• Published 30th Dec 2023
  • 406 Views, 9 Comments

Sweetie Belle: Home Alone - Big Imagination E

When Sweetie gets left behind she has to defend her house from two bandits

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Wet Bandits vs The Belle House

9pm came around and we see the same van pull in front of the house and The Wet Bandits got out and went to the back. Then Harry knocked on it.

"Merry Christmas little fella. We know that your in there and that your all alone." Harry said.

"Yeah come on kid open up. It's Santy Claus. And his elf." Marv added.

However none of them realize that Sweetie was aiming the BB gun at Harry's leg.

"Were not gonna hurt you." Harry replied.

"No no. We got some nice presents for you." Marv said.

"Be a good little fella now and open the door." Harry said.

Then Sweetie shot Harry in the leg and he winced in pain and starting jumping while muttering angry. Marv wondered what was wrong and he looked in the doggy door and saw Sweetie Belle.

"Hello." She said and hit Marv in the head with a hammer.

He then yelled in pain stuck his out of the door and groaned.

"The little jerk is armed!!" Marv yelled.

"That's it! That's it! I'm going in the front you go down the basement!" Harry decided.

So the Wet Bandits split up so they can get in and rob the house. But as Harry stepped on the staircase he slipped and landed on his back. The same was said for Marv. Only when he slipped he went riding all the way down yelling in pain and groaned. Then Harry tried getting up but ended with the same result.

But Marv managed to get in the basement and looked around seeing what there was to take. Then when he thought he was turning on a light he ended up getting hit with a iron leaving a mark on his face.

Back with Harry he finally got to the front door. But when he was about to open it he ended up burning his hand yelling in pain cause he didn't know that Sweetie turned up the heat on it. He quickly slid down and placed his hand in the snow causing it to cool down.

"Yes! I got him! Now to set off the rest." Sweetie said heading off to do her work.

With Marv he had a hard time getting up the stairs cause Sweetie had them painted with sticky glue. Then he stepped on a nail and when he noticed it he yelled in pain and fell down screaming.

Harry managed to recover and went to the back of the house and noticed the knob didn't burn him. But when he opened it a torch lit his head on fire and he ran screaming til he fell in the snow putting the flames out. The top of his hat was burned and had marks.

Marv had a lot of trouble getting out of the basement but he managed to do it and snuck through the window. But that resulted in him hurting his feet on many ornaments. He screamed and held his feet in pain.

"I'm gonna kill that kid!!" Marv shouted.

He then proceeded to get on the flat floor and continued on. With Harry he kicked the door open and growled.

"Where are ya you little creep?!" Harry shouted.

"I'm over here you Booma Shoe!! Come catch me!" Sweetie answered.

He then chased Sweetie but realized he fell into her feather trap as she actived the fan and blindsided him in feathers. He grabbed a towel and tried to get them off. At the same time Marv entered.



"Why did you take your shoes off?" Harry asked.

"Why are you dressed like a chicken?" Marv asked back.

"Hey! I'm up here morons! Come get me!" Sweetie yelled.

The two growled and when they were gonna catch her they slipped on some marbles and fell on the ground.

"You guys give up? Or you thirsty for more?" Sweetie asked.

She then headed upstairs with the Wet Bandits chasing her. But then she threw some swinging paint cans in their faces slowing them down in the process. She then managed to escape and slid to her treehouse and waited for them to come so she can active the next trap. At that time the Wet Bandits came and saw her through the window.

"Let's go get her!!" Marv shouted.

"Wait. That's just what she wants us to do. Go downstairs and get tortured more in her funhouse." Harry theorized.

"She's gonna call the cops!" Marv worried.

"From a treehouse?" Harry asked annoyed. "Let's go get her by crawling on the rope."

So the Wet Bandits went crawling on the rope to reach Sweetie. However she was one step ahead and got the cutters out. The duo saw that and were scared. She then cut the rope and they screamed while swinging and crashed into the wall and landed in the snow.

Sweetie Belle ran as fast as she could to get away from them. She dialled 911 and informed them about the Wet Bandits. After the call she ran to a basement of a house she scouted but for some reason was leaking water everywhere. But when she got to the door and opened it Marv and Harry beat her to it!

"Hiya pal. Get over here!" Harry said grabbing her.

The Wet Bandits hung her on a door hook and smiled evily.

"What should we do Harry?" Marv asked.

"We do exactly what she did to us. I'll blow her head with a blowtorch. But first I think I'm gonna bite off these fingers one at a time." Harry answered.

But they didn't know that Grand Pear was behind them with a shovel. And when he was close he hit Marv in the head knocking him out. Then he did the same thing with Harry. Sweetie smiled seeing him again.

"Grand Pear!" Sweetie said happy.

"Come on. Let's get you somewhere safe." Grand Pear replied.

He carried her to safety and after that the cops came and arrested the Wet Bandits. Harry looked out of the cop window and Sweetie waved goodbye to them. Harry growled at it came one day he will exact revenge. But for now Sweetie can relax.

Author's Note:

Prepare yourself for the final one folks!