• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 845 Views, 37 Comments

Thunder and Magic: Season 1 - Rapane443

Lux Festus, the youngest and last wielder of the Philosphers Stone sacrificed himself to save the future of Earth from the darker side of humanity. However, God had other plans for the early teen, besides the afterlife.

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Episode 0 (Part 3): Fatherly Worries

Heatwave sat at his store among the line of shops of different colours and products in Ponyville’s shopping district. Being as the store is his only line of income, he does his best to be there on time, every 7:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the evening. Although being in the Everfree Forest had its extreme downsides, it wasn’t without untouched artefacts and endemic ingredients which were goldmines to sell… if they sell.

His shop, ‘Heat n’ Wares’ was built from his own blood sweat and tears and the hardworking stallion was proud of it. The shack was his lifeline after all as well as his and his son's ticket out of danger.

A little more, he thought, just a little more…

“Howdy Heatwave!”

“Huh?” The stallion snapped out of his mind and got back to his post to see a mare with an orange coat, a western hat and a cutie mark adorned with apples.

“Applejack, a pleasure to see you again. Same bulk as usual?” Heatwave made sure to put on his best smile for her. Customer satisfaction was his top priority while on the job, especially with returning ponies.

“Yep, d’em Vineapples 'ave been getting better and better ah tell ya,” the country mare tosses two hefty bags of bits onto the counter, leaving Heatwave starstruck. “The family and I have even found out that it gives our apple cider such a kick it’ll getcha skippin’ like a piglet!”

“A-Applejack, this doesn’t look like the 200 bits I normally charge,” the stallion combs his head as he chuckles awkwardly. The Apple family has been well acquainted with his business ever since he brought Vineapples on stock, which made them frequent visitors and yet they were always on a routine so the fact he could feel an increase in weight from both bags made his sweat drop. “I must assume you need a larger supply this week?”

Applejack shook her head, chuckling as she did so. “Aw nah friend, Granny just wanted to thank ya for the cordial relations between our businesses so we thought we’d surprise ya with somethin’ a lil’ extra.”


Before Heatwave could even interject, Applejack placed a hoof over his mouth. Her grip was too tight for even a breath to peep out which was expected given her hooves-on lifestyle at Sweet Apple Acres. “Now now sugarcube, we all agreed that you deserve it. Just think of it as a small donation for a promising future together.”

Heatwave knew very well to agree when an Apple had set their mind on something, so once his mouth was released, he breathed in, out and nodded.

“Alright Applejack, thanks a lot. I won't forget this.”

The sun was setting and Heatwave was finishing up at his store, taking any items that weren’t sold back into his cart and preparing to hit the road and see what his mysterious son was doing. As he did so however, a mare with a red mane smelling like roses trotted towards him with a welcoming smile.

“Another good haul, eh Heatwave?” asked Roseluck. Her flower shop had been a close neighbour with Heatwaves ever since he set up shop so it was no surprise that he got acquainted with her and her sisters.

“I’d say so Rosey,” Heatwave kept his focus on lifting the last artefact onto the cart. A book with only 1 page called the ‘Clever Memory Book’ but strangely, it was as heavy as an anvil. “Applejack came by for her usual bulk of Vineapples and a few more ponies came by for ingredients. Still, I don’t get why my artefacts aren't… getting… sold!” Heatwave heaved one more time and the Book flipped into the cart with an iron thud.

“Like that book for example, it can literally archive information written inside it and regurgitate it when the pony thinks of the specific topic -Darkloud has written enough nonsense into the thing for me to figure that out- but ponies aren’t impressed at all, yeah the price may be a bit excessive but not all of my artefacts are...”

Rose listened carefully until the stallion turned back to face her, indicating that he was finished. “Don’t stress yourself dear, not every pony has a taste in stuff like that, but that doesn’t mean you’re failing.”

“Rosey, you know as well as I do that ingredients aren’t enough for the amount of bits I’ll need. The only reason I'm still able to increase my funds is because of the Apples! If I keep going on like this, it’ll take another couple months before I can stably afford a place here, let alone the rent.”

Heatwave’s jaw hangs open, just noticing Roseluck’s face lowering at his gradually escalating tone. “I-I’m sorry Rose, I just don’t know how long I can do this anymore. Darkloud is getting older and I need to give him a life worth while… it’s what Raindrop would’ve wanted for him.”

Roseluck backed away from him and sighed. She had known Heatwave long enough to know he’s as stubborn as a mule when it comes to his life decisions. Ponyville was a friendly community who cared for each other through thick and thin so in her eyes, there was an easy option, yet the stallion could only see it going poorly. She could deduce that his wife had some correlation to his mood but since she hadn’t met her, Roseluck couldn’t say that to him. Instead, she’d try once more to help her friend from the gutters and hugged her business neighbour.

“Heatwave, your fair nature is admirable but I plead for you to talk to Mayor Mare about this. And I mean the full story, not just the snippets you’ve been giving her.”

Heatwave glared out to the sun, pretending to ponder about her words. “Thanks Rose but I’m not vulnerable enough to need help, I still have a chance to set things up the old fashioned way and that’s what I'm gonna do.”

“But what about Darkloud dear? f you’re doing this for him then you should take as much help as possible. What if he gets hurt there or worse? The Everfree Forest is no place for a foal, it’s a miracle you’re still free of any accidents. Just think about it Heatwave, if not for a friend, then for yourself or at least your son.”

Roseluck retracted from the hug which prompted the stallion to latch himself onto his cart. It took every bone in his body not to shudder, if she ever knew what had happened to Darkloud months ago… Damn me and my pride. He sneered at himself. She’s right, stocking enough bits for a healthy lifestyle was taking too long and if he kept it up, the chances that Darkloud or himself would bite the dust will continue to increase. He had to at least try.

With a sigh and a quick smile, he returned to his old chipper self.

“Thanks Rose, I think I’ll do that. Sorry it took so long for this stubborn idiot to get it into his thick skull, I’m really blessed to have you as a friend.” Roseluck returns his smile as she watches him drag his cart towards town hall. “Please tell your sisters I said hello as well.”

“Certainly dear, best wishes to you!”

The carefully articulated doors never felt so daunting to Heatwave as he stood by them. He did agree with Roseluck that he needed to see if there's a chance rather than not but he couldn’t help but quiver at the unforeseeable future. Still, he had to let go of his pride if he ever wanted to see Darkloud live peacefully in the place he loved so dearly, so he steeled himself and pushed open the doors.

Walking into the Mayor’s office, he saw Mayor Mare at her desk, shuffling through an array of reports with a youthful excitement on her face. The familiar sight washed away Heatwaves nerves, finally gaining the courage to go through with what he should’ve done long ago.

“You never stop, do you Mare?”

The previously occupied Mayor glanced upward toward her visitor, scoffing lightly at the remark, “You’re one to talk Heatwave,” she replied as the mare got out of her chair to meet him face to face. “You’ve been at your store longer than your own home nowadays. Continue like that and your mane will grow grey before your 30's.”

The stallion raises an eyebrow and smirks cheekily. “Like your own?”

“Oh hush!”

The two share a laugh while the light of the sun brimming from the office windows disappeared along with the sun to make way for the night.

“Anyway enough about me dear,” Mayor Mare readjusted her glasses that took a crooked angle during their hearty banter, “how is Darkloud nowadays. Last time you mentioned the little colt, he was getting better with his magic day by day. I told you taking a more practical approach would give better results than throwing books at him.”

“A-actually, that's exactly why I’m here.”

“Oh, do tell. Has he gotten himself into trouble again? Foals his age do take drastic measures for their cutie marks, believe me when I say Ponyville has had multiple fiascoes involving such a motive. I’d be happy to help.”

“No no it’s not that! Look Mare I-I,” Heatwave sighed deeply to reset his stuttering while Mayor Mare watched him steadily, wise eyes focused knowingly on the stallion.

“Heatwave, no matter what problem that’s troubling you, I’m willing to support you. It’s my duty to help ponies in need and even more so for a friend. You can tell me dear.”

Heatwave wasn’t complaining about that. Mayor Mare had been the biggest support he’s had since entering Ponyville and if it weren’t for her advice, he couldn’t imagine how Darkloud would’ve grown up. Yet that was exactly why his throat ached for his next words.

“Alright, I’m sorry… I really should be honest with you.”

“But what do you mean dear?”

“I… well I -ugh what the hay- I lied about our current residence,” he hung his head low so he could deter his shame from being witnessed, “ever since Raindrop passed away, our funds have taken a nosedive so I had no choice but to take the cheapest option of land… the Everfree Forest.”

The air grew cold and the stallion didn’t need to look up to see the worry on Mayor Mare’s face. Mostly because the floor was reflective.

“Sweet Celestia Heatwave! Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Mayor Mare shouted as she cupped his cheeks, craning his head to where their muzzles pushed against each other. “The Everfree Forest is no place for a stallion, let alone a colt. You can’t be serious.”

“Really, it hasn’t been too much of a struggle, but I came to realise that things need to change. Darkloud got injured a few weeks ago and it's just dawned on me how hard it is-”

“Hold your horses a second Heatwave, Darkloud got hurt. When did that happen?” She narrowed her gaze at him, causing Heatwave’s coat to stick up.

“About seven weeks ago, he only suffered a nasty bruise on his leg from some falling debris a hydra caused… but he’s not been the same,” the stallion retracted from Mare’s clutches and walked to the window, resting his forelegs onto the windowsill, “ever since he woke up from the shock, it’s like his whole personality flipped for no reason. A-and to top it all off, he’s forgotten everything prior to the attack, minus comprehending and knowing common Equestrian. I think it’s amnesia but it doesn’t make sense…”

Mayor Mare stood beside Heatwave completely puzzled. “I’m no doctor but I’m not sure amnesia could make somepony forget about everything while still retaining a stable hold on reality. Memories don’t just disappear dear, they are only repressed; if Darkloud truly had amnesia, he’d still have some form of his personality and besides, if he hadn't hit his head, physical trauma couldn't be the cause, which leads only shock, which isn’t a cause for such a problem. Especially one so severe.”

“I know that. Every time I try to confront him about it, he just dodges the question. I… I don’t want to come to conclusions but I think something is going on with him, magically or not. It’s starting to worry me.” Heatwave grimaced, placing a hoof over his eyes.

He really wanted to stick to the amnesia plot as much as Darkloud wanted to, but after the substantial amount of logic Mayor Mare displayed, he couldn’t keep it back anymore. All those joyful memories he had with his boy were gone and replaced with a whole new colt. A Darkloud who spoke quieter than any point in his life, a Darkloud who thought magic was about runic scribbles, a Darkloud who took to studying without complaints. He may be less troublesome but that doesn’t mean he wanted to keep it that way

“Even more of a reason to let me help you dear. I can find a nice house for you and your son with a reduced rent until you get back on your hooves, then you can schedule an appointment to a psychiatrist for him and see if something happened. Heaven knows I have enough bits to keep me afloat here.”

Heatwaves mouth unhinged for a brief second. Was it that easy? Celestia bless this mare!

“Besides, the Summer Sun Celebration will be happening soon, so what better way to introduce Darkloud to Ponyville like a fun holiday celebrating the new year?”

Mayor Mare gently guided the stallion out of her office and sent a smile his way “Don’t worry dear, I should be able to register you into a vacant home by the time the festival ends in 3 days time so make sure to pack everything you need from your old home and relax. Darkloud will love it here.”

Heatwave nodded with a reinvigorated smile as she shuts the doors. “Yeah, I’m sure he will.” And as he walked out the building greeted by the starry night, he noted to himself to pay Roseluck back for the push she gave him.

Only a few days left until you can kiss that place goodbye kid, just wait a little longer.

However, said colt in question was also staring out into the night from the comfort of the steps toward their cave house.

Heatwave’s late… wonder what's taking him so long.

Lux broke from his concentration and glanced to his left where a bunch of scattered rocks lay. He lit up his horn and stressed his muscles, levitating the rubble in the air while rotating them around his body for a minute. However, the comforting glow flickered and vanished afterwards, resulting in the rocks accepting gravitys call back to the floor.

The two thousand six hundred and fourth attempt was leagues better than his first try but he knew there was more to it. With his alchemy practically powerless in Equestria, magic was his only method of strength besides physical training. Perhaps a part of him wanted to regain some semblance of strength he lost but really, it annoyed him to no end that he was far from average in Equestria standards.


“Hehehehe, kid magic doesn't work like that. Sure there were ancient runes used before Celestia's rule but that's all in the past.” Heatwave flipped himself upright and had a light grin on his face “magic comes from within you just like every other creature in this world.” he tapped on Lux’s horn in a playful manner that made him giggle and immediately shut his jaw, struggling to shift his reaction from giddy child to serious student.

Heatwave continued, smiling as he did “It takes practice channelling said magic especially for foals that have a low mana pool but it's a fundamental part of a unicorn that all can do.”

-End Flashback

“This stuff is supposed to be easy… alchemy was easy so why can’t this be easy?” Lux ignored his own rhetorical question as fast as he called it out, shaking himself and smiling towards the moon in a proud stance. “Well, I'll just keep it up for a while and continue working extra hard with good old reliable. A workout routine never hurt anyone… or anypony, damn I really gotta get used to this Equestria talk.”

Lux grumbled, jogging in one spot before running out of the cave and onto a mud path leading to Ponyville. I’ll get my legs in shape and meet dad on the way back. Win win. Then again, it was getting more and more disturbing on how well he was taking to calling Heatwave dad. The poor stallion sees him as his unfortunate son with a case of amnesia, but to him, Heatwave is just a friend he met.

Calling him dad would be dishonour to the Darkloud that passed on, but it isn’t like he can just tell him about his real identity, the guy would think he’s a total lunatic… right?