• Published 7th Jan 2024
  • 396 Views, 5 Comments

A Fashion Thief Caught - Big Imagination E

Rarity's heading to Manehatten!! But Suri plans to steal her work! Not happening when Spike's here!

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Heading To Manehattan and Stopping a Thief

After when we see Twilight and Spike become the new royal couple they were busy around the castle making sure that no intruders break in. Then Soarin came in and Spike wondered why.

"Hi Soarin. What do you have to report?" Spike asked.

"Nothing bad I assure you. Rarity is here to see you Twilight." Soarin answered.

"Bring her in." Twilight replied.

Then Soarin opened up the gates and in came Rarity and the rest of her friends.

"Hi Twilight! And Spike. I was wondering if you like to come with me to Manehattan? I have a fashion show I'm entering and I want you, Spike and Soarin to come!" Rarity offered.

"We love too! Manehattan is a beautiful city to be in." Twilight answered.

"Yeah. I could certainly use a break right now. Manehattan here we come!!" Soarin said.

So the gang all went to the train station and prepared to head off to Manehattan. Even Spike's harem joined in trip to Manehattan because we know who's in. Rainbow and Scootaloo are still part of Prince Spike's harem along with Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, and Sweetie Belle. Anywho during the train ride we see the gang looking out the window seeing the city coming in close. Then after an hour or two they all arrived at Manehattan. When the group of friends reach the bustling metropolis, Rarity mentions to her friends that she was able to get tickets to a sold-out musical by doing something nice for the musical's costume designer. Then they all went exploring and do some sightseeing. After a few minutes Rarity quickly wanted to get to her appointment for the fashion show. She arrives but was out of breath from rushing. She was extremely busy on her fashion designs. But Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle and her two friends discover what Suri doing and reported it to Rarity and the others. When they did Rarity wasn't happy. So she planned to act like nothing is going on top she confronted Suri about this.

"Hello! I'm here half an hour early for my run-through appointment, just the way Prim likes!" Rarity said.

"Get in line over there. Oh my, that fabric's gorgeous, did you make that yourself?" Jasmine Manewitz asked.

"Oh, why, yes. It's stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery—" Rarity said but got interrupted.

"Shimmery, but not showy. And the entire line is in the same adorable pattern. It works on everything from skirts to tops to shoes and, [chuckles]..." A pony named Suri said.

"Oh, bravo! I've never seen anything like it!" Prim beamed.

But Rarity instantly recognized the fabric she used.

"You stole my fabric!" Rarity accused.

She laughed "I didn't steal it, okay? You gave it to me, 'member?"

"I gave you the fabric for accents! Not for your whole line! And how could you possibly make all of those outfits out of it so fast?!" Rarity asked.

"Fast? Hah! Coco Pommel here took practically forever. Nearly got me completely disqualified." Suri replied.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you'd win, so I took the extra time to—" Coco said but got interrupted.

"Quiet! I pay an assistant to sew and get coffee, not talk. 'Kay?" Suri shouted.

Rarity gasped. "How could this happen?"

"Aw, sweetie, don't blame yourself. It takes some small-town fillies a while to learn it's everypony for herself in the big city, m'kay?" Suri replied.

Rarity started crying and ran out the door because of that thief stealing her work. Coco felt sorry for Rarity but Suri didn't care at all.

"Hope you realize how fortunate you are to have me as a mentor. Now get me some coffee!" Suri demanded.

She did what she asked. But little did Suri know that watching from the outside was Spike and Soarin. They heard everything that happened in there and were not happy with it.

"I can't believe that Suri stole my girlfriend's work for her own purpose! What are we gonna do Soarin?" Spike asked.

"Oh I'll tell you what were gonna do. As soon as Suri leaves were gonna tell Prim about her stunt and report it to Twilight and then....were gonna catch that snob." Soarin answered.

The two nodded in agreement and hid behind the trees so Suri wouldn't see them. Spike vowed he would not let Suri get away after she stolen Rarity's work. And Suri is about to learn the hard way. After she left the two headed inside and told Coco about what she did to Rarity.

"She stole Rarity's work and claimed it as her own?!" Coco said outraged.

"Yes Coco. She was plagiarizing her work just so she can win." Spike said.

"Oh that rotten snobby criminal!! We gotta tell Prim about this!" Coco responded.

"We will. But we gotta tell Twilight about the situation and get some aid from Coco. I noticed she felt bad for Rarity." Soarin answered.

"Your right. Alright we go tell Twilight and then we gotta tell Prim about this and confront that snob!!" Coco declared.

So the gang all agreed and headed out to tell Twilight everything that Suri did. And sure enough they did tell Twilight everything that happened and she was furious! Even her friends were angry too. Since they were in Spike's harem they believed what he was saying and they headed out where Suri was. With the aid of Coco Pommel, they report to Prim Hemline for Suri has done. Suri turned around and saw the angry looks that the ponies were giving her.

"Uh what's everyone doing here? Came to see my line?" Suri nervously asked.

"You can drop the act Suri. We know you stole Rarity's work and claimed it as your own. That's plagiarizing and it's illegal to do. For that you are disqualified from the contest." Prim responded.

"What?! You can't do that!! Who even heard?" Suri wondered.

"We did." Spike responded.

"What?" Suri asked in shock.

"We were there and heard everything you did outside the building. You took Rarity's work and acted like you made it. It's clear you don't know how to make your own fashion line. And for that we will not let it slide." Soarin said.

Suri growled at charged at them for tattletelling. But she couldn't get a single punch as Soarin came in and punched her square in the face and knocked her down. He then grabbed her and placed her in hoofcuffs as Twilight came in front of her.

"I do not like when someone hurts my friends and steal their work. For that I issue an order for the arresting of Suri Polomare. For plagiarism Rarity's fashion and you are terminated from fashion designing and will spend your life in Tartarus. Take her away Soarin." Twilight said.

"No! You can't do this to me!!" Suri replied.

"News flash snob! She just did! Now come on!" Soarin yelled.

He carried her to the Canterlot Guards that arrived in Manehattan for a visit and he turned her in as they carried her to Tartarus where she will be for committing her crimes. Then after she was taken to jail he returned to the group and they went to see the famous musical and loved every bit of it. Then after the show Twilight asked Rarity how she managed to get them to perform an extra show.

"How did you ever get them to agree to do an extra performance just for us?" Twilight asked.

"Remember my costume designer friend who got me the tickets? Well, I offered to make all the costumes for his next show!" Rarity answered.

"Um, here in Manehattan?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Well, um... yes... it will keep me away from Ponyville for a while." Rarity said nervously.

Everyone sighed in disappointment knowing that was the cause.

"But I so wanted you to see this show! And working for this designer is such a great opportunity!" Rarity reasoned.

"We know. We're happy for you, Rarity. We're just sad for us." Applejack said.

"Yeah. I guess that means you won't be around anymore." Spike said sadly.

"Mind if I join you?" Coco asked.

"Sure. Come on down. This is the first place trophy for Fashion Week. [gasps] With my name on it! But I thought I lost!" Rarity said surprised.

"You didn't. You won. Suri was hoping that if you didn't claim your prize, the judges would consider it a forfeit and first place would go to her. So she lied to make you and your friends go away, and, well, I lied too. I've worked for Suri for so long, I started to believe that it really is everypony for herself in this town. Until I saw how generous you were with your friends and how generous they were with you. It made me start believing there was something better for me out there. So, I– I quit. I brought you something to say thank you." Coco explained.

"Hm. I suppose you'll need a job now that you're no longer with Suri. How would you like to work for my friend making all the costumes for his next show?" Rarity offered.

"Oh yes I would! Thank you Rarity!" Coco smiled.

Everyone smiled seeing that Coco was gonna have a new job and not worry about Suri anymore. Rarity and her friends wave goodbye to Coco Pommel at the train station and return to Ponyville. Later, at the boutique she was writing down the lesson she learned in the friendship journal before opening Coco's parting gift: a spool of rainbow-colored thread. She puts it on her shelf with six other spools that match the Mane Six's coat colors. The rainbow thread then emits a strange glow.

Rarity: Manehattan was simply grand. It was in this magnificent metropolis that I learned that, while there are ponies who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends.

And after that she went off to hang out with Spike and was happy that she won and Spike helped arrest Suri. And that is how Rarity showed true generosity to someone in Manehattan that actually helped her.

The End.

Author's Note:

Hah! Guess stealing other peoples fashion work doesn't pay off does it Suri? Good luck in jail snob!

Comments ( 5 )

Crime NEVER pays...At least in the end.

It sure doesn't. Check that twice Suri!!

"I do not like when someone hurts my friends and steal their work. For that I issue an order for the arresting of Suri Polomare. For plagiarism Rarity's fashion and you are terminated from fashion designing and will spend your life in Tartarus. Take her away Soarin." Twilight said.

Isn’t spending the rest of your life in Tartarus overkill?

Lets just hope there hasnt been a Murder around here
hey phoenix! We got about a couple weeks till the next case!

"I do not like when someone hurts my friends and steal their work. For that I issue an order for the arresting of Suri Polomare. For plagiarism Rarity's fashion and you are terminated from fashion designing and will spend your life in Tartarus. Take her away Soarin." Twilight said.

As much as Suri is not a nice pony, Tartarus is complete overkill for what is ultimately cheating in a contest. Tartarus is the equivalent of maximum security prisons for holding dangerous criminals, not a mare who engaged in plagiarism (the most she could be charged with is breach of copyrght, which is a civil offense and carries a maximum sentence of 5 years under US law).

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