• Member Since 31st Aug, 2019
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More of an Equestria Enthusiast but glad to be here. | Audio Reader


"If you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Robert G. Ingersoll

An otherworldly new power falls into Chrysalis's hooves--or rather, it chose her. But will it lead to the conquest the queen has always wanted, or will it lead to another conclusion?

Takes place between the end of Season 2 and the start of Season 3.

Crossover with Blue Beetle and D.C. Comics in general.

A thank you to Nailah and SwordTune for helping to edit the first issue.

Releasing in intervals in issues, starting with Issue #1. Fully released!

Featured 01/06/24. Thank you all so much!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 52 )

So Chrysalis gets the Blue Beetle Scarab? Got to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes the hero Blue Beetle on here.

I imagine the Black Scarab but... it would be a bit ironic.

I did not watch the movie, but I am excited to see where you go from here.
And I'd be glad to help further if you would like that as well. <3
I really do love the changes you made, it's very crisp like a bug. Tehehe.

This look cool. Most stories that give Chrysalis “OP power” always let her alone, by her abandon her hive or the hive left her. But you still still let her interact with her hive
I’m looking forward to read this one

Chrysalis in a crossover with Blue Beetle? Interesting, but I dont think it... She gets the Blue Beetle Scarab!? Yes, please!

This set up looks very promising...

Blue Beetle August 18th, only in cinemas xD

My only thought upon seeing the title of this and the Scarab in the thumbnail was this:


So, Poor Thorax is back from the Frozen North?

Haven't seen the movie, but I've read the pre-52 Jamie Reyes run, so my interest is piqued.

'her works and soldiers go about their business' - I think you might've meant workers, not works

Perfect landing, 10/10.

Huh, so it can break her? Nice.

My first thought about the dragon's name was the Korg company. They make synthesisers and music software.

I do hope those forcefields block friendship lasers.... That they dont work on contact with any part of an oponents "body", shield/armor or not.

Nice work BTW.... I bet you will make a better story than the film (even if you follow the most straightforward path or just stick to "canon"), the exclusion of the "heroes family is full of wacky characters all of which are surprisingly competent at things they shouldn't feasibly be and in fact with a bit of pep talk and some gadgets can stand up to a whole army of goons" trope would make it better already.
Also, the non-existence of loud noises might improve the dialogues (especialy between the scarab and it's host) so i'm looking forward to some of that "you help me i'll help you" conversations in moments of quiet and fight teamwork quips (just like this chapter) which might make the MC fell more in controll less bumbling through every encounter if you want that in your story obviously...

I wish you a lot of creative ideas and few spelling mistakes.

surprisingly Chrysalis is merciful in this story. Dragons are quite selfish and greedy, which is why no one would actually notice the disappearance of one of them. But if a rumor leaked out that some queen was challenging the dragons and would surpass anyone who came to her, then there would be a bunch of volunteers just to take part in the fight. Especially if it turns out that there are valuable treasures in the changeling hive. Therefore, I think that in this case killing the dragon is much more profitable since potentially the alternative can bring many more enemies than before.

"The AI advice Chrysalis to attack when the "Friendship lazer is charging"

"Monologuing inadvisable, deploying countermeasures"

She came, she saw, she kicked his ass.

Hopefully the armour can protect against/dodge friendship lasers.

“Like the new look?” Chrysalis asked.

“I didn’t think blue was your color,” Celestia admitted.

“It’s starting to grow on me.”


Is there going to be a Booster Gold to go with the Blue Beetle?

>Barges into Canterlot
>Beat the shit of their ruler in less than 3 minutes
>Refuses to take anything

Blueblood would make a good Booster Gold

I command you to stop Khaji Da!

Who said that? It couldn't have been Chrysalis, the scarab never introduced itself by name, so she doesn't know it.

Well, she wants to subdue, not kill. If only the Scarab thought the same.

Hmm, I wonder who said that.

"I meant to do that!"

You should get some snacks for the road, Chryssie. :3

'Each consecutive blasted blew' - Each consecutive blast blew

'managed to roll her to her hooves' - managed to roll to her hooves

On "Issue #4", wouldn't it be best if Chrysalis freed her captured infiltrator drones from imprisonement before leaving?
At the very least, that should play as tactic used by the victor to cement complete victory.

If Celestia is bring Chrysalis to Canterlot, she better disguise herself due to her last 2 invasions. Also good reference from Fiendship is Magic.

I like this chrysalis... She is what a antagonist monarch should be, arrogant selfish vengefull but not stupid and most importantly, she doesn't have eternal enemies (and probably doesn't have indisposable allies as well).

Well, she's proven that she's the big bug, so she can accept help.

I like this Chryssie.

great now they are gonna deal with chrysalis s alien scarab even she never knew at first

We were interrupted by one of the guards,” Luna said hotly, quickly turning on him. “I gave explicit permission to not be disturbed!”

Hmm. I don't think "permission" is the best word there. "Instruction" or even "order" would seem more like it.

Now i imagine the mane 6 on a train to the crystal empire .
Giving sideeye to chrysalis just chilling next to them.:trollestia:

Hmm, so close.

Methinks one Sombra is going to get a serious ass-whoopin'.

That's going to be an awkward trip.

My only concern so far is that the scarab is taking all the tension out of any situation and that's getting boring pretty quickly.


by a unicorn with a blackened heart, named King Somba,” she explained.

by a unicorn with a blackened heart, named King SombRa,” she explained.

I disagree with the comment above, respectfully.
I here to see chrysalis kick ass till there is no tommorow.

it looks like this Celestia won't be able to put another country's fate into a "Test" for Twilight with Chrysalis around LOL.

“Is that what you used on Princess Celestia?” Shining grunted.

word about Celestia's defeat travels far.
I wonder what the Hive thinks of Chrysalis right now. In canon, some changelings still prefer "the old way". With Chrysalis becoming more and more friendly with Equestria, some would be "unhappy" and take action

Hmm... I wonder why the Scarab remembers the Crystal Empire.

D'awwww, she called out for Thorax first.

Prepare for a royal ass-whoopin', Sombrero.

This is such a bizarre story. I'm not sure how to feel about it. I'll follow for now, but considering Chrysalis attacked and beat Celestia twice, I don't know how they are so willing to let bygones be bygones.

Well, this chapter address my main concern of the previous chapter. Now Chrysalis look more like the bus driver and less than the bus being driven.

Let's see what comes next for the Queen and her Changelings.

If you think about it, "the holes on Chrysalis's limbs are scars left by Celestia" would make sense if only Chrysalis had these holes. But every changeling still has holes. It turns out that Celestia didn’t just cripple Chrysalis, she cursed all changelings with a curse that is passed down from generation to generation.
Usually in fantasy stories, ancestral curses are considered forbidden magic.

... Sounds like a major motivator for the changelings arrive was to make Thorax finally shut up. >.>

Sombrero got Sombrad.

Now let's see if she gets any gratitude.

That was a really fast ending. Kinda came out of nowhere.

I agree with the perception that the ending felt abrupt. This feels more like the end of a first part and not of it as a whole. Of course, this personal opinion may be because I was expecting the story to balance more the mix that makes up the crossover, with a little more of Blue Beetle's content, perhaps the appearance of one of his enemies. I don't know, that scene where the scarab takes Chrysalis into space made my mind wander to some places.

Still, good story.

By the way, if the story is actually finished, you need to update its status, it is still classified as incomplete.

Little fast ending but otherwise very enjoyable story

I watched the movie Blue Beetle on a plane like 3 weeks ago. makes it all the more funnier

I hope you realize this means we need a Green Lantern crossover now.

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