• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 349 Views, 36 Comments

The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle - Recon777

Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.

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19 - Epilogue -- The Dream of Nyx

I am floating.

It was my fondest memory—one I have always tried to return to. But it was only ever a glimpse.

In the darkness, there was no fear. I swam in the tight embrace, forever submerged with my long legs folded tightly against me, and yet, I did not drown. Neither was I alone. My two companions soothed me in their persistent rhythms.

Heart. Always steady, always with me, I could not only hear her but feel her soft thumping. She was strong, much stronger than my own quicker heartbeat. And I knew she could never fail me.

Breath. I never quite understood her, for I had no counterpart of my own. With her, came a slow, heaving sound, and my whole world moved with her. Up. Down. Tightening, ever so slightly, then relaxing again. She soothed me to sleep when my thoughts became jumbled. Assured me with soft coos, in a language I did not understand, that I was loved and cherished.

And so it was, for all time. Until it wasn’t.

Trouble. Heart was quickened. Powerful. My world was shaking, moving, and twisting. Breath was also strong, heavy, and jagged. New sounds, loud and awful, punished my ears. Bright lights and flashes, muted against the soft, red walls of my world. I did not understand. My own heart quickened to match my companion as I felt emotions new, and foreign, and unwelcome.

Fear. What had happened? Why was my world in turmoil?

Something smashed hard into my world and then all was still. The faint red glow had gone black. Breath was…

“Breath?” I asked urgently in my mind. “What is wrong?” She had become ragged, strained, desperate. Always so calm before, I could no longer feel her reassuring rhythm. At least Heart was still strong, pounding in my ears, urging me to pay attention.

Minutes passed slowly, going from bad to worse. “Breath? No, don’t go! I need you.”

She had slowed, coming in short gasps. Then, my world stopped moving.

“Where are you? Breath?!!”

Heart was worried as well. She had never faltered until now. Thump. Thump-thump. Th—

Silence. I had never experienced silence before. My companions were gone! I was alone.

My thoughts became a frenzied panic. What can I do? I tried to kick, but my world held firm. My thoughts… I can’t think clearly. Becoming fuzzy. What will…

Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled harshly away. I can’t feel my legs. Where is my body?! Someone new was with me. A new companion, perhaps? Someone new who would love me and assure me that everything would be alright?

Horror. My body was gone. Not numb… simply gone. I was brought into a place impossible to describe. In my consciousness, I could see terrible things. I never knew the world was so big! So very, very big. And so horrible. Others were here, not my companions but entities I could not hope to understand. And they fought one another in ways that made my mind freeze up.

I became wrapped around one of them. Finally, an anchor once more.

No. No, this can’t be. New emotions invaded my mind, forcing me to submit.

Hatred. Malevolence. Fury. I can’t… There is no longer choice. No love. No comfort.

I felt myself change. He was so powerful. Who was I to resist? So overwhelming, telling me what I must think and what I must feel. The passion. The breathtaking drive to… destroy.

I had become a new thing. Something I was not. I am now given purpose. One singular task.

To slay them.

All of them.

I am… The Nightmare.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for journeying with me through an important part of history. All of this was created many years ago to lay the foundation for my story Black Feather.

Past Sins is a suitable "next chapter" in the MLP version of this history, as it covers the origins of Nyx being brought onto the scene. However, it's notable that this is my version of exactly what Nyx is and how she originated that is not canon to Past Sins. This chronicle, particularly the Epilogue, reveals her earliest memory, as it takes place in the Equinox saga.

In my version of events, Nyx herself is the Nightmare that Hyperion forced to become an agent of destruction. In separating her from Luna, the Elements also had the effect of freeing her from Hyperion's directive. Now, she is merely a traumatized child who must decide what values she will hold and what impact she will have on the world, for good or evil.

Comments ( 12 )

Solid read. These chapters have been a joy to bury my face into on a slow night.
Lore books are an unappreciated lot. Fascinating and engaging.
I liked that this one reads like a mind in turmoil. Masterfully done.

So now it's over with the epilogue, just like you said. I think that the next fic I start reading is going to be Black Feather.

Ultimately, I liked this, even despite the unique format. And I can't help, but wonder if the traditional story form would have made this better. As in, focusing in on characters, and telling things from a few perspectives instead of relying on the narrator all the time.
Still, thank you for writing this, new takes on MLP FiM lore are always welcome, even if lore-heavy stories went out of style by now.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

And I did originally intend to make this into a proper story with character POVs and so on... but time constraints and the fact that we left the MLP fandom years ago to write in our own independent IP have severely limited the amount of time we can put into writing for Fimfic. This lore story was finished several years ago so I had it sitting in GDocs and figured what the heck may as well publish it. :twilightsmile:


It was the cover art which had originally caught my interest. Where did you get it?
I couldn't find any references towards a source.

My friend and artist BernardDK made it for me. It's a combination of multiple AI images and his own artistic talents.
He requested not to be credited in the description. He made the cover art for my story Ashes and Black Feather as well. Also the comic images that are interlaced into Black Feather chapter one.


Maybe she could have delayed that action and waited for her powers to grow further.

If she had waited until after, then she would not have cared one bit about the fate of ponykind. Such is the consequence for fully maturing as an alicorn -- a loss of morality and youthful memory, followed by near-omnipotence.


Is there any lore about the changelings?

Yes, I have quite extensive lore about them. But their creation is much further back in the timeline than this story shows. My lore goes back about 25,000 years.

Here you go.

Oh sorry I just noticed that this document was last edited after we left the MLP fandom. The changelings were renamed the Kindred. So if you see Kindred, just think Changeling and that was the lore for them.

I had become a new thing. Something I was not. I am now given purpose. One singular task.
To slay them.
All of them.
I am… The Nightmare.

Or you can reject your given purpose, choosing your own path.
(Judging by the Author's Note that's what will actually happen eventually.)

Good lore dump!
I enjoyed reading it.

Small note:
If you want to answer to a comment make sure to put your reply into the same chapter as the original comment.
Otherwise the author of the original comment won't receive a notification, never knowing about your reply unless he stumbles upon it by chance.


Or you can reject your given purpose, choosing your own path.

When she was under compulsion by Hyperion's directive, she had no choice but to follow through with it.

When the Elements were used on her, separating her from Luna, this compulsion was destroyed and she had free will.

Glad you enjoyed the read!

I <3 the family dynamics. Such an interesting story! Will be tempting to come back for the next 4K words

Have your review! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1039024/short-review-violence-the-story-of-everfree-a-narrative-chronicle-recon777-random-recommendations-in-50-words-9

Thanks for the review! It's good to see people enjoying the world building.
If you want to see what I'm up to these days, feel free to pop into my Discord server for the Equinox project. The story of Hyperion is carrying over to that as part of its ancient history.

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