• Published 6th Jan 2024
  • 422 Views, 3 Comments

Trixie and Starlight in: The Battle for the TV Remote - wyattpugsley

A very short story where Starlight and Trixie collide over who gets control of the TV

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“The Great and Powerful Trixie will not stand for this! I have been waiting for over a year to watch this show, and I will get it finished, rather you like it or not, Starlight!”

The lilac mare rolls her eyes as the glow from the TV lights up her backside. Trixie, laying on the couch, lecturing her as she stands in front of their TV.

“You’ve waited a year, what’s one more night?”

“You don’t understand,” Trixie says in a distressed tone, “This show’s next season just came out yesterday. I could have watched it then, but as you might remember it was not I who picked our entertainment last night” she says, glaring at Starlight.

Starlight lets out a sigh, “Well, you didn’t mention anything about it last night. How was I supposed to know? Besides, like I said, it’s one night, can’t you just give me this one and let me catch up on Neigh-borhood Drama?”

“You just watched the same show last night. So I would say the same to you, certainly you can wait one night to see more of that…” Trixie lets out a grumble “…contrived show. You do realize all the things on reality TV are scripted, right?”

“It cannot wait! I’m getting lunch with Twilight tomorrow, and it just so happens to be one of her favorite shows. I don’t want to look like an idiot and not know what I’m talking about. Or end up with her spoiling something,” she raises an eyebrow while still talking to Trixie. “And yes, I’m aware it’s scripted, fake, whatever you want to call it. That doesn’t make it any less entertaining. Just like how your old “magic shows” were still entertaining despite how fake and simple they were,” she giggles.

“Yes, yes, well you weren’t even around when that happened. You were off running your own little dictatorship,” she smirks, “But that’s getting off topic! I’m watching my show and that’s final! The TV has been claimed in the name of Miss Powerful! You are welcome to stay and watch, that way you can see what real media looks like,” Trixie says while smiling.

Starlight rolls her eyes, reluctantly moving away from the TV and laying down on the couch beside Trixie.

“I knew you’d see it my way,” the blue mare smugly says, manipulating the TV remote with her magic as she clicks down to select the newest episode of her favorite show, “Invisible”.

“Invisible? Seriously? What kind of name is that?” Starlight quietly thinks to herself, lounging beside Trixie. Her focus shifting from the actual show itself to her marefriend's reactions to the various events unfolding throughout.

“So… what’s going on exactly with this… huge space battle?" Starlight points towards the screen with her hoof, "I didn’t watch any of the previous seasons, I’m kind of lost…”

“Lost? Is that so?” Trixie moves her eyes from the TV over to Starlight, “ahem, well, it seems that Trixie will have to get you up to speed then,” her horn lights up as she pauses the TV, “So first off, Mark, the pony in the blue and yellow suit is related to the other superhero in the red and white suit. They…”

The blue mare rambles on, info dumping about the past 3 seasons of her favorite show while Starlight listens with a smile, attentively nodding and asking occasionally questions.

“It’s always so cute when she goes on tangents about her hobbies, almost makes me forget about that goofy show name.”

Trixie pauses and resumes the show to give more details about the various characters. She seems to forget about everything except for herself, Starlight Glimmer, and her favorite show.

20 minutes later

“That’s how we’ve gotten to this point. Trixie skipped over a lot of the smaller details, if you’re really that interested you can always watch the earlier seasons later. For now, let’s get back into the show,” she resumes the show a final time, attention fully drawn to the TV.

With Trixie being distracted, Starlight quietly stands up and exits from the room. Sneaking into the kitten before returning momentarily with snacks, her horn glowing as she levitates them on to the coffee table in front of the couch.

“Here, I went to the kitchen and made some of your favorite snacks. You seem really engrossed in your show so… I don’t know, I just wanted to do something nice for you…”

Trixie blushes slightly, sounds from the TV playing in the background as she peers over at Starlight for a few seconds, smiling before replying, “A refreshing and tasty snack for the great and powerful Trixie… You really do spoil me, Glim Glam.”

The mare giggles, “Maybe I do. But after seeing just how much you love that show, I feel like I owed you some kind of apology. I never realized it meant that much to you. Plus I’ll admit seeing you geek out is adorable… Like when you’re talking about your ideas for magic shows, or-”

“Yes yes, I know. Don’t make me blush even more or my whole face will be red. Thank you for the snacks. Maybe we can take a break from my show when this episode is over and watch yours before continuing… Trixie really wouldn’t want Twilight to have any sort of edge over you tomorrow.”

Glimmer taps her hooves together, “That’d be perfect! Are you sure you’re okay with that? I mean, it’s okay if not! As long as-“

“-Silence!” Trixie interrupts, “I’ve already decided. We’ll watch your show after this episode is over. As the Great and Powerful ruler of the TV you have no choice but to agree!”

Starlight’s arms reach out to Trixie, wrapping around her and squeezing her tightly as she exclaims a high pitched “Thaaaankk youuu” with Trixie’s arms matching hers, embracing.

“You’re quite welcome, Starlight,” the two let go of each other, “how about we enjoy these wonderful snacks you made up and finished this episode, hmm?”

The two turn their attention to the snacks that Starlight placed on the coffee table. Munching down they quickly find themselves at the end of Invisible’s first episode, “So, what did Starlight think of this first episode? Catch your attention?”

“It was decent! I liked it more than I thought I would! Not going to go out of my way to watch all the past season yet but I wouldn’t mind spending time watching the rest of this new one with you!”

Trixie smiles in her usual smug way, “I thought you might say that. But before we tackle the rest of the show, let’s get your reality TV show out of the way,” the mare’s horn glows as she manipulates the remote again, switching apps to tune into Starlight’s beloved reality show.

“I shall bestow upon this show a fair chance. Although from my last time watching it I don’t think my feelings are going to change… I have my limits, you know.”

The two cuddle up to one another as the show goes on, both drifting to sleep half way through the hour long episode.

The next day, Starlight ends up having the rest of the episode spoiled for her by Twilight over a meal of hayburgers. And despite Trixie now joining in on most of Starlight’s reality TV binges, her loving jeering about her marefriend’s awful taste in shows would continue. On the plus side, debates over who gets custody of the remote between Trixie and Starlight became scarce, being replaced by debates over which kind of snacks they should have while watching TV instead.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

I'll be honest, this isn't my greatest work or anything. But I’ve written a lot of these really short, 1-2k word stories that I just jam out in one writing session or so. Nothing super deep or amazing about them, just cute little short stories that I enjoyed writing out. And it seems like kind of a waste to just keep them in the drafts forever. So consider this a sort of testing of the waters to see how they might be received :)

Comments ( 3 )

“Invisible? Seriously? What kind of name is that?” Starlight quietly thinks to herself, lounging beside Trixie. Her focus shifting from the actual show itself to her marefriend's reactions to the various events unfolding throughout.

A stupid name for sure. It should be Invincible. Funny story otherwise.

Cuddly fuzz story. As an Invisible fan, I approve.

Thank you! Hopefully we get the second half of season 2 sometime soon :flutterrage:

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