• Member Since 29th Sep, 2023
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I Vicious I

Luna is best Pony


After returning from the moon, Luna discovers the wonderful new invention of coffee. Naturally, she takes it way too far and loses her mind. Or maybe she finally sees things as they really are.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )


But how will you see the infinite horrors?

Those things are only in your head, Luna. This is what happens when you underestimate insomnia. 💀

Or is it? What if she's right?

Dan #5 · February 4th · · ·

Did you know?

The King of Sweden believed coffee was harmful, and ordered an experiment where a condemned criminal would be forced to drink it every day.

The subject outlived both the king and the doctors assigned to monitor and document his health.

:rainbowlaugh: sounds up there with that Chinese Emperor who thought mercury granted immortality and ate mercury pills daily till he died suddenly (gee, I wonder why :facehoof:)

The way this escalated into insanity was hilarious! Of all the things for Luna to launch a coup over, it had to be the loss of her coffee. The idea of her being so caffeinated that she outmaneuvers the bearers was golden, too.

I imagine that the fight between Luna and the bearers of the elements occurred in a similar way to that scene in Futurama, when Fry consumes his 300th cup of coffee.

And those murmurs that she ended up hearing were Nightmare Moon yelling at her, demanding that she leave the coffee because it would end up killing them both.

I do hint at what's really going on subtly. I enjoy these theories.

Cocaine Caffeine's a hell of a drug.

That's funny. Apparently I'm far from the first to have the idea.

I am the coffee Tia.

My theory that Luna is so caffeinated that she is sensing us from beyond the 4th wall.

That’s the neat part, you don’t.

I would love to see a second chapter or continuance, just to see Luna unseal Celestia and what her reaction to Luna doing all this would be

What? A dozen cups a day is normal.

What i understand from you is that we need a sequel

I hope that she doesn't get so addicted to coffee that she might just get her snout caught in a coffee pot just like how that happened to Rainbow Dash one time.


I concur, it requires further exploration though the art form of storytelling, and perhaps a little bit of song.

Obviously there's a lot of fun to be had with commenting on this story, but I want to mention on a serious note how impressed I am that it walks a line between being completely ridiculously comical and genuinely horrifying. It's not often we see the horror and comedy tags paired up around here, and much rarer that we see it be so much simultaneously a funny and terrifying story. On one level, it is absolutely what it says on the tin: Luna goes insane due to a coffee addiction and takes over all of Equestria. It's a fun idea, but all on its own doesn't really stand out in a sea of crackfics. Yet this story is also kind of actually scary, in a really fun way. Luna lashing out like she does could potentially hit close to home for those who have actual addicts in their families, and the hallucinations and distortions to Luna's perception of her friends and family are all pretty fundamentally disturbing, even as their cause and ultimate conclusion remains based in this comical premise. Too many stories would feel disjointed and tonally confusing with a mix like that, but this story makes it work by keeping the style highly consistent, and more or less just allowing the reader to decide whether the story is more comedy or more horror for them personally. For that reason, I really like this story, and find it fascinating.

Or maybe I just don't get it, since I don't drink coffee.

10/10, will read again.

I think this is the best decent into coffee induced madness anyone has ever written.
The way Luna is written feels almost perfect. From her words, all the way to her personality changes.

Comment posted by I Vicious I deleted February 5th

Just drink 200 cups of coffee in one sitting and you'll get it. Who doesn't love a little caffeine induced cosmic horror?



The Beast looms over us, its presence spanning the breadth of existence with a billion eyes and a billion minds. Its watchful gaze pierces through the veil of reality, observing my ponies and I with an unfathomable awareness. I can feel its scrutiny, an ever-present specter that peers into our very thoughts, casting its gaze upon every corner of Equestria.

That's definitely what I got from it too... and suddenly we have a (partial) explanation for Pinkie... :pinkiegasp:

This is absolutely hilarious. Reminds me of the time one of my sisters first had coffee.

Drinking all the Coffee means you can see all the Colours.

I knew one who could see through time.

Here's a video a horse drinking coffee in real life:

Love it. Fits Luna very well.

I take down 3 cups every couple of days. Or I go to the gas station and get a 24 oz of Monster Energy. This story is funny though

Love your avatar.

Zombie ponies

Uhhhh....does Equestria even have centers for Addiction Help/Rehabilitation Centers?

Well, there's always social media... :rainbowlaugh:

Should I conceive a plan, would I possess the requisite power and ability to enact it? The question lingers, a shadow cast upon the path forward, shrouded in doubt and uncertainty. Yet, in the face of such formidable odds, I must steel myself and seek a way to safeguard Equestria from the malevolent gaze of this indomitable entity. On the other hoof, I think it will be easier to forget all this, apologize to Tia, and give up Coffee.

Gee. Ya think! :facehoof:.

This is an instant classic.


The pacing on this insanely well done, flowed effortlessly. Also, I loved the tension you created with voices and her insomnia overall.

Very 10/10, would read again

I told him I'm on an all coffee diet now.

The real horror of this fic is what this diet must be doing to Luna's bowels

This was a cute story. Luna becoming a coffee addict makes a lot of sense. The prose of this story was also really good. Not sure about the power levels because Luna couldn't defeat Discord or the Elements of Harmony herself. Pretty good story otherwise.

She didn't do it by herself. She had her coffee.

BeerCoffee is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. (I mean, beer is, too, but coffee is legal to drink while driving.) I've never drank enough coffee to hear voices, but maybe some day.


☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

can you make a video reading about this comic? just like magpiepony?

She just needs to keep drinking more until she passes the Fry threshold and gains super speed.

I paid her words no heed, for I am immortal, after all.

I see no signs this story to be horrifying at all. :rainbowwild:

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