• Published 19th Jan 2024
  • 385 Views, 4 Comments

Star Wars: Fractured Empire - Broken Leaf

The Empire is gone. All that is left are the broken pieces of a proud dream. With the change of power coming to reality, it is time for you to rebuild and restore peace to the galaxy! Long live the Empire!

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Stage 1: Analysis

You sat in your chair as you stared at your table’s holographic display of your fleet. It’s been roughly a week since Endor and during that time you’ve been rounding up as many allies as you could find. You managed to recruit the 142nd Task Force into your ranks. Their frigates helped patch the frontline into decent standing, but your primary concern was the fleet’s lack of anti-starfighter support. The auxiliary ships helped conduct repairs and refueling while the carriers provided plenty of fighters and bombers, but you noticed the might of the Rebel starfighters. After you checked your fleet’s inventory, you were disappointed to see no Tie Defenders, but not surprised since what has happened on Lothal.

The state of the galaxy has changed. The Rebels got the victory they needed and Imperial Command is scrambling. Endor was the calm before the storm, but you know what will follow suit. Time was against you. Without a proper deterrent, you and your fleet would be swallowed up, used as pawns to someone else’s shortsightedness, or be put on trial by the Rebels. Fates that you know everyone under your command fears and wishes to avoid.

Luckily, you had something in mind. Opening a drawer, you retrieved a data stick that contained the next operation and stored it in your breast pocket. Looking at the time, you got up and made your way to the war room.

The halls echoed as you walked down the hall. As you turned the corner, you noticed two stormtroopers standing outside guarding the war room. You made your way there and stood before the troopers.

“Is everyone accounted for?”

“Yes, captain! All officers that you have requested are waiting for you,” sharply replied the trooper on the left.

“Good. Lock the door behind me.”

The door slid open as you approached followed by a brief series of beeps, confirming that it was locked. The war room was vast with only a quarter of the seats filled. You walked down the narrow passageway and toward the holotable, deafening those you walked passed.

“I appreciate you all coming on short notice. After spending the last few hours in hyperspace, I have calculated all possible outcomes from Endor’s fallout. With the Emperor dead, a power vacuum will form. All of the infighting beneath the surface will come to the forefront and the Empire will be further divided,” You pointed out.

“Are you expecting us to align with one of the splinter factions, captain?” Asked one of the officers.

“Don’t be naive. Most of the imperial hierarchy are incompetent brown-nosers. With those in charge, it is no wonder why Endor happened.” You retorted. “No, what I propose is that we carve a piece of the pie for ourselves. We shall let the Rebels fight amongst those who foolishly proclaim themselves as the true successor. That will allow us to bide our time as we rebuild our forces.”

“With due respect, our fleet is hardly intimidating, sir. Given the Rebel’s victory, they are deemed as a legitimate body of power and will be on the momentum, garnering more support and logistics for their cause.” Countered another voice.

You gave a respectful ‘hmm’. “Excellent point. What’s your name, officer?”

“Ensign Moondancer, sir.”

You nodded. “Ensign Moondancer has raised a sound point. We are still licking our wounds, but this wound can be terminal if not treated appropriately. That’s why I propose this…”

You inserted the data stick and pressed a button on the table, bringing up a large massive hologram of the shipyards and its crown jewel. ”An Assertor-class dreadnought. There’s one nearly constructed at Yaga Minor that we can take.”

Nearly everyone’s skin turned pale. “Sir, Yaga Minor is one of our heavily defended shipyards. There’s no way we can get out of that system alive!” Protested a lieutenant.

“He has a point, Captain Anonymous. With those Golan-III’s defending it, none of our ships will be able to take the beating.” Moondancer said in agreement.

“That’s where we come in,”

An artificially altered voice came from a death trooper, isolated with others of their kind, from the right side of the room. The trooper stood up and removed their helmet, revealing their orange skin and red-yellow ponytail.

“Lieutenant Shimmer of the Shadowstalker.”

“I have heard of your squad’s talents in a sting operation against a rebel cell on Cato Neimoidia…”

“Wouldn’t know, sir.” She cunningly replied.

“Of course,” You smirked. “Now tell me, what can you offer in this operation?”

“Sir, as Ensign Moondancer has stated, our fleet composition doesn’t stand a fair fight. What I propose is a more subtle approach. My squad and I will sneak you aboard the ship’s cargo hold via container. Inside you will be provided with stormtrooper gear, there we’ll make our way to the bridge while another team sabotages one of the Golans.”

Moondancer interjected, “Assuming this heist goes without a hitch we cannot take on that many ships.”

“We’re gonna ask for a little help.”

“Help?” Moondancer scoffed. “From who?”

Before Sunset can say a word, it dawned on you. “From the Rebels…”

A slight smirk formed on the death trooper’s face. “If we leak out the shipyard’s operations prior, then we can distract the defenses enough for us to take control of the ship.”

You rubbed your chin as Moondancer began to counter. “And what about after? Do you honestly think the stationed Imperials will just simply let us take it?”

“No, but with the assistance of the Rebel Starfleet, they will have no choice but to join us. War is not won on equal conditions, a commander must be able to create conditions that suit them.” You look away from the holotable and towards her. “Do remember that, Ensign Moondancer.”

The ensign straightened her posture before she spoke. “Yes, sir.”

“Any more concerns?” You asked the others, only to receive silence. “We will conduct the operation in three cycles. The battle plan will be sent to you by the end of today. You are all dismissed.”

Author's Note:

With this, I now mark my return to MLP fanfiction. I haven't used this account in eons, but I look forward to getting back into the swing of things! As I said in the description, this story originated from my /mlp/ days in the Star Wars General threads. What a phase I went through. If any of you old-timers remember me or just the story in general, hello there!

What's funny what originally motivated me to write this was the Empire at War Remake mod and after recently playing Thrawn's Revenge I got back in the mood for this story. That and just missing the old days walking down memory lane of Star Wars and My Little Pony in general.

I hope you all enjoy reading these quick bite-size chapters!

Comments ( 4 )

Interesting start looking forward to more.

So far, so good. Looking forward to more.

Looking forward to seeing more

The saga of Captain Anonymous, blending Star Wars Legends and current canon, is as intriguing as the resilience of metal buildings in Arizona. Eager to see how this journey of rebuilding and alliances unfolds!

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