• Published 17th Feb 2024
  • 286 Views, 0 Comments

🦋 The Fluttershy Effect 🦋 - Ms Rarity

Fluttershy is inadvertently transformed into a butterfly

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🦋 🦋 🦋

The afternoon sun hung in the sky over a tranquil Ponyville as Fluttershy finally arrived at the Golden Oak Library quietly knocking on the wooden door before entering. "He...hello...Twilight?" The yellow pony timidly called out. From upstairs there was a cough followed with a blowing of the nose. "I'm up here Fluttershy!" Twilight called down.
"Oh hello Twilight, I heard you were feeling under the weather, so brought you some medicine I made from my trip to the Evergreen Forest this morning, I hope you don't mind."
Twilight smiled warmly wiping her nose with a tissue. "Why thank you Fluttershy, that's very kind of you. Would you care to stay for a little while."
"Oh that would be lovely, here I'll make us some tea." Fluttershy rubbed her forehoof blushing a moment as she headed to the stove as Twilight came down the ladder to join her.

They sat down by the hearth as Fluttershy placed passed Twilight her cup of tea placing a plate full of various biscuits and cakes down between them.
"Wow Fluttershy this is lovely, thank you so much. Ughh I wish I could shift this cold, I have so much to do and not the energy to do it." Fluttershy tried to hide her blush by taking a sip of her tea. "It was nothing really...it's my pleasure. Umm...is there any errands you'd like me to do for you?"
Twilight smiled warmly. "Thanks Fluttershy it's really nice of you to offer but I couldn't ask you." Fluttershy crossed her eyebrows a split moment taking a breath of firm restraint. "Twilight all the times you've helped me it's the least I can do for you. Now if you don't mind tell me which errands you need and I'll see what I can do."

Twilight almost smiled but didn't want her friend to think she was being condescending. "Alright Fluttershy, could you take my dress over to Rarity, I need the hem fixed for next months gala...please?"
Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Easy, what else is there?" She smiled.
Twilight didn't want to overload the timid pegasus. With her on going lists of things do. "Hmm, I know! Could you help me clean the crystal mirror please? I have it down in my basement. Spike and Applejack are going to help move it back to the castle later today...um you don't have to if you don't want to though." Fluttershy smiled wide clopping her forehooves together. "Oh that sounds wonderful Twilight! I'll make a start as soon as I've finished eating these delicious cupcakes." They giggled as they carried on enjoying their tea and biscuits.

Some time had past

Twilight blew her nose as she took Fluttershy into the basement. "The mirror is just this way Fluttershy, it just needs dusting down and a little polish to make it look respectable for the next moon." Twilight smiled picking up the clothes and bucket in her magic.
Fluttershy smiled warmly. "I'm quite looking forward to it, especially seeing...."
Just then, Twilight sneezed her horn glowing a full spectrum of colours firing out what can only be described as a fulmination as Twilight's horn discharged her magic her eyes widened as she saw the bolt heading straight for her friend.
In the blink of an eye the magic hit her with such force it sent her from her hooves spiraling through the air towards the mirror. There came a high pitch squeak and a bright flash of light as Fluttershy vanished through the mirror.

Twilight's eye's widened with shock, she couldn't believe what had just happened screaming out.


Through the mirror

Fluttershy was hurtled through a bright light her body felt strange, then in a flash she was soaring through the air as a sun unfamiliar to her own shone down on her the air felt different making her feel lighter she looked around finding her field of vision was far greater she could see all around her. She made a visual examination of herself seeing the reason why she couldn't bend or twist her head. She had two long antennae reaching out from her head, then noticed four large wings protruding from her back, her body was now long and narrow and she now had six legs.

There was a sweet scent on the wind which began beckoning her, so she turned towards it. The sweet smell tingling her taste buds as she followed it. As she descended towards the sweet smell she found the colours of this new world to be quite strange much different than back home but somehow understood them. She landed upon a flower overwhelmed by the smell and almost shocking herself as her tongue reached out like a long straw unrolling into the flower to drink it's nectar tasting the the sweetness through her new feet. She felt quite content as she used her new field of vision to look around at the wonderful views as she fed, but something niggled at the back of her mind as she began to feel unnerved about something.

Her new antenna sensed a vibration, instinct kicked in and suddenly she was back in the air. She flapped her wings evasively upon seeing a large figure coming right for her. It didn't seem to look like anything she'd seen before but deep down she knew that it was a blue jay. "Oh my, mister blue jay there's enough sky for both of us she thought to herself as she found a nook in a tree to hide. As she waited Fluttershy sensed the sun was going down so she decided to rest there while it was safe.

The following day

As the warmth of the sun kissed her face, she flapped her wings taking to the skies, without a moment to spare. She danced in the air currents enjoying the warmth of the sun. She had never felt so free and she was loving every single moment hopping from flower to flower when she smelled something overwhelming she flew a little higher to see what this new scent was before landing on it. The taste was so sweet she wondered what it could be.

The man looked at his arm looking in awe at the beautiful butterfly, amazed how this unique creature had chosen to land on him. "Mel! Come quick, get a look at this!"
The woman put her book down and wiped the sweat from her brow squinting in the sunlight. "What is it Theo? Oh my goodness....don't move I'll get a jar."
As the hairs on Theo's arm bristled, Fluttershy flew away. The man could only on as the rare species flew away, he watched a few long moments as she danced through the sky mesmerised by the yellow and pink wings until she was out of reach. The sun caught his eyes making him use his arm to cover them as he lay back down in the grass.

He played the memory over and over in his minds eye of the beautiful butterfly amazed at such a find yet his stomach turned upon having such an opportunity lost. Mel returned after a few moments. "Have you got it?" She queried. He sat up resting on his elbows. "She flew away." He sighed disappointedly.
Mel grinned warmly. "Did she now." Just then he felt something touch his arm. He didn't want to move and yet knew if he didn't, he'd lose his chance a second time. "Mel, get the camera! At least we can gain some sort of evidence if she flies away again." Mel took out her camera and began taking various shots.

Fluttershy's became overwhelmed and began to fly excitedly with joy. She flew around this new creature which lit her senses up somehow, there was something about the taste of it. She landed on it once again spreading out her wings as she basqued in the sun.
Theo could only lookin awe with a big smile on his face as this rare species which had just pulled up a seat on his forearm arm. Mel smiled taking as many photos as she could twisting and turning the lens with excitement at the new find.
Theo held his breath as butterfly flapped her wings, dancing towards his face and landing upon the tip of his nose. His eyes twitched as his nose instinctively itched, trying desperately not to give in to his natural reflexes. as Mel took her shot
"Aw that's sweet, let me get a shot..." As Mel crouched and hit the button on her camera. Theo sneezed abruptly sending the fragile butterfly through space and time.

Fluttershy watched as a kaleidoscope of colours danced around her. The strange feeling as her body once again changed as she was pulled through by the powerful force before hitting the ground hard.

"Fluttershy, you're home!! Are you alright? Where have you been?"

The yellow pegasus looked up from the floor to see Twilight and the girls as she slowly got to her hooves. "Oh Twilight, I...I don't think you'd believe me."


Theo sat in shock looking at his hands. "What have I done? Where did she go? He pleaded as Mel looked on in shock before quickly checking the last shots she had taken. She was stunned at the last picture she zoomed in squinting her eyes seeing if it was real or an aberration due to zooming. She carefully knelt down beside him. "Maybe you should take a look for yourself." He slowly took the camera with a shaky hand slowly studying the final shot. His hand shot to his mouth in disbelief. His eyes slowly turning up to Mel before almost whispering trying to find his voice and his logic. "Is...is this a...hoof?"
Mel sat down beside him. "It's...it's crazy right? It couldn't be...I mean it's bright yellow and equines aren't usually lemon yellow...right?"
Theo looked back at the picture of the hoof engulfed in a bright light.
It sounded crazy even as he thought about it he put his finger on the screen as if trying to touch the hoof to see if it was real. "It's probably a distortion or something as I've blown her away with the sneeze.

The following day Theo sat in his study surrounded by various butterflies and moths he had collected along with other lepidoptera paraphernalia over the years. He sat in his worn leather tall back Chesterfield.
He had uploaded the pictures onto his PC. He slowly scrolled back through the pictures, now able to observe the unique butterfly properly. He zoomed in various angles, as looked over the beautiful yellow with soft pink outlines he noticed something. Zooming in on the pink markings on her hind wing. "It can't be..." He almost whispered.
It looked like a figure of an equine. "I've been staring at that yellow hoof shape to long." He muttered.
"Did you say something dear?" Mel queried as she arrived, bringing him a cup of Earl Grey. His eyes still fixed on the screen. "I don't think you'd believe me."

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