• Published 11th Jan 2024
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A Journey of Love - coolpony01

After Ditzy discovered herself and her great potential to do good in the previous months. She starts to gain more attraction from the people who admire her and make more friends along the way, but she will also make more enemies.

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Ch 2

The date is May 1 175 AG fortuntantly Spike along with the other children who were used as lab experiments are safe and being tended to after we rescued them a month ago from those bastards. My parents don’t suspect anything. I can't let them learn of all the battles and fighting I’ve had to endure. They would prevent me from entering them but it is needed for me to help everyone in the multiverse including them so I will simply ignore the guilt I have.

I need to provide for them a sense of security by not informing them they don’t need the extra stress.

And I do genuinely enjoy my time with them. We have a very close bond of love. They are the only parents I’ve ever known and I don’t care that we’re not related by blood. They’re my parents and that’s all that matters to me and I’m their daughter that will never change.

I then remember that today is the founding festival of the Earth Empire. My friends said I could have the day off to celebrate with my parents. I may have to deceive them but I do love them and they give me joy as I do for them.

I smiled as I woke up this morning because I will be able to spend time with my parents and make wonderful memories together. I got myself presentable and went to have breakfast with my parents.

“Good morning Ditzy.” Mom and dad spoke with a smile.

“Good morning mom and dad.” I spoke with a pleasant smile upon seeing them.

“Are you ready for the earth empire founding festival today.” Dad asked with anticipation.

“Yes of course it’s the founding day of you creating this great nation. A public outing will be good for me.” I spoke pleasantly.

“Yes it is very important for the development of your adolescence for you to have the proper amount of socialization.” Dad said,

“Very true your father and I are sorry due to the fact that circumstances can prevent you from getting the proper amount of socialization.” Mom spoke with some sadness.

“It’s alright I know it’s for my safety.” I said.

“Yes we would not do this otherwise now don’t worry about that and just enjoy the celebration and go eat.” Mom said.

“Alright.” I replied as I began to do just that.

We then ate our breakfast and afterwards we finished making ourselves presentable and then went to the festival as leaders. My parents are required to attend and give the speech of courage. Loyalty. And hope. And as their daughter my presence is required.

“Today is a day of celebration, a day of hope. For today our people escaped from the chaos and the dark age and created an empire to ensure prosperity for the people of this great country.” Mom said.

“The empire has ensured our freedom from the cruel monarchy who oppressed us for so long and the empire can ensure that the people will have order security and justice for the people and the coming generations.” Dad said.

Everyone cheered and the parade began. The first thing I saw was the marching of the troops then tanks and mecha suits. Then the symbol of the earth empire. I felt a little nervous when the symbol of the reeducation camps was used. It does represent removing disorders. Though it could also be used to make the citizens of the empire fear being sent there. Fortunately, my parents only send the empire's most serious offenders.

The parade went off without a hitch and the people began to dance and enjoy the festivities.

I then went back to the house for the ball my parents were throwing the jazz music was calm and relaxing and the food was really good.

I then saw Haku and smiled. “Would you care to have this dance Ditzy.” Haku asked while smiling

“Of course Haku.” I replied,

We then began to dance.

“Are you enjoying the festivities Ditzy?” Haku asked.

“Yes of course we need a little time to ourselves.” I said.

“Very true we earned it after all the services we provide to the empire.” Haku said.

“That and it’s rather nice to have a bit of fun.” I said.

“Yes it is, do you remember when we were kids and we used to go to Crimson Gardens every summer?” Haku asked.

“How could I forget that it was quite lovely strolling through those beautiful flowers.” I said while smiling.

“Perhaps we can do activities like that in the near future.” Haku said.

“Yes perhaps it would be very beneficial to our social skills and it sounds nice to spend time with a friend.” I said.

Haku and I spent quite a lot of time dancing and it was magical. It is nice to still have friends in this world though the festivities and our fun came to an end.

I knew it was then time to retire for the night.

Dad then approached. “Did you enjoy the festivities?” Dad asked.

“Oh yes it was nice to have a little time off.” I said.

“We’re glad to hear that you certainly had a wonderful time with Haku.” Mom teased.

“Yes I did, it was quite nice spending time with a friend.” I said.

“We’re glad to hear that you should get some rest now we love you.” Dad said.

“Goodnigt mom and dad, I love you.” I said.

“We love you two now off to bed.” Mom said.

It was quite nice getting to spend time with them today. My friends and family are what make my life whole after all.