• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 183 Views, 2 Comments

Warming Troubles - Bravopotato

Ponies from all around get a odd sort of sickness

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Applejack frowned when Applebloom entered her room, carrying a glass of sweet apple cider in her hoof. She looked at Applejack with an expression she didn’t understand. “..Applejack?” She asked softly, settling the cold glass on Applejack’s night stand.

“Yea, Sweetpea?” Applejack asked equally as softly as she crawled out of her bed. Applebloom sighed.

“I.. Granny’s worried, sis’. She says you got the flu. Issat true?” She asked, stepping closer to examine her older sister. Applejack winced at it, and looked at the wooden floor. Said floor felt hot, her entire body felt hot. No matter what, nothing would cool her.

“..Applebloom, can ya promise me one thing, just one?” She asked, her gaze looking at the filly, whose large, orange, eyes glimmered with concern.

“Yeah, sis?” She asked quietly, almost as if this was a secret. It technically was.

“Don’t go on tellin’ no one about this, kay? But um.. You feelin’ cold?” Applebloom blinked, and tilted her head, wide eyes narrowing in confusion.

“Well, yeah! Duhh, it’s th’ middle of autumn! It’s gonna be cold!” She exclaimed, sighing, “You havta take me more seriously Applejack-” Applejack pressed a hoof to her mouth, and Applebloom flinched from the overwhelming heat radiating from it.

“Sweetpea..” Applejack started, frowning, “It feels like it’s summer. It’s darn hot for me! An’ that ain’t good. But…” She trailed off, looking at the wall to her right. “Applebloom, I can’t feel th’ cold right now. But.. I can’t let the farm down, ya hear?”

Applebloom stared at her, confused. She didn’t understand her sister, if she’s sick she can’t overwork herself because it’d cause burnout. But.. She sighed, and shook her head. “If you say so, Applejack. Just.. Be safe, kay? I can’t lose ya to some heat.” Applejack couldn’t help but nod, though she knew that she very well could break the promise.

“I’ll do my best, sis. But you.. You can’t tell anyone, alright? If Granny found out.. I’d never leave. An’ I can’t let that happen. Understand?”

Applebloom nodded, then pointed at the warming glass of cider. “Drink it before it warms up, it should still be cold. If you need, I’ll bring you some cubes for ya.”

Applejack chuckled, “I’ll be fine missy, you run along now! I know you got school!” Applebloom pouted, but left without a fuss, her red bowtie bouncing with her steps. Applejack wished she could say that it left her fully happy, that it made her entire day up. But she still felt a miserable heat swelter all over her body. She felt like lava coated her insides and it’s trying to get out.

Maybe.. Maybe she could visit someone during the day, so she wouldn’t have to be sad alone. Applejack grinned, soon galloping around the room to ready herself for a day outside. Of course, she gulped down the sweet, smooth, apple cider left out for her. After that, she kept the glass in her mouth as she ran out of her room and down to the kitchen where she stopped to put the glass in the sink. She turned to run out when-

“APPLEJACK!” Screamed Granny, standing tall at the front door despite her small and frail body. Applejack felt herself sweat at her tone, as she lowered her head down to the floor. She gulped, Granny sighed, “What are ya doing! Go to yer room! You’re in no condition to work, missy!”

Applejack pouted, “I-I’m not workin’ granny! Just gonna visit a friend. Walkin’ should be fine, right? It’s not like ponyville s’ that far away!” Granny held a thoughtful expression, before sighing and shaking her head. She had admitted a small amount of defeat, most likely writing it off as a misjudgment rather than a loss in argument. Applejack appreciated it nonetheless.

“Alright alright, I conceded. But you better be home before dawn! I don’t wanna hear a peep from that door a second later than that!” She stomped her foot on the wooden floor, glaring at Applejack, “Y’hear me? I won’t stand ya staying out for too long! Now you trot along, I got some jam to make and I won’t spend no time wasting away!” She then walked to the kitchen, Applejack only just noticed the bags on her bag, both filled to the brim with shiny, red, apples.

“Alright Gran! I’ll be home before dawn!” Applejack called out, galloping out of the doorway before she could hear Grannysmith’s reply. She sped across the road leading out of the farm and to Equestria. She felt a bit giddy, she’d been worried about her farm all week and hadn’t had time for her friends in a bit. She hoped that maybe, they’d have time for her too.

Soon enough, she reached ponyville and hummed. Who should she visit? She hadn’t really thought it through, having felt sick and trapped in her stuffy room. She just wanted to go out and try to find a coolness in the air, something she’s failed so far. She blinked, Rarity! That girl’s got money, with those gems! She must have something! Plus, Applejack doesn’t mind helping around. Last week, she’d heard a few concerned citizens talking about her poor health. With Applejack’s flu, she felt a bit of sympathy. But, she’s sure that even if both sick people work they’ll get at least a little close to twice the amount of work done.

So, mind made, Applejack trotted along to the large, shiny, and purple building. Inside was lavish, with platforms lining the wall, covered by purple curtains. Surrounding the platforms, were an assortment of mirrors, mannequins, and racks of clothes or fabric. Or, really, any other tool. Except for the sewing machine on a table settled near a group of mirrors. Applejack smiled and shook her head, it made a small and short lived breeze that soon lead her to smell the gentle floral smell. If Applejack remembered right, she’d heard Rarity call the smell Gardenia. Said it was a wonderful flower that resembles royalty and sophistication. Applejack couldn’t care less, honestly, but it was comforting as a smell. It reminded her of her dearest friends, one of them at leasts. She remembers that one day, Rarity had set them all home with three outfits each. Two dresses, one shirt. Applejack had adored her farm looking but sparkly dresses so much that she couldn’t bear to wear them. While she’d love to, ruining them would make her cry. However, sometimes she’d go into her closet, pull them out, and look at them with adoration. She’d never forget Rarity’s generosity.

She snapped out of her haze when the pale pony stepped out of her hallway and into where Applejack was. She gasped and nearly dropped the new pile of fabrics in her pale blue magic. She sighed, trotted over to the table with the sewing machine, and settled the fabric on it. She kept it neat, Applejack would always applaud her for her talent in that aspect. Rarity turned over to Applejack and blinked, her long lashes falling slowly with her eyelights. She looked tired, deep eyebags settled beneath her dark blue eyes. She stepped over to Applejack, and Applejack could see her in full. She wore a dress, it was a little tight fitting but not overly so. It was dark, reached the tip of her neck, her wrists, and was below her knees. Applejack couldn’t hide her surprise, given she’d hardly wear dresses while making them and especially not something so.. Simple. It wasn’t even jeweled, just black fabric settled on her form as if it belonged there. Applejack hummed. “You alright Rare? Looks like ya prepared for somethin’ other than sewin’?”

Rarity paused, Applejack realized she had spoken right before Rarity opened her mouth. Rarity just looked at the floor, her left hoof caressing her right as a nervous tick. She sighed, “Is it.. That obvious, Applejack?” She asked soothingly, her calm voice gentle as silk. Applejack always envied her darn near motherly voice. Applejack just smiled and stepped closer, eyeing her ruffled fur.

“You look like a bit of a mess, and your blue eyeshadow smudged a little bit. Looks like a smokey eye, but I know you don’t like it. Cus of eh.. Professionalism, yea?” Applejack said calmly, watching as Rarity’s face flushed a gentle blue at how obvious her issues were. Rarity pouted.

“Well, I can’t lie. I feel.. Under the weather. But it’s not too bad! Just…” She gulped and sad on her rear, then used her front hooves to pull their respective sleeves up. Her wrists, previously well hidden besides a little discoloration right at the sleeve ends, proudly showed a gentle red discoloration on her pale fur. Applejack stepped closer to examine it, a hoof holding the left one and another gently stroking the tender area. Rarity hissed, “Careful!”

Applejack frowned, “Sorry.. How long’s it been? Looks real bruised, and a bit thin. Not even meat wise, meat feels fine. But it’s like there’s less bone? You got surgery? Na na.. You ain’t the type to worry about ya hooves.. Is it that darn sewing? Been tellin’ ya to slow it down.” She said with a small huff, watching Rarity blush madly at the calling out.

“Applejack! It’s not too bad! I just..” She looked around and sighed, Sweetiebell was at school and her cat was sleeping in her room, “I feel so..” Applejack eyed her fur. It felt warmer than Applebloom or Granny’s fur. “I feel warm, Jack.” She said quietly. She stood, the unheld hoof falling to the ground. She winced, and Applejack could very clearly see that she was trying to hide it. Rarity raised her raised hoof and pressed it to Applejack’s shoulder, feeling it for a moment. “You’re warm too,” She began in a soothing whisper, “We’re warm, Applejack. So much so, that I think.. I think we can help each other. I see.. I see the glow of your cutiemark, and the red at your back hooves. You can’t work at the farm right now, can you? You were sent away? Well.. My wrists hurt, and it’s so warm.. It’d be nice to have help..” She smiled and Applejack giggled.

“What an odd way of sayin’ ‘Please help me Applejack, I got too frail fer my ol’ age!’” She then giggled, seeing Rarity’s face fall into an annoyed pout. Applejack shook her head and patted Rarity’s head, much to her chagrin. “I kid I kid! Yer way too young for that! But yea, I’ll help a gal out! Watcha need me t’ do?” She asked with a smile, Rarity smiled back.

“Good question! With a much better answer; carry things and try dresses on! No better mannequin than the real deal! It really helps with fur too! You couldn’t believe how much dresses can easily nab at it! Deary me, it’s almost horrific!”

Applejack let out a chortle at that, “Heh, even while sick you got that charm! Whatever will I do with ya?”

“Probably help make dresses!” She retorted with a calm proudness as she strutted to the fabrics, “Hm, now stay in that position! I think I want to make a green dress. Goodness knows I make too much purple! I really need to add more color to my portfolio! Can’t become a world star seamstress if I lack variety!” She chortled, Applejack knew she’d never let herself be world star famous, if she never accepted deals that’d lead her out of ponyville. But she agreed nonetheless, Rarity was smart. She could achieve her dreams. Even if she needed the help of a farmgirl.

Applejack couldn’t help but think, though, that maybe she should get to the farm by now. Them trees need bucking and she can feel her hooves itch despite the constant dull pain in them. Even if it hurts her, she must stay focused… After Rarity, of course. She’s sick too, and Applejack can see the glow on her flank through her dark dress.

Author's Note:

If there's any formatting or spelling issues please comment! I want to make sure my work is easy to read and understandable!

Anyways, off topic, but jfc finding out the map for Sweet Apple Acres to Ponyville was hard. Then I find it's.. In it? Maybe?? Idk, I got frustrated and kept the journey vague haha!