• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 178 Views, 6 Comments

The Malevolent Multiversal Misadventures of Mare (April Fools 2024 Special) - Admiral Producer

Once upon a time, there was a random pony in Ponyville. When a villain shows up, this overpowered Mary Sue of a character must venture bëÿönd Extria im order to find thr Generic MacGuffin. Only then will she have a chef of defeating this boring villa

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Chapter 5: Mare Becomes A Jedi And Solves All Of Silverstream’s Problems Because Of Course She Does

Meanwhile, in the Trials of the Force universe…

What do you mean she’s gone?!” Silverstream demanded in shock. She climbed out of bed quickly and grabbed her lightsaber in the event that something terrible had happened. “Anakin, explain to me what happened!!”

Anakin stood in front of her, his face looking grim. “The officers at the Prison were assaulted…according to what the Temple guards told me, Katooni helped Petro escape. They’re running away together…”

Silverstream’s mouth dropped open in horror once she heard this. She could feel her heart sink to the bottom of the ocean and her thoughts began to spiral out of control. This couldn’t’ve happened. Why?! Why would Katooni choose to do this?! What good would it do her?! She only hoped that the both of them were still on Coruscant somewhere, anywhere where they could be found.

“We need to hurry!” she said worriedly. “M-maybe they’re still here somewhere!”

Anakin nodded quickly. “There might still be hope. But we don’t have much time. Come on!”

The two of them ran outside as fast as they could and burst through the exit to the Jedi Temple, lightsabers at the ready. They skidded to a halt once they saw a starship in the distance take off into the nighttime sky. Silverstream couldn’t believe her eyes. She knew who it belonged to and tears began to fill her eyes. She was too late.

Petro had already taken off with Katooni and there was no way that either of them could be stopped now. The world began to crumble before Silver’s eyes. Her worst fears had been realized. She had lost her Padawan, all because she didn’t listen to her. And now she was paying the price for her actions. She had driven away the only person who truly understood her, and now she would never get her back.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” she screamed, falling to her knees. The horrible reality had finally set in and she began to cry, feeling all of the emotions she had been internalizing finally overwhelm and consume her. She couldn’t say anything to make the situation better. This was her fault, she just knew it. There was no other way to look at the situation. All of this had been started because of her presence here.

Why couldn’t she have just kept her damn mouth shut?

Anakin was instantly by her side, trying to console her to no avail. It wasn’t long before the other Jedi Council members heard the commotion and rushed outside to see what was the matter. But she didn’t see them come. She couldn’t stop sobbing. All of this was because of her, and she knew it. She could’ve prevented this. She should’ve prevented this. She should’ve listened to Katooni’s feelings and told her that she understood her heartbreak over Petro’s betrayal. None of this had to happen. She could’ve been a better friend.

Before long, the starship disappeared into hyperspace and was completely gone from sight. Silverstream hung her head low and stared at the ground, feeling like a failure.

“What do we do now, Master Yoda?” Anakin asked, turning towards the wise Grandmaster while still having his hand on Silverstream’s shoulder.

Master Yoda looked somber, his expression almost mournful in a way as he stared up into the sky that was slowly turning blue with the rising of the Sun.

“Lost to the Force, Padawan Katooni is,” he stated sadly. “Help her now, we cannot…”

“Maybe we can!” Mare exclaimed as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling all Jedi present. “Hello! Uh, my name is Mare! I’m your convenient Deus Ex Machina solution and I’m here to help!”

Silverstream turned her head to look at her. She seemed surprised at the sight of someone from her world at the Jedi Temple.

“What are you…doing here?” she asked. “I thought I’m the only creature from Equestria the Force sent. What do you mean by help?”

“What I mean by that is that I’m here to encourage you to keep going, Silverstream,” Mare explained, walking towards her. “You can’t give up on Katooni just like that. She needs you, and you need her. You can still save her. It’s not over yet.”

Silverstream stared back at her, not saying anything and silently absorbing the information she was being told. She wanted nothing more to save her Padawan, but she didn’t know how, especially now that Petro’s starship was already so far away.

“Be so sure, how can you, hm?” Master Yoda asked her skeptically.

“Because you guys are Jedi!” exclaimed Mare. “You’re awesome! You won the Clone Wars, you exposed the Sith infiltration…you can do anything you set your minds to! When push comes to shove, you’re the toughest force in the whole galaxy!”

“That is true…” Anakin admitted with a knowing smile.

“Silverstream, you even brought Anakin back to the light!” Mare continued. “You saved him and changed the course of history! If anyone can save Katooni, it’s you! You can’t give up on her…you know she never did for you.”

“You’re right,” Silverstream answered, smiling a little. “She never did give up on me, did she?”

“No, she didn’t.” Anakin agreed, smiling back. “And she was always there for you, even when we weren’t able to be. She would absolutely do the same for you.”

“Then what’s stopping you?!” Mare encouraged them. “Rally the Senate! Send out the fleets! Grab the clones! Go mad!! Fight like hell…the way you always do! After all…it’s the life of one of your own at stake. Katooni is a Jedi, and Jedi look out for one another.”

“We certainly do!!” Anakin declared. “Master Yoda, we cannot let Petro make off with Katooni like that. We have to rescue her no matter what!”

To his utter surprise, Master Yoda actually nodded. “Drawn to the Force, all Jedi are. Save our Padawans, we must. Abandon them again, we will not.”

Silverstream heard this and stared back at him in shock. She never thought he would agree to this, and she found herself seeing the wise old Grandmaster with a newfound respect.

“Thank you, Master…” she whispered.

Master Yoda gave her a nod of humble acknowledgment, a warm smile forming on his face. “Right, you were all along, young Silverstream. Save those we love, we must.”

“Then what are we waiting for?!” Mare rallied them with a massive grin on her face. “Let’s get this done!!”

It took all day to call in a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Amidala the following morning, who was on Naboo, but as soon as she arrived and Silverstream gave her the context, she immediately agreed to lend the Jedi the entire Republic fleet to prepare an assault on Nantoka to rescue Katooni.

Mare helped organize the fleet in different squadrons while Anakin and Obi Wan worked on fixing whatever ships needed to be fixed. As soon as all starships were ready for battle, Silverstream, now a Jedi General for the time being, gave the order for all ships to launch.

The Republic fleet emerged out of hyperspace above the planet of Nantoka, all the ships, cruisers, freighters, and capital ships. Anakin and Ahsoka were each in Naboo freighters, keeping every ship in formation. Silverstream was ahead of all of them, her heart beating at a fast rate as her mind worried about Katooni.

Don’t worry, I’m coming. She thought.

“This is General Silverstream,” Silverstream called, “All ships, do you copy?”

We’re right here, Silverstream,” called Commander Rex, piloting an X-Wing, “We’re waiting on any enemy crafts Petro might have at his disposal. Are you spotting anything?”

“Not yet,” Silverstream replied, “I don’t know if Petro knows that we’re here yet. I’m heading into the planet to rescue Katooni. You all keep on a lookout for rogue Separatist ships.”

“There appear to be a number of small fighter crafts heading our way,” Mare said, “Raise the shields!”

At first there was nothing. Then, a bunch of Separatist Star Destroyers appeared in front of them out of hyperspace in the opposite direction and started firing at the Republic Star Destroyers and other ships, followed by TIE fighters.

“Fire!” Silverstream ordered, “Activate the laser cannons! Start the attack route and provide a distraction while I head in!”

“Roger that,” Anakin said, “You heard her. Leave not one Separatist standing! Take no prisoners! KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!”

The attack began as the Republic ships engaged in conflict with the Separatist ships, firing their laser cannons at the enemy as ships were blasted and others flew around, creating the distraction. The Republic Star Destroyers blasted at the underbelly cannons of the Separatist Star Destroyers and the X-Wings and Y-Wings took on the TIE fighters.

Silverstream piloted the Atlantis 5 into the Nantokan atmosphere at top speed, soaring above the towns and cities until she got a visual on Petro heading into a luxurious gold mansion. Silver realized that Katooni must’ve been held captive in there. Petro gave no indication that he saw her starship.

She landed and walked out of her ship, blue lightsaber drawn and activated, towards the mansion.

Meanwhile, Katooni was working on cutting overgrown weeds out in the backyard in the hot sun. She had been released from her restraints that morning, but Petro put shackles around her ankles before she went out to the yard to be sure she wouldn’t try to escape.

It’s not like she would try to. She had already accepted her fate by this point and saw no use in trying to resist Petro. She would obey him and let him torture her. After all, she figured, it was better than him being locked up in Galactic Prison and her not being allowed to visit him.

She was also wearing a slave collar, which would shock her with electricity if she tried to leave the area.

As she continued to cut the weeds, she saw a white aircraft fly by, followed by a Separatist Star Destroyer falling out of the sky in a smoking wreckage. She knew this could only mean one thing. A battle was raging above the planet. She guessed that it was Silverstream and the other Jedi and her spirits rose.

Inside the mansion, near the door, Silverstream and Petro were facing off. None were making a move against the other, but Petro stood there calmly as Silver glared at him.

“You kidnapped my Padawan, the girl who I love as my own daughter,” Silverstream told him, “You’ve tortured her and enslaved her. I have to stop you.”

“Must you?” Petro asked, “Honestly Silverstream, this could’ve all been avoided if you chose me instead of her. One day, I’ll let her go. But she will never be the same again. You’ll never be able to train her. Perhaps I can release her sooner though. Just accept me as your Padawan and I’ll let her go. If you refuse…well, I have the remote controlling her shock collar right now. Refuse and I’ll have it electrocute her to death. Do you want that? Do you want to see your precious little apprentice die, Silver?”

Silverstream had enough. In a blind rage, she lunged at him with her lightsaber, Petro countering it with his two lightsabers.

The lightsabers clashed and the epic duel began. Silverstream swung at Petro, who countered it with a cross shield of his two lightsabers. He then swung his green lightsaber at Silverstream’s head, but she blocked it with a shield 5.

Petro was getting enraged now. He hastily swung both lightsabers, but Silverstream was able to block both one and the other in record speed. Silverstream did a flip and appeared behind him. Petro swung around and blocked Silver’s incoming strike. He lunged forward, but Silverstream grabbed him using the Force. He did the same and both were summersaulted in opposite directions, crashing into furniture.

“You can’t win, Petro!” Silverstream shouted, springing back up.

“THIS IS MY GALAXY!! MY DESTINY!!!” Petro yelled back, lunging at her and doing a summersault in the air. Silverstream was ready. With lightning speed and deadly accuracy, she blocked his strike and countered it with her own. Her strike managed to disarm him literally. Petro screamed in pain as his left hand was severed off and his green lightsaber went clattering to the floor.

“Surrender, Petro!” Silverstream told her, “You are no match for the Jedi Order and the Republic! Release Katooni!”

“NEVER!!!” Petro roared, “MY TERMS OR NOTHING!!” He used his right hand to summon the Force, trying to Force-choke Silverstream, but she was prepared for it. As he tried to concentrate his anger, Silverstream did a backflip, whipped behind him and struck. Petro spun around and quickly blocked it, but his accuracy was now flimsy thanks to having one hand removed. Immediately, Silverstream did another strike and the duel continued.

The duel continued into the family room, then the living room, and finally into the backyard.

Katooni was witnessing the effects of the space battle. Some X-Wings were blasted out of the sky, as well as some TIE fighters. She had forgotten all about her yard work by this point as her mind lingered on what was going to happen.

All of a sudden, the doors fell over and Silverstream and Petro came out, engaged in a lightsaber duel to the death.

“Master!” Katooni called out.

Silverstream briefly glanced at her and that was when Petro struck her, severing one of her wings off. Silverstream cried out in pain and agony. Petro then used the Force to push Silverstream into a planter, knocking her out upon impact.

“No!!” Katooni screamed, thinking her master was dead.

Petro smiled, “Looks like Silverstream isn’t a good fit for you after all. She lost TO ME!!”

Katooni began to cry, her tears showing her anguish and despair. Petro then got on top of her, pinning her face down to the ground. He began to beat her repeatedly. She cried out for help, trying to fight Petro off, but he was too strong. She kept sobbing as Petro beat her over and over.

Meanwhile, Silverstream lay on the ground, all the energy gone out of her. She could feel her weak breathing and she knew death was near. She saw ships being blasted out of space and saw Petro beating Katooni up as she cried and sobbed. This was it. She had lost. She would never rescue Katooni. The poor girl would grow up as a slave to her former friend without any hope. Everything was lost. However, just as she was about to take her final breaths, she heard a voice in her head.


It was Anakin reaching out to her from space using the Force. He said, You’re stronger than this, Silverstream. You can’t let him beat you. Feel the Force flowing through you. I know you have what it takes to win.

But what if I can’t beat him? Silverstream thought back, I feel so lost.

You have everything you need. Show Petro the true strength of a Jedi. A Jedi has no fear. Obi Wan told me that all the time and still does. Remember, you have everything you need. You have the Force. And you are MY Padawan. Rise, Silverstream!

Silverstream felt strength flow through her. She gripped the ground and rose as Anakin’s encouraging words flowed through her mind, I stand behind you, Silverstream. Think of Katooni. You must rescue her. Save her. The Force will be with you. Always.

Using the Force, Silverstream summoned her lightsaber and stood up, the Force flowing through her. Opening her eyes, she felt empowered. She was one with the Force and the Force was with her.

Petro stopped his rampage. He turned, surprised and shocked.

Katooni slowly got off the floor, wincing from the pain she experienced while being punched and tortured. She stood up weakly and was also surprised by Silverstream.

Get away from my Padawan!” Silverstream shouted, the voices of a thousand past Jedi echoing her words as she spoke.


The Force projection of Anakin appeared in front of him, “Because she’s my Padawan.”

In the midst of the Battle of Nantoka, Anakin Skywalker had sensed his second Padawan’s distress and reached out to her using the Force. But as he spoke to her through his mind, it was draining him. The last straw for his life essence came when he Force projected himself onto the battlefield. He had stopped his starship amongst the fighting in a safe area away from the chaos.

He then felt his Force projection get blasted by Force lightning and his concentration broke. He collapsed in his starship, all the energy gone out of him.
Enraged and full of fury, Petro concentrated on his anger and unleashed a full blast of Force lightning at Silverstream, who blocked the strikes with her lightsaber, shielding herself from the onslaught.

As Petro fired Force lightning at Silver, Katooni watched in fear, not knowing who was going to win.

“You are no match for the power of the dark side!” Petro yelled, “I will always have more power than you!! I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!”

Silverstream focused on the strength within her. She had to give it all she had. For Katooni. For the Jedi. For the Republic. She glared at him, “And I am Silverstream,” She summoned Petro’s green lightsaber from inside the mansion and shouted, “APPRENTICE TO ANAKIN SKYWALKER!!!” Quick as a flash, she formed the lightsabers into an X shape and began deflecting the lightning back at him, the strength of the Living Force flowing through her. She was a Jedi. She was Anakin’s Padawan. She was the last hope for the Republic and the Jedi Order now.

Katooni cheered her on, “Go, Master! You got this!!”

Encouraged by her words, Silverstream stepped closer and closer, pushing the lightning back at Petro, who couldn’t believe what was happening. The lightning began hitting him. Silverstream unleashed another push and the lightning electrocuted Petro, melting his face off as he screamed, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”

With a final push, Silver deflected the last of the lightning back at Petro, causing a massive white explosion that sent the loose lightning flashing through the backyard, destroying the planters and chains that bound Katooni. The lightning hit the mansion, causing fires to happen inside before it was obliterated with a massive explosion of fire and light.

The fight was over.

One week later…

Mare stood in the middle of the circular room of the Hall of Knighthood, surrounded by many Jedi Masters, each with their lightsabers held high in the air. Master Yoda stood on a floating pod, looking directly at her. She couldn’t believe this. In one week after saving the day, she had managed to bypass the youngling stage of Jedi training and the Padawan stage, and now she was going to be knighted just for saving the day. She didn’t even need to do much. Not even Silverstream had gotten that honor at her ceremony.

Being a Mary Sue certainly came with its perks.

Now Mare was standing before all the high-ranking Masters of the Jedi High Council. Several Padawans were scheduled to go after her and she had been selected first. She took several shaky breaths to calm her nervousness and fear.

Master Yoda finally looked up, addressing the other assembled Masters with the beginning of the ceremony. He spoke loud and clear, the voice of authority carrying over to everyone present:

“All Jedi, we are,” the Grand Master spoke, “speaks for us, the Force does. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today, we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed.” He focused on her. “Step forward, Padawan.”

The Padawans in the back all raised a collective breath as Mare stepped forward, getting down on her knees. Master Yoda raised his bright green lightsaber and proclaimed, “Mary Sue, by the right of the Council,” He touched his saber to her right shoulder, “By the will of the Force,” He touched her left shoulder, “Dub thee, I do. Jedi.” With a strike of his saber, he severed her Padawan braid, which fell to the floor in a grand gesture of leaving its host, “Knight of the Republic.”

Mare stood up proudly. All the Masters tipped their heads in acknowledgement to her. She could barely contain her excitement. There was no applause as that was not considered standard protocol, but she didn’t need any. She was just so elated. Master Yoda had the proudest smile he had had in a long time. She was now the greatest hero of the galaxy, all for doing absolutely nothing. She loved her life.

If only it didn’t have to end so soon.

Before she had any time to fully process what was going on, she disappeared in a flash of light and was gone in an instant.