything the Doctor has said he has proven, but I guess you can blame it all on lack of sleep and being ignored even though she has to realize to a 8-10 year old child (Spike) a strange alien that goes on adventures in time and space is amazing.

Why u no post longer chapter?

I always get so excited when this story has updated. It really brightens my day.:pinkiehappy:

Wait, is that it? Is that the end? It can't be! One of the genre tags has been left unfulfilled!

And the ending is an opening for more. Brilliant :pinkiehappy:

That end just screams sequel. Therefore I shall keep my eye out. :pinkiehappy:

yea even though it was five years for twilight it was probably a day for the doctor

:twilightangry2: Ah, Spike you little...
Well, at least Twilights next days are going to be fun - how much of a timespan they are actually covering - or not covering of course.

Nice ending - or shall I say, beginning?
I think I like your 'open-ending' stories more than your finished ones.

I've been called a madman with a box far more times than I count!
called a madman with a box
called a madman

2336437 But, he is the Doctor! Just because he's a pony doesn't mean he has to play by the rules! xD

Took Donna quite a bit. Took Rory even longer.


Such a lovely story, I love it!

Didn't K-9 go away after the 6th? and the 10th?:rainbowhuh:

(I'm kidding of course, but that's just hilarious!!!

6788548 There have been, if I remember correctly, four versions of K-9.

I want some doctor derpy twilight threesome in here!

In no way I want to be a hater but I think this needs a lot more detail

Oh come on they knew each other for like 3 days or so

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