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A Charming Conundrum

After the chicken incident Professor McGonagall had decided to forego her original lesson plan and instead set her first years a reading assignment in absolute silence on the four types of transfiguration for the next hour before setting the class a thousand-word essay for their homework on the differences between the types due by next Monday. Scoti, unsurprisingly, had dozed off on her textbook and, like her desk mate, had been rewarded with a full week of detention. By the time lunch came around it was not just Scoti’s brain that was frazzled as the students hastily made for the exit.

“That was excruciating,” Limestone exclaimed as she exited the classroom. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored in my life.”

“Says the girl who grew up on a rock farm,” Leanne retorted. “I mean, what even is a rock farm? How can you farm rocks?”

“With tools,” Limestone grunted as her stomach let out a ginormous growl.

“Uh oh, somepony is clearly hangry,” Leanne tittered. “Anyone got a bag of oats?”

Susan and Lavender both let out giggles next to her.

“No, I am not… what the, Scoti you get this confounded thing of me or so help me I’ll drown you in the nearest toilet. You and Susan are already on thin ice after….mmhf,” Limestone never finished as the oat bag that had had appeared on her face was replaced with duct tape.

That’s better, Scoti exclaimed as roars of laughter broke out all around. Even Hermione could not help but let out a snort of amusement at Limestone’s predicament.

Limestone slowly removed the tape. “You little minx, when I get my hands on you, I’ll shove your wand where the sun doesn’t shine.”

“Ooh, naughty,” Susan remarked.

Limestone’s face started to turn red.

“Are you kidding me, you can blush through your fur. I did not think you could get any cuter,” Susan practically exploded with glee, totally entranced by Limestone’s face that was growing redder by the second.

“I AM NOT CUTE,” Limestone retorted angrily. This only proceeded to make her look even cuter.

“Out of ten, who here thinks the anthropomorphic pony is a twelve on the cuteness scale,” Susan asked smugly.

Everyone within ear shot raised one of their hands.

Limestone socked Susan in the stomach.

“Nice one,” Susan wheezed, dropping to the floor.

“Anyone else want to call me cute?” Limestone growled.

Several hands slowly started to lower.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Miss Pie, thank you for giving me the perfect reason for your detention this afternoon,” Professor McGonagall’s voice suddenly boomed throughout the hallway.

“Ah buck,” Limestone lamented, turning to face the professor with a forced smile. “Hello professor, did one of us forget something? Or do something else wrong?” She had to really dig deep to prevent herself from sarcastically suggesting, like breathing the same air as you.

“On the contrary. I wanted to commend you and Miss Moon on your hard work today, even if you did have to silently ask Miss Granger for help on several occasions. Keep up the hard work the both of you and I might, just might, have to alter my opinion of you two, especially if you can somehow reign in the other two,” Professor McGonagall responded, pausing to glower in both Susan and then Scoti’s direction before adding, “The both of you should take note of your friends’ behaviour in class today and strive to act more like them. It may only be the start of your first year but it is very easy to fall behind in your studies at any point in your educational journey and to then catch up often proves impossible for many, even the smartest of students. Understood?”

Yes Professor.

“Yes Professor.”

Professor McGonagall examined Scoti and Susan for a moment to see if they were being serious or not. “Very well, we shall see over time if you heed my warning or not but hopefully your head of house can ensure you do. For now, I shall let you be as I have just spotted Professor Quirrell who I need to talk to about a matter of some urgency. But before I go, Miss Pie, if He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was ever to infiltrate the school I am quite sure that we would all be safe as he would instantly drop dead upon seeing you from a cuteness overload that would be just too much for his cold dark heart.” And with that last statement ingrained on everyone’s minds, Professor McGonagall patted Limestone on the head and departed, leaving the cluster of first years in stunned silence.

Limestone’s face now resembled a cherry and her right eye was twitching uncontrollably as she internally battled a whole array of emotions.

Out of everyone else, it was Lavender who recovered first. “What just happened? Did she really just dish out praise and then crack a joke?”

“Yes and yes,” Leanne replied. “Congratulations Limey, you got punished, praised, and roasted by Professor McGonagall all in under five minutes. And that look you’re pulling right now is just making you look even more adora…”

Limestone socked Leanne in the stomach and stormed off to lunch.

“Definitely hangry,” Leanne wheezed doubling over. “Damn does she pack a punch.”


The four girls were just finishing lunch in the Great Hall when the inevitable happened.

“Hello girls, how was Transfiguration?” Professor Sprout said without even trying to hide her irritation. “Because I have just spent most of my lunch having a delightful conversation with Professor McGonagall on four delinquents who, in one day, have fought and hit each other, tried to fall asleep in both their lessons, talked back to and been extremely rude to their teachers, and have all ended up with at least one detention if not a whole week’s worth after just two lessons. So, would one of you kindly like to explain what went on in your Transfiguration lesson? You know what, I don’t want to hear it. I understand kids will be kids but there is a time and a place for it. Miss Moon and Miss Pie, I expect to see both of you after your Flying lesson this afternoon outside the greenhouses, no excuses. As for you two, rather than a week of detention, Professor McGonagall has kindly offered to run a remedial class every Monday for all students across all years who are struggling with Transfiguration. Your attendance shall be mandatory for the entire year. Even one missed class and Susan, I shall be sending a letter home to your aunt, whilst for you Scoti your broomstick shall be confiscated and your medical exemption certificate revoked until further notice. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, Professor Sprout,” three girls chorused as one after swallowing the last parts of their lunches.

Crystal Scoti replied with a sign, not lifting her head from where she had slammed it into the table.

“Good, then get to Charms and I do not want to hear even one more word about you four for the rest of the term. If you ever have excess energy and time to burn, come find me down at the greenhouses, there is always something to do and all help is appreciated, or go find Hagrid and he will happily watch over you if you insist with fighting each other.” On this last point Professor Sprout’s eyes specifically targeted Susan and Leanne as all four girls rose sluggishly from their seats and unenthusiastically began to make their way out of the Great Hall.

Professor Sprout had certainly laid down the law but just as the first-year girls were exiting their head of house still had one more surprise up her sleeve.

“Oh, Limestone, I nearly forgot. Kendra found the pink dress she loaned you in the infirmary. As it is obviously way too small for her, she thought you might like to keep it as you do not have a whole lot of other clothes to wear yet and it did look super cute on you,” Professor Sprout hollered for everyone in the hall to hear. “I am sure your dormmates would love to see you in it even if you are not too keen on pink. Remember, what happens in your dorm, stays in your dorm.”

Limestone’s face dropped like, well, a stone as she witnessed a devilish smile wrap its way around Professor Sprout’s face. Even if she wasn’t the brightest rock in the field, it was crystal clear to Limestone that not only had her head of house forgotten nothing but that she must also be vastly experienced in dealing with trouble making students from her time at Hogwarts teaching. Simply put, you either behaved and towed the line or Professor Sprout and the other teachers would ensure you dare not even think about putting a foot wrong in future!


The journey to Charms was a solemn one for the most part. Limestone was trying to keep quiet in the hope her friends would forget about the dress and as such she would be able to quietly dispose of it when they returned to their dorm that evening. She could see though that her troubles paled in comparison to Susan who was ghostly pale and looked about as frightening as a new born puppy after the mention of her aunt once more. Limestone had absolutely no clue what hold Susan’s aunt had on her but it must be serious for the girl to have undergone such a drastic change in personality. On the plus side, by the time they reached classroom 99 on the first floor of the South Tower Leanne had managed to perk her friend up, even if only a little. As for Scoti, she seemed even more distant than usual and quite content to be left to her own thoughts, so Limestone had just left her to it.

Upon entering the classroom, the tension that had hung in the air ever since they had left the Great Hall was abruptly shattered by a jolly little man ushering them in to take their seats. After several further minutes and a few more last-minute arrivals, the Professor introduced himself.

“For those of you not in Ravenclaw, I am Professor Flitwick, Charms Master here at Hogwarts. I am sure you will all be mighty relieved that unlike your Transfiguration class before lunch, Charms will be mostly practical based in lessons this year with the theoretical side being covered in homework assignments. The main purpose of your first year in Charms is to ensure that you can perform the basics by the end of year through correct wand movements and pronunciation whilst building a solid relationship with your wand. Before you begin attempting your first spell though, I would like to examine each of your wands whilst you note down the follow…” Professor Flitwick stopped mid-sentence as a cold shiver befell him. Afterwards he proceeded to look around the room for something.

Limestone groaned as his gaze eventually settled on her and he started making his way over to her.

“Miss Pie, I’m guessing this is your wand?” Flitwick half-asked already knowing the answer as he picked up Limestone’s wand.

He immediately dropped it back onto the table again, eyes going wide.

“You poor girl,” he muttered, barely loud enough for Limestone to catch what he was saying as a tear slipped down his cheek. “For one so young to accept death is unheard of and should never have been allowed to happen. I can only hope that during your time here at Hogwarts you will be able to fill the void that lays within your heart. Be wary of your wand Miss Pie for although it is powerful, due to their difficulty to work with very little is known about thestral tail hair cores and the magic they are capable of.”

And with those words of advice Professor Flitwick turned and addressed the entire class. “I shall come over and examine each of your wands individually. In the meantime, please copy the five pieces of vital information down from the board and then open your Standard Book of Spells and begin one of your two reading assignments for this week on the Wand-Lighting Charm and Wand-Extinguishing Charm, thank you. Ah, Miss Prewett, it is good to see you again and from what I have heard you gave Professor McGonagall an almighty surprise.”

Hi Professor Flitwick. Thanks for the book. The piece on conjuration really intrigued me and look, MAGIC!!! I can talk to people and it’s all thanks to you, Scoti replied with a huge smile on her face.

Professor Flitwick returned the smile with one of his own. “You are welcome, although according to Professor McGonagall’s account you were totally oblivious to what conjuration was.”

She was rude to me and my friends and didn’t believe I could cast such magic, so I may have feigned ignorance, Scoti replied guiltily before the sign was swiftly replaced by another one. Uh oh, busted.

Professor Flitwick chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry, your secret is safe with me but I feel you will have to come clean sooner rather than later. Overall, I am more impressed by the fact that you managed to master conjuration non-verbally, and without a wand, in three months.”

Thanks Professor. At least you appreciate all the hard work I put in these past several months.

“I certainly do. What you have done is unheard of and, quite frankly, incredible. Have you managed anything else with your wand yet?”

I’ve not had much spare time but have tried several spells in the company of at least one of my servants as you instructed. The results have been peculiar, Scoti replied.

“Oh, how so?” Professor Flitwick enquired, only now noticing the girl’s wand. His eyes widened once more as he picked up the extremely long dogwood wand and examined it.

In all his years teaching, never had Professor Flitwick seen such a mismatch and not just by the size of the wand in comparison to its owner. Dogwood wands were notorious for refusing to perform non-verbal spells, something that was going to prove very tricky considering the wand’s owner. Throw in dogwood’s natural affinity for mischief and dragon heartstring’s preference for flamboyant magic and being somewhat temperamental and accident prone, to say the next five years were going to be a challenge was a serious understatement.

“Let me guess, you couldn’t resist buying a copy of Curses and Counter Curses?” Professor Flitwick said with a resigned sigh.

Scoti looked at the Charms’ professor guiltily once more. Maybe but I swear I didn’t practice even one of them. In fact, I haven’t even had time to look at the book since I bought it.

“So, what happened then?” Professor Flitwick asked calmly.

Let me show you.

Scoti took her wand back of Professor Flitwick and after a minute or so a light briefly flickered at its tip before going out again.

“Marvelous, you are very close to mastering Lumos,” Professor Flitwick praised looking proudly at Scoti.

That’s just it. I wasn’t casting Lumos, I was trying to cast Nox. My wand casts the total opposite of what I want it to. I found this out when I tried casting Incendio and my wand ended up firing a flood of water out instead.

Professor Flitwick had no response.